Nine Year Old Santa Cruz Girl to PG&E: “I’m Not Afraid of Juvy”

****PG&E Customers Call 877 743 7378 – sign up for the “delay list”****

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E, World Health Organization | 4 Comments

Report from Monday Demonstration

PG&E and Wellington Energy employees were a no-show this morning at the Wellington Energy Installation Yard, while 26 trucks sat there ready to (illegally) install in Santa Cruz County.  About 40-50 people showed up to demand that PG&E respect local laws and get their “smart” meter program out of the County.   Demonstrations will continue every day starting at 7am at 38th and Portola in Opal Cliffs, Santa Cruz County until PG&E gets their trucks out of the County and begins respecting the law. Indymedia video interview with SSM! Director Joshua Hart can be found here.  Following are some photos from this morning (courtesy K Nevis):

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E, World Health Organization | Leave a comment

Waiting in Vain for the Legislature

In late December 2010, residents in West Marin got sick of waiting for the legislature to do something. When PG&E tried to force their "smart" meters on the community, people blocked Sir Francis Drake Blvd. and two mothers were arrested.

By Isis Feral

A group of us have been discussing what we can realistically expect legislators to do about the ‘Smart’ Meter problem. Some of the injured believe it’s unrealistic to tell the legislators to do what we really need them to do, which is to put a stop to this dangerous program. They worry what will happen if the legislators just flat out say no, and do nothing.

They believe it’s more realistic to begin negotiating for the very least the legislators might be willing to do, to allow people to opt out of having a ‘Smart’ Meter, and that we’ll whittle away at the rest of the problem over time.

But there is no time to whittle. ‘Smart’ Meters are being installed at an alarming rate. A personal opt-out option is at best a temporary fix for some, who are most affected if the meters are installed directly on their homes. But unless whole neighborhoods opt-out, such policies are meaningless for those whose health has been hit the hardest, who have been displaced from their homes, and are barred from entire cities because of the added electro-smog from the ‘Smart’ Meters. With the ‘Smart’ Grid spreading across the country like a cancer, the most severely injured are running out of safe places to escape to.

The legislators have long been alerted to this public health emergency. It’s hardly a secret. Dozens of local governments throughout California have expressed their opposition to ‘Smart’ Meters. Several of them have even passed local laws, which the corporate giant and notorious polluter PG&E is openly and willfully defying, without legislators taking any action.

So what’s more realistic: for all of us to stand together in a united front, and defend everyone from harm without exception, or to expect legislators to come to our rescue?

Think about that for a moment.

Who do the legislators work for? Not on paper, but in reality.

When was the last time you heard of the legislature passing legislation that served the people, specifically at the expense of any corporation’s profits? If you can remember one, was it accomplished by writing letters, making phone calls, and asking the legislators nicely? Or did it take more direct action, a real battle, to push the corporate backs to the wall?

I don’t think many of us trust the legislature. Or else we’d tell them nicely what we really need, and expect to get it. We wouldn’t be talking about whether our expectations are realistic. We would expect justice to be realistic, and not negotiable.

While it may give some people hope to try to influence the legislature in our favor somehow, the truth is THAT is not realistic. The corporate entities which these politicians do serve, not on paper, but in reality, see us coming a mile away. They have endless resources to dilute, co-opt, and destroy any good legislation we might be able to introduce. I’ve seen legislation backfire so badly that it ended up doing the polar opposite of what it was intended to do, causing more harm than good. To say that it’s unlikely that we can influence the legislature is a gross understatement.

What we are really talking about here is begging untrustworthy people, who have more power than anyone should have over anyone else’s life, to do something that goes against their very nature. Why defer to their power at all?

I don’t think it’s possible to fight for liberation on our knees. I don’t believe that begging batterers to punch a little softer is a solution to violence. I’m not going to bargain over my basic human right not to be abused. The very act of negotiating over something that is ours to begin with, validates the power these people have to take our rights away.

Liberation comes from taking a strong position in defense of our human rights. Power comes from solidarity with ALL our fellow victims, and taking action collectively to stop the abuse. That’s what California residents have been doing

to stop ‘Smart’ Meter installations over the last year, that got several of them arrested: They were acting not only in self-defense, but doing community defense.

It is one thing to negotiate with PG&E on your own behalf, but it’s another thing entirely to negotiate with legislators on behalf of an entire community. If you negotiate on behalf of a community, the right thing to do is to defend the needs of the most vulnerable, who are being severely injured just walking into metered neighborhoods, not just to defend those who can still live in their homes, even if their neighbors have a meter. Even under the best circumstances, an opt-out proposal fosters the illusion, that individuals who opt IN, should have the right to choose to have devices installed on their homes that injure their neighbors.

The bottom line is that it HAS to be realistic to demand what we really need. If we don’t, some of our friends will be on the run for the rest of their lives, until the globe is covered with so much electro-smog that there will be no place to run to. It will be the death of many. That is the reality. UNLESS we have each other’s back, including first and foremost the most severely affected, the canaries in the wireless mine, who alerted us that there’s a problem with these meters in the first place. We owe our canaries not to sell them out. I couldn’t live with it. And that is what demanding anything less than what they need to survive would be.

Stop the ‘Smart’ Grid  –  Our Health is Not Negotiable!

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, PG&E | 4 Comments

Emergency Mass Protest Called for Mon. Morning in Santa Cruz

This photo was taken at Noon today- Saturday June 25th- at 38th and Portola in Capitola where Wellington Energy has moved back their installation vehicles. PG&E plans to begin installation throughout the county on Monday


Capitola- Despite virtual unanimity amongst all local governments in Santa Cruz County, ordinances in Capitola, Watsonville and the unincorporated parts of the County, a groundswell of popular opposition, a growing commitment to civil disobedience to stop the rollout of “smart” meters, and a threat from the County Counsel that the Sheriff is poised to enforce the law, PG&E and their contractors Wellington Energy have moved back into Santa Cruz, readying dozens of trucks to roll out first thing Monday morning, bringing to a head months of debate and a growing alarm about the number of reports of health problems following installations elsewhere.

According  to sources inside PG&E, the company has “shock and awe” plans to deploy  in Santa Cruz in “blitzkrieg” style, forcing hundreds of installation trucks throughout the community to complete installation within weeks.

Activists in Santa Cruz have called for an emergency community protest and blockade Monday morning June 27th 7am at the corner of 38th Ave and Portola in Capitola. They are encouraging people to spread the word widely, to bring signs, leaflets, noisemakers, and your anger at PG&E for forcing a dangerous device onto people and wildlife of California.  Smart meters emit radiation that has been linked by the World Health Organization to cancer.  They allow unprecedented privacy violations within the home.  They have also been linked with a number of fires and explosions.  And that’s just the beginning….

Stop Smart Meters! made the following statement this morning:

“Communities as a whole- not just individuals- have the right to decide for themselves whether to take the risk of accepting 22,000 radiation spikes per day from every meter in our neighborhoods- radiation that is far stronger that common household devices like cell phones according to independent experts.   We don’t recognize the authority of PG&E and the CPUC to force ‘smart’ meters (what even the World Health Organization has now accepted as a cancer risk) on the community against our will, and against the will of our elected officials.  If PG&E is unwilling to accept the will of the community, then the community will give them a fight if that’s what they want.  The people will do what it takes to keep ‘smart’ meters out of the County. “

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E | 6 Comments

SmartMeters are Hurting Bees

Scientific- as well as anecdotal -evidence is emerging that electromagnetic fields from cell phones, wifi, and "smart" meters can negatively impact bees, and may be behind much of the recent "colony collapse disorder."

Stop Smart Meters! received this report yesterday via e-mail:

From Susan Morin, Red Wolf Ranch, Grass Valley CA:

We had three bee hives that were healthy and had no other reason to leave–when bees are uncomfortable, threatened, or lack food sources, they leave. Now, a colony will leave individually, yet these hives, all on completely different areas of the property left with in three days of the installation of a PG&E smart meter. We also called PG&E and asked them not to install, and they did when we were off the property.

I have read reports on the smart meters and was not enrolled that they were/are safe and now have evidence that they effected our personal livelihood and lost three hives which equates to $250/hive loss, pollination loss to fruit tress (bees pollinate 80% of all fruits and vegetables) $5k+/-, and honey as a source of medicine and food $4k.

The math does not equate, the loss of pollination does not equate, and the rapid push of PG&E to do this just because they may be at a financial loss–does not equate when it DOES in FACT harmfully affect our community, livelihoods, and food stuffs.

I have experienced this personally and documented it. Call and email if you need further documentation.

Thank you for listening and doing the right thing.

Please take a minute and click here to send an easy online email to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Its a simple and quick way to send a unified message -RESTORE THE ANALOG METERS.
To download one recent study showing how mobile phones disturb bee colonies, click here .
Posted in Bees, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Environmental Concerns, PG&E, Plant damage | 7 Comments