Appliances Introducing Stealth EMF Into Our Homes

Your trusty washing machine- now hazardous to your health?

This morning we received an open letter from Cindy Sage, Principal of Sage Associates, an environmental consulting firm based in Santa Barbara.  What she reports below is very disturbing- that appliances are already being fitted with transmitters to connect to the ‘smart’ grid via the ‘home area network.’

The problem here is that these decisions- to install smart meters, to have your washing machine chatting behind your back with your utility through the “Home Area Network” (HAN)- have all been made behind closed doors- at exclusive resorts and conferences where utilities, regulators and appliance manufacturers hatch ambitious schemes without any consultation with the people whose lives will be affected by these technologies. We can catch a glimpse of the arrogant mindset behind this truly stupid program from reading through PG&E’s internal presentations on the SmartMeter program.

Moral of the story- beware when you buy any new appliances- they may come with a nasty electromagnetic surprise inside.  Always ask before buying, and let them know you don’t want wireless!  Corporations should be even warier.  As the hazards of wireless technology become well known throughout society- hopefully this will hit these companies in their bottom line- about the only thing they appear to pay any attention to.   Boycott the HAN!  Refuse Smart Meters!  -SSM!

From Cindy Sage:

Dear Friends,

This is a personal story.  We just purchased a new Bosch washer and dryer – for delivery next week.  Sam Milham happened to call this morning and said the following:

“I’ve just tested a home with an oven and dishwasher that had continuously radiating RF from internal power transmitters”.  He could verify the RF signal was continuous, and only stopped when he threw the circuit breakers for those appliances (turned off the electricity to them).  He could say with certainty the RF signal came from the appliances, because the signal was strongest at the appliance and attenuated with distance.

We have been told that these power transmitters will – in the future – be placed on appliances to monitor and report their energy usage to a wireless smart meter. Further, they should only be giving off RF pulses (the signal) very infrequently.  According to Richard Tell, an electrical engineer formerly with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — in a 2008 report on Smart Grids for Hydro One Networks, Inc./Toronto — antennas on appliances may transmit at a density of .18watts, each at ballpark 4.5 seconds per hour.  Well, these appliance power transmitters are, in at least some cases, transmitting CONTINUOUSLY.  This puts them into a category more like wireless routers and WI-FI.  No one is going to tolerate 12-15 such power transmitters inside their homes that radiate full time.  These are appliances you come into close contact with while you cook and move around your kitchen.  Multiple, continuously transmitting RF sources are absolutely unacceptable to people with EHS and some ADA people with medical implants.

Bosch customer service confirmed that both the washer and dryer we have on order contain power transmitters. They cannot be ‘deactivated’.  We cancelled our order this morning.

“Hey utility, you wouldn’t BELIEVE what my owner ate last night!”
Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Home Area Network, PG&E, Privacy | 29 Comments

Berkeley EMF Analysis and RIP Shrub

PG&E installed 112 ‘smart’ meters on the wall at this Redwood Gardens apt. complex in January. The photo on the left was taken on March 19th. The photo on the right was taken April 7th. The photo below with the new metal doors was taken on May 18th.

The other day, we were thinking about the woman from the Berkeley apartment building who sent us the photos of the dying shrub right outside the bank of ‘smart’ meters.  We e-mailed the woman to ask how she was doing- and how the shrub was doing.  This was her reply:

“Funny you email today…the shrub died completely and was recently removed.  Today the wood doors to the wall of smart meters are being replaced with metal doors which I’m wondering may reflect even more emf into our apartments.  Here is a photo taken today.  Thank you for all your important work.

In the meantime I avoid my living room which is nearest the meters and kind of a drag to confine myself to one room now.”

We believe this is more than just “a drag”.  It is an unconstitutional taking by the utilities.  And it is ruining people’s lives (not to mention the plants).  So last Friday we went to Berkeley with our EMF analyzer to find out what was going on and to take measurements.  As it turns out, there are 112 (not 180) electrical meters on this wall- the other 68 are located at a different location within the complex.  Here is the video we recorded in Berkeley last Friday:

From a healthy green shrub to a stump in two months- courtesy of PG&E SmartMeters?

Posted in Berkeley, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Environmental Concerns, PG&E, Plant damage | 9 Comments

San Francisco PG&E Protest Pics

Here are some pics of last Friday’s protest at PG&E HQ in San Francisco:

Number to call for PG&E- demand to keep your analog meter or have it replaced- DON'T take no for an answer- ask them for written confirmation and they will refuse- why?

Our Director Josh Hart- Health and Safety apparently mean very little to PG&E

Wireless smart meters expose you to 24/7 wireless radiation- doesn't sound too smart to us!!

My grandma used to say, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'

Lady Liberty as a smart meter. Actually, the statue of liberty would make an excellent cell tower- I wonder if Verizon has considered it....

Or how about just "zero safety"

The dose makes the poison- and 'smart' meters are an overdose we just don't need

Sudi talking about PG&E's cop out program

PG&E Execs look on worriedly as protesters demand a stop to stupid meters

Some people who have been injured by their 'smart' meters (and sensitized to wireless) had travelled far to attend the protest and were suffering just being in downtown SF with all its electrosmog- but what choice do they have? None at the moment....

Scientists say children have thinner skulls and are more vulnerable to wireless radiation. What will become of our future?


Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Health studies, PG&E, San Francisco | Leave a comment

Stop Smart Meters! Does Sacramento

Stop Smart Meters! organized a group train expedition to Sacramento on Monday May 9th in an attempt to wake up the California state legislature.  “Hey, uh excuse me– legislature, pssst… the smart grid is hurting us.”  Senate Bill 932- a mild cell phone advisory bill was up for a vote (it passed and now heads to the floor), the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee (including Jared Huffman author of AB 37- the opt out bill that has now been put on hold) hearing our testimony on the health damage caused by smart meters, trading blows with the telecommunications industry in the halls, and a brewing revolution ignited by Code Pink, the Teachers Union, and students from all over CA. (65 people ended up getting arrested that night).

Though we were unable to record the full committee hearings due to ban on members of the public videotaping in the capitol, full video is available via the links below:

Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee- (our testimony on bad telecom bill begins at about 35:00, Smart Meter health damage testimony starts at about 43:00)

Cell Phone Warning Bill SB 932 in Senate Environmental Quality Committee:

Part 1 (starting at about 1:05) Part 2

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Health studies, PG&E, Police | 2 Comments

Electro Hyper Sensitives: The Canaries in the Coal Mine

By Sudi Scull

May is Electromagnetic Radiation Awareness Month. In observance of this I would like to take this opportunity to share my story about living with hypersensitivity (EHS) and the dangers presented by SMART Meter technology and the “smart” grid. For those who don’t know, “SMART” METERS are wireless utility meters that emit strong radiofrequency (RF) pulses. This is the same type of radiation emitted by cell phones and other wireless devices.

You may think of those of us with electromagnetic sensitivity as freaks, a fringe group, or at best an anomaly. But we are the canary in the coal mine. What does that actually mean? For coal miners it meant the difference between life and death – if the yellow bird they kept caged in the mine with them keeled over, miners knew to get above ground post haste to escape the invisible poisonous gases that had killed the bird before miners could detect its presence. You should welcome us. We sound the bell. We are the harbingers, warning of a dark future to come so that you, and we, can stop this technological trajectory, this “Smart” Meter travesty. The “Smart” Meter is the atomic bomb of RF radiation. They emit high, sharply spiked pulses of microwave RF radiation every 1-2 minutes. Electrical engineers have taken readings of these meters and believe the radiation is 1000 times stronger than a cell phone. That is equivalent to 17 hours of cell phone use a day, for each meter! Businesses, office buildings, and apartment buildings will have large clusters mounted close together. But PG&E continues to claim these meters are safe. There is no transparency, just an awful rush to install the meters no matter how many people protest and how loudly.

We must listen to what more and more scientists are saying, even if – especially if – it is an inconvenient truth. Money has become paramount. Due to what psychologists call loss aversion, the prospect of financial loss has silently, stealthily become more important than human life.

I recently designed a large sign, a statue of liberty with a “Smart” Meter face and RF radiation coming out of its torch. I also painted a flag with “Smart” Meters for the stars. Both the statue of liberty and our flag have been symbols and beacons of freedom, safety, protection and choice. But the “Smart” Meters being forced on the population all around the country make us sick and violate our constitutional rights to privacy and private property. As ex-commissioner of the California Public Utilities Commission Loretta Lynch stated, “It’s all about money”. The “smart” grid is a green hoax. A hallmark of addiction is a rampant, out-of-control, I-can-do-whatever-I-want quality in order to get the next fix. PG&E’s addiction to money and power has escalated to an all-time high. Some time ago, PG&E called an unexpected Sunday meeting and told its workers, and I quote, to “ruthlessly install Smart Meters.” They spend rate-payer hiked money on slick, full-color ads and thick glossy mailers to convince us that “smart” technology is better for our wallets and our environment.

According to scientists speaking at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, human induced electromagnetic fields (EMFs) pose a greater threat to the environment than global warming. Rigorous studies conclusively show that large populations of bats, bees, migratory birds, urban birds, dolphins, whales and other wildlife are being destroyed by RF radiation. They rely on earth’s magnetic “superhighways” to navigate their way to feeding and mating grounds. RF radiation, like pesticides, knows no boundaries.

In 1998 the CA Department of Health took a comprehensive survey and found 120,000 Californians could not work due to electromagnetic sensitivity. Well, I am sure that, like me, they soon will have no place to live comfortably – let alone work. Due to symptoms such as chronic migraines, ringing and pressure in my ears that becomes stabbing pain in my neck and shoulders, insomnia, increased neuropathy, and nausea, I live with most of my electricity turned off. When I go to the beach or hike far away from EMFs and RF radiation, my symptoms quickly subside.

In 1990 the EPA listed EMF as a probable carcinogen, but the utility companies, telecommunications industry, and military bullied them out of the designation. In 2008, Obama’s cancer panel definitively named EMF as a carcinogen. All of the in-depth scientific evidence is stacked against RF radiation; studies show that it dangerously opens up the blood barrier to the brain, dramatically lowers male sperm count, and causes DNA strands to break apart, leading to cell mutation and cancer. We live in ever increasing fields of electrosmog pollution and cumulatively this puts all of us at risk, not just those of us with EHS.

We are being treated like rats in a large, untested mandatory experiment. We are “Smart” Meter refugees, and we have nowhere to go. We live with our electricity turned off or half turned off. We live in half our houses. We sleep in tents in our backyard. We live in our cars. We drive 50 miles to sleep at a relative’s house. We live in exile. This is all in the service of the “smart” grid. History and philosophers all remind us that the end does not justify the means. But somehow, the questionable environmental merits of the “smart” grid justify making healthy people sick and disregarding the democratic process.

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E, San Francisco | 2 Comments