A Growing Smart Meter Resistance in the Bluegrass State

You may be wondering, what is going on with smart meters in Kentucky?  A helpful supporter sent us this update to post about organizing efforts and where things stand with regard to smart meter resistance in the bluegrass state.

2017 – What’s up in Kentucky:
Over the last few months, angry utility customers in Kentucky have organized and obtained legal representation because of issues from newly installed TOU “Time of Use” AMI “smart” meters. Both groups have Facebook pages:

Glasgow Citizens Against the New EPB Rate Structure has almost 1400 members. Concerned Kenergy Corp. Customers has over 3700 members.

Utility customers all over Kentucky have been fighting for utility meter choice since roll out started several years ago.  Last year all complaints were lumped into one case file:  Case File 2012-000428

Unfortunately when the PSC finally made a decision, they left it up to utility companies whether or not to offer “opt outs” to their customers.  Here are some links regarding this decision: (1)  (2)  (3)

Kentuckians are still fighting though.  Here is a petition started earlier this year. A state bill was also introduced in February to make these meters optional.

Duke Energy has AMI “smart” meters installed throughout much of Northern Kentucky. On January 24, 2017 John Matarese of WCPO TV interviewed business owners from Florence, KY who had complained about high bills despite a warmer than usual month.    After the story was posted to John’s Facebook page, there were over 500 comments and 700 shares from other Duke customers in Kentucky as well as Ohio and Indiana who stated they were experiencing the same thing.

As of September 1st, 2016, there has been a Duke Energy AMI “smart” meter opt-out in Ohio. Here is a link to the case record which is still active:  Customers and consumer agencies are still trying to get the fees eliminated and/or reduced.

  For more information about Kentucky’s fight against smart meters, visit one or both of the Facebook page links provided above.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, legal issues, neighborhood organizing | 1 Comment

Justice for Smart Meter Crimes Against Rebecca and her Heart

Rebecca’s Justice, Rebecca’s Heart
A Smart Meter Medical-Legal Case for us all

Join Rebecca: Let’s get the California Supreme Court to legally protect our rights in court as we face continuous exposure to unwanted RF radiation. Rebecca was seriously injured and lost her health and home in 2010 after a bank of smart meters were installed on the wall of her condo in San Diego County.

She has been fighting for almost 7 years. Join her campaign.

We enhance our ability to protect ourselves from and be compensated for radiation injuries in court, by building on success. One case establishes precedent for all future cases. Legally, we stand on each other’s shoulders by creating case law as a foundation. Rebecca’s Justice is applicable not only in California, but many other states as well.

Please click here to go to Rebecca’s Justice gofundme page. Together let’s crowdfund and support Rebecca’s legal expenses, and allow her to prevail in court. For more information, please contact: rebeccasjustice@gmail.com.

Posted in California, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, San Diego County, SDG&E | Leave a comment

CA Bill SB 649 Would Force Transmitters Outside Your Home

Tell California State Senators: “NO” on SB 649- NO Small Cell Invasion

California pending legislation SB649 would streamline placement of ​5G ​small cell Distributed Antenna System​s​ (DAS) on electric and light poles in front of businesses and residences, even while physicians are raising the alarm about the health dangers of the technology  This bill eliminates local control and jurisdiction with regard to DAS ​placement ​throughout the state of California. Read more about the bill and take action at the Scientists for Wired Tech site.

Ellen Marks of the California Brain Tumor Association says:


While cities and counties can presently refuse telecommunications equipment on their own property for any reason including health damage, SB 642 is a sneaky attempt by the wireless industry to change the rules of the game.  The bill would strip local governments of their property rights and force them to ignore safety, aesthetic, health and other issues and approve all wireless company applications along public streets and properties. The California State Assn. of Counties has written a letter strongly opposing SB 649 that raises these issues.

The wireless industry has made some specious claims in support of the bill, including that “a DAS box is only the size of a pizza box” (this claim was thoroughly debunked here).

UPDATE: SB 649 passed the Governance and Finance Committee on April 26th unanimously with no mention of health or environmental effects. Current status here.

Please write and/or call the senators and tell them to vote ’NO’ to CA Bill SB 649. You can also “tweet” them, or meet with them in person. Legislator contact info is here.

Points to help you draft letters, make calls and/or give testimony at the hearing, provided are some sound bites for you to give to the Governance & Finance Committee:

  • Taking away property rights will result in lowered property value
    Lowered property value will then lead to lowered property tax revenues.
  • US NTP $25 million dollar study proved RF emissions from ​2G causes DNA breaks, cancers of the brain and heart.
  • Over 220 international scientists have sent an appeal to the WHO that RF emissions are already out of control, and this statement was made two years ago.
  • Increase in health care costs due to growing health problems in the population.
  • Lowered productivity at work due to negative health impacts from the increased wireless radiation exposures
  • Lloyd’s of London and Swiss Re, two major insurance companies of the world, will not cover medical expenses incurred due to exposure to electromagnetic radio frequency radiation (EMR) (i.e. cellphones, wifi, cell tower, antennas, DAS, IoT devices, smart meters, etc.)
  • Environmental devastation from loss of oxygen producing foliage due to damage of trees and vegetation from EMR exposures
  • Environmental devastation from astronomical increases of approximately 124,416 lbs. of CO2 per city every day, or 1.6 trillion lbs. of carbon per year nationwide emissions from powering up the 5G DAS infrastructure 24/7 (and this does not include the carbon footprint created from all the other IoT network and clouds)
  • Fiber optics is the best and only solution.  They are energy efficient, less vulnerable to shut down due to EMP or hacking, and do not create hazardous RF emissions that cause damage to health and the environment
  • Russia has denied 5G rollout in their country.  Instead, they are utilizing fiber optic cables to deliver the internet to every private resident.

If you have any questions about the above please email Mark at mark.graham@scientists4wiredtech.com

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

“NO 5G” Rally in Washington DC April 20th

An Alert from Whatis5G.info:


The rally will take place from 9:00 – 10:15 am (at 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC) after which people are encouraged to attend the 10:30 am FCC meeting which is open to the public. During this meeting, the Commission intends to address, “impediments to 5G infrastructure” – which presumably includes those who oppose the infrastructure in their neighborhoods.  Link to FB post.

We have 3 asks:
1.  We say NO to small cells beaming radiation into our homes 24/7
2.  NO to the wireless industry preempting local zoning rights
3.  And YES to ONE BIG DIG for Fiber Optics: All homes, businesses and farms should be connected via safe, reliable, secure, and healthy Fiber Optics.


More details will be posted on the What is 5G and the Internet of Things Facebook Page and on the 5G website at this link.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message us on the What is 5G FB page or through the website, at rethinking5g@whatis5g.info. Finally, if you need accommodations, we may be able to make arrangements for low EMF housing.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, neighborhood organizing, Washington DC | Leave a comment

Stop Smart Meters for Cars!

The United States is now considering mandating smart-meter-like wireless transmitting devices in every motor vehicle in the country, a bad move for a number of health, safety, and privacy reasons. More background and links on this topic can be found on the Electrical Pollution website. See official NHTSA site here and spread the word.  Also, tell those in the U.S. Congress to stop this ill-conceived project.

Here is our comment on the NHTSA proceeding :


Requiring microwave transmitters in motor vehicles is not only unconstitutional, it’s impractical and will be widely disobeyed by regular people who rightly fear for their health, safety, and privacy. An uneven, inconsistent application of V2V technology will put lives at risk, and attempts at enforcement of this unconstitutional mandate will result in an even greater public backlash to the project. Transmitters will presumably not be forced (at this time) onto pedestrians, cyclists, dogs, children, and other street users. How will these users be protected from a technological system that has apparently written them out of the equation?

The implications for the freedom of movement and rights of access of those who have been disabled by wireless technology, as well as those who simply prefer not to be microwaved inside the metal chassis of their car, should not be underestimated. Neither should the environmental impacts of adding millions of new transmitters in our cars and along highways.

The alleged safety benefits of V2V technology have not been shown to justify the high cost of implementation, enforcement, maintenance, and liability.  There are still many unanswered questions. Will V2V make the roads less safe by creating new distractions, and adding significantly to the cumulative microwave pollution that drivers are exposed to? Will V2V create a new reliance on a technology that could undermine natural driving ability, and encourage driver risk-taking behavior?

Radiation damage by wireless technology is no laughing matter.  The National Toxicology Program of the U.S. Government recently found that male rats exposed to cell phone radiation developed heart and brain tumors at a significantly higher rate than a control group. (http://www.saferemr.com/2016/05/national-toxicology-progam-finds-cell.html).  Children, with their developing brains and bodies, will be put at additional risk from V2V transmitters in cars and along roads.

If we want to make America’s transportation system safer, invest in rail, and active transportation infrastructure like it actually matters, downsize and improve the road network, and stop building car-dependent, asphalt covered, boring places that are terrifying to walk in, and encourage sedentary lifestyles, pollution, and safety risks to residents.

Dousing every vehicle occupant and resident of every street with “mandatory” high frequency pulsed RF microwave radiation will not make up for the safety and land use mistakes of the 20th century–it will very likely compound them.

Josh Hart
Director, Stop Smart Meters!

Posted in Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, Federal Government, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, Washington DC, Wi-Fi | 1 Comment