Protect Yourself! New Guides from Ron Powell PhD for Determining Frequency & Power of RF Pollution Using the Cornet ED88T Plus Electrosmog Meter

One of the more common misunderstandings about Radio Frequency (RF or Microwave) radiation from ‘smart’ meters, cell phones, cell towers, etc. is the difference between the frequency and power density of this radiation. 

Frequency refers to the number of oscillations per second (eg. 60 Hz (or hertz) is 60 “up and down” motions or “oscillations” per second”).  Power density refers to the intensity (or the level) of the radiation at a specific location.  Frequency is often used to identify a particular RF source (example: microwave ovens and wi-fi both transmit at about 2.45 GHz (gigahertz) or 2450 MHz (megahertz)). Different frequencies have varying impacts on plants, animals and humans, as well as non-living matter.

People often (wrongly) assume that official U.S. government guidelines for RF (power density) exposure levels reflect the best known science, rather than levels convenient for the telecommunications and utilities industries.

Ron Powell is a retired U.S. Government career scientist (Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University). He worked for the Executive Office of the President, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He currently interacts with other scientists, with physicians, and with aware individuals worldwide about the impact of radiofrequency radiation on human health. Dr. Powell has previously analyzed the risks to health, cybersecurity, and privacy from various types of smart meter.

These new charts produced by Dr. Powell shed light on both frequency and power density, to help the public understand what we are being exposed to, and how to avoid the worst of the impacts. We appreciate Dr. Powell’s independent approach and informed science, helping those of us without a Ph.D. understand the risks of wireless radiation exposure and make decisions about what levels of EMF to tolerate for the safety of our families.

For the convenience of individuals using the Cornet ED88T Plus meter, Dr. Powell shows, on the Table of RF Power Density and Electric Field, the levels reflected by the LED indicators on this meter when purchased from

You can download the full guides in pdf format right here:

Ron Powell RF Frequency Table
Ron Powell RF Power Density

The Cornet ED88T PLUS can help you measure EMF and avoid damaging radiation levels in your environment

The Cornet ED88T PLUS is currently in stock in the Stop Smart Meters! Store and ready to ship (free 1-3 day shipping). A Red Case Logic zipper hard case is optional. The Cornet is essential personal safety equipment and makes a great science-based gift to help protect the health of those you love. For gifts of independent science and EMF awareness that support grassroots advocacy (not wireless proliferating Amazon) check out the Stop Smart Meters! Store.

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PG&E’s “Smart Grid” + Climate Crisis = Existential Risks

It’s looking like Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) is now responsible not only for igniting the Kincade Fire which has burned 66,000 acres in Sonoma County, California and now threatens more than 80,000 structures, but also two more fires in California over the past couple of days.

It has become fairly obvious that PG&E’s “smart” grid program–which includes millions of “smart” meters on homes and businesses, as well as transmitters and other electronics–has greatly increased the risks associated with grid electricity. As the climate crisis- (brought to you in part by decades of PG&E fossil fuel burning) provides the tinder dry fuels and extreme weather, the added complexity and ignition risk of smart grid communications infrastructure provides the spark, California communities are asking how we got into this perfect storm.

The answer is that regulators at the (governor appointed) CPUC and state legislature have consistently failed to adequately protect the public, even though evidence pointing to the need for a wholesale recall of this technology has been documented for many years. Nina Beety of Monterey, CA based has painstakingly documented the ignition risks of smart meters and the smart grid, and her reports are available for download on her website. After reading this report, it is clear that no agency truly concerned about public safety could allow this system to persist.

Not only do smart meters cause deadly fires on their own, they are also inherently ill-equipped to safely handle electrical surges, as we documented when hundreds of meters exploded in Capitola and Stockton, California in 2015. PG&E’s replacement of analogs with smart meters starting in 2009 has not represented “progress” as the company claims, but a dangerous miscalculation that has wasted billions and led to unnecessary deaths and injuries.

Communities are now adding up the cost of allowing PG&E to milk Californians of billions of dollars in ratepayer fees, while not only neglecting (but actively endangering) public safety. Urgent questions are being asked about what this means for the future in light of a quickly worsening climate crisis.

The solution must start immediately:

• Leave all remaining fossil fuels safely in the ground. We support the Extinction Rebellion Movement!

• Require a full safety recall of smart meters and smart grid equipment- re-installing safer analog meters and removing smart grid electronics from power poles.

• Declare a public safety emergency and seize control of PG&E. Hold white collar criminals individually accountable.

• Since the possibility of a safe, functional electric grid in areas prone to explosive wildfire seems no longer an option, explore a phased retirement of the obsolete electrical grid, in favor of locally controlled micro-grids run on renewable energy. Compared to other options such as undergrounding of utility lines, this option would likely be less expensive in the long term.

We hope everyone stays safe out there, and when this crisis subsides, we need to have a serious conversation about the future of energy- how it is produced, how it is delivered, and how it is used. We can no longer continue to use the sky as our dumping ground, and we can no longer allow profit-obsessed corporations like PG&E to have power over our lives.


Posted in California, Climate Change, CPUC, Democracy, Fires, PG&E, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Olle Johansson – Free Talk in Santa Cruz, CA September 9th — Videos of Olle Santa Cruz Talk Now Posted

Stop Smart Meters! was founded nearly 10 years ago in Santa Cruz County and it was with great pleasure that we returned to our hometown on September 9th, 2019 to co-host EMF’s & Health – Where Do We Stand?, featuring Olle Johansson, one of the world’s foremost EMF health experts visiting from Sweden. We encourage you to watch the presentation above and share it on social media (using this link).

We are very grateful to Olle Johansson for making time in his busy schedule to speak at our event.


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New Wireless Public Health Warning Cards Now Available from Stop Smart Meters! Online Store

The new Stop Smart Meters! 4th Edition 2019 Public Health Warning 4×6” recycled, union-printed cards are now available for purchase in 50-packs in our online store for widespread distribution.

 The new cards have been updated with language and imagery on the 5G crisis, as well as feistier language about community organizing and resistance.

These are now shipping worldwide and great to hand out at farmers markets, health food stores, laundromats, cafes etc, and especially in front of cell phone retail stores. Awareness of wireless health damage is a necessary precursor to action. Please inquire about discount rates for bulk purchases and for low income individuals and communities.
Thank you for helping us get this important message out. Order a pack to distribute in your community today!

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International Action Day Opposing 5G, Smart Grid and the Toxic Wireless Industry- May 15th 2019

A community street blockade led to the withdrawal of PG&E’s smart meter installers Wellington Energy from areas of Marin and Sonoma Counties in California

Happy Spring Everyone!

Let’s get real for a moment– the telecom industry and the FCC have declared war against us, and we need to get serious about fighting back, and get a lot more radical, if we have a chance of winning this war and foiling (pun intended) their plans.

Butterflies, bees, and other insects are being destroyed by wireless radiation and other causes.

It’s time for a day of action against the telecom industry, highlighting the enormous damage being done by telecom to the natural world through irradiation and greenhouse gas emissions. There is power in having a linked day of action to show the breadth of resistance across the country, and particularly in getting people in smaller communities the confidence to stand up and demand change.

In 2014, our network organized an “Action Day to Stop Smart Meters” together with a website, support materials, and press releases.  There were more than 30 different protests on that day and we posted photos of each on the website.

BC Activists block utility vans during Action Day to Stop Smart Meters in October 2014.

There were even some disruptive protests, and this made waves and generated press coverage that helped galvanize public awareness of the seriousness of this issue.

Now life on our planet faces an existential threat from internet satellites, millions of new 5G antennas, and more 4G towers being forced into previously low EMF rural areas.  No one who has worked on this issue in any serious way for any length of time can doubt that the government agencies who regulate telecom are corrupted and owned by the industry they pretend to regulate. They don’t care if they violate the law or even kill you (or the whole planet). 

But yet we continue to focus 90% of our efforts to “persuade” these corrupt institutions, when the public has the ability to stop this holocaust directly, if we only realized our strength. Our network has promoted and assisted in communities taking direct action to stop wireless proliferation since 2010.  Watch the video here.

Possible protests, in ascending order of effectiveness/ radicalism/ legal risks:

1.  Have a protest with signs in a prominent location (i.e. Apple/ Verizon store) – do not block entrances or sidewalk, hand out flyers and speak to people- Optional fun: a doctor we know suggested people dress up as cancer patients and hang out in front of the cell phone store (risk of arrest – very low, impact- high!)

Or: have a smash-in where people bring their unwanted wireless junk, put it in a thick plastic bag to avoid flying fragments, use eye protection, and smash with a hammer! (risk of arrest, slightly higher but still very unlikely if you comply with police)

2. Get into a telecom-related event (public or private) and disrupt the event with a series of loud, vocal protests against 5G. (risk of arrest- low- if you leave the event when they tell you to)

3.  Organize a group and disrupt an Apple/ Verizon/ ATT store etc. – when we did this at the Verizon store in 2014 in San Francisco they did NOT call the police because they do not want headlines about the health risks of their technology. (risk of arrest- low if you leave when (and if) the police arrive, medium if not. Max sentence- misdemeanor trespassing, small fine, maybe a couple of hours in jail- impact if you get media coverage- high!).

4. Organize a group and blockade a telecom store with signs and perhaps arm tubes to make arrest more difficult (risk of arrest- medium to high although the store may opt to just close down and avoid negative headlines.) Max. sentence- misdemeanor interfering w/ business, small fine, maybe a couple of hours in jail, impact if you get media coverage- high!)

5. Organize a group and physically (and peacefully) blockade WTF installation crews– call the paper (risk of arrest- high, misdemeanor traffic violation if arrested, small fine, couple of hours in jail, impact if you get TV news to come- high!)

6. Some have remediated/ mitigated existing WTF’s (risk of arrest- high if caught, possible prison sentence). Watch new Icelandic film “Woman at War” for inspiration. Though we are not encouraging you to carry out such potential acts, we also refuse to condemn them.

With any effort like this, it will require brave people to take these actions, and to open a space in society where policy progress can be made. No major movement that has challenged the powers-that-be (and especially a trillion dollar international industry) has succeeded without a potent show of civil disobedience and public unrest. If everyone is polite and restrained, many will assume this issue is not that big a deal! Taking direct action changes the power dynamics, and forces the industry to respond to our narrative rather than the other way around- strategically crucial to make our eventual (and inevitable) victory that much sooner.

We look forward to taking action with you to make our homes and communities safer on May 15th, 2019.

Stop Smart Meters!

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