Top Ten Reasons You’re Gonna Love Your Smart Meter

Spotted on a Sonoma County CA bulletin board:

Top Ten Reasons You’re Gonna Love Your Smart Meter

1. You will save so-o-o much money on your hair because you won’t have much left after being microwaved daily!

2. No more guilt over being tired at work because everyone with a Smart Meter will totally understand!

3. Way more “ME TIME” because you’ve discovered that you’ve been microwaved into the infertile range!

4. Your energy bill will skyrocket creating more great incentives to work harder and climb the ladder!

5. Your spouse now completely understands when you say not tonight dear because everyone knows the Smart Meter microwave frequencies zap . . . well, you know!

6. Don’t worry about saving money for retirement because Smart Meter frequencies shave at least 8 years off your life expectancy.

7. You’ll age prematurely right along with all of your friends with Smart Meters so you can slack off on trying so hard!

8. You get to buy all new Smart Appliances with RFID spy-chips in them that will know more about you than you do, which is great because you can’t remember a thing anymore!

9. Excellent time to invest heavily in big pharmaceuticals because the Smart Meter Global Grid will expose billions of people to radiation illness and they will need those always handy expensive remedies—and don’t forget about their pets!

10. Rationing your electricity and routine brown outs will become a fun new game and you will become quite an expert on how to save money by cooking your chicken at 4 am in the morning when there is less demand!


Posted in Citizen rebellion, Satire, Time of Use Pricing | 1 Comment

Maryland Hearing to Consider Smart Meter Fires After Pennsylvania Utility PECO Energy Enacts Moratorium

the remains of a ‘smart’ meter that caught a Vancouver home on fire last month; public alarm is growing over an epidemic of such fires.

As reported in the Baltimore Sun today, the Maryland Public Service Commission may have some tough questions for the state’s utilities tomorrow at an emergency hearing specifically looking at the issue of fires caused by “smart” meters.  Or, more likely it will be another dog and pony show assuring the public everything is alright even as people’s homes burn down, thousands are sickened and spied upon and the bottom falls out from under the smart grid.  Nevertheless, the pressure is building on regulators to actually do something for once, after a spate of smart meter fires earlier this month in Pennsylvania shut down installations by Peco Energy using Sensus meters- a company that we reported in January as having been responsible for meter fires in Alabama and the object of an employee whistleblower lawsuit alleging fire risk.  PECO is a subsidiary of Exelon Corp. a company which was just called out for engaging in “pay to play” politics with the Obama White House.  Psssst…..note to Democrats: make sure the Charlotte Convention Center has an analog meter on it- just to be safe.  You can mostly hide the threat of invisible microwave radiation.   A house burning down or a melted smart meter- that’s a little more difficult to sweep under the rug.

This smart meter was photographed after a fire that injured an elderly woman in San Francisco. Where is the California Public Utilities Commission? Or our “representatives”?

The photographs emerging of melted plastic smart meters have become an iconic symbol of a failing technology roll-out.  A corporate program that places profit over safety.  A symbol of how the utility industry- and the current brand of virtually unregulated capitalism in western countries- is harming people and the environment, not to mention the financial well-being of 99% of us.  Why would they build a device -through which all of the electrical current for your house flows- out of plastic that can melt and catch fire?  Even a third grader knows that plastic burns and melts while glass resists flame.   Back when our government agencies cared about safety, electrical meters were solid state, with a thick glass casing, built to last decades.  Now they are built in Mexico and China out of plastic, made only to last a few years.  While analog meters were designed to withstand  electrical surges, untested ‘smart’ meters allow surges to flow into homes, risking the safety of residents and damaging untold thousands of appliances.  Ask the utility to compensate residents for damages?  “That’s your wiring ma’am- not our meter.”  A meter that happens not to be UL listed we might add.  They eat at the banquet and we pick up the tab.

It’s not as if the industry hasn’t been aware of the problem, as documents from Edison Electric Institute in April show.  It’s just that profit has taken precedence over precaution.  For the last couple of years, as the reports of smart meter fires pile up, the task of tracking and investigating them has fallen to individual volunteers and grassroots community organizations, as agencies whose job it is to ensure public safety bury their heads in the sand.  Sadly this has included fire departments, which (to put it delicately) have not been quick to respond to the problem.

A fault with the meters themselves, or unprofessional installations (or both) have led to hundreds-probably thousands of fires and electrical problems in the US, Canada, and Australia.   People have lost their homes, and some may have lost their lives, because regulatory agencies have ignored growing evidence that there is a substantial fire risk from the new meters.  In British Columbia, a rash of recent smart meter fires including a home that suffered two successive smart meter fires has led to renewed calls for a moratorium.  In Houston, Texas a woman’s house caught fire from a smart meter, and the Fire Dept. said this was the first such instance.  An electrician in the comments says not so.   There are countless other examples.

Excuse me sir, you’re going to have to leave our neighborhood.

It turns out that “Smart” Meters are a fire risk, on top of everything else.  A risk some of us are being asked to pay to avoid.   A risk that is being forced on others.  We’ll see how Maryland responds to that dirty reality tomorrow.  Whatever the regulators do, it’s become abundantly clear that we must take responsibility for the safety of our families and our neighbourhoods- ourselves.

This is no time to be polite, mind your own business, and draw the curtains.  When you see that guy in the truck roll down your street, get together with your neighbors and tell him he’s not welcome.   Bring your video camera and send us the footage. We’ll proudly post it here.

Maryland Public Service Commission will hold an emergency hearing on Tues., Aug. 28th at 2pm Eastern (11am Pacific) to hear from the utilities as to their smart meter devices and their malfunctions, power surges, and fires. Anyone concerned should plan to attend: William Donald Schaefer Tower 6 St. Paul St., 16th Floor Baltimore, MD 21202 File a dispute (410) 767-8000 MD Toll Free: 1-800-492-0474 TTY Users call via Maryland Relay 1-800-201-7165 Directions to the Commission

The meeting will be streamed live:

Posted in California, Canada, Citizen rebellion, Safety, Smart Grid | 10 Comments

Smart Meter Battle Heats Up in Both ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’ States

“Red” States and “Blue” States Agree: The Smart Grid is a corporate-led plan to deprive the public of our basic rights to safety, privacy, and health

Yesterday’s Washington Post article, Smart meter installations stir rowdy response from gun-toting, cage-building Texans, covered the increasingly contentious debate swirling around “smart” meters in the Lone Star state.   It’s become clear that opposition to the “smart” grid has spread to so-called “red” and “blue” states alike.  While the industry gets richer from overcharging us and selling our private data, people of all political persuasions are getting sick from pulsed radiation so strong that it would be illegal in many European countries.  Such high levels are only allowable in the US under weak FCC guidelines that fail to be informed by expert medical opinion, or research reflecting the damage of what’s happening in the real world.  People have had enough of the lies and corruption, and this is manifesting itself in the streets:

“(Texas Utility) CenterPoint says contract installers are encountering tough resistance in some neighborhoods.”

This isn’t Damascus we’re talking about but Houston, Texas.  These are undoubtedly the neighborhoods where someone like you has taken the initiative to educate their neighbors about the truth of the smart meter installation program.   Walking door to door with printed materials can make the difference between a smart meter free zone where people take responsibility for protecting their neighborhood and your area becoming totally smetered overnight.  When people learn the truth, more often than not they refuse- and help spread the word themselves.  The important thing is to get people educated before installation.  That is why utilities across the country are accelerating their deployment schedules- so people don’t have a chance to learn the truth about the risks of smart meters- before the installer shows up at their door.

No one should be forced to pull out a gun to defend their homes against utility personnel, who are meant to serve the public and keep our lights on.   The law is the law. If you ask anyone (besides a law enforcement officer with a warrant) to leave your property, they must comply or they are guilty of trespassing. 

It’s getting crazy out there.  We encourage everyone to remain peaceful (which can be difficult given the overt violence of the forced smart meter deployment).   This doesn’t mean just sit back and let them install.  Stop Smart Meters! is a strong supporter of communities defending themselves through direct action and peaceful civil disobedience.

Whatever your political affiliation, it’s time to ramp up the fight.  Take back your power and refuse to go along with the machine.

“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!”

-Mario Savio, Dec. 3rd. 1964

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Are You Refusing to Pay Extortionate “Opt Out” Fees? Tell Us!

Pay to not have your house burn down? Isn’t that a protection racket?

We know of at least several hundred people in California and other states who are holding the line and refusing to pay unjustified fees being charged by utilities with a smart meter “opt out” program.  This must be just the tip of the iceberg- there must be thousands more of us out there.  Read comments from fee refusers here.

Why should we have to pay for a smart meter program that is rife with problems- from overbilling to fires to health damage and privacy violations- through rate increases or taxes- and then pay an extra fee to avoid having the meter?  Sounds like a double dipping scam to us.  Pay for a service and then pay to avoid it?  We Refuse.

The truth is that utilities have no legal mandate to install a smart meter on your property against your will.  It’s also likely that they have no right to enroll you in a higher fee program without your expressed consent.  What does that mean? You have a right to safe, reliable analog meter at no extra charge.  Doesn’t mean you don’t have to fight for that right.

This leaves the utilities- many of whom have already signed contracts with the equipment manufacturers and received billions in misdirected federal stimulus funds- in a tough place.  They can only install if we let them- if we believe their lies and their false claims of entitlement.  No wonder they are resorting to bullying, threatening, and intimidating people to force their unpopular stupid meters.

If you are fortunate enough to still have your analog meter, or have replaced your smart meter with an analog and are refusing to pay any opt out fees, we want to hear from you.

We can stop these outrageous and illegal fees- if we stick together and organize!

1)   Do you have your old analog meter still, or a utility/ electrician installed one?

2)   Are you being charged an “opt out” fee?

3)   Are you refusing to pay these fees?

4)   Who is your utility and where are you located?

5)   Has your utility taken any action or made any threats against you?

6)   Are you willing to risk “camping out in your house” i.e. getting your power shut off – if it helps eliminate the fees once and for all?

7)   Would you be willing to be interviewed or participate in a public protest against opt out fees and smart meters in general?

8)   Would you be willing to be a contact in your area, to help coordinate unified actions?

We have heard that PG&E and other CA utilities may soon start attempts to install smart meters or switch off the electricity to those refusing to pay fees. Make sure your analog meter is monitored and protected.  Ask a retired or work at home neighbor to demand that any unauthorized utility personnel leave your property at once.  Require (in writing) 48 hours notice prior to any utility maintenance visit.

People in Santa Cruz, CA who organized and returned their smart meters to PG&E last December ended up with their old trusty analog meters back on their homes once again.

Please get in touch immediately if your utility attempts any action against you.  Disconnection, or other harassment against customers who pay the full cost of their usage is outrageous, unreasonable, and should not be tolerated by a civilized society.

When people in Santa Cruz, California got together and returned our unwanted smart meters to PG&E in December, they disconnected our electricity two weeks before Christmas, but were finally forced by public pressure to back down and switch the families back on so they could have a proper Christmas.  The lesson here is that when communities organize, stick together, and stand up for each other, we can prevail.

“Opt out” is an industry sponsored idea that doesn’t address serious systemic problems with the smart grid.  There is no “opting out” of widespread involuntary exposure to radiation, fire risk, or an unreliable and vulnerable grid.  Nevertheless, keeping an analog and refusing to pay fees can be an effective protest against the smart meter debacle.

Thank you for taking collective action against utility extortion!  Please Donate Today and help us ramp up the resistance.  -SSM!

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California Coastal Commission Votes Unanimously to Approve Big Basin State Park Verizon Cell Sites

Can 4G wireless coexist with pristine, natural habitats? Locals say no.

If the California Coastal Commission’s decision is any indication, no endangered species, viewshed, or habitat is safe from a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) 4G cell tower popping up right next door.  It’s open season, as smart phone addictions drive a kind of selective blindness toward wireless damage to life itself.

Though dozens of nearby residents had sent letters of opposition to the Commission, far outweighing those in support, and despite the project clearly violating several key sections of the Coastal Act and Local Coastal Plan, the Commission approved the project at the direction of the wireless industry, seemingly irritated by the large number of people who showed up to speak and defend Big Basin State Park and Santa Cruz County’s pristine North Coast.

Although a wide range of problems with the project were brought to light by letters to the commission, as well as public testimony, the Commissioners seemed in a daze of apathy brought on- they said- by the 1996 Federal Telecommunications Act (FTA) which prohibits local and state governments from rejecting cell infrastructure based on “environmental effects” which has also been interpreted as meaning human health.

However, according to the Commission staff report, the project proponent- “Crown Castle” (formerly NextG Corp.)- failed to establish that it is indeed protected by the FTA, as it is not a wireless service provider, but rather a contractor to Verizon. No mention was made of this exemption at the hearing.

No concern was expressed by Commissioners that they might be violating any other federal law, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Endangered Species Act, despite the fact that more than a dozen legal declarations were submitted to the Commission, testifying that Californians injured by microwave radiation would lose access to North Coast Beaches if the wireless project went ahead.

Never mind that studies of tadpoles exposed to cell tower radiation show 90% mortality rates, and that the wetlands adjacent to one of the cell sites is crucial habitat for the red-legged frog and other endangered species.

As long as the FTA says local governments can’t consider the environment when considering new cell infrastructure, then wireless companies have a license to vomit radiation all over our pristine habitats, not to mention our neighborhoods.

The Coastal Commission could easily have done the right thing, and voted for a more in-depth review for the project.  The law clearly gives them the right to reject cellular infrastructure based on aesthetics, safety, and other issues.   The FTA’s restrictions just provided a convenient excuse for a Commission already in the pocket of the Telecom industry.

Crown Castle didn’t even bother to show up to speak they were so assured of victory.  How were they so sure?  None of the commissioners reported meeting with the company.   But somehow, through the back channels of the power elite, they were informed, “don’t worry, this one is in the bag.”

The Chair- Mary Shallenberger- opened the meeting talking about how their Commission spends a lot of time undoing past mistakes- landfills and industrial development on the coast- projects that seemed sensible at the time but were wildly inappropriate in retrospect.  We pointed out that they had the chance to avoid making a similar mistake today.

As spokesperson for the local group opposed to the project, Coastal Neighbors Against Unnecessary Wireless Facilities, I stood up to give my presentation, after being told by staff that other speakers could cede their minutes so I could make my full 10 minute presentation.  Madame Chair said she would not allow this, only allowing 3 minutes for my presentation and not allowing anyone else to speak who had not spoken at a local government meeting about the project.  As it turned out no one knew about the project at the county level due to dreadfully inadequate notice requirements, so no one appeared at those meetings.  Members of the public who had taken time off work to speak out at their first opportunity to address decisionmakers on this issue, instead of being welcomed and thanked for participating in the public process- were instead grilled about their past meeting participation.

A father of two young children who recently moved close to one of the cell sites, was interrupted by the Chair, and forced to return to his seat- prevented  from expressing his views.  After we protested that this was people’s first opportunity to speak publicly on this issue and that people had skipped work to be here, that quieted the Chair down a bit- but she still questioned people who came up to the microphone- forcing many to bend the truth: “I have spoken at public meetings before” etc.  Not a bright day for democracy.

Dozens of local residents upset about the project descended on Verizon’s Santa Cruz store on Pacific Avenue on July 21st..

Commissioner Sarah Gurney, a member of the Sebastopol City Council which has been outspoken against smart meters, said that this issue was complex, that many health problems have been reported and that she was proud that the internationally renowned EMF Safety Network- resisting such development- was based in Sebatopol.  She said this issue would likely be worked out in numerous lawsuits, then voted for the project along with every other commissioner.

Crown Castle was so confident in the Commission’s approval, they started deploying the fibre optic cable weeks prior, without any permit whatsoever, violating local law.  They threatened the Commission in their last letter before the hearing:

 “A denial of Crown’s permit would be an actual prohibition under the Federal Telecommunications Act section 253”

In other words, you might as well not even hold a public hearing.

There is clearly a conflict between federal laws, but as long as the telecom companies have a well-funded team of lawyers,  those who are disabled and in pain from wireless -the frogs, vulnerable humans and wildlife- will be silenced, abused, and violated in this process.  As we’ve been saying for two years now, the telecom/ utility industry essentially pulls the strings as Commissions meant to protect the public and uphold the law fold one by one.  There is no one but the fox watching the chicken coop.

The damage is plain to see- just take a close look at any tree unlucky enough to be next to a cell tower- the twisted trunks, dead leaves, pale unhealthy bark are all signs that wireless communication and ecology are ultimately at odds.  Far from being the technology of the future, wireless is a particularly dangerous and wasteful dead end technology, a red herring on the way to a safe and secure communications network based on fibre optic cable.

This 4G antenna is set to blast radiation into one of the most sensitive wetland habitats in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

Those groups who are meant to protect remaining wilderness areas have grown silent, awkward, in denial.  We cannot count on the traditional defenders of nature to protect us from the threats of the 21st century.  We need to establish new forms of resistance if we are to have any chance at protecting what remains- or even turning the tide on the decline of our liberties, our quality of life, and our biological diversity.

The telecom/ utilities industry fancy themselves 21st century royalty (if you need any proof of this, how about…”Crown Castle”??!?) to whom we peasants- and even our elected representatives must bow down.  Profit is king, and look out if you are in the way of squeezing out the last resources or blanketing the countryside in radiation.  Even in “Green” “liberal” Santa Cruz County, they are planning on fracking for gas and polluting the groundwater.

If you are a cell phone user, then you bear some responsibility for what’s being done in your name to introduce cell radiation into wilderness areas, a pollutant that will only exacerbate impacts from climate change and fallout from Fukushima on our wildlife and people.  If you’re not happy with wildlife being sacrificed to bring streaming wireless porn movies to wilderness areas, you better speak up now because that is exactly what is happening.  4G wireless comes at a cost- a cost you may be unwilling to pay.  And sometimes costs only become clear in retrospect, when you no longer have the choice.

Maybe one day a future commission meeting- made up of representatives who truly represent the public interest and the law- will shake their heads solemnly at the mistakes of their predecessors who allowed this damaging radiation to violate our most pristine habitats.

You may not now realize the true extent of the constitutional violations being carried out- or maybe you do.  But one thing is clear.  If we have any chance at all to stop this, the people must unite- and fight like hell.  Stop DAS!  Stop Smart Meters! Defend the Constitution!  Defend human rights! Repeal the 1996 Telecommunications Act!

If you care about the health of wildlife and people, or just enjoy your views uncluttered by cell towers, please support further efforts to stop this ill-conceived project.  Coastal Neighbors Against Unnecessary Wireless Facilities is collecting donations to help fund further outreach and a potential lawsuit.  If you need ideas for action in your area, drop us a line.  E-Mail for more details.

Mercury News Coverage

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