Category Archives: neighborhood organizing

The People Speak Out at the CPUC: Oct. 2nd 2014

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, neighborhood organizing, PSREC, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Residents of Alamo Heights in San Antonio, Texas Win Support of City Council in “Spark Meter” Battle

ALAMO HEIGHTS, TX—  Monday evening, more than 20 residents spoke out at the city council meeting of this San Antonio, TX suburb where municipal utility CPS Energy plans an imminent installation of smart meters.  After hearing from dozens of residents, … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Fires, neighborhood organizing, Safety, Smart Grid, Texas | Comments Off on Residents of Alamo Heights in San Antonio, Texas Win Support of City Council in “Spark Meter” Battle

Demonstrate and Speak Out at October 2nd CPUC Meeting

Demonstrate Thursday, Oct. 2 8:30am- then… Speak at CPUC Meeting 9:30am 505 Van Ness SF Rumor has it that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is preparing to make a decision in the smart meter opt out proceeding case, after … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Fires, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Nevada, PG&E, San Francisco | 1 Comment

PSREC Confused About The Law (Again)

While Reno, NV Fire Chief Tom Garrison was holding a press conference on Saturday about the series of fires likely caused by “smart” meters that have led to at least one death, an hour’s drive to the northwest, Plumas Sierra … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Nevada, Plumas County, Police, PSREC, Safety, Smart Grid | 7 Comments

Method # 786: How to Get the Word Out and Bypass the Mainstream Media Blackout About Wireless Health Risks

“K” from LA writes: “Check out my new license plate! You all should get something similar.. They rejected it at first but I appealed and sent in a letter with like 20 studies.  I had a long good conversation with … Continue reading

Posted in California, Los Angeles, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation | 4 Comments