Category Archives: California

“WTF?” Widespread Overcharging and Irregularities Reported from Utilities’ Bi-Monthly Analog Meter Reads and Estimated Billing- Tempers Flare at Washington State Forum

                  The utilities’ latest trick to separate you from your hard-earned cash appears to be the policy of bi-monthly reading and estimated billing for analog customers. We’ve been hearing from an increasing … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | 20 Comments

Courts: One Win, One Loss for RF Safety Campaign

Last week, the Maine Supreme Court sided with the corrupt Maine Public Utilities Commission’s finding that smart meters are “safe enough.” Meanwhile on the other side of the country in Berkeley, CA, U.S. District Court Judge Chen ruled against the … Continue reading

Posted in Berkeley, California, Cancer, Cell phones, Democracy, EMF Mitigation, health effects, Health studies, legal issues, Maine, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Former CPUC President Loretta Lynch–Flanked by Physicians and Researchers–Delivers Searing Indictment of Smart Meters and EMF Risks at Mountain View Wireless Summit

Eat your heart out, Google. On Saturday October 10th, the Wireless Technology and Public Health Summit was held in the heart of Silicon Valley at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. The event was sponsored by the Santa … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, Health studies, PG&E, Physicians, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Sacramento, Safety, Santa Clara County, Smart Grid, Wi-Fi | 11 Comments

Discussion of Our Smart Meter Legal Victory on Local Radio

Last October, I went on KQNY Quincy‘s Common Good show hosted by Joseph Munoz.  At that time, our electricity had been illegally disconnected by local utility PSREC, and we were essentially camping out in our home. Following our successful lawsuit … Continue reading

Posted in California, Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Fires, health effects, landlines, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Physicians, Plumas County, Privacy, PSREC, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | 2 Comments

California’s AB 57- Gift to Wireless Industry- on Gov’s Desk

From Katie Singer’s Electronic Silent Spring comes this timely alert: California Assembly Bill 57 would further limit the authority that municipalities currently have to prevent the installation of new cell towers or additions to existing towers. Designed to speed up … Continue reading

Posted in California, Environmental Concerns, health effects, Sacramento | 3 Comments