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- PG&E Applying for Half Billion to Replace Aging Gas Meters- Electric Next?
- Support Tennessee Smart Meter Legislation
- NOW is the time to Speak Up for Landline Telephones. Can You Hear Me Now?
- Safe Living Technologies “Safe and Sound” RF Meters Available in our Store
- New Wave of Wild Forest Destruction in Name of Thinning and False Climate Solution Biomass Coming to Your Area
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- ELAINE SAYEG on Standing Up To Toxic RF Irradiation / Staying “Safe and Sound” During the Crisis
- cc on Defend Your Analog Meter Part III
- cc on Sample Letters to Utility
- Emily on Defend Your Analog Meter (main index)
- Jackie Sicilian on Public Health Warning
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Category Archives: Smart Grid
Fighting the Smart Grid Scam Since 2010: Stop Smart Meters! is Two Years Old
Stop Smart Meters! is two years old today! “Has it really been that long?” we’re thinking. “Is that all?” one reporter from a local newspaper told us “It feels like you guys have been around for years.” Believe me we … Continue reading
Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, PG&E, Santa Cruz County, Smart Grid
PBS Newshour Smart Meter Coverage
An international grassroots resistance against smart meters has been going on for more than two years now, but you wouldn’t know it if you got your news solely from national broadcast TV. That changed on Friday when PBS Newshour aired … Continue reading
Smart Meter Neighborhood Warnings Posted
David Botton from Sonoma, CA sent us this photo of the side of his home. People aren’t waiting for regulators to post warnings in neighborhoods with smart meters- many are posting homemade warnings themselves. This is unfortunately what it looks … Continue reading
Texans Fight Back: March on the Capitol Tomorrow
This just in: AUSTIN, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Texans are gathering tomorrow for their freedom to choose to have “Smart Meters” installed or removed on the steps of the Austin’s capital tomorrow from 9:00 a.m. until the state takes up item 14 … Continue reading
PG&E Attempts to Muzzle Incriminating Details Emerging from Widening Smart Meter Spy Scandal
CPUC Investigation Reveals that Senior Execs Knew About- and Condoned Spying on Stop Smart Meters! and EMF Safety Network SAN FRANCISCO – While public anger continues to simmer over the imposition of illegal[1] and extortionate smart meter ‘opt out’ fees … Continue reading