Fighting the Smart Grid Scam Since 2010: Stop Smart Meters! is Two Years Old

Stop Smart Meters! is two years old today!

“Has it really been that long?” we’re thinking.  “Is that all?” one reporter from a local newspaper told us  “It feels like you guys have been around for years.”  Believe me we have no desire to be a fixture- all we want is to get back to our lives- after we deal with this ‘little’ problem on our hands.   This assault on our health, our safety, and our civil liberties, packaged as some “green” technological advance.

Two years ago, in July 2010 a small group of neighbors in Scotts Valley, California founded Stop Smart Meters! after utility Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) came to our neighborhood unannounced to install a new “improved” kind of meter (we said- and still say- NO!)   A little research led to a lot more, and we started investigating and exposing the lies, hypocrisy and arrogance of a utility industry deploying untested, inaccurate, and hazardous equipment throughout our communities.  A locally based, grassroots rebellion has now spread from California across the country and around the world as utilities try to deploy the unwanted devices in what increasingly resembles a military operation, with some residents in Texas now being forced to respond to the utility company’s Gestapo-like tactics with extreme personal defense measures.  Sometimes this all feels like some kind of horrific sci-fi thriller where devices forced on our homes by unresponsive utility and government officials are making people sick.  Unfortunately, this is no fiction novel.

Who would have thought that something as banal as a utility meter would cause such a fuss?   Yet for a growing movement of people around the world, the smart meter has become a symbol of how our system has gone wrong- technology becoming obnoxious, costly and intrusive- even painful, increasing pollution and energy use and making our public services more vulnerable and less robust.  The smart grid is a dangerous bubble waiting to burst.  And like all bubbles, there’s someone looking to make a killing, and someone left with the short end of the stick.

And yet on the positive side- in what must be a worrying sign for the 1%- the smart meter debacle has ended up uniting the political left and right in townhall meetings across the US- only months before a national election.  It has sparked an evolving discussion about energy- and the role of- even the need for- increasingly authoritarian and unaccountable utility companies.

With your support, StopSmartMeters.Org is able to dedicate the time and resources to keep fighting this fight.   It is unlikely that California would have won an analog meter opt out without our organizing efforts and demonstrations.   We continue to fight against extortionate opt out fees.  Our press releases and outreach were instrumental in getting the smart meter health issue covered on the PBS Newshour last week, where our Director Joshua Hart presented key scientific evidence of the health risks of pulsed microwave radiation.  We do a lot in the public eye.  We also work hard behind the scenes to put out truthful information to counter the lies of industry.

If you can support these efforts with even a small donation, you will help us print flyers, do research, reach out to the media, and help mobilize and defend our communities against dangerous utilities in denial about health damage and only too happy to stomp on our civil liberties with their next ‘advance.’

Thank you for being a part of Stop Smart Meters! By saying NO to the greedy utilities together, we’ve already won.   It’s only a matter of time before their smart grid debacle collapses.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, PG&E, Santa Cruz County, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

PBS Newshour Smart Meter Coverage

An international grassroots resistance against smart meters has been going on for more than two years now, but you wouldn’t know it if you got your news solely from national broadcast TV. That changed on Friday when PBS Newshour aired a segment on the health and privacy debate around smart meters.  Better late than never.

You know the industry is getting desperate when they have to recycle 7 year old statements from the World Health Organization to distract from the 1 year old statement (pdf) saying there’s a problem with microwaves and cancer.  Despite the fact that the scientific studies we sent to PBS were not presented, that only experts from the pro-industry side were interviewed for the piece, and that it appeared only Californians were up in arms about the deployment (and then only 12 cities, not 57 local governments that we told PBS about) we suppose that the fact that they are acknowledging that there is a major debate over health and privacy issues related to the smart grid- is a giant step forward for the corporate media.

One interesting aspect of the piece is the extent to which the CPUC- meant to be regulating the utilities to protect our wallets, safety, and health, is placed in the role of championing the smart meter project in spite of its damaging impact to all three of these goals.   PG&E almost looked like a reluctant kid sister pulled along for the ride.

There is a detailed analysis about the piece, along with various comments from activists and professionals working on this issue, over at EON’s site.  Please also go to the PBS site and try and leave a comment- though we hear people have submitted comments and they have not been published.  Something to make you go, “hmmmmm….”

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, health effects, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, San Francisco, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | 13 Comments

Smart Meter Neighborhood Warnings Posted

Neighborhoods have become industrial zones requiring cancer warnings, thanks to the smart grid and the stupid utilities- the tomatoes in this photo seem to be digging the "opt out" however

David Botton from Sonoma, CA sent us this photo of the side of his home.   People aren’t waiting for regulators to post warnings in neighborhoods with smart meters- many are posting homemade warnings themselves.  This is unfortunately what it looks like when state and federal governments shirk their responsibility and ignore growing evidence and reports that a product is hazardous.   Warnings are great- and do lead to awareness, but what we need more than anything is an immediate product recall.

Posted in California, Cancer, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 7 Comments

Smart Meter Disrupts Man’s Heart- Then His Pacemaker

Above, Jerry Day of FreedomTaker.Com interviews Louis Donovan from Carson, CA about the interference- both mechanical and biological- from a smart meter that put him in the hospital and nearly took his life.   Louis suffered heart problems following installation of a smart meter on his home in Southern California.   These heart problems required that a pacemaker be implanted.   Then- Louis suspects- the smart meter caused interference with the pacemaker putting him back in the hospital!  How crazy is this?  Smart Meter mayhem.

Posted in California, Cancer, Changing a Meter, health effects, Los Angeles, radio-frequency radiation, SCE | 14 Comments

Maine Supreme Court Rules PUC Neglected Safety Review

In a ruling that will undoubtedly have repercussions nationally, including in other states where regulatory agencies are being sued for the same oversights, the Maine Supreme Court late last week ruled that the Maine Public Utilities Commission neglected to fully consider evidence raised that would indicate there are serious safety and health problems with smart meters. It is unclear what practical effect the ruling will have, but it certainly makes clear that state regulatory agencies are shirking their lawful duty to keep the public safe from utility abuses.

Congratulations to plaintiff Ed Friedman and everyone in Maine fighting to rid their state of invasive, pulsed microwave meters.  More here:

Bangor Daily News

Maine Public Broadcasting

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, health effects, Health studies | 2 Comments