Video of Wireless Protesters Disrupting Tom Wheeler’s Speech

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If you would like to watch the censored version of Tom’s Mountain View speech you can watch it on YouTube.  (sanitized so all disturbing public comment regarding cancer and wireless is safely removed- you may wish to leave a comment)

Note- this video has been updated and enhanced- see here.

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, interference, neighborhood organizing, Obama, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Santa Clara County, Smart Grid, Washington DC | 2 Comments

FCC Chair Wheeler Hounded By Wireless Health Activists All Day During Visit to SF Bay Area Thursday

Tom Wheeler, chair of the Federal Communications Commission, and former head of the industry Wireless Association for 12 years, got an earful from protesters on Thursday during his visit to the Bay Area.   Organized by Stop Smart Meters! and the California Brain Tumor Association,  protesters gathered and expressed their anger at the industry/ government collusion that is failing to warn people about- or even acknowledge- the hazards of wireless technology.

From the morning as he arrived in Mountain View to the end of the Oakland event that evening, Wheeler was peppered with questions and dealt with disruptions about how he buried the science showing a connection between cancer and cell phone use.

As Wheeler stepped out of his limo in Mountain View, he was confronted by protesters citing the ill-advised plan to place wireless in all classrooms in the US- a plan called “ConnectEd” being spearheaded by Wheeler and Obama.  A teacher from the LA Unified School District who has witnessed firsthand the effects of wireless on schoolchildren repeatedly pressed Wheeler on the point that this radiation is already causing harm to our kids- and that wired computers (not a wireless Class 2B carcinogen) are safer, more secure, and can adequately prepare children for a future working with technology.

Ellie Marks (above and left) is Director of the California Brain Tumor Association.  Her husband has a brain tumor from the cell phone he spent hours on as a real estate agent.  As you might imagine, she is hopping mad at a system that is knowingly leading others into the same fate.

The FCC under Wheeler is salivating to extinguish our reliable, safe landline connections, leaving us dependent on an electrical grid made unreliable by ‘smart’ meters for even our critical emergency communications needs.

Picture 2

Wheeler had uttered no more than a sentence at the Commonwealth Club event before Stop Smart Meters! Director Josh Hart stood up and said in a loud voice, “Hey Tom, how many people have to die of brain tumors before the Federal Government will warn people of the hazards?   How many young women have to get breast cancer from keeping their phones in their bras before warning labels are introduced?  How many must be made electro-hyper-sensitive from a ‘smart’ grid that is harming our communities?  Are we just collateral damage in the industry quest for profits?  Are you happy with your purchase of the Chairmanship for $1 million from Obama?”  Hart was quickly led out of the room.

That wasn’t the only disruption.  Four others interrupted Wheeler’s speech, demanding answers about why Federal regulations on RF guidelines fail to protect the public from harm.  Ellie Marks ‘thanked’ Wheeler for her husband’s brain tumor.  Kevin Mottus from Los Angeles accused Wheeler and the industry he represents of carrying out a “sophisticated quiet holocaust.”  One by one, the protesters were led out of the room.  But the message was clear- California is growing more aware of the dark side of wireless and we’re not going to tolerate it quietly.

Picture 1

After leaving Mountain View, activists drove to San Francisco’s Market St. Verizon store and placed  (relatively mild) warning labels on all the wireless devices:

WARNING: This device emits microwave radiation that the World Health Organization states may cause cancer.  Children and pregnant women are especially vulnerable.

In 2011, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed an ordinance requiring similar warnings be placed at the point of sale, but the wireless industry sued, claiming they have a “first amendment right” to not disclose health hazards to consumers.  On Thursday, activists carried out their 1st amendment right to warn others of the dangers.  Many discussions were had with customers, an announcement was made out loud in the store, and the safety labelers refused to leave when asked to do so.  The action carried on for about 20 minutes, as staff went around and quietly removed the stickers from the phones as activists replaced them.  No police were involved and the activists left the store without incident.

At the evening event, Voices for Internet Freedom, Wheeler was greeted by death standing solemnly at the entrance.  At one point, he wandered the wrong way after being followed and questioned by an activist, and found himself surrounded by protesters shouting, “Wheeler buried the truth now we bury the dead.” He quickly scurried away, knowing that the truth was out there.   He looked like a frightened animal and you could see the pain in his eyes.  It can’t be easy to sacrifice people’s lives for profit.

Lloyd Morgan- who had a brain tumor caused by electromagnetic fields- being interviewed by KQED at the Oakland protest

Ellie Marks keeps smiling despite the grim circumstances

A coffin was brought to the scene and ‘dead birds’ were scattered around the coffin to represent the insidious impact of wireless radiation on nature and wildlife.

Activists were more restrained inside the evening event.  SSM! Director Josh Hart was given 90 seconds to speak and said that “it is important to listen to the truth particularly when it is inconvenient or uncomfortable.  The truth is that wireless is hurting us, and as with most toxins, the ones who are marginalized and poor bear the worst impacts.”

Stop Smart Meters! thanks everyone who worked so hard to make these protests happen, and encourages those in other parts of the country to also give Wheeler a similar “warm” welcome when he comes to visit you.

San Jose Mercury News: Anti-wireless hecklers interrupt FCC chairman’s speech at computer history museum

Video of this day of action will be forthcoming.

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, neighborhood organizing, Oakland, Obama, radio-frequency radiation, San Francisco, Santa Clara County, Smart Grid, Washington DC, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | 17 Comments

Protest FCC Chair Wheeler Thurs. Jan. 9th SF Bay Area

Thomas E. Wheeler, recently appointed by President Obama as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will be speaking in Mountain View and Oakland, CA on Thursday, January 9.  Join planned protests and speak out against increasing wireless health damage.

Fox in Charge of the Hen House: From 1992- 2004, Wheeler headed the wireless industry lobbying group, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA).  During his stint at the CTIA, his own scientists told him that cell phones were causing brain tumors. He buried the data and fired the scientists.

Wheeler buried the truth.  Now, we are burying the victims.

Mountain View Event

1) Wheeler will be speaking in Silicon Valley at the Computer History Museum – 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd. in Mountain View. Protest outside starts at 11am, event is from 12-1pm (it is a free Commonwealth Club event and is now open to the general public.) You must sign up in advance here.

Click “register” first. Where it asks for your membership number simply enter “non-member.”

WE NEED YOU TO COME WITH SIGNS AND YOUR VOICES! We would also like to see babies, toddlers, preschoolers, teens, etc at both events. A funeral procession will be held for the victims of wireless technology. Dress in Black!  Media will be there and we need to get our message across.

Oakland Event

Wheeler will be speaking at the Preservation Park Niles Hall at 1233 Preservation Park Way in Oakland at 7 pm. We will hold a rally at the at the corner of 13th St. and MLK starting at 6pm.  Tickets to this free event are sold out but the public is free to attend the rally- more information here.

Again, bring your signs, voices, children, grandchildren and friends. Media will be there also. A funeral procession will be held for the victims of wireless technology. Dress in Black!

What we want:

  • adequate health warnings on wireless devices
  • a complete ban on wireless radiation in K-12 schools
  • a recall on ‘smart meters’
  • repeal of section 704 of the 1996 Telecom Act, which unconstitutionally prohibits local governments from protecting local residents’ health and safety
  • defense of our copper-based landline network
  • research-based wireless health standards
  • Chair Wheeler to step down from the FCC
  • People must be told the truth about the dangers of wireless radiation.

Former FCC Commissioner calls Wheeler’s appointment “somewhere between bizarre and outrageous” and goes on to say that:

“The business community has been doing very well at the FCC. They don’t really need any additional help from Wheeler. Parents, children, the poor, rural residents, small business, minorities, women and consumers have not done so well. They do need help.”

Please join us and spread the word to as many as possible.  We look forward to seeing you there!  If you have any questions about these events, or you are a member of the news media please call 925-285-5437 or 360-201-3959

Thank you so very much & we hope to see you all next week,

Ellie Marks, California Brain Tumor Association

Josh Hart, Stop Smart Meters!

p.s. please spread the word through social media- we depend on grassroots efforts to make events like these a success!

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, neighborhood organizing, Oakland, Obama, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Santa Clara County, Smart Grid, Washington DC, Wi-Fi | 4 Comments

Happy Holidays from Stop Smart Meters!

Courtesy of

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California Alert: Tell the CPUC and FCC – ‘Smart’ Kills!


NOTE REVISED INFO ON WHEELER BAY AREA VISIT – Mtn. View and Oakland Events/ Protests listed below (as of 12/30)

What do these two grumpy old men have in common?   Unfortunately they are in positions of power within the California and US governments that allow them to oversee the greatest historical increase in the population’s exposure to wireless- a Class 2B cancer causing toxin.  While they’re at it, they’re busy shredding the 4th Amendment that guarantees people the right to keep their private affairs private.   What else do they have in common? They both have histories working with the industries that they now “regulate.”

It’s become something of a pattern, and we’re not amused.

Michael Peevey, on the left, was Chair of Southern CA Edison (SCE).  Now he is the President of the CA Public Utilities Commission.

Thomas Wheeler, on the right was Chief Lobbyist for the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA).  Now he’s the Chair of the Federal Communications Commission.

Why do we bring up these two grinches, just as you are trying to have a nice happy holiday season?  Well in addition to Santa, they are coming to town and they have a whole lot of microwave radiation and privacy invasion to force down your chimney.

Unless we put a stop to it.

Californians: Three important dates to put on your calendar:

Thursday January 9th, 2014– Tom Wheeler is coming to the Bay Area!  He will be speaking at a Commonwealth Club event at the Tech Museum in Mountain View at Noon.   More information here.  Tickets are free, and available to the general public.  A protest will be held outside the museum starting at 11am at 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd. in Mountain View.  Wear Black.

Wheeler is also scheduled to speak in Oakland that evening along with Catherine Sandoval of the CPUC and others.  Tickets are now sold out- more information about the event here. Even if you don’t have a ticket, you can still attend the protest that is being planned outside the event, starting at 6pm.  Event is at 1233 Preservation Park Way in Oakland.  Wear black.

When former FCC chair Genachowski came to town in April 2011, Stop Smart Meters! protesters were escorted out of the room after making a “disturbance.”

Thursday January 16th, 2014 9:30am– The CA Public Utilities Commission will hold their regular business meeting at 505 Van Ness (at McAllister) in San Francisco on Jan. 16th- it may be their last before making a decision on the ‘opt out’ proceeding (after delaying for 2 months) because as the CPUC put it “the issues are complex and (we) need more time.” (Download pdf of statement).

Still up for a decision in California is:

  • whether the Americans with Disabilities Act and state utility codes  prohibit the utilities’ extortionate ‘opt out’ fees altogether
  •  if they are permitted to charge a fee, how much
  • whether entire communities can opt out

Tuesday, January 28th 12-3pm The High (?) Road to a True Smart Grid Event at the Commonwealth Club featuring Timothy Schoechle, Ph.D. author of Getting Smarter about the Smart Grid.  Info and tickets available here.

The CPUC meeting on the 16th will possibly be your last chance to speak to Commissioners directly regarding the ‘smart’ meter ‘opt out’ policy.  Many of the new commissioners have not heard the chorus of public outrage about this topic and it would be a shame to deprive them of that perspective before making their decision.

Anyone can speak for 1-3 minutes during public comment time, even if you have spoken before.  New voices encouraged- don’t be shy.

We don’t expect that we will change these curmudgeons’ minds- however we do want to demonstrate the depth of opposition to these disastrous policies, and make the status quo more difficult to uphold.

And the status quo is grim.

If FCC Chair Wheeler gets his way, in ten years:

  • The landline phone network will have been ripped apart and its copper wires used for new cell towers (costing us billions and risking our security and health)
  • Mobile use will be allowed on all airlines, creating a cacophony of jabber as well as RF exposure
  • Powerful wi-fi radiation will blanket the country, causing illness
  • The smart grid will be mandatory and every structure will have a ‘smart’ meter that is used not only to spy on your home activities but also ramp up beyond current radiation levels, offering wi-fi, cable, broadband and telephone services
  • Wi-fi and iPads will be mandatory in all classrooms, risking the health of future generations for the sake of corporate profit
  • Every movement, every word, everything you do at home, online, in public, at school, at work will be monitored and recorded in vast NSA databases.

If you are opposed to such a future, speak out now– if not for the benefit of these grinches, then at least in solidarity with the millions whose rights are being eroded at the hands of this tech firm/ govt. collusion.

See you there!  And please- spread the word.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, FCC, Federal Government, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, San Francisco, SCE, Smart Grid | 7 Comments