Author Archives: Josh Hart

Police in South Carolina Arrest Woman to Force Smart Meter in Blatant, Illegal Overreach

Because utilities have no legal mandate to force smart meters on private property, the sheriff in this case is acting outside of the law, and must be held accountable. We must rally and support Michelle and all other victims of … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, Installer Threats and Assaults, legal issues, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, South Carolina | 3 Comments

The Health of the People is the Highest Law…

  ….but some politicians and utility executives seem to have forgotten this.  Let’s help them remember. Here are the facts about your legal rights with regard to utilities and smart meter installation programs: 1. Put the burden on your utility … Continue reading

Posted in Britain, Democracy | 2 Comments

California Governor Brown VETOES SB649

On October 15th, 2017 Governor Brown VETOED SB649, a bill that would have allowed the telecom industry to bypass traditional planning channels at the local government level, and install new cell towers on every power pole in the state with … Continue reading

Posted in California, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Plumas County’s Telecommunications Ordinance Process: Opportunities and Threats

This opinion piece appeared today in Plumas County Newspapers: We probably all agree we want quality internet and phone connections that are fast, secure, affordable, safe and reliable. The Planning Commission is currently drafting a new telecommunications ordinance for Plumas … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Democracy, health effects, landlines, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Physicians, Plumas County, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, World Health Organization | 1 Comment

The Invisible Rainbow- Arthur Firstenberg

Released on Earth Day this year, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life is the culmination of EMF activist Arthur Firstenberg’s long career fighting wireless infrastructure. The Invisible Rainbow is “easy to read, hard to put down, sublimely … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | Leave a comment