Author Archives: Josh Hart

Searching for a Golden Cage

Posted in Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Greenbank, health effects, New York City, North Carolina, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation | 2 Comments

Injury at Ireland Smart Water Meter Blockade

Stop Smart Meters! has received reports of an injury of a man named John O’Donovan at a neighborhood blockade resisting new wireless “smart” water meters in Cork, Ireland late last week.  Irish Water is attempting to force the meters where … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Ireland, neighborhood organizing, Police, Water meters | 1 Comment

Overpowered: Event in SF Bay Area May 29

If you are in Northern CA in late May, don’t miss this one. Martin Blank, author of the new dynamic book Overpowered, will be speaking at the Lafayette Library along with John Fowler, KTVU reporter who has covered cell phones … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

Health Advocates Affix Health Warning Labels to Cell Phones in San Francisco Verizon Store

Direct Action in Response to Heavy Handed Wireless Industry Crackdown on Democracy- Attacking City Ordinances and Cell Phone Labeling Efforts in Maine, Hawaii, and California SAN FRANCISCO— Health advocates from the California Brain Tumor Association and Stop Smart Meters! have … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, health effects, landlines, legal issues, Maine, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, San Francisco, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | 5 Comments

Smart Meters, the Opposite of Green

Via Jeromy Johnson of wrote an excellent article called, “Smart Meters, the Opposite of Green” which was recently published in the SF Bay Area Common Ground magazine.  The article summarizes exactly why smart meters are such a bad … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Concerns | 1 Comment