Hold the CPUC at Their Word: No More Utility Abuse

Speak Up!  Oppose Smart Meters and Extortionate “Opt-Out” Fees at the CPUC on Thursday April 18th 9:30 am

We need to continue to tell the CPUC that smart meters and their mesh network are unacceptable and should be recalled!

Come to the next business meeting in San Francisco!

At the last CPUC meeting, Commissioner Florio stated that, “We will not tolerate consumer abuses in any shape or form.”

That is really fantastic news. Let’s hold the PUC at their word.  They can start by taking action against current utility abuses such as:

•  giving people who pay hundreds of dollars to ‘opt out’ a wireless- transmitting ‘trojan horse’ meter that looks like an analog meter (especially SCE)

•  threatening to disconnect people who insist on their right to an analog meter

•  forcing people to spend 1-2 or more hours on the phone simply to “opt out”

•  failing to respect the democratic decisions and laws of local governments who represent the public in the areas these companies do business

•  threatening homeowners with analog meters who let their dogs out in their own yard with disconnection of their electricity (SDG&E)

•  refusing to remove smart meters mounted on the wall even with a doctors’ recommendation (do the utilities know better than our doctor what is a health threat?)

•  allowing smart meter surveillance and selling the collected data to third parties

•  using our homes for commercial purposes (mesh network) without informed consent

• lying about how often smart meters transmit pulsed radiation

• forcing smart meters on businesses without informed choice or consent

•  utility employees spying on activists and then forwarding ill-gotten messages to CPUC staff who do nothing about it?

We look forward to this “brave new CPUC” who is willing to stand up for the rights of the public.  Let’s hold them to their word.

April 18th 9:30am (arrive by 9:15am) CPUC Meeting 505 Van Ness Ave. (at McAllister) in San Francisco.  Members of the public are guaranteed at least 1 minute to speak if they arrive before the end of public comment.

Speak now or forever be forced to pay at least $120 per year for the ‘privilege’ of keeping your safe analog meter.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Installer Threats and Assaults, Privacy, San Francisco | 1 Comment

Take Back Your Power Goes on the Road- to a City Near You

This April, the filmmakers of Take Back Your Power, an upcoming feature documentary about smart meters and the smart grid, take their show on the road for some pre-screenings to raise funds in order to complete the film.  Be afraid, utilities.   Be very afraid.

In the Bay Area, Joshua del Sol will join Sandi Maurer from the EMF Safety Network and other local advocates on April 17th at 7pm in Sebastopol– the heart of smart meter resistance territory.  The city of Sebastopol is the latest local government in California to criminalize smart meter installations.  See entire list of 57 here.

This film does not have a corporate budget- it relies on the blood, sweat and tears of a committed cadre of filmmakers and the generosity of people like you.   Spread the word about the upcoming screenings and throw one dollar or a thousand their way.

If you’d like to host a screening where you live, contact the TBYP team.

Posted in Canada, Citizen rebellion, neighborhood organizing, Sonoma County | Leave a comment


10928smartmeter_spec2After we published Ode to the Toxic Smart Meter last month, we received a number of submissions of other poems related to the smart meter deployment.   Here is one of our favorites, written by Kayley B. of Wisconsin.  There’s something about poetry that can express what prose sometimes struggles with.  Even if you don’t think of yourself as a poet, or even a writer, why not give it a try?

When dealing with entities as unreasonable and inhumane as the modern day utility industry, poetry can be cathartic and therapeutic.


By Kayley B.

Waves that burst with magnetic pop,

“no they won’t hurt you” say men at the top,

like the utility board knows what’s best for me,

living alongside radio frequency.

Waterloo, Madison, Baraboo,

all falling into smart meter stew.


I can’t see it, hear it, touch it, but I know it’s there,

zapping me, abusing with a pulsing flare.

Most say we have to take them,

boast on how much you’ll save,

after all, what’s another radio wave?


Radiation zaps with blackened grin,

industry and city ignore the din,

heart complaints and wheezing lungs,

same old song money’s always sung.

Meters with a brain, think way too much,

waves got a frying kind of Midas’ touch.


I can’t see it, hear it, touch it, but I know it’s there,

zapping me, abusing with a pulsing flare.

Most say we have to take them,

boast on how much you’ll save,

after all, what’s another radio wave?


If I wanted my house purple would they paint it red?

Shouldn’t I have a say where there are shades of gray?


I can’t see it, hear it, touch it, but I know it’s there,

zapping me, abusing with a pulsing flare.

Most say we have to take them,

boast on how much you’ll save,

after all, what’s another radio wave?


Radiation’s waves are burning away,

but after all, what’s another radio wave?

After all, what’s another radio wave?

After all, what’s another radio wave?

Posted in Citizen rebellion, radio-frequency radiation | 3 Comments

PG&E Fined $390,000 for Espionage Carried Out Against Anti-Smart Meter Groups

From EMF Safety Network:  Yesterday the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved a settlement in its investigation into Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for spying on anti-Smart Meter groups.  PG&E will be required to pay $390,000 to the state’s General Fund.

This infiltration by PG&E was part of an on-going surveillance program conducted by PG&E and Edelman, a public relations firm PG&E hired in January of 2010 in response to escalating Smart Meter complaints and problems.

As part of this program, the director of the PG&E Smart Meter program, William “Ralph” Devereaux, other PG&E employees and third parties spied on anti-smart meter groups (including ours) with the knowledge of senior PG&E staff.  PG&E employees and senior management exchanged emails insulting and demeaning the members of the anti-SmartMeter groups.  For example, these PG&E customers were referred to “insurgents.”

PG&E coordinated moving an entire Smart Meter deployment yard to derail a non-violent protest and sent an employee to surreptitiously observe and report on the reactions of the protestors, who also transmitted pictures of them to PG&E.  This “spy” expressed his pleasure in observing and taking photos of anti-SmartMeter activists.


William “Peeping Ralph” Devereaux

Devereux resigned from PG&E in November 2010, after he was caught trying to infiltrate an EMF Safety Network discussion list using the false alias, “Ralph”.  He wrote to Sandi Maurer, moderator of the list, “I live in Oakland where Smart meters have been sweeping across town and wanted to learn more about them and join the conversation to see what I can do to help out here.  Thanks, Ralph”

Maurer’s email program revealed his true identity as William Devereaux. She responded, “Aren’t you the head of the Smart Meter program at PG&E? We’d love your help!…”

CPUC Commissioner Mike Florio said ,“We will not tolerate consumer abuses in any shape or form. We expect our utilities to treat their customers with respect and compassion and engage with their customers in a transparent, ethical, and productive manner.”

SSM: That’s a nice soundbite Mr. Florio, but the reality is that the corrupt and owned CPUC turns a blind eye to most abuse carried out by the utilities against their customers.   PG&E’s indiscretions were so egregious that the agency was forced to act, or totally lose credibility in the public eye.  The eventual settlement is a means to sweep  details of the extent of the espionage under the rug, and cover up exactly how high in the chain of command these violations went, in addition to covering up CPUC involvement in the spying.  The 390K fine is a minor slap on the wrist for PG&E, and we, along with the other groups who were spied upon, oppose it as an insufficient penalty.

More info: PG&E’s spying may cost them

Legal filings in this case: CPUC Investigation of PG&E for Spying I.12-04-010

Posted in California, CPUC, PG&E, Privacy, San Francisco | Leave a comment

LA City Council Directs LADWP to Give the Lawsons an Analog; Seven Weeks of Living Without Electricity Apparently at an End

The Lawson family attended yesterday’s Los Angeles City Council meeting to describe their challenges with LADWP, and the utility’s failure to address the family’s urgent health issues that came about after a “smart” meter was installed on their home.   In tears, the family talked about what happened to them after the new meter was installed, and the difficulties that living seven weeks without electricity has caused them.

The Lawson’s new meter (photo courtesy EON)

The LA City Council seemed to be shocked (maybe uncomfortable is a better word) and instructed LADWP to give the family an analog meter.   Late today we received word that the utility had re-installed what appears to be an analog meter on the Lawson’s home.  However, as we ahve seen before, appearances can be deceiving.  Whether this meter is a true analog, or a “trojan horse” analog with wireless-ready components remains to be seen.

Sometimes the utilities just can’t seem to take no for an answer.  Stay tuned….


Posted in California, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Los Angeles | 4 Comments