The following is a list of local governments within California who are opposed to the mandatory wireless ‘smart’ meter program. Names of cities and counties are linked to news coverage or official council minutes that substantiate each city or county’s inclusion.
Those local governments in red have passed ordinances that have made ‘smart’ meter installations illegal within their jurisdictions.
Note that these areas may still have smart meters installed, as utilities are widely ignoring and violating local laws. Therefore do not use this list as a guide to finding low RF housing.
Counties (11)
Humboldt County (pdf)
Lake County
Mendocino County
City and County of San Francisco
Santa Barbara County
Sonoma County — AB 37 Support Letter (pdf)
Ventura County
Cities and Towns (45)
Berkeley (pdf)
Blue Lake
Camp Meeker (pdf)
Cotati (pdf)
Fairfax (pdf)
Fort Bragg
Grover Beach
Monterey (pdf)
Monte Sereno (pdf)
Morro Bay (pdf)
Mount Shasta
Piedmont (pdf)
Richmond (pdf)
San Rafael (pdf)
Santa Cruz
Sebastopol (pdf)
Simi Valley
Thousand Oaks
Other Jurisdictions (1)
Big Valley Rancheria/Tribal Community of Pomo Indians
Total Number Local Governments Opposed: 57
Total CA population represented: 3,831,272
The law is on our side and its time to give PG&E the facts:
* California cities (480) and counties (58) have the right to protect the health, safety and welfare of their residents, period. PG&E touts this pre-emption line but cities and counties are legal jurisdictions with constitutional rights.
* Every city and county has an approved Franchise Agreement with PG&E. Fairfax’s first franchise agreement with PG&E allowing them to operate in Town was 1938 and it was amended in 1954. Check with your city or county and ask for a copy of their PG&E Franchise Agreement. This is just one of supporting documents that gives your city or county some control over PG&E separate from the California Public Utilities Commission.
* If your city or county has a Telecommunications Ordinance that governs antennas and either wireless or wired transmitters in your community, they have another legal means of authority over PG&E.
What can we DO?? That’s what I can’t find anywhere on the internet about this … I live in San Francisco and just got a notice that they are going to install one next week..WHAT CAN I DO?? WHAT CAN I JOIN??
Hi Vicki- There is a group called No Smart Meters SF- you can contact them through the website. There is a protest going on in the Marina this morning near Beach and Cervantes, and more will surely follow. Lock your meters up if you can, spread the word to your neighbors, demand that the board of supes criminalize installation ASAP. More ideas here: Take direct action!
I live in Mendocino County where we recently passed a moratorium on SmartMeters HOWEVER PG&E is not required to adhear to this moratorium. It has been suggested that one install a “cage” around the existing meter. Here is what I got from an activist working on this issue up here …
Most important: Consider protecting your meter with a cage. The cage should allow the main power to be turned off. PG&E is mounting supplies in Ukiah and has told local folks that roll-out is scheduled for the next 2 months. You do not want a SM on your house as they will discard the old meters and you will have no possibility to return to that meter. Although chicken wire has been used, a heavier gauge is better or glass.
Good Luck!
We are in New York State. We are the ONLY people (that we know of) who removed the smart meter, due to illness and then hospitalization of a person in our home. Four days later, the utility company cut our power at the wires – with no notice – not even a phone call. That was on May 20th – we are still without electricity – after going to our PSC, many local government agencies and legislature officials, talking to lawyers (none of them will touch it), ETC.
We have urged people to lock up their analogs! Some have – most are afraid to do so. Then, last week, we got news that one of our friends who are a couple with 2 kids – who had heeded our advice and locked their analog – had the State Police come to their home – with the utility company – and demand they unlock the analog so that the utility company could install the digital meter. The State policeman had his hand on his gun the entire time while he was talking. When they asked what their options were they were told they had no options other then to take the lock off and allow the utility company to install a digital meter.
What to do is the question of the hour is it not? We are being bullied, threatened and threats are now being followed through on — when they say they will cut the electricity, people cave and give in. What to do?
We are still fighting – and we will not give up – we are without electricity since May 20th. PEOPLE MUST STAND UP IN LARGE GROUPS AND FACE THEM AND SAY NO!!!! Otherwise, they will continue to put out what they consider to be “small fires” and roll forward at a heavy duty pace to get these monsters installed on every home – then it will definitely be TOO LATE!
Have you gotten anywhere with having the utility company remove your smart meter?? They put one in our home in January 2012 and our electric bill has more than doubled!! We have gone from 964-1445kWh to approximately 1900-2460kWh/month!!!! Our gas and electric bill has gone from $221/month to $536/month on the budget plan!! We are at a loss! We’ve been fighting with the utility company and they keep saying it’s not the meter, it’s obviously US!!!
1. – Go to:;
2. – Call 1-866-743-0263;
3. – Download the Word Doc of this letter,
on this page >>> …
change the information to make it personal, and send it via Certified Mail to PG&E.
1. – Go to:;
2. – Call 1-866-743-0263;
3. – Download the Word Doc of this letter,
on this page >>> …
change the information to make it personal, and send it via Certified Mail to PG&E.
I live in Los Angeles County,and just received a notice that they will charge us $200 per year if we opt-out of smart meter installation!! What can I do?
I don’t know what you can do about the money but listen, its worth it. Since the smart meter was put on my house (I work form home)I’ve had nonstop migraines, joint pain like I’m 90, heart palpitations every morning, I wake up with a jolt, my heart pounding and other symptoms. I’ve demanded they take it off and it is going to take 2 months to get that damn thing off my house because they say they are backed up and waiting for the analogs to arrive. I don’t have extra money but I feel like this is life and death situation and 200 dollars or so is worth my health. I thought i was allergic to my house. I coudln’t figure it out, I’d leave, go on vacation, travel and all the symtoms would stop. I go even to someone else’s house and feel fine and come home and i feel terrible. Do I think it sucks i’m going to have to pay them to not make me sick? Sure. But I’ll deal with that later. Now I just want my life back.
I need help . I live in Granada Hills and want my meter off. Like others my entire family deals with serious medical issues . Where do I go , how do I make them take it off?
My name is Darlene Engebretsen. I belong to a grassroots group called Stop Smart Meters of Nevada County. We are working on eliminating Smart Meters from our area of the Sierra Nevadas in California. Eventually it would be great to have them banned from the whole state, but we have to take one step at a time. I am looking for written accounts of how these devices have harmed the health or mental health of people, or even the health of their pets. I am collecting one to two paragraph accounts of your experiences with Smart Meters. We would also like to hear from you if a meter has caused a fire in your home. We need all written accounts before January 28, 2015. If you have a personal account you will let us share at our upcoming city council meeting, please e-mail me your short story at: Title it “Smart Meter Story.”
What would you do if you had SIX outside your bedroom window? I reside in Delaware and it’s going to be an uphill battle to get them removed..
Get the other neighbors on board and don’t back down.
I contacted SCE by phone and in writing, and although they placed me on an opt out list they would not give me an estimated time when they would replace my smart meter with an analog type. The term “several months” was the best they could do.
I then complained to the PUC and again got nowhere. I then submitted a written complaint to my local elected representative. Shortly thereafter my smart meter was mysteriously replaced.
Bottom line is submit written complaints to your local elected official(s)
Call your attorney and ask or do what I do. Call a LegalShield attorney without any cost. To see how it works check out the website.
Keith Wellington
Dear Vicki,
Simply padlock your Electric Meter Box with a big powerful Padlock and a big Hasp and staple and write a polite but strong letter to the C.E.O and his Lawyer stating that for Health and Security Reasons you refuse them permission to install a now proving to be Poisonous and human Health Wrecking and far from Smart Electric Microwave broadcasting and receiving machine or so-called meter on your home or small business property.
I live in Victoria Australia, and have had my Electric Meter box padlocked for over four years. I just unpadlock it for the Meter reader Man to read and then I re-padlock it up straight away. Any fiddling or cutting of a padlock by the Smart Meter Installer Men ( not so Smart Meter installer men ) is a crime of Breaking and Entering and is an IMPRISONABLE OFFENCE. Put that in your letter as well.
Unplug and go old school or start your own power company.
Pingback: Nina Beety: “It’s Time to Take Action Against Smart Meters” | Stop Smart Meters!
I had no idea what a smart meter was. About 2 months ago a worker form the utility company came and said that he was going to change the meter so i said ok well now i’m reading all this info and i’m worried my daughters bed is right next to this thing how do i get rid of it i live in atascadero, ca
Pingback: SMeter Moratorium Laws Spread, EMFs & Suicides – Digest for 3-4-11 |
I only two weeks ago received a notice that PG&E would be installing “Smart”Meters. The notice did not state when that would happen. I was out of town 2 days last week, and when returning home, found that a “Smart”Meter had been installed on my house! I was not happy at all, as I did not ask for this! Why does PG&E think they can come onto your property and do stuff like this without your permission???? I am worried about health concerns and also about privacy issues, etc. How do I get them to REMOVE this so-called “Smart” Meter? I DON’T WANT IT!! I live in Marina, CA.
Thank you for your website dedicated to this subject.
You can add the city of Pacific Grove which voted 6-1
this past Wednesday March 9 supporting staff bringing
them back a Resolution on April 9 asking the PUC to
provide an “Opt-Out” provision.
Here’s our article on it :
WOW… Itty bitty Rio Dell cares about their residents….
Too Bad Eureka doesn’t give a cr*p?
I live in Lake County & got my letter a week ago. I called the PG&E Smartmeter hotline – they have answers to all the questions-to bad they are wrong-& believe their own propaganda. He said there is no opt-out and that the State of Calif gives them the right to install and not adhere to local government’s moritotiums. Lake County has a Moritorium and it is being totaly ignored. Was able to get on a Delay list – at lease a couple of months breather to figure out and fight to keep my old meter. Check out this sight – informative for those of us that are willing to fight this invasion of privacy – Hope this helps.
Careful. When I spoke with my PG&E representative, he said that being put on the delay list only meant that they would attempt to delay installation. Rather than be put on their radar, I put a lock on my gate to prevent installation.
Put up NO TRESPASSING signs on your locked fence and send this letter to PG&E via USPS Certified MAIL Return Receipt Requested, put in your pertinent information, ASAP, send to your water and gas utilities as well:
ROM: Certified U.S. Postal Mail #….to be determined.
My info and address
Southern California Edison
P.O. Box 600
Rosemead, CA 91771-0001
July 21, 2011
Dear Southern California Edison and all agents, officers, employees, contractors and interested parties,
If you intend to install a “Smart Meter” or any activity monitoring device at the above address, you and all other parties are hereby denied consent for installation and use of all such device on the above property and installation and use of any activity monitoring device is hereby refused and prohibited. Informed consent is legally required for installation of any surveillance device and any device that will collect and transmit private and personal data to undisclosed and unauthorized parties for undisclosed and unauthorized purposes. Authorization for sharing of personal and private information may only be given by the originator and subject of that information. That authorization is hereby denied and refused with regard to the above property and all its occupants. “Smart Meters” violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors:
1. They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
2. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
3. They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
4. Data about occupant’s daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data.
5. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
6. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
7. “Smart Meters” are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
8. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain “Smart Meter” data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.
9. Your company has not adequately disclosed the particular recording and transmission capabilities of the smart meter, or the extent of the data that will be recorded, stored and shared, or the purposes to which the data will and will not be put.
I forbid, refuse and deny consent of any installation and use of any monitoring, eavesdropping, and surveillance devices on my property, my place of residence and my place of occupancy. That applies to and includes “Smart Meters” and activity monitoring devices of any and all kinds. Any attempt to install any such device directed at me, other inhabitants, guests, my property or residence will constitute trespass, stalking, wiretapping and unlawful surveillance, all prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil complaints. All persons, government agencies and private organizations responsible for installing or operating monitoring devices directed at or recording my activities, which I have not specifically authorized in writing, will be fully liable for any violations, intrusions, harm or negative consequences caused or made possible by those devices whether those negative consequences are justified by “law” or not..
This is legal notice. After this delivery the liabilities listed above may not be denied or avoided by parties named and implied in this notice.
Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. All rights reserved.
Name of energy user and/or customer:
Customer Account Number: XXXXXXXXXXX
Service Account: XXXXXXXXXXX
How can I get a test for RF around my house? I have developed Tinnitus in the last few months. The smart meter was part of a solar installation over a year ago.
Ken- you might try Rob States if you are in the bay area- Many solar panel transformers put out a lot of dirty electricity and emf. I get a headached whenever I’m too close to my friend’s solar panels. Solar systems that supposedly don’t have this problem are called “sunny boy”
the best guy around is Larry Gust
used him on my home……………..knows his stuff!!!!
Great website. Is there hope for San Diego Co? I want the SM removed from our house but SDG&E refuses. Advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Janis– Don’t neglect to send a letter to the CPUC to complain about SDGE’s obstinate attitude. When Peevey announced their request for PGE to submit an opt-out plan, he particularly said that *only* PGE customers had complained! (We booed him, I assure you.) In your place I would continue to send letters and emails, and also write your assemblyperson so s/he will support AB37. Don’t give up! There are people everywhere fighting this, no matter what your utility says!
I was able to say no to installation of smart meters because I was home when the sub-contractor came to change the meter, three times. So far, we still have our old meter. I would like to know about the receivers of these transmissions. I have noticed that there are new components on the power poles and living on a corner my property is triangulated by these components. Any information will help.
Hi Laura, they are called data collector units (or DCU’s). Take a look at our photos of the gas DCU’s here (the electric ones look like a shorter nub and are typically installed on the top of power poles):
PG&E has been installing these without notifying either local residents or city/ county governments. Many times they are in violation of local wireless ordinances, and may be violating FCC limits on microwave exposure. The town of Fairfax has levied fines against PG&E for these illegal installations.
Some people in Santa Cruz County have taken it upon themselves to destroy this equipment, as we reported on Monday:
i found out they installed ours yesturday i called and got the theres nothing you can DO WTF , really pull your freakn meter and i will go propane……………………!!!!
there was no notice no warning not a freakn thing we live in roseville,
Pingback: Smart Meter Opt-In Left Out | EMF Safety Network
Pingback: Can Vermonters Opt-out of Smart Meters? « Vermont For Evolution
I had a service panel upgrade at my home about 3 yrs ago and my old analog meter was replaced by an electronic meter. does that mean i have a smart meter?
in the city of Los Angeles, my service provider is LA Dept of Water and Power.
i’d like to know if using a lead smock/s,( like the kind a dental patient would wear
getting x-rayed) to cover the meter would be of any help at all. anyone know?
If your meter was installed 3 years ago then it is not a radio transmitting meter.
I have seen digital meters in place for about 10 years here in PG&E territory. Some are AMR (Automated Meter Reading) meters connected to dedicated phone lines to report usage data only for large customers, and some are load demand meters for big customers such as water and sewer treatment plants, radio transmitter sites, and other large consumers.
Now, there are 5 different types of meters currently in use. There are separate meters for people that generate their own electricity with solar, wind , hydro. geothermal etc. that are reversible so people can get credit for backfeeding power to the grid, there are new separate E9 meters which are digital display for vehicle charging systems only, that offer a reduced rate during the hours of 12:00am to 7:00am . These E9 meters are in addition to any other meters you might have, and can only be installed by the power company for around $6,000.
There are load demand meters which are digital display for big consumers.
There the new digital display AMI (Advanced Meter Infrastructure) so called smart meters that are interactive communications devices with your power company, so they can remotely control compressors on air conditioning and refrigeration units, have remote disconnect features and automated reading functions, and finally, there are many analog meters like I have.
We have at least 10 customers who still have our analog meters in my immediate area, even though Wellington came through sneaking them where ever they could, they could not do many of them up here, we lock our gates and have “the big dogs”.
I live in Southern California, and when my utility company said they were installing this meter, I said, “no!”
They threatened to have me arrested!
What can I do besides turn off my electricity?
Is there any representative in San Bernardino County? I guess folks down here don’t care about their health or privacy.
I just recently moved into an apartment in San Jose, Ca that has a smart meter. My previous residence did not have smart meters. I am paying 4 times the amount a month than I payed at my previous residence. What can I do to have them remove smart meters in my area. Many of my neighbors have complained to me about their high bills and a few of them had to have their power turned. Please help!!!!
I need help I am in Southern Calif and SCE having been trying for a year to install the smart meter. Well I have done everything to dodge them. But now this last week they paid me two visits. The first guy showed in in full gear holding the meter. I just said its not a good time you should have called first. It caught me off guard. Then two days later another man showed up and got a little snotty and said I need to get into your backyard to install the meter. I said well you havent made an appointment. I told him I gave the other guy my number why are you just showing up. I got rid of him. Then I got a letter saying I need to call to set up and appointment same day they called me. I told the lady that she sent out these scary contractors months ago and they were scheduled to come twice and I took of work and they never showed up then I told her about the other two guys and said I am very emotionally upset as to what has happen and the money it has cost me to take off work.
Now what should I do? Can I opt out with SCE? Will they kill my power at the pole?
What should I tell them next when them contact me.?
I am going to be looking for White Vans that’s for sure.
Okay any help would be greatly appreicated.
They will threaten to disconnect your power but they do not have the legal right. Not one of the hundreds of thousands who are refusing smeter installations have had their service disconnected. Lock up your gates, your meter, and if they refuse to comply call the police and report a trespasser. This is your home we’re talking about.
Smart Meters are just another example of the government and the utility companies ripping off the public and endangering our health and lying to us and violating our rights, when when it end? Pg&E and Smud should be held accountable and people should be doing time in prison like the criminals that they are and pay back every customer that they extorted money from.
California is well on it’s way to becoming a police state,1984 is here.
When these “Smart Meters” first came up I understood that the primary objective was to enable the electric company to reduce the voltage (and/or frequency) of the electrical power to selected areas to prevent brown-outs in other areas. If the electric companies can reduce the power delivered arbitarily at their own discresion, you can be sure that a multitude of customers will discover and suffer the consequences of their previously reliable motors fatally burned out. Air conditioners first along with clothes dryers, refrigerators, well water pumps and presurizers, computers etc. I’ve heard nothing lately on this very serious aspect and suspect that this may well be their hidden secret. Any info please?
The new digital revenue meters cannot reduce voltage or frequency of the power being received from the grid. There is no way that the utility companies could or would ever do that on purpose, and if they did, whether inadvertently or on purpose, they would be liable for damages to customer owned equipment.
The only thing that the new revenue meters can control are the relays (motor starters) for air conditioning motors- that’s it, nothing else. They do this by controlling the 24 volt control circuit in the thermostats, they do not control the line voltage. And they are not capable of reducing the voltage, just turning the compressor on or off. But that is optional, not mandatory, and only applies to residential dwellings.
The Power(full) corporations cannot control corporate businesses like office buildings, malls, manufacturing facilities or any other buildings.
There are laws on the books to protect workers who are forced to work inside buildings about temperatures, and no business is going to let a power company tell them what to do, especially if it makes customers uncomfortable and affects their “shopping habits”.
The cause of your concern is because of all the false advertising by the utility companies, but it also is because the people have not been told the truth, and then they start to go off and start imagining things. The funniest one was the person who said that PG&E will control, and monitor time of use of her battery powered dyldoh !
Southern California – (Los Angeles county) I just spoke with SCE and they said that we have no other choice! The analog meters are their property. There isn’t an “opt out” choice for smart meters. If I refuse I risk them having to shut off service. I will REFUSE! This is disturbing! HELP!! Who can I write too.
@Liz and anyone else being so threatened:
No one yet has had their electricity cut off for refusing. The CA opt-out plan is being considered at this moment by the CPUC. For now, do everything you can to hold onto your analog. People have locked them up–see other pages on this site. If you pay your bill, you cannot be cut off. You can file a complaint with the CPUC re the these illegal threats and intimidation from SCE.
This is also the time to submit your comments to the CPUC re the proposed opt-out. Write directly to the CPUC judge who is going to rule on the matter soon. Her name is Judge Amy Yip-Kikugawa, and her email is . Reference # A.11-03-014.
Tell her who you are and why you want to keep your analog–and not pay thru the jugular for the “privilege” of protecting yourself and your property.
This is not an “Opt Out” program. It is an “OPT-IN” program.
Don’t opt-in, and let them know you’re not opting in.
I’m having both my electric and gas meters (have not yet found a way to cage my water meter) caged with heavy gauge expanded metal, with a hinged, locked door. That is the BEST solution I’ve found. Take a look at these examples:
ALSO: I’ve used the excellent letter which accompanies Jerry Day’s video on Smart Meters. The link to his video:
Here’s the letter which should be sent to your ELECTRIC, GAS AND WATER providers:
_____________, 2011
(Give them your account No. for reference)
Dear (Energy Provider) and all agents, officers, employees, contractors and interested parties,
If you intend to install a “Smart Meter” or any activity monitoring device at the above address, you and all other parties are hereby denied consent for installation and use of all such device on the above property and installation and use of any activity monitoring device is hereby refused and prohibited. Informed consent is legally required for installation of any surveillance device and any device that will collect and transmit private and personal data to undisclosed and unauthorized parties for undisclosed and unauthorized purposes.
Authorization for sharing of personal and private information may only be given by the originator and subject of that information. That authorization is hereby denied and refused with regard to the above property and all its occupants. “Smart Meters” violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors:
1) They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
2) They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
3) They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
4) Data about occupant’s daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data.
5) Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
6) Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
7) “Smart Meters” are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
8) It is possible for example, with analysis of certain “Smart Meter” data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.
9) Your company has not adequately disclosed the particular recording and transmission capabilities of the smart meter, or the extent of the data that will be recorded, stored and shared, or the purposes to which the data will and will not be put.
I forbid, refuse and deny consent of any installation and use of any monitoring, eavesdropping, and surveillance devices on my property, my place of residence and my place of occupancy. That applies to and includes “Smart Meters” and activity monitoring devices of any and all kinds.
Any attempt to install any such device directed at me, other inhabitants, guests, my property or residence will constitute trespass, stalking, wiretapping and unlawful surveillance, all prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil complaints. All persons, government agencies and private organizations responsible for installing or operating monitoring devices directed at or recording my activities, which I have not specifically authorized in writing, will be fully liable for any violations, intrusions, harm or negative consequences caused or made possible by those devices whether those negative consequences are justified by “law” or not.
This is legal notice. After this delivery the liabilities listed above may not be denied or avoided by parties named and implied in this notice.
Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. All rights reserved.
P.S. – The reason I chose a heavy gauge metal cage to protect my analogue meters is that the people who are replacing the meters, I’ve read on this website, are independent contractors who are being paid by the number of meters they replace.
This is something to consider. Independent contractors are more motivated to get the most number of meters replaced than salaried employees. Furthermore, if I choose flimsy materials to secure my meters, and find out someone had broken my protective cage and installed a Smart Meter, who will I have to complain to? The utilities will tell me that they are not responsible for the actions of independent contractors who choose to ignore company policy, etc. Who will I sue if I don’t know who replaced my meter?
I’m waaaaaaaaaaay too lazy to work that hard. Better make the cage nice and heavy and anchored to the wall.
The bastards showed up without notice today. They wanted to install a smart meter that’s about 9 feet from where I sleep. I told them no, citing medical equipment with telemetry in that area wich is true, but I fear they will keep trying.
I don’t want this!
You mean you are worried about this and haven’t put them on notice yet?
Sample – example notices:
And keep checking to see if there are new notices available, new issues about smart meters are popping up every day!
Put them on notice! Send a copy to the PUC and demand a re-investigation of the smart meter technology!
Now you have a court action available if they act without your consent. And that may cost them $$$, which we know they listen to. Send out new updated notices when they become available.
Just sitting on the “delay” list doesn’t help! Take action now!
so did these actions manage to get the signals turnd off from the existing meters?or will those of us stuck for life in an apartment complex that have them previously installed still be murderd in our homes?
Pingback: Local Governments in California Push Back Against Smart Meters | Stop Smart Meters in Grand Rapids
SMUD barged right into my backyard and I made the utility guy take it out! I received a very curt letter from SMUD explaining that their board has not yet decided whether to give their customers the option! Most folks including my neighbors do not care!
Pingback: Get smart about smart meters | Karen Kingston's Blog
Put up NO TRESPASSING signs and send this letter ASAP with your pertinent information to your electric, gas and water suppliers as they all are going to install Smeters, you will be spied on unless you hold your ground. There is no law federal/state nor county mandating that you must allow these to be installed. Check The State of California Constitution and you will see that you have the right to defend yourself, family and property from any incursion you feel detrimental to you or your property:
ROM: Certified U.S. Postal Mail #….to be determined.
My info and address
Southern California Edison
P.O. Box 600
Rosemead, CA 91771-0001
July 21, 2011
Dear Southern California Edison and all agents, officers, employees, contractors and interested parties,
If you intend to install a “Smart Meter” or any activity monitoring device at the above address, you and all other parties are hereby denied consent for installation and use of all such device on the above property and installation and use of any activity monitoring device is hereby refused and prohibited. Informed consent is legally required for installation of any surveillance device and any device that will collect and transmit private and personal data to undisclosed and unauthorized parties for undisclosed and unauthorized purposes. Authorization for sharing of personal and private information may only be given by the originator and subject of that information. That authorization is hereby denied and refused with regard to the above property and all its occupants. “Smart Meters” violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors:
1. They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
2. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
3. They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
4. Data about occupant’s daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data.
5. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
6. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
7. “Smart Meters” are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
8. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain “Smart Meter” data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.
9. Your company has not adequately disclosed the particular recording and transmission capabilities of the smart meter, or the extent of the data that will be recorded, stored and shared, or the purposes to which the data will and will not be put.
I forbid, refuse and deny consent of any installation and use of any monitoring, eavesdropping, and surveillance devices on my property, my place of residence and my place of occupancy. That applies to and includes “Smart Meters” and activity monitoring devices of any and all kinds. Any attempt to install any such device directed at me, other inhabitants, guests, my property or residence will constitute trespass, stalking, wiretapping and unlawful surveillance, all prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil complaints. All persons, government agencies and private organizations responsible for installing or operating monitoring devices directed at or recording my activities, which I have not specifically authorized in writing, will be fully liable for any violations, intrusions, harm or negative consequences caused or made possible by those devices whether those negative consequences are justified by “law” or not..
This is legal notice. After this delivery the liabilities listed above may not be denied or avoided by parties named and implied in this notice.
Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. All rights reserved.
Name of energy user and/or customer:
Customer Account Number: XXXXXXXXXXX
Service Account: XXXXXXXXXXX
All these people cooking up these letters about surveillance obviously know nothing about what a SmartMeter is, is capable of and the purpose of the program.
I have not seen any post so far by anyone who describes and understands what the new meters do.
SmartMeters 101:
The name SmartMeter is a registered trademark of Silver Springs Networks for their proprietary radio system called a mesh network that transmits data from the new meters to another radio network of data collectors that send it to the utility for billing.
The SmartMeter is a simple utility watt/hour meter, (also called a revenue meter) that compiles a total of current draw in an hour, just like the old analog meters do. A revenue meter is actually an ammeter, it measure the amps drawn over 1 hour periods on the circuit coming out of it that feeds the customers building. The voltage is constant, always 240 volts (unless there is a sag or surge)
A utility watt/hour meter does not have any over current protection or surge protection, it is connected to the power grid without any protection whatsoever.
The new SmartMeters also have a radio transmitter that transmits 24 hours per day seven days per week only to chat and keep in sync with the mesh networks. The customer pays for the electricity to power all the transmitters 24/7, but the new meters only send total electrical usage data once every 4 hours in a compressed data packet lasting about a millisecond. This is encrypted data, and anyone who has ever listened to data transmissions knows that it is just basically noise, no person could ever figure out what that noise is.
All that microsecond burst every 4 hours contains is a meter number and the last 4 hours use, by the hour, not by the second. That data sent to the radio networks contains no names, street addresses or any other personal information that the utility has on file in the central office servers. That is not real time data and nobody can view it until the next day on the internet through the utility.
Some of these new meters have a motorized remote disconnect switch that can take a command from the utility’s revenue assurance dept. to disconnect service if the revenue collection dept. reports that one did not pay their monthly bill on time.
The new meters are not sophisticated test instruments, they do not analyze wave forms, transients, sags or surges, and they only measure total current drawn per hour, they are not capable of distinguishing what individual devices and appliances one is using.
I might add that I am very strongly opposed to this SmartMeter program, but I don’t advise anyone to send any kind of letter like the one above that is based on purely science fiction, there are no facts there.
Sending a letter like the one above will make you look like a kook!, and will be instantly tossed into the trash can. It will get you nowhere fast, the utility will probably put you on the top of the list for people that don’t yet have a SmartMeter, and make a special effort to see that you get one “post haste”.
That is a old letter, I recommend that people send the letter from the link at the top of this page, and also add in all the extras I posted below it. You have to do some editing, but it covers all the issues pretty well.
Redi, please stop confusing people on the privacy issue, you are spreading incorrect information and do not understand microprocessor systems at all. It’s nice that you are an electrical installer of electronic BOXES, but you really don’t understand how they work inside. Please leave it up to people who know.
“Smart” meters are programmable from remote. They can be COMPLETELY REPROGRAMMED from remote by the utility or a hacker. YES, A HACKER!
What does that mean? It means they could change the rate of data transmission at any time. The utility or SOMEONE ELSE could reprogram them to transmit your data down to the millisecond if they wanted.
Not all utilities use the same meters or the same programming, like Florida SHOWS on their customer accessible web page data to 5 minute increments. If people later demand more “resolution” then the utilities will just upload a new meter program and POOF! You have every 2 minutes!
Again, just because the web site only shows every 5 minutes, you really don’t know if they are collecting data every minute and only SHOWING 5 minutes worth.
Hackers could make a bank of 100 meters go on and off over and over until your local transformer overloads. Or do it with thousands and make your local grid drop out.
There are a lot of hidden dangers in these meters, and no one will pay attention until after something big happens.
You say “nobody can view it until the next day on the internet”, but it was TRANSMITTED OVER THE AIR TODAY !! And so it can be intercepted by ANYONE. Encryption can be broken, or they just need to find the keys inside the device.
Your “4 hour” data transmission period statement is incorrect, it can be whatever the utility wants it to be and can be changed with the push of a button from their office.
“Smart” meters ARE “capable of distinguishing what individual devices and appliances one is using”, it also can tell the power factor, voltage and amperage and DIRECTION OF FLOW of electricity. It is capable of logging and storing data for an entire week or possibly a month depending on how much memory they have.
Privacy violations are possible with a “smart” meter. No doubt. Anyone with an electronics or programming background would know this.
So please Redi, stop posting incorrect information. You are doing everyone here a disservice.
Hey Jim,
You claim to know about computers but you do not even know what an EPROM is, I have been using them for years.
As a certified traffic signal technician , we have been using computers, communications equipment and traffic engineering programs that no doubt you never heard of, for decades.
And Jim, please describe the information that you believe to be incorrect posted by me. Don’t be shy, be specific, otherwise your are just babbling about nothing.
Pingback: JUST PHONE RICH COLEMAN ABOUT ‘STUPID METERS’: Hydro is not removing these meters and we demand justice and respect. Please phone, with your own issue, but let’s swamp his phone!! Coleman’s Phone number : 250- 387- 5896 « GREGORY PAU
I’m in Cincinnati, Ohio where Duke Energy has begun rolling out the Smart Meters. Unfortunately one has already been mounted on our home, of course I was told that it was a “Mandatory upgrade” and that I would face power outages if I did not have it installed.
Any idea on how to go about getting this removed, as well as any local groups to contact to begin speaking out about these?
Many thanks.
Pingback: PG&E Begins Removing ‘Smart’ Meters due to Health Effects
Pingback: Society of Environmental Journalists: Smart Meters Health Impacts | Why Fry?
Know that this monitoring can also be performed “upstream” from the electrical lines going to our individual homes via non-invasive measurement devices known as Current Transformers (CT). CTs can be placed (clipped) around the electrical lines going to your home as sensors to feed a data collecting/monitoring circuitry some distance away. The only way to avoid any of this is to go “off-grid” by independent means (e.g. solar, wind, etc.).
Regarding the Radio Frequencies transcived from the power company metering device, one can construct a tightly-meshed Faraday Cage, see:
This cage needs to be well grounded and should be constructed of a fine window-screen type metallic mesh (copper mesh is typically used). Chicken-wire is not tightly meshed enough to be effective against RF.
Clamp-on ammeters, I own 3 of them. I use these non-invasive devices all the time to measure current flow in electric lines.
Actually, if they ever upgrade the power grids to being smart with electronic step-down transformers that feed 3 or 4 residential buildings, not only could the transformers report to the power grid total consumption of each transformer either with radio or broadband power line carrier (BPL), they could also install a multiplexer to measure the total consumption of each circuit coming out of those transformers, eliminating the need for individual meters on houses entirely.
But that would involve upgrading the power grid to being “smart”. That would cut the meter project out of the loop, and billions of dollars of profits to the corporate officials, the government officials that the corporations control, investor/owners of the utility, meter manufacturers, installers and advertising agencies would be lost.
This meter project has been a boom to many corporations and officials, without this big whirlwind of dollars being suckered out of the rate payers, they might go belly-up. And that would be a crying shame, wouldn’t it ?
Carl, those clamp-on devices only work on individual legs of a circuit, you can’t measure anything if you clamp on a device over triplex feeding each individual meter, it won’t work. That is for overhead feeds, using triplex, for underground feeds they are done in raceways (conduits) underground, again it won’t work, sorry to pop your bubble.
Why would anyone want to avoid being charged for the electricity being used ?
It is 1000 times as expensive per kilowatt hour to generate your own power verses buying it from the grid.
Pingback: WeeksMD » Smart Meters now being removed due to adverse health effects
as a preventive, best thing to do is don;t sleep on coil (spring)bed. Metal frame bed.
Door back stopper is also coil.
There seems to be no law passed in California that makes Smart Meters
I saw on the news this morning that due to pressure from the Santa Cruz County BOS, PG&E restored power to the people that they cut off a few days ago for returning their SmartMeters. They said that PG&E simply removed any meters and put a jumper in, there is no meter now on these houses.
That is really no big deal at all, because PG&E has usage history on record for each meter number and address for as far back as there have been electric meters.
They know that usage increases in some areas during air conditioning season, and in most area during the winter due to people needing more hours of lighting etc, etc.
PG&E looks at yearly usage and prints it out , sends it to the customers and offers a balanced payment plan based on historical usage. They have been doing this for years.
PG&E knows the average kilowatt hours used per day based on monthly billing cycles.
So, unless someone goes hog wild with Christmas lights (like I saw on the news, someone strung up 80,000 lights and the electric bill is $2,000 per month) then PG&E can easily estimate peoples bills until this battle is resolved. PG&E estimates bills when SmartMeters malfunction all the time.
Over the years, there has been a few occasions where I had to remove the meter and main switch to do major upgrades. This can take a few days, but I still need power to work, so I had to do a hot tap and use power for a few days, PG&E never complained to me about that.
PG&E is just being stubborn, and will not easily give in about the analog meters. PG&E says that analog meters are no longer available, and that they took all the perfectly good analog meters that have been working for 30 years or more and chucked them into the landfill. We all know that this is pure bs.
For people like me who still have our analog meters, and myself I will never volunteer to sign up for any smart thermostat or differencial pricing programs, I will never need a SmartMeter anyway. I don’t even have an air conditioning unit, so what is the point of me signing up for any price gouging programs.
I do a lot of work at my home office, shop and residence. all of it during the day, and that includes laundry and cooking chores. I am not going to let PG&E rip me off for using power whenever I need to, and I am not going to change my life so PG&E can ration power by charging $1 per kilowatt hour during certain hours. I eat an early dinner, go to bed early and start breakfast early. I am not going to stay up late doing laundry or cooking just so PG&E can keep adding more loads onto the grid without upgrading it first. It’s a real good thing that electric vehicles will only be federally subsidized to the elite 1 %, otherwise PG&E would really be in trouble if sales of electric vehicles expanded to the regular working folks. I know that PG&E could never ration their way out of it. Not only would they have to start upgrading the power grid sooner than planned, they would also have to start utilizing and adding more capacity to the power grid if electric vehicle sales ever really took off.
How can I get the SmartMeter removed? Im in San Jose, Ca. I tried to get it off the day I came home and saw it, but they refused. That was 2 years ago! I listened to an interview on the radio 12/17/2011 — the women in Santa Cruz. Is there anyone in San Jose that have accomplished it? Thank you in advance
Pingback: Meters that Break the Law: Legal and Legislative News in U.S. | Stop Smart Meters!
Pingback: WE SAY NO FEE: CHARGE THE UTILITY | Stop Smart Meters!
I got my “certified” (threat) letter this week. Anybody out there know of any movement to a class action suit that could have enough teeth to pose a serious challenge to PGE?? If so, how do I get counted in?? Sebastopol area, CA
SIGN THIS PETITION!!! We Refuse to Pay Extortionate Smart Meter Opt Out Fees!!
Pingback: California Health Department Report on Smart Meter Risks - Stop Smart Meters! (uk)
Pingback: Ces compteurs électriques « intelligents » qui risquent de vous pourrir la vie « Sortir du chaos et de l'illusion
Pingback: Ces compteurs électriques « intelligents » qui risquent de vous pourrir la vie | Roger Romain de Courcelles
The city of Carpinteria just sent a letter to the CPUC about opt outs. Go to
their web page, click agenda and look at March 12 meeting. There is a copy of
Diana Thorn
I have a reasonable solution that will befit both parties
SCE and others could easily setup a website & hotline for residents to voluntarily report their meter readings.
They already have websites and automated phone systems for usage. A customer could easily go to a website or call into an automated system and input their account number and meter reading. This system would automatically record the time of the reported meter reading and echo back a confirmation number for reference.
Customers could be expected to report their meter reading “..on or about..” the recording date that is already on their statement. A penalty could be imposed for people that are excessively late on reporting meter reading, and SCE is already comfortable with making-up meter readings when they don’t have one. I have already seen SCE make up meter readings based on previous usage when they don’t have one in the past.
If voluntary meter readings are suspiciously low they could simply send out an inspector to verify the reading. They already do this as part of their billing dispute process.
This solution is relatively inexpensive as almost all the resources to do so are already in place. SCE gets their automatic meter reading and we can keep our analog meters!
It’s a win win solution.
Please tell everyone about this solution.
Pingback: Smart Meters & You – The Actual Facts vs. KIUC’s Portrayed Fiction « Stop KIUC Smart Meters!
I’m in Kern County “Frazier Park CA.
Today the Corix (Southern California Edison) SmartConnect guy came by at about 11am to install the new Smart Meter. I had locked all the gates on the property with chain and lock. I younger Latino guy, actually very friendly who I greeted as he came to the front door. I told him “I don’t have a problem with you personally, I just don’t want the new meter installed”. He responded, not a problem, are you on the delay list? I told him I had called SCE and asked but was not sure if they had added me to the list. He gave me a number to call where they might have the correct number for the delay list. He then thanked me for being nice to him, he said he was commonly met with people who were angry, wanted to fight and even produced guns.
This is sad to me, I understand this fellow is just trying to make a living. The problem is I don’t think he really understands the big picture. He also mentioned to me that if I opted out of the new meter I would most likely have to pay a fee for someone to psychically come out and read my meter. I told him this was not a problem and acceptable. The number he gave me was 1 877-407-2317 He then got back into his white pick up truck and drove off.
I got on the internet and found the Southern California Edison “Delay List” number : 1 800 810-2369 and spoke to a Quinn (female) who was very friendly, asked for my account number and then said she would put me on the delay list. I got her name and ID number for reference.
The installer told me once this was done my name and address would no longer appear in his install log and he would no longer come by.
I was curious as to who and how they installed the meters, its appears to be a one man operation with very few tools.
I suggest if you’re in southern CA and don’t want the meter installed you at the least call the delay number and have your address added.
eel this was the sort of person who would cut a lock or break in to do the work.
Pingback: SCE Smart Meter Opt-Out Program – What does it mean for you? « Burbank ACTION
Pingback: CA Public Utilities Commission: PG&E Smart Meter Opt Out Fees “Suspended” :
The Los Angeles DWP wants to replace our broken analog meter with a digital RF meter that they claim isn’t a smart meter but can be read from the street from a hand-held receiver. Is it the same as a smart meter? What can I do?
– JJ
Pingback: SMART METERS Prices increases - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - City-Data Forum
*****NEED HELP*****
I opted out of the smart meter program and did my best to make the neighbors in my community aware of the dangers of the smart meter program. I put out fliers and went door to door to 100 homes. I placed notices on the community mail boxes.
I am amazed at how many of the people in my neighborhood did nothing. It just goes to show you that the wonderful people of our nation could care less about what really matters. Give them a beer and a TV and they will act like sheep.
I just received a notice form Southern california Edison regarding my decision to not use the smart meter. They want to charge me 75 for deciding not to let them install the unit and an additional 10 per month to not have it on my home. What can I do?
Is there any legal action that I can take? I need help Thanks Tony
Pingback: The Smart Meter Battle Continues « Somersett United
Pingback: Ojai becomes first SoCal community to ban smart meters « Burbank ACTION
Pingback: The Good News Dept. | Nevada Constitutional Alliance
Pingback: California : Government to Criminalize Meters | stopsmartmetersbc
Pingback: Where Smart Meters Are Optional | Center for Electrosmog Prevention
Pingback: Polytechnique, au service de l’industrie ou de la santé publique?
SCE installed a Smart Meter on our house in Huntington Beach, Calif., much to our shock & surprise. I found your website,, and thanks to you, called Edison to have it removed. The lady on the phone didn’t ask why, nor could she tell me when someone would remove it. She said they weren’t sure because they were waiting to see how many people would have them removed. She did mention $75 removal fee, and $10 monthly fee hereafter. The next day a guy showed up (wearing the SCE uniform) and switched out the Smart Meter in less than five minutes. The main problem here is what others mention–apathy. One of our planning commissioners who claims to be an environmentalist is actually proud of his Smart Meter readouts, sharing them on his blog and telling others how he is saving money because of this great technology.
Just followed your example. SCE didn’t even question as to “why.” They just asked if I knew about the $75 removal fee and the $10 monthly, I replied, “I know they exist” and that was it. They’re supposed to give me notice upon their arrival as I told them my dog almost killed your last guy for jumping the wall to install the Smart Meter last time. Get on it folks!
SCE installed Smart Meters in the Irvine Company apartment complex where I live in Irvine, CA. Neither they nor I was informed this would happen. I found out about the installation today when I received a flyer in my mail asking me to enroll online now that I had the new meter. I called SCE to have the Smart Meter removed and replaced with the old analog one and was told that someone would call me in a few weeks to schedule it. A few weeks! The person I spoke to would not address whether an analog meter would be installed, rather than a digital one. Also, SCE claims my utility usage has somehow jumped from Tier 1/barely into Tier 2 for the last year to well into Tier 3 — all this while all appliances and A/C were off while I was on vacation. When I asked the SCE rep to file a complaint for a malfunctioning Smart Meter, she told me the meters were all tested before installation and it could not possibly be wrong. She would not take my complaint until I informed her that if she did not, I would file a complaint with the CPCU for her refusal. The opt-out will cost me $75 plus $10/month. The only bright spot is that I am allowed to request payment over 3 months. By the way, I also had them take off auto-pay on my account. If SCE is going to behave like this, it can start processing my checks again, with a note that says “$10 of this bill is paid under duress.”
It’s good to see California refuse Smart Meters. Is there a way to have a Smart Meter removed from your home if it’s already there? I live in Pleasanton, CA. I read there was an outrage against the Smart Meters, but nothing conclusive.
Hi Eric- yes anyone in PG&E service territory can demand that the smart meter be removed. Call PG&E at 1-866 743 0263 and insist on opting out. You can choose to pay extortionate opt out fees “under duress” or you can refuse to pay like thousands of others around the state. The science for RF impacts on human health is very strong and growing. For more information:
I wish people wouldn’t resist this information… I am trying to raise the consciences of people who have these phones that they are addicted to and I have to now act like I am talking to an addict… so thank you for this information} You can post it on my facebook page with my pleasure…}
There was an expression for blackberry’s called “crackberry’s” but the
“smart” phone I just call stupid…
I out”smarted one just yesterday when a “user” tried to help to find a nearby zerox place I recalled it in a couple of minutes… oh well:
Pingback: Smart Meters Getting Removed Due to Heath Effects | Decrypted Matrix | of | the Mind
Hi California
I am up here in B. C. Canada
Does’nt anyone know that the World Health Org. calls thes EM rays a type 2B carcingen. Just think how many rays will go through your body every minute in large cities small cities and when the grid is totally up everywhere.
I am fighting the dump meters up here, sent a letter to the utility company and have a sign on my meter. So far everyone in my neighbourhood got a smart meter but not me. I am outraged at these carpet baggers in govenment are complete liars.
Just called SCE this moment and requested to have the Smart Meter removed. The SCE rep didnt even question as to “why” just set me up to have it removed and asked if I knew about the $75 remoaval fee and $10 a month charge thereafter. I didnt agree to the charge, but merely stated I knew it existed. Not sure if Im going to pay for that though.
Has anyone refused to pay it? Any consequences?
Make sure you check the low frequency interference around the perimeter of your home. This be can checked by shutting the power off except to your air conditioner and refridgerator. You can either use a low fequency analyzer or a battery operated AM radio set at 530KHz. Measurements from 5KHz to 500KHz frequencies are needed as the G3-PLC system uses them to enter your home creating a strong pulsed electromagnetic field. It can be located as far as 125 miles away and has no problem passing transformers.
I have found that these fields cause inflammation and damage to the central nervous system.
Pingback: Smart meters and the internet of things | ENERGY ROYD
Hello, not sure if anyone is reading this still? I am wondering if the Smart Meter people set the meters to read lower/charge less to high-end customers somehow to get more powerful and wealthy people to accept the meters. If they don’t complain the Meters stay. I have heard quite often from people with nice, big homes in a good community that their charges were signifigantly lower after the Smart Meters went it. Now, how do we have three removed from a property just purchased with a home and two rentals on it in a community that has accepted them?
I do not create many comments, but i did some searching and wound up here CA Local Governments On Board |
And, if you are posting at additional places, I’d like to
Stop Smart Meters!. And I do have some questions for you if
it’s allright. Could it be just me or does it appear like a few of the remarks appear like they are left by brain dead people?
keep up with everything new you have to post.
Could you list of every one of all your communal sites
like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?
we have a twitter feed from stopsmeters and you have already found the website! Stop smart meters! does not have an official facebook page and it’s going to remain that way- although there are a lot of anti-smart meter groups that DO.
Good luck! I live in Texas and the legislature apparently can’t or won’t do anything about the Smart Meters. The last straw was when Oncor came out and cut my power off with no warning and put 4 of them on the outside of my bedroom wall at my apartment. When I called about them I basically was laughed at and told they were mandatory and they weren’t going to change it. I got in a big argument with a manager and of course got nowhere. The managers at my apartment were of NO help. I ended up moving 9 months later at the end of my lease. I’m still furious over this and what the government is doing and forcing all this on us!
Excellent. Los Angeles and San Diego counties next to criminalize smart meters is a must.
Pingback: Bulletin du CQLPE #1: La coalition prend son essor… et un tas de nouvelles électrisantes | Lanaudière Refuse
Pingback: Smart Meter Refusal Notice » Matthews & Associates | Pharmaceutical Lawyers
Hello, we are interested in the systematic way that your group opposed installation of the electric and gas Smart Meters in Northern California. We are very impressed by the way multiple communities have stood up to these utility giants in resisting these unnecessary and very harmful devices. We have read on your websites about house fires and deaths caused by electrical Smart Meters as well as long-term carcinogenic effects, interference with telephone and television signals and privacy issues that allow any hacker free access to utility customer private information.
We feel you have done a wonderful job in exposing all these powerful utility companies who come into the home and do whatever they please and tell you they can do so, because they pay off Congress to create laws to cover their crimes.
Do you know if there is any group in Southern California, the Riverside area, that is taking resistive action against the above practices? My husband and I wish to get involved in fighting these capitalistic ventures that are being done against the will of the people. A gas smart meter was installed across the street from our home a few months ago and there seems to be no recourse to get rid of it.
We would appreciate any suggestions or guidance as to how we might act as a group of citizens to fight this major problem.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Patricia Corbell
I’m wondering if anyone has any experience getting smart meters changed in a condo association. I have five meters on my house (one is mine and I had it switched back to an analog meter). The other people in my association obviously don’t want to pay to have their meters switched back – they don’t think smart meters are a problem (of course they might if the meters were on their own units). I have had problems with migraines, sleeping and palpitations and general anxiety. Is there anyway to get those meters changed/or off my house without impacting my neighbors?
I just wanted to add that I am in Santa Barbara.
I’m curious, if smart meters are illegal in a county, how can everyone still have them? Is there a way to find a grid of places that smart meters haven’t yet been installed for example in Santa Cruz? Thanks!
Hi Satya, Despite clear actions by elected local governments including passing laws prohibiting smart meters, it all depends on what kind of law enforcement (or legal budget) you have. In Santa Cruz County, although the county passed a law prohibiting the meters, the sheriff decided he would side with PG&E and arrest protesters attempting to stop the deployment. See:
PG&E and the CPUC then came and threatened the county with a major costly lawsuit and claimed sole jurisdiction.
In those areas that the local sheriff or police chief is committed to enforcing the law, or the people themselves organize to enforce the law, the utilities shy from installation (Fairfax, Pt. Reyes Stn, CA etc.) There are also a number of small-medium sized ‘smart meter free zones’ self-organized by residents. However it only takes one new resident to move in and allow a smart meter for such a zone to unravel- that is why we are pushing for community ‘opt outs.’ Other areas have utilities that at least for the moment do not see an economic case for installation and are sticking with analogs. Liberty Energy is one such utility in CA- there are many others.
Some thoughts from a local government code enforcement officer: (1) The contractor who built your house bought your meter, and charged you, or the previous owner of your home for it. It belongs to you, not the utility company. (2) When your house was built, the meter your contractor installed was inspected and approved by the Building Inspectors in the condition it was in, and any alteration to the electrical system requires a permit, inspection and approval. Violation is a misdemeanor in every jurisdiction in California. The California PUC does not have the authority to override this requirement. (3) Opt-out fee’s are very thinly veiled penalties for opting out. The utility companies argue the fee’s are needed to pay someone to read the meter since you didn’t opt-in. The reality is, before smart meters, the PUC had already approved lower rates for reading a lot more meters than they are now reading with all the people who have opted-in. So, they’re charging more money now to read less meters. (4) The Reinvestment and Recovery Act gave millions and millions to home appliance manufacturers like Whirlpool, LG and others to install wireless technology that will send appliance use information with the utility company’s cloud server via the smart meter connection. The U.S. Government has funded this whole thing. The East German Stasi would be jealous. Something to think about.
hi I’m in Pittsburg Contra Costa County California,just moved into a new house With five kid and 2 smart meters on the House. askEd pg&e to opt out. Still waiting with no response when they will come. There also charging me for them both to be switched and a monthly fee. And I’m on low income. What can I do?
Hi Shaun,
Call PG&E and tell them you are in contact with and you are buying your own analog meter and will have it installed by Wednesday if they fail to do it. Do not agree to any opt out fees and refuse to pay them, as thousands of others in CA are doing! That said, if you are going to pay the fee, you may qualify for the CARE plan and the “opt out” fee is $10 to start and $5/ month (still extortion of course just a little less of it!)
Also, make sure it is a real analog with a dial NOT DIGITAL. They will try to make you take a digital and tell you there are no analogs left. Make sure the analog is not a “trojan horse” that transmits- see:
Yes I know- it’s like the f’in Godfather!
HELP!! I am in North Hollywood, CA and although SCE and their smart meters seem to be under control, I had the Gas company come yesterday. I had opted out and sent the letter along with putting notices on the meters (there are two – ours and a
“mother-in-law” house in the back on the property). The gas guy said he would put the “gate was locked” which would bid me time so our renter could see how important to opt out. BUT he said we would be charged an additional $10.00 per bill~!! I never opted in and my husband has a defibrillator and pacemaker and can not go through airport scanners and I fear how this will affect him!! Who can I contact>?> I am willing to make CDs, print flyers (which I did previously in my neighborhood) and contact the gas company to stop this installation. I should have kept up on this and I realize this is my fault for dropping the ball. Humbly and respectfully request your wisdom and guidance in this matter. Thank you thank you!! Mary Ann
On 08/31 I came home from work I had been working a lot of OT, I came home to a house with no power which I find out later that due to working so much OT the bill was not paid. I called that night and paid the bill and was told that the power would be back on between 15 min to a few hrs, so off to bed I went having to be back at work in 6 hours. In the morning still no power, I get to work and call PG&E and they tell me that the power is ON, I tell them no its not and they send a tech out, the tech left a note saying that he pulled the meter and found that one of the lugs that the meter mounts to was burned and could not reinstall the meter as it would be very dangerous.
I get home that night and find his note, call PG&E again and ask when they will have the problem fixed. I am told that it is my responsibility, they are responsible for the side coming into the meter and I am responsible for the other side. How can this be since I have no access to that side of the service panel unless I cut PG&Es tag from the box. When PG&E took the smart meter(also the evidence I’m sure of what I was to find next) the left a cap in it’s place and a wire seal seal. I decided to investigate the problem myself, I cut the seal and removed the cap and could see the burned lug, when I touched the lug it just fell right off. I then removed the lower half of the panel and was in shock at what I saw. There was 1″ of the 1/8″ thick by ~7/8″ wide aluminum buss bar completely melted away there was a teardrop of melted aluminum hanging in some of it’s place. The next day I had one of the electricians we work with on site come over and look at it, he said it looks like a lot of amperage went across there or that the meter was not plugged in very well. Well with the smart meter now in PG&E’s hands who is to know. PG&E drug their feet to come out to turn off the power so I could begin replacing the service panel, which come to find out later that I am not allowed to do either according to the city. So I pay an electrical contractor to do so. I set up with the contractor to come out and do an estimate, next day I receive my estimate and tell them to proceed, later that day I receive a call from the contractor saying that PG&E tells them I need to submit an application for service! WTH I’m not having a new service installed, I just have to replace my service panel. 26 Days later I have power in the house again, I now need to but a new dryer, 2 refrigerators and a freezer (depending on if I can get the smell out of them) Bottom line if I had not lapsed in the payment of my bill and power shut off, I would probably be submitting a claim to my insurance for a house fire. Does anyone know of someone who has experienced similar and what did they do about it after, I would like to get some kind of compensation for what I have had to put up with. Oh and during this time while this was all going on I was working 7 days a week double-shifts and then coming home to deal with this.
Pingback: City of Ojai First So Cal Government to Criminalize Meters – Radiation Research
I’m from Ohio…can anybody help me with printable material or advice on how to stop the smart meters
Hi Nicole, Check out these links:
Let us know if you have any questions! -SSM!
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Pingback: Duke Energy North Carolina Customers Can “Opt Out” of AMI “Smart” Meters with Doctor’s Note. Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana Opt-Outs Available Already Without Note. - open mind news
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Pingback: Do You Hate “Smart” Meters? New Video Explains How to Get Them Off Your Home and Out of Your Community. - open mind news
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Pingback: 5000 Utility Customers in Maine Join Class Action Lawsuit Claiming They Were Overbilled. 2017 Dutch Research Determined “Smart” Meters Inflate Bills 30% to 582%. - MASSIVE.NEWS