Category Archives: Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity

Moving Past Denial- Admitting We Have a Problem

Denial is a funny thing.  If you had told me a year ago that wireless radiation can cause cancer or symptoms like headaches, nausea, dizziness, and tinnitus, I would have rolled my eyes and called you a tin foil hat … Continue reading

Posted in Carbon Offsets, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 2 Comments


Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, PG&E, Police | 8 Comments

Canada Fights Back Against Forced Stupid Meters

Posted in Canada, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, Home Area Network, Privacy | 11 Comments

WHO’s Statement is a Game Changer

Make no mistake.   The decision by the World Health Organization on Tuesday to classify non-ionizing radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” is an absolute game changer for our movement. This seemingly cautious statement by the world’s pre-eminent health … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Health studies, PG&E, World Health Organization | 8 Comments

World Health Organization Declares Wireless a Cancer Risk- Mesh Network Must be Deactivated to Protect Human Health

PG&E has claimed- like at 1:10 in this video from a year ago- that the World Health Organization says that RF radiation is safe.  Now that the WHO has reversed its position, saying there are significant risks from human exposure … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, CPUC, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, Lake County, PG&E, World Health Organization | 6 Comments