Author Archives: Josh Hart

PG&E: Let Us Cut Down Your Trees- or We’ll Cut You Off

Just in time for Earth Day comes a story to warm your heart.  According to the Santa Cruz Sentinel, PG&E has been demanding that property owners allow the utility to hack away at, and cut down trees- ostensibly to protect … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Environmental Concerns, PG&E, Plant damage, radio-frequency radiation, Santa Cruz County | 9 Comments

Smart Meter Lawsuits Multiplying

Angry about injuries or losses sustained from a smart meter? Take the utility to court.  Submit your complaint today at Smart Meter Help to get the ball rolling, and/ or contact a lawyer. In addition to the lawsuits below- there … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, legal issues, PG&E, SCE | 11 Comments

We Are Not ‘Opting Out’………….We Are Refusing to Opt In.

By Joshua Hart, Director Stop Smart Meters! The following is written for customers of PG&E in Northern California, but it is also applicable to customers of other utilities around the US and internationally who are unjustifiably charging steep penalties simply … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Federal Energy Act of 2005, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, PG&E | 20 Comments

At What Point Do We Realize: We Must All Fight

Jerry Day has come out with a new video about the smart grid and electromagnetic pollution.  Weaving in relationships between corporate- government collusion, loss of privacy rights, and biological impacts of EMF’s, this short video asks the timely and pertinent … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, Installer Threats and Assaults, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 29 Comments

April is Fight-the-Fees Month

A campaign is mounting to fight the extortion: people are waking up to the outrageous fees PG&E is imposing on customers to “opt-out” of the smart meter program–a program no customer ever opted into–and that opposition is building all over … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Uncategorized | 4 Comments