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- PG&E Applying for Half Billion to Replace Aging Gas Meters- Electric Next?
- Support Tennessee Smart Meter Legislation
- NOW is the time to Speak Up for Landline Telephones. Can You Hear Me Now?
- Safe Living Technologies “Safe and Sound” RF Meters Available in our Store
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- ELAINE SAYEG on Standing Up To Toxic RF Irradiation / Staying “Safe and Sound” During the Crisis
- cc on Defend Your Analog Meter Part III
- cc on Sample Letters to Utility
- Emily on Defend Your Analog Meter (main index)
- Jackie Sicilian on Public Health Warning
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Category Archives: Smart Grid
Smart Grid Off the Rails, Says New Report
Billions of taxpayer dollars spent on “smart meters” will not lead to U.S. sustainability; Place citizens and economy at risk WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new policy report focused on the electric grid and economy of energy, “Getting Smarter About … Continue reading
Damn the Torpedos- Full Speed Ahead!
Massachusetts Utilities Continue Widespread Implementation of Smart/Wireless Meters Despite Poor Response to Recent Storm Power Outages & Continued Warnings By Medical Experts BOSTON, Nov. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Corporate and municipal utilities in Massachusetts continue building the wireless utility grid … Continue reading
Stop Smart Meters….But What Do We Want to Start?
A grassroots upwelling of public outrage over forced smart grid deployments spilled onto the streets in over 35 communities around North America yesterday, showing that our movement is growing bigger every day, and that utilities and governments better take heed- … Continue reading
More than 35 ‘Smart’ Meter Protests Hit US and Canada Oct. 4
People are fed up. Fed up with being forced to have an unwanted, intrusive device attached to their home. Fed up with utility company threats, coercion, and lies. Fed up with having their essential services disconnected or being charged a … Continue reading
Separating Industry Fiction from Facts
(Originally published on The Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (SGCC), an industry group, has published a video “Separating the Facts from the Fiction about Smart Meter”. PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, BC Hydro, PEPCO, BGE, FPL, as well as other utility companies … Continue reading