80 Year Old Woman Threatened with Water Disconnect

It appears that utility companies are not above bullying 80 year old great grandmothers, threatening to disconnect their water supply simply for refusing a smart meter on their property.  Audrey, a great- grandmother in Baraboo, Wisconsin has stood up to her water utility and they have threatened to disconnect her unless she allows a wireless smart meter on her home.  More on this story and what you can do here.

Meanwhile, Sarah– whose electricity was illegally disconnected by armed Nevada Energy Agents on August 6th, is not letting her lack of electricity get her down- she is doing what she did when presented with challenges providing clean water to villages in the developing world.  She is becoming self-sufficient and defying her utility at the same time.  She reports:

“Today..I am getting batteries for solar- at a great price..and panels….I am moving forward without a utility company..moving forward with a home to be energy self sufficient.. thank you everyone for donating- you have made this all possible and made me feel so supported.”

Please continue donating to our Safe Power Fund and spreading the word about these outrageous cases.  Keeping the light of public attention focused on these utility abuses will help keep the lights on- safely- for those who are bravely resisting the smart grid onslaught.  The utilities are taking a gamble that people will be intimidated and back down in the face of these threats.  Don’t back down!  As Sarah’s determination to keep a smart meter off her house shows, we don’t need these bullies to provide critical services- we can do it ourselves! By refusing to give people the choice, the utilities are showing that we don’t really need them anyway.  Anyone up for digging a well in Wisconsin?

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Wisconsin | 7 Comments

Separating Industry Fiction from Facts

(Originally published on EMFSafetyNetwork.org)

The Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (SGCC), an industry group, has published a video “Separating the Facts from the Fiction about Smart Meter”.  PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, BC Hydro, PEPCO, BGE, FPL, as well as other utility companies and Smart Meter manufacturers like Landis and Gyr, Itron, Silver Springs Networks, GE, Aclara, are SGCC membersAffiliate members are utility regulators like Public Utility Commissions from California, Colorado, Texas, and environmental groups like EDF and NRDC.

This video attempts to counter legitimate Smart Meter complaints and serious problems. They start by saying there’s misinformation about Smart Meters floating about the internet (displaying a panic button) and they plan to set the record straight. “Let’s get down to business” is a key introductory phrase.

Promoting Smart Meters IS their business.

  • Industry fiction: Smart Meters don’t know how you’re using power
  • FACTSmart Meters “…can be used to pinpoint the use of most major household appliances. Such detailed information about the in-home activities of electricity customers can thus be used to piece together a fairly detailed picture of an individual’s daily life or routine.”SmartGridPrivacy  See also: Privacy-Problems-Inherent-in-the-Smart-Grid
  • Industry fiction: “Most of the time your meter is idle”
  • FACT: One PG&E Smart Meter can transmit up to 190,000 pulses a day. PG&E’s Big Confession
  • Industry fiction: “Your power company has kept your data private for decades.”
  • FACT: PG&E released names, email addresses and private online conversations they gathered by deception to the media. They redacted PG&E and third party names, and emails and left open customer data, at the same time claiming privacy was a great value to them. PG&E’s spying may cost them
  • Industry fiction:”Smart Meters allow you to make choices that limit your bills.”
  • FACT: Over-billing complaints have been reported widely after Smart Meters are installed. Customers in Bakersfield CA were so outraged about overcharging they filed a class action lawsuit against PG&E. See complaints. See also:PG&E admits billing errors, offers scanty refund
  • Industry fiction: Science doesn’t support the claim that RF causes cancer
  • FACT: The World Health Organization classified RF radiation as a 2b Carcinogen, same as DDT and lead.
  • Industry fiction: A household radio transmits RF
  • FACT: A household radio receives RF, it is not an RF transmitter.
  • Industry fiction: Smart Meters create less exposure to RF radiation than a microwave, cell phone, wi-fi.
  • FACT: Daniel Hirsch, a UC researcher, has calculated that smart meters expose you to more than 100 times the full body, cumulative exposure as a cell phone. Daniel Hirsch report
  • Industry fiction: “Even if you cozied up to a Smart Meter all day, it would require you to snuggle up to one for 375 years before it would equal the exposure of having a daily 15 minute cell phone call over the course of one year.”
  • FACT: Smart Meters can exceed FCC safety guidelines (Sage reports)
  • FACT: Smart Meters can violate FCC conditions for installment
  • Industry fiction: Read the Hobbit instead of worrying that the” Smart Meter is the fourth horseman of the apocalypse that will wreak havoc on your life”
  • FACT: Lawsuits are being filed against Smart Meters in several states, California, Maine, Hawaii, Texas, Illinois and more. Utility Regulators in Maryland, Illinois and Pennsylvania are investigating Smart Meter related fires.

Smart Meters are designed to work in a mesh network, transmitting radio frequency (RF) radiation pulses from home to home.  If too many customers refuse, the mesh system can fail. Having to provide customers a choice has become a serious problem for the industry. The industry, with support from regulators, are penalizing customers for non-compliance by charging them to opt out. The Smart Grid program which was initiated by the federal government, was designed to be offered, but not forced on customers.

Environmental and activist groups are fighting smart meters in states across the US, Canada, Australia, and England. Join a group in your area.

Initial comments on the video indicate Smart Consumers aren’t buying the industry propaganda:

“The most ridiculous aspect is that they call themselves “Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative” yet they’re 100% INDUSTRY! If you needed iron clad evidence of intent to deceive, I don’t think you could do much better than that.”

“This video reminds me of a video I just watched on youtube titled “Cigarettes are good for you.flv” a must see!”

“Mislabeled as science, this video is the stupidest thing I have heard or seen.”

“Wow, what a bunch of lies! I sure hope people see through this garbage!”

Posted in California, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, FCC, Federal Energy Act of 2005, Federal Government, legal issues, PG&E, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | 10 Comments

Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for ‘Opting Out’

Nevada is supposedly one of those states with a smart meter ‘opt out’ policy.   On the ground, however, the reality is a little different.

“Sarah” (not her real name) lives outside Las Vegas, Nevada.  Like many Americans she has been impacted by the downturn in the economy and is struggling to make ends meet. Sarah has always paid her bills on time, and makes protecting her health a priority.  For years Sarah worked on humanitarian projects in the Middle East: drilling wells, and providing drinkable water and renewable power to remote villages. So she is familiar with the need for safe, reliable public services.  Now, it turns out that she may need some humanitarian assistance herself- not in the developing world but right outside Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

The story starts when Nevada Energy (NVE) installed a ‘smart’ meter on Sarah’s bedroom wall in January without permission, or even so much as a few days’ notice.

Sarah reports that she does not have any prior history of medical issues.  Shortly after NV Energy installed the smart meter, she started noticing an increase in her heart rate first thing in the morning and an elevated blood pressure.  She felt fatigued, and started having headaches.  A low grinding sound had started when the meter was installed and this made it difficult for Sarah to sleep, or even be in her own home during the day. She tried different things to get rid of the symptoms, but nothing worked.  Finally it dawned on her: the only thing which had changed in her life was the meter.  When she started researching the issue, she realized she was not alone. Others were experiencing the same annoying humming grinding sound, the same adverse health impacts- and linking it to recent smart meter installations.  She has amassed a whole binder of studies about the negative effects of EMF’s on health.

A letter from Sarah’s doctor to NV Energy reads:

“Neurological and cardiological findings may be associated with pulsed EMF… EEG, ECG, MRI and sleep study changes may be associated in some hypersensitive individuals to pulsed EMF. If multiple Smart meters are in use in her area, the possibility of constructive and destructive interference between the various EMF signals is a distinct possibility whose effects may be potentially more dangerous. I recommend that this patient be allowed to have NVE reinstall an analog meter at her house.

So she called the power company, expecting that they would remove the unsanctioned meter right away- or at least come out and do an analysis to find out what was causing the grinding noise.  Months later, frustrated after at least six failed attempts to have NVE address the problem, Sarah finally purchased a standard analog meter and had an electrician install it at her residence.  She carefully photographed and recorded the readings on the old and new meter, to be sure that she paid for every kilowatt-hour used.  She attempted to return the unwanted smart meter to NVE offices, but was turned away.

On August 6th, at about 10:30am, three men from Nevada Energy, armed with guns, arrived unannounced on her property, removed the analog meter from the socket, took her analog meter as well as the unauthorized smart meter she had removed, and left her living without electricity. One of the men identified himself as an investigator with the company and said that he was investigating her for “criminal tampering.”

She was in tears, visibly shaken by the encounter, and recalls asking the men, “Why are you on my property with guns?” Their response: “this is procedure Ma’am.”  (If this has become the “procedure” then we need to act to stop this kind of utility intimidation and abuse.)

More than a month later, the lights are still off and Sarah hasn’t budged.  “They’re not putting that thing back on my house,” she says.

We asked Angel de Fazio, who has been on the front lines working to fight NVE’s smart meter program, what is going on here? Doesn’t Nevada have an ‘opt out’ choice?

Angel says “Nevada residents only won the right to be placed on the ‘delay list’, not a full ‘opt out’.”

In other words, if you wised up before the installation trucks came and still have your analog, NVE has a ‘delay list’ you can sign to ‘delay’ your installation date.  But if the power company managed to sneak on your property and install a smart meter- even without permission- then your choice is a smart meter or no power at all, as Sarah discovered.  Even if you have a letter from your doctor, the power company apparently thinks it knows best what’s good for you.

While awareness about smart meter problems has been greater in states like California, Maine, and several other states, the “take a smart meter or lose your power” policy remains quietly in force in other states where awareness may not be as widespread. However, people in these states (like Sarah) have had enough and are standing up to the utility industry in increasing numbers.

Angel tells Stop Smart Meters! that Nevada’s opt out proceeding has been a sham. “The Nevada PUC will be holding hearings on October 3rd-5th to determine which of the ‘non-transmitting’ meters they will trial to replace people’s analogs and how much they will charge for the ‘privilege’. Even the ‘right’ to have a non-transmitting meter is under threat.” In other words, there may be no official ‘opt out’ at all unless people organize and make more noise.

“NVE has conned the PUC into believing that only a certain number of people can opt out or their Federal Stimulus Grant will be in jeopardy.  That is a lie,” Angel says.

NVE has been calling people on the ‘delay list’ who want to ‘opt out’ and repeatedly pressuring them to accept a smart meter.  The company admitted that they lied to utility customers, telling them that the meters are federally mandated (which they are not), and telling people their power would be cut if they didn’t accept the meter (which they do not have the legal authority to do).  Similar stories abound about other utilities including Southern California Edison, Detroit Edison, Duke Energy, and Oncor.

Now NVE is accusing Sarah of tampering with their equipment, which she says is ridiculous, because she gave them plenty of opportunity to remove the problematic smart meter.  “I had no intention of stealing electricity,” she says.  “I just wanted the grinding noise and headaches to stop.”

California Penal code defines “tampering” as:

“(carrying out)(1) specified acts with the intent to obtain utility services without paying the full charge, or with the intent to enable another person to do so, or with the intent to deprive any utility of its full lawful charges for utility services.”

Nevada laws are similar.  Despite this, NVE claims that Sarah “tampered” with the meter and are now charging her hundreds of dollars in fees and forcing her to obtain an

Armed NVE agents removed Sarah’s meter and left her without electricity.

expensive County inspection.  For the last month, Sarah has been ‘camping’ in her house, unable to use her appliances, lights or hot water.  The laundry that was in the washing machine when they cut her power was locked in, and by the time she could get it out it was totally destroyed by mildew.  The NVE agents came without warning.

Sarah has borrowed a gas generator that she uses for an hour a day, but she’s worried that this is a fire hazard in the forest where she lives.   The power cut has had a devastating effect on her life, she says.  “My business has taken a nosedive since I have had to travel into town to access my e-mails. I can’t use my computer, fax machine, or any lights.  I’m cooking over a camp stove in my living room.”

Back in December, Stop Smart Meters! raised more than $1000 from supporters like you to help families who had been cut off by PG&E try to have a decent Christmas.  These donations helped people through a difficult time, and the outpouring of community support gave them strength to take back their power from the utility.  In part because of the strength of these families who refused to accept a forced smart meter (or a ‘non-transmitting’ meter), we now have an official analog ‘opt out’ policy in California.  It’s extortion for sure, but it’s better than the  policies they still have in places like Nevada.

The Grinch doesn’t care if you have a headache

Sarah doesn’t know what she’s going to do, and was even thinking for a time about allowing a smart meter back on her home- at least for the time being.  “Winter comes in these mountains a month before everywhere else,” she says.

It’s hard to stomach the fact that in 2012 in the United States, men with guns from a private corporation and no warrant show up and threaten us for not accepting a hazardous device on our homes.  As a community we must come together and reject these Gestapo tactics.  Under the US Constitution, we have a right to be safe and sovereign in our homes.  If you turn a blind eye while the rights of your friends and neighbors are being violated, they may be at your house next.

Stop Smart Meters! Director Joshua Hart defending his analog meter: digging in your heels works!

We’ve been speaking with Sarah and she doesn’t want to give in to NVE.  She’s willing to rough it, to protect her health and to prove a point to the utility and to America- if that’s the way the utilities are going to behave, maybe we’re better off without them!

Sarah says “Some of us eat organic foods, buy our nice bottled waters, exercise daily, but where is the point in all of this wellness when we are forced to have a radiation box attached to our homes?”

Call for Safe Power Fund Donations

Stop Smart Meters! has had enough of this utility abuse.  Today we are initiating a fund to

Now that’s more like it!

support Sarah’s energy needs and see her through the winter safely and without a smart meter, using renewable power.  We’ll be personally contributing to the fund and we urge you to do the same. When you opened your hearts and wallets for Santa Cruz County residents in December, together we prevailed and the movement grew stronger.

Please donate if you can- even a little- to Stop Smart Meters! Safe Power Fund to help Sarah afford some solar panels and other equipment and keep the smart meter off her home.  Together we can show it’s possible to take back your power safely and defy the utility.  No one has the right to force equipment that makes you sick onto your home.  Take a stand for Sarah and for everyone else out there standing up to the smart grid bullies.

Actions to Take for Sarah

1.  Please donate to get some solar panels for Sarah (indicate it’s a Safe Power Fund donation for Sarah).

2. You may contact Nevada Energy (Southern NV Energy) to express your disgust about how they are treating Sarah (and others with smart meter complaints, without allowing an opt-out). If you own stock in NVE – or any utility that aggressively forces smart meters on the public – we encourage you to rethink that. customerservice@nvenergy.com  (702) 402-5555

4. Report this outrage to your member of Congress or NV state legislator.

Thank you for supporting Sarah and others taking a stand!  -SSM!

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Federal Government, Hawaii, health effects, Illinois, Installer Threats and Assaults, legal issues, Nevada, Physicians, Safety, SCE, Texas, Vermont | 54 Comments

News Round Up: Smart Meter Fires Tell “Difficult” Story; DC Opens Health Inquiry; IEEE Puts Industry on Notice

The smart grid monster strikes again-       don’t get burned!

What a week.   The gavel had hardly fallen on the Maryland Public Service Commission’s smart meter fire hearing when news came through of 3 new reported home fires started by smart meters in the Chicago area.  In Pennsylvania,  Peco Energy now admits to 26 smart meter fires and has halted installations while an inquiry by the Pennsylvania PUC was stepped up on Friday.  Growing rumors of a possible recall have shaken the industry.

A Canadian electrician told Stop Smart Meters!:

“Electrical professionals are horrified as they had no idea laborers were swapping meters under load.  It is so dangerous and puts the homeowners electrical systems, family as well as investment at risk.  The smart grid is a mess created by greedy stupid people”

For the first time, even some in industry organizations are openly voicing alarm at the latest evidence of safety lapses.  The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) write in their latest blog post:

“This appears to be not just a matter of freak incidents…This is just the beginning of a difficult story. Companies installing smart meters already have run into a lot of consumer push-back ….. The last thing the smart grid needs is meters causing fires.”

This is the organization that sets standards for human exposure to non-ionizing radiation- and to whom the US Federal Communications Commission looks to set its (blatantly inadequate) RF protection guidelines.    This “difficult  story” leads straight to a thorough exposé of the health risks that the smart grid industry has subjected us to.

The IEEE’s code of ethics states:

“We, the members of the IEEE, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree to accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the safety, health, and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment…

Sounds good, but actions speak louder than words.  The IEEE and the rest of the industry need to come clean about the other major public safety crisis caused by the smart grid – the unprecedented and largely involuntary assault on our health.  Currently allowable exposures to wireless signals are leading to a preventable public health catastrophe. According to a new study in Pathophysiology, researchers have found a 290% increase in risk of a brain tumor after ten years of cell phone use.   Smart meters are indeed hazardous to your health, but the truth is that none of the rest of the wireless junk we are exposed to is safe either.  Your cell phone and your smart meter may end up killing you, but they are most certainly spying on you.

The implicit message to utilities and smart meter manufacturers from the IEEE is that they better start acknowledging the gaping holes in the hull, that the ship is taking on water, and pull their heads out of the denial and start to bail.  Either way, they need to get used to a future of difficult questions in hearings and courtrooms. To help ease their smart grid EMF headaches, a new legal consulting service has sprung up, offering utilities advice on defending against smart meter related lawsuits.  It’s a growth industry after all.   As IEEE says, this is ‘just the beginning.’

Meanwhile a new report from the UK warns of widespread failure of the electrical grid during times of extreme temperature.  Not only do smart meters increase carbon emissions, now it turns out they might make us more vulnerable to the weather extremes that they help produce. Of course the elephant in the room is the obscene carbon gluttony of an unnecessarily complex, wasteful and dangerous electrical grid- something smart meters are only adding to.

In Sydney, Australia smart meters were called “too toxic to touch” this week amidst an “intense backlash” from the public.  As in our US mainstream discourse, the problems of the smart grid are ignored and dismissed, even as the crisis reaches the home city of the sitting president as well as our nation’s capitol.

Fires have shone a spotlight on the plethora of smart grid safety problems

Turns out that problems in MD and PA have led Washington DC to open an investigation  (with Maine) into widely reported health damage from the pulsing wireless mesh networks.  The fires are bringing attention to the other unsavory aspects of the smart grid, and a lot of people are beginning to ask some hard questions.

Questions are sure to be asked on Monday at the Michigan Public Services Commission hearing on the proposed smart meter “opt out” program, where a large public turnout is anticipated.  Michigan’s Attorney General has filed to be an intervener in the case. Documents available here.

In Canada, disability rights groups have succeeded in their bid to have the smart meter issue weighed by the BC Provincial Human Rights Tribunal as a violation of property rights, health, access and safety.

Lastly, an International Day of Action Against Smart Meters has been called for October 4th, the last day of “GridWeek,”  a major smart grid industry conference in Washington DC.  Protests are being planned coast to coast including at the conference. More to come…

And that’s the week in smart meter news.   Not much going on really.


Speak to your neighbors! Going door to door in your neighborhood and speaking with your neighbors about the risks and pitfalls of smart meters is one of the most effective ways to make your neighborhood a smart meter free zone.  Your neighbors will appreciate hearing from you. Lawn signs are available for download.  Flyers are available by mail order or download. Order yours today!

Posted in Australia, Britain, Canada, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, FCC, Illinois, legal issues, Michigan, neighborhood organizing, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, U.K. | 2 Comments

2016 4th Edition Stop Smart Meters! Brochures Now Available

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 11.01.42 AMFeb. 1st, 2016: StopSmartMeters.org has published the 2016 fourth edition (pdf) of our popular and educational smart meter awareness color brochures.

“Smart” meters are ticking time bombs; the smoking gun that has woken millions up to the health risks from wireless technology.

The cover of the brochure has been revised to present these hazards, as well as privacy violations, fire risks, and inflated costs.

You told us you wanted a brochure that was more visually representative of the problems with smart meters and specific about the difference between analog and digital. We feel we’ve achieved both aims, and can’t wait to get thousands more of these into people’s hands. Pick up a batch from the Stop Smart Meters! Online Store to hand out to your neighbors, today.

What’s new in the fourth edition:

  • A totally revised front cover, visually blunt and to-the-point about the inherent risks of smart meter technology
  • New graphic showing difference Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 10.58.36 AMbetween “smart” and analog and detailed description of the types of “smart” meters (AMI, AMR, PLC, etc…)
  • Revised, basic action (to do) items
  • Revised “Path of Your Privacy” diagram, as well as updated sections on health and fire risks.

Copies are now available for purchase in the Stop Smart Meters! online store. Download the pdf here, image files are below.

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 9.09.27 AM

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 9.09.42 AMBrochure Information

The brochures are printed on 30% p.c.w. recycled matte paper by Community Printers, a union printer in Santa Cruz, CA who has been producing printed material for social justice movements for decades.  These are high quality, non-toxic prints, designed with the grassroots knowledge of hundreds of anti-smart meter activists around the world.

The brochures are global and can be distributed anywhere.   There is space on the back of the brochure to place an Avery address label, that you can customize with your local (advocacy group, utility and government) contact info.  Labels customized with your local info can be included with store orders upon request. Inquire about bulk rates.

If you have a low income and cannot afford to purchase and would like to distribute these brochures in your area, please contact us with your situation, and we may be able to provide copies, thanks to generous donors.  Likewise if you are able to support brochures being made available to low income areas, please donate today.

Distribute the brochures in your local area!  Farmer’s Markets and food stores are good places to hand them out.  You can also put a stack at friendly businesses, libraries, or community centers, and knock on doors in your neighborhood (leaving one on their door if they do not answer).  Organize a “smart meter free zone” in your neighborhood. Please do NOT put in USPS post boxes. Thanks for doing your part to get the word out!

Download or link to the brochure (pdf) for free or purchase printed copies for distribution in the Stop Smart Meters!Store.

Posted in California, CCSSM, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | 39 Comments