Author Archives: Josh Hart

Utility Blackmail: PG&E Threatens City of Sebastopol’s Service

In response to the City of Sebastopol’s recent ordinance (pdf) prohibiting “smart” meter installation, and the council’s willingness to use police powers to enforce that ordinance, Pacific Gas & Electric Company is now essentially threatening to disconnect the entire community … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Police, Sonoma County | 10 Comments


Please Distribute Widely!  Deadline Wednesday March 6th Even if you commented during the comment period, please read on.  If there are points that you wish you had included, you can file a reply as well. Easy directions for brief comments … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Democracy, EPA, FCC | 12 Comments

Take Back Your Power & Organize Your Community

Some great advice on community organizing from the powerhouse people at Take Back Your Power, the groundbreaking documentary film on smart meters to be released in the next several months.  This is a crowd-funded project so let’s donate and help … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, neighborhood organizing | Leave a comment

Corporate Interference: Fracking, Food, and Wireless Conference March 13,14 NYC

Three huge topics!  March 13-14, NYC Can fracking be done safely? How can you be sure you are feeding your family safe food? What are the health risks of smartphones and smart meters? Is Wi-Fi a public health threat? What … Continue reading

Posted in AAEM, Animal Harm, Bees, Cancer, Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, GMO's, health effects, Health studies, interference, neighborhood organizing, New York City, Physicians, Plant damage, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Wireless Refugees Attracting Increasing Attention From Media

Another great piece by Kristin Fisher of Washington DC’s WUSA9.   We must appreciate and support reporters who know how to do their job, and are brave enough to speak out about a clearly insane situation, about which there is widespread … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Greenbank, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, Washington DC, World Health Organization | 2 Comments