Category Archives: Environmental Concerns

Doctors Warning: “Avoid Smart Meter Radiation”

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), an “international association of physicians and other professionals interested in the clinical aspects of humans and their environment,” have released recommendations for patients with a broad array of illnesses and symptoms to avoid … Continue reading

Posted in AAEM, Cancer, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, health effects, Health studies, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation, Safety | 20 Comments

‘Electro-Sensitive’ or ‘Electromagnetically Aware’?

I was speaking with Josh del Sol from Vancouver the other day.  Josh is the Producer of the forthcoming documentary feature film Take Back Your Power about the Smart Grid deployment and growing global resistance to it.  He mentioned that … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 9 Comments

Fake Cactus Smart Grid Antennas Damaging Real Ones?

A reader submitted these videos from Arizona- above is what appears to be a smart meter collector antenna disguised as a saguaro cactus.   Below are a number of real saguaros adjacent to a utility yard containing a cell tower.  Microwave … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, Environmental Concerns, Plant damage, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 3 Comments

Cell Sites Threaten Santa Cruz Wildlife Area- Protest Planned

Apple’s recent iPhone ad highlights the beauty of California’s central coast, with two shivering Easterners asking ‘what’s the best way to Santa Cruz, California?’.  Now it appears that Santa Cruz, California is asking, ‘ what’s the best way to protect … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, FCC, Santa Cruz County, World Health Organization | 11 Comments

Sierra Club ‘Grapples’ with an Untenable Pro-Smart Grid Policy; Misrepresents Expert’s Opinion

What would John Muir- the founder of the Sierra Club- have thought of smart meters? By Joshua Hart MSc If you picked up the latest Sierra Magazine, you might have noticed a column under the section, “Grapple” with an image … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cancer, Carbon Offsets, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, health effects, Marin County, radio-frequency radiation, San Francisco, Smart Grid | 8 Comments