Category Archives: FCC

Nationwide Violations of FCC Radiation Limits at Wireless Antenna Sites

MARSHFIELD, VT–(Marketwire – Mar 20, 2013) – The EMRadiation Policy Institute (EMRPI) has released videos revealing the FCC’s failure to protect Americans from wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation. US workers and families are at risk of overexposure to RF at hazardous … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, FCC, Federal Government, legal issues, radio-frequency radiation, Safety | 3 Comments


Please Distribute Widely!  Deadline Wednesday March 6th Even if you commented during the comment period, please read on.  If there are points that you wish you had included, you can file a reply as well. Easy directions for brief comments … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Democracy, EPA, FCC | 12 Comments

Submit RF Comments to FCC by Wednesday

If you’ve become aware of how serious the issue of wireless/microwave proliferation is, write the Federal Communications Commission! Deadline to submit comment: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 From Take Back Your Power: Why Your Comments Matter: These proceedings allow the public … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Federal Government, radio-frequency radiation, Safety | 1 Comment

It’s Our Right to Know- Let’s Make It So!

Do we have a right to know what’s in our food, our water, and our air?  Of course we do.  But corporations are profiting from a lack of accurate information being available to the public about products consumed and the … Continue reading

Posted in Bees, California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, EPA, FCC, Federal Government, GMO's, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, World Health Organization | 4 Comments

Separating Industry Fiction from Facts

(Originally published on The Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (SGCC), an industry group, has published a video “Separating the Facts from the Fiction about Smart Meter”.  PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, BC Hydro, PEPCO, BGE, FPL, as well as other utility companies … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, FCC, Federal Energy Act of 2005, Federal Government, legal issues, PG&E, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | 10 Comments