Smart Grid Off the Rails, Says New Report

Is it possible that billions of dollars in stimulus and ratepayer funds spent on the ‘smart grid’ have been essentially wasted? A new report concludes just that.

Billions of taxpayer dollars spent on “smart meters” will not lead to U.S. sustainability; Place citizens and economy at risk
WASHINGTON, D.C. —  A new policy report focused on the electric grid and economy of energy, “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid”, was published today by the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (NISLAPP) in Washington, D.C. The report states that billions of dollars in federal subsidies for “smart” utility meters have been misspent on meter technology that will not lead to energy sustainability or contribute to the possibility of a more efficient and responsive electricity grid.

Authored by engineering and policy consultant, Dr. Timothy Schoechle of Boulder, CO, an expert in smart grid technologies who serves on several international smart grid standard setting committees, the new report “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid” states:

• Congress, state and local governments, as well as ratepayers, have been misled about the potential energy and cost saving benefits of the new “smart” meters, paid for in large part with taxpayer dollars, as well as ratepayer dollars.

• The present policy approach to electricity infrastructure in the United States depicted in the report, Policy Framework for the 21st Century: Enabling Our Secure Energy Future, issued by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of the Executive Office of the President, evidences a fundamental lack of understanding of the problems associated with the future of electricity and energy.

• The growing grass roots rebellion against smart meters now happening in 18 states, such as CA, VT, AZ, TX, FL, PA, ME, IL, OR and the District of Columbia, is only the “tip of the iceberg”—one that conceals a deeply dysfunctional energy economy needing urgent federal, state and local attention.

• Ratepayers’ desire to “opt-out” of the new wireless meters on privacy, security, reliability, cost and potential public health grounds may herald an “epochal transformation of the political economy of energy”.


A conference call with the authors of the report and members of the media will take place Monday December 3rd at 1pm PST:  (641) 715-3200  passcode 784589#

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Environmental Concerns, Federal Government, Smart Grid | 10 Comments

Environmentalists Not Buying Smart Meter Greenwash

Two weeks ago, Stop Smart Meters! went to the San Francisco Green Festival, where over 30,000 environmentalists converge twice a year to discuss the state of our environment and to pick up free samples of organic products.  So are ‘smart’ meters really green?  It seems like the only people who think so are those making large profits from tax and ratepayer funds flowing to the smart grid industry.  We’re talking about groups like EDF, whose board member Ann Doerr stands to make millions if ‘smart’ meters become ubiquitous.  Nothing like the smell of cold green cash to make you forget what’s happening to the Earth.

PG&E and other utilities have spent millions on public relations firms to convince the public that ‘smart’ meters will stop climate change and reduce energy consumption.  Nothing could be further from the truth, but as we know when profits are at stake, the truth means very little to PG&E, and other corporate investor owned utility companies, who go to extreme lengths to twist and obscure it.

The above interviews provide a small glimpse into how the public is being harmed by the continuing development of the ‘smart’ grid.  How can utilities claim that ‘smart’ meter health impacts are “psychosomatic” when many of the people who report such symptoms never knew that ‘smart’ meters pose a health risk, or even that they had one on the side of their home?

We spoke to hundreds of people at the Green Festival.  The public is clearly alarmed by the evidence of health harm, privacy violations, and fires that is coming to light.  This evidence- however- seems to matter very little to the regulators responsible for protecting the public.  Despite the lack of coverage in the mainstream media, when you get out and speak to people, they are angry- very angry about these issues.  The utilities and regulators would do well to sit up and pay attention to a growing public backlash against this technology – and not sit on their hands and wait for circumstances to force them to do their jobs.

Thank you to the dozen or so people who volunteered or donated to make this critical outreach possible.  The lesson of the day- don’t sit at home, depressed about smart meter deployments.   Get out there with others who feel similarly and build the movement!  We can help support your outreach efforts.  Contact us at info[at]stopsmartmeters[dot]org.

Members of the public desperate for accurate information about utility smart meter projects mob our table at the Green Festival

A Stop Smart Meters! volunteer answers a question about smart meter radiation and human health

The question on everyone’s mind- how do we beat these stupid ‘opt out’ fees?

Posted in California, Cancer, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Fires, health effects, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, San Francisco | 2 Comments

The Truth About Smart Meters

Thanks to Brian Thiesen, for this excellent and comprehensive presentation on the hazards of “smart” meters. More on his organizing efforts here.

Posted in Canada, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, neighborhood organizing | 3 Comments

PG&E: “Customers Must Pay for Benefit” (Their Health)

This is Raymond Blatter, Senior Regulatory Specialist at Pacific Gas and Electric Company.  Ray lives a pretty good life, and makes a fat salary that allows him to jet off on scuba diving vacations, courtesy of PG&E’s record profits. We borrowed this photo from his public Facebook profile. (Lack of privacy is one reason we do not use Facebook) Ray had an interesting exchange last week with Sandi Maurer of the EMF Safety Network, as part of hearings for Phase 2 of the opt out proceeding at the California Public Utilities Commission.  Sandi reports on her website:

I asked Raymond Blatter, a PG&E witness the following question, “Do you consider it reasonable that if a SmartMeter is installed on someone’s home and they’re experiencing headaches or sleep problems or ringing in the ears, that that person should have to pay not to have that device on their home?”

Mr. Blatter answered, “I think that if that customer receives a benefit of not having that meter on their home, that they should pay for that benefit or at least partially pay for it.”

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. PG&E’s official position is that not only are there “benefits” to avoiding a smart meter, but that you should be required to pay for these benefits- in this case the “benefit” of not having headaches, ringing in the ears, or other health problems associated with their “smart” meters.  If this isn’t a blatant admission of extortion we don’t know what is.  It’s right there in black and white in the transcript.

Maybe it’s time Mr. Blatter reviewed PG&E’s tightly controlled talking points a bit better before taking the stand.   Perhaps he’s still suffering from a lack of oxygen after one of his diving trips…

Posted in California, CPUC, health effects, legal issues, PG&E, San Francisco | 8 Comments

CPUC’s “Pay Money or You Get Sick” 2012 California Tour

After asking EMF Safety Network head Sandi Maurer to determine the specific dates and times of public hearings as part of the “Phase 2 smart meter opt out proceeding” the Public Utilities Commission – in typical fashion- has ignored her dates, and planned a series of five hearings smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, directly conflicting with the Jewish holiday of Hanukah.   The only Northern California hearing (where the most vociferous smart meter opposition has been centered) will take place on Thursday, December 20th at 2pm (in the middle of a workday, five days from Christmas) in Santa Rosa.

Despite numerous complaints from the public about the timing, the CPUC is apparently sticking to its guns and scheduling public hearings on one of its most controversial issues in the middle of the holiday season when turnout will likely be suppressed.   This callous disregard for the public interest earns the CPUC the Grinch award this holiday season.  Don’t worry PG&E you’re still the biggest Grinch of all.

Remember that the current ‘opt out’ fees are just interim.  There is a very real possibility that the CPUC will try to INCREASE the opt out fees, and possibly even eliminate the right to retain or replace analog meter altogether- instead forcing a “radio off” meter that has also been linked with health problems. Even groups like the Utility Reform Network (TURN) who have been opposed to smart meters are in fact now advocating for a higher opt out fee. (more to come on how TURN has turned against the public…)

That is why it is so important that you attend these meetings and join the growing outcry against these outrageous policies.

Following are the scheduled hearings in December- plan to attend and speak out, grab your friends and family, and your elected officials.  In your comments be sure to address ‘cost allocation’: Do you think it’s unfair that individuals should have to pay to protect themselves from Smart Meter radiation? Should shareholders, everyone, or individuals pay?

BAKERSFIELD (PG&E and SoCalGas territories) December 13, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. Bakersfield City Hall Council Chambers 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301

SANTA BARBARA (PG&E, SCE and SoCalGas territories) December 14, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. County Administration Building Board Hearing Room, 4th Floor 105 East Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101

LOS ANGELES (SCE and SoCalGas territories) December 17, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. Junipero Serra State Office Building Carmel Room – Auditorium, 1st Floor 320 West 4th Street Los Angeles, CA 90013

SAN CLEMENTE (SCE, SoCalGas and SDG&E territories) December 18, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.San Clemente Community Center – Ole Hanson Fireside Room 100 N. Calle Seville San Clemente, CA 92672

SANTA ROSA (PG&E territory) December 20, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Steel Lane Community Center – Dohn Room 415 Steele Lane Santa Rosa, CA 95403

More information about what to expect at public participation hearings on the CPUC site.

Posted in California, CPUC, Democracy | 1 Comment