BC, Canada Man Wonders “What the Bloody Hell is Going On?” as Dogs Shocked by Smart Meter

The international smart meter deployment has been characterized by screw up after screw up, affecting health and safety, not only of humans, animals, insects, and plants but of electrical systems as well. If we had regulatory agencies that genuinely functioned to serve the public, the entire fiasco would have been shut down long ago.

Setting aside for the moment the wisdom and morality of strapping a wireless, electrocuting device to an animal who presumably has not given their consent, this report from BC, Canada sheds some light on how unforeseen interactions between complex, technological systems are opening a Pandora’s box of nightmarish consequences, not only for us, but for our animal companions as well.  We have the same question as the dogs’ guardian– “What the bloody HELL is going on?

Canada.com reports:

Sahtlam resident Chris Davis lives on a five-acre parcel near the rural community’s fire hall.

To give his two dogs Minnie and Katie room to roam but to also keep them contained, Davis installed an electric dog fence around the entirety of his property.

“My dogs wear a collar and then it gives them a little shock if they get too far past the fence,” Davis explained. “There’s never been an issue. Ever.”

That is, until BC Hydro contractor Corix installed a smart meter at his house.

“The smart meter gives my dogs electric shocks when they go near the meter,” Davis explained. “The collar starts bleeping and shocks them to the point where they yelp.”

The meter sits just outside Davis’s kitchen window, in a patch of yard typically used by the dogs to do their business.

“I look at it now and it’s perfectly clean,” Davis said….

Davis.. said Hydro was not willing to help. “They told me it couldn’t possibly be happening,” he relayed. “They’re pretty well denying that it’s happening. Effectively they’re calling me a liar. They still won’t send anyone around to check it. I’m fuming.”

When red flags were first being waved by smart meter opponents, Davis didn’t think twice, he said. He didn’t understand why everybody was up in arms.

“But now I’m thinking well, what the bloody hell is going on?”

Posted in Animal Harm, Canada, Citizen rebellion, interference | 20 Comments

Smart Meter Legal Rights: The Fine Points

The following was submitted to us by a reader just like you- keep your submissions coming!  Keep them brief and to the point- less than 800 words- we love to publish local reports, videos, and photos of what is going on in your area. Get out there and interview your neighbors.  Be the media!

The fine points of “smart” meter technologies.

By Ken H.

The Energy Policy Act of 2005, section 1252, allows opting-IN to a “smart” system by customer request. The utilities however, and under an assumed color of right, are forcing this “smart” pill down our throats while trying to charge us if we spit it out, and the CPUC- against its own Code, State and Federal Law- is supporting them.

Energy savings and securing our infrastructure are not the goals here, it is the gathering of your personal information, controlling your energy usage and making money.     The World Bank reported in 2010 that US per capita electrical usage is below 2000 levels.

The “smart” system destroys your constitutional protection from unreasonable search and seizure while documenting your private habits within your home. California Constitution Article 1, Sections 1 and 13, U.S. Constitution Amendments 4, 9 and 14.  No group has the right to your personal information.

Extortion is defined as “the acquiring of anything through the use of force or threats”. California Penal Code sections 518 & 519 and the United States Code section 1951.  “Your info or your money.”

“Smart’ technologies do not strengthen the infrastructure of our nation, they merely allow the fine manipulation of utility usage within the aging system. Fact: microelectronic systems are more sensitive to natural and manmade damage or manipulation that could cripple our way of life, than electromechanical (analog) systems.

The “smart” meter grid will also introduce an unregulated electromagnetic radiation source to our lives that is far greater than current cell phone or other wireless usage. Seeming lack of definitive evidence of harm from this radiation IS NOT proof of safety.     Consider the history of DDT.

The Public Utilities Code section 745(d) states, in part, “On and after January 1, 2014, the commission shall only approve an electrical corporation’s use of default time-variant pricing in a manner consistent with the other provisions of this part, if all of the following conditions have been met:

(1) Residential customers have the option to not receive service pursuant to time-variant pricing and incur no additional charges as a result of the exercise of that option….”

“Service pursuant to…” is having a “smart” meter capable of supplying the information to run the “smart” system.

You have the rights and voice to deny extortionate demands and protect your privacy, health and finances.

Pay your bill, pay no extortion, defend your rights.

Say NO to “smart” meters every way you can.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Federal Energy Act of 2005, legal issues, Smart Grid, Time of Use Pricing | 2 Comments

Breaking: Southern California Edison Opt Out Fees Suspended

From Burbank Action: SCE is putting orange “Opt Out Customer” stickers on its analog opt-out meters. If you’re an SCE customer, call 1-800-810-2369 today to make sure you’re in the Opt Out program or else SCE is going smart meter you. If SCE refuses to give you an analog opt out, submit a complaint with the Tobin Law Firm (read Post). Photo courtesy of StopOCSmartMeters.com

The ability of utilities to charge a fee to customers who refuse a smart meter was dealt a serious blow today in California. It appears that “opt out” fees for customers of Southern California Edison (SCE) have been placed on hold for 120 days pending a CPUC determination of whether the fees are in fact legal or not.

It is still unclear what effect- if any- this decision may have on customers of other monopoly utilities in CA like PG&E and SDG&E- or for that matter municipal utilities.

According to the Burbank Action website- a great site to follow for smart meter news affecting Southern California:

The CA Public Utilities Commission has temporarily suspended SCE’s opt out fees, effective June 4, for 120 days while they look into this matter.  Consumers Power Alliance, meanwhile, is encouraging residents to opt-out of SCE smart meters today, and has issued an alert and advice to SCE customers.  CPA is also encouraging SCE customers to file complaints with CPA’s hired law firm (read more below).

Action you can take?

Please share this CPA advisory below with other family and friends you know who are SCE customers.  IMPORTANT: The advice and recommendations below apply ONLY to SCE Customers (not BWP, GWP or LADWP customers):

1.  (June 4, 2012) Due to legal action by Consumers Power Alliance (CPA), the PUC has suspended SCE Opt-Out Fees effective 4 June 2012 for up to 120 days while staff reviews. Opt-Outs are proceeding on a District basis…and SCE is continuing to install smart meters like there is no tomorrow.

2.  Opt Out Now

SCE customers throughout the state are receiving Opt-Out letters. They may come certified mail or “critical mail.” The Notices have varying default deadlines, depending on where you live. If you were on Delay Install, you MUST return the form by the deadline noted in the letter, or you will be smart-metered. We suggest that you make a copy of the signed form and return it immediately. In addition, you may call 800.810.2369 – now only between 8 AM and 5 PM. Note: Opt-Out Plans allow you to have the Smart Meter removed at any time for any or no reason, but it may take time to get it removed, and you may have to wait for an analog meter.

3.  Complaints are Requested

Our attorney, Mr. Tobin, recommends that our chances of getting what we want will improve if we provide documented incidents and other complaints to the PUC. Our goals include (a) immediate restoration of meters for those who got smart-metered when on the Delay Install list, (b) reduced fees, (c) Opt-Out Applications on SCE website, (d) SCE should make their website more Opt-Out accessible and post up-to-date information, (e) improve notification procedures, (f) stop installers from forcing installations , (g) impose deadlines for completing restorations, (h) longer hours for calling to Opt-Out,while default installs are happening, and (i) more respectful customer service.

Please email your letters of complaint to Channing at channing@tobinlaw.us with the notation CPA Support – Letter of Complaint, so the law firm can get them in the right hands.

In addition, encourage your friends and family in SCE territory to contact Consumers Power Alliance today, and support their efforts, receive their e-mail updates and alerts, and donate to their Legal Fund.  They can do this by visiting the CPA website for more details at: http://www.consumerspoweralliance.com

June 8th Update: Oh we’re playing this game again are we?  CPUC and the utilities are again pretending that they are above the law- though the advice letter which is the basis for fee charging is suspended, the CPUC is insisting that the fees have not suspended- a strange kind of doublethink.

Addendum from Burbank Action: One of our readers reported that he contacted SCE and the CPUC and reps from both organizations told him the fees had not been suspended. Those who are receiving similar responses, or have questions about the fee suspension, or have complaints about the SCE smart meter opt out program and fees, should contact CPA at admin@consumerspoweralliance.com. I’ve thus updated our post to include more detailed info (below) from CPA’s alert regarding Item #1:

“1. (Santa Barbara, CA – June 4, 2012) Per the attached Suspension Notice issued by the CPUC Energy Division, the SCE Advice Letter implementing its Smart Meter Opt-Out Plan, recently protested by CPA , has been suspended effective 4 June for up to 120 days for staff review. As long as this Advice Letter remains suspended, SCE has no authorization to implement the rates or other terms and conditions contained in the Advice Letter.

“We currently do not know how this will impact Opt-Out fees for SCE and the Gas Company or the Opt-Out practices by SCE protested by CPA. However, Opt-Outs are proceeding on a District basis…and SCE is continuing to install smart meters like there is no tomorrow.

Other sources for Southern California smart meter information include:




Southern Californians for Wired Solutions: info.scwssm@gmail.com



Posted in California, CPUC, Democracy, legal issues, SCE | 20 Comments

City of Ojai First So Cal Government to Criminalize Meters

The City of Ojai last week became the first government in Southern California to adopt an ordinance officially banning smart meters within its jurisdiction.  Our congrats and respect both to the city council and the residents of Ojai who brought about this landmark vote.  Ojai joins a proud and elite corps of local governments in California including Santa Cruz, Marin, Lake, and Mendocino Counties who have followed through on their legal right and moral obligation to pass laws protecting their residents from a utility industry and regulatory environment out of touch with health, safety, and sanity.  More than 56 local governments in the state have now officially declared their opposition to current smart grid policy, an overwhelming statement of democratic opposition to a flawed and dangerous system.

While some local governments such as the Town of Fairfax have indicated a willingness to enforce their ordinance using police powers, which has kept smart meters out of town for the most part, others like Santa Cruz County Sheriff Phil Wowak have shirked their responsibility to enforce the law, instead arresting peaceful protesters and facilitating the illegal deployment, allowing smart meters in and sickening many.  It’s unclear whether Ojai police are prepared to cite violations of the ordinance by Corix and SCE or whether the public will be left to enforce the ban on its own.

In any case, Ojai has blazed a path for other governments in Southern California- and beyond- to follow.

Local media coverage can be found here.   The full ordinance can be downloaded from Ojai’s website (pdf).  Below are excerpts from the adopted ordinance:

Ojai City Council: "FCC safety standards are inadequate....(smart meters are) a current and immediate threat to health." Proof democracy is still alive- at least on a local level!

Ojai grassroots spreading the word!

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Ventura County | 17 Comments

California PUC Stonewalls on Smart Meter Health Damage; Attempts to Cover Up Testimony Demanding Health Hearings

In California, the second phase of the smart meter ‘opt out’ proceeding took place at the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco on May 16th, overseen by Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Amy Yip Kikugawa. This is the same judge who nearly cleared the room after we asked questions about the peak pulse of radiation from smart meters on September 15th of last year.  After Sue Brinchman of the San Diego based Center for Electrosmog Prevention posted the transcript of the recent public proceeding on her website, the CPUC  wrote to her by e-mail and asked her to remove it- that the transcript was not allowed to be posted online:

“…it has come to our attention that you have posted transcripts on your web site. Please do not post any transcripts on your web site or any web site.”

Why would the CPUC want to suppress the transcript of a public, judicial proceeding paid for by the taxpayer and critical to the outcome of how the smart meter ‘opt out’ is paid for, who pays, and how it is structured?

Well it’s pretty clear from reading the transcript why they don’t want the public to know what’s going on in these proceedings. Again and again, parties in the proceeding raise the health issue (more than 14 times according to our count) and each time Judge Amy dismisses it.  It’s fairly obvious she has her marching orders; she has shown herself to be a reliable ally of corporate stooge and president of the Commission Michael Peevey.

Imagine (just for arguments sake) that someone ends up in court after murdering someone.  The district attorney and a long string of witnesses all tell the judge that the perpetrator must be charged with murder and a trial must be held.  The evidence is strong and compelling, and each witness can testify to the crime from different angles.  Yet the judge refuses to acknowledge the evidence, insisting on reviewing the perpetrator’s parking tickets, and telling the DA and the crowd of witnesses that they should seek a separate trial for the murder case.

“But we have, your honor!” they exclaim. “No one else has agreed to hear the case- we’ve been turned back every time.” The Judge nods, and proceeds to discuss the “critical” issue of how much the accused will have to pay for illegally parking his gold Mercedes while he committed the murder.

The analogy is not exact, but the level of corruption, injustice, and betrayal of public service is even worse in this case.  PG&E and the other utilities are responsible for a quiet public health catastrophe, and the CPUC- fuelled by our tax dollars- is looking the other way, betraying their responsibility to protect public health and safety .  Fines that sound large to the public are levied for violations that led to the San Bruno explosion, but these amounts pale in comparison to the huge profits energy companies are making off our backs. Executives who place profit over people’s lives one day are on to their next position making millions the next.

These psychopathic individuals should be criminally prosecuted and sent to jail for a long time.  That’s the only thing that might make future execs think twice before gambling with public health and safety.  Instead, ordinary people taking peaceful action to defend themselves against microwave violence end up in jail.

The Orwellian doublethink evident in this proceeding would be comical if it wasn’t so tragic.  When you see the system so broken that it won’t even admit to a blatant crime in progress, the public is left no other option than to take matters into their own hands.

Any opt out program that ignores its own raison d’etre is destined to be discriminatory, illegal and ineffective.

Above is the video of the proceeding courtesy of EON.  Below are edited sections of the transcript from this proceeding.  In defiance of the CPUC’s attempt to quash public access to this document, we have posted the full version here in the public interest.

Thank you to the brave, eloquent intervenors in this case.  We admire their patience and keen sense of justice.  May the people prevail against the technocratic smart grid.  As Steve Martinot says, “people are more important than technology.”

We’re not so sure that the system agrees.


Second Phase Opt Out Proceeding CPUC– Excerpts from Transcript

DAVID WILNER: Once again, we are thankful that the Commission has approved a SmartMeter opt-out option for utility customers in California.  However…it’s important to note that the Commission (has) a duty to determine whether SmartMeters are actually safe.  And we do not believe that under any circumstances customers should be required to pay any cost for opting out of the SmartMeter program. The second phase to this proceeding should focus on that very important issue.  There is no question that some people become ill when a SmartMeter is installed on their home….. We also believe there must be hearings rather than a workshop in this proceeding or possibly both so parties can present their evidence and cross-examine evidence presented by others.

MARTIN HOMEC: …the Public Utilities Commission doesn’t consider the health and safety aspects of the SmartMeter wireless emissions…And so we would like a review of the state and federal laws that are the reason, the rationale for the Public Utilities Commission not to consider the health issues because we believe the state and federal laws do give the Public Utilities Commission the authority to oversee this.

JUDGE YIP-KIKUGAWA:  Sorry.  As you discuss…expanding the scope of this proceeding, this proceeding really is… about opt-out, an opt-out option.  The issues concerning health, the issues concerning review of deployment, why should we be expanding it in this proceeding and why should it not be the subject of a separate proceeding?

MARTIN HOMEC:  Because people are suffering right now, as Mr. Wilner mentioned.  There are people who have anxiety attacks, who are feeling nauseous or some other ill effects which they attribute to SmartMeters. And if they are wrong, then perhaps there’s something else.  But if there’s a health impact, the Commission should…for the public good investigate it so that people can be at rest as to what they believe is affecting them so they can be treated if they have some other ill effects.  Or if the SmartMeter is causing the illness, we will know it immediately instead of delaying this…… So it’s been six years and nothing has happened.  Nobody has evaluated the wireless emissions health impacts.

JUDGE YIP-KIKUGAWA: ….Anecdotal, the anecdotes of what’s occurring, you can’t say that they’re not occurring.  I can’t say that they are occurring.  But is it the SmartMeter, is it as you said cell phones or what is the cause? And that is where my concern is, is that we are trying to shoe-horn an issue into this proceeding and I don’t think it’s appropriate to do that.

SANDI MAURER, EMF SAFETY NETWORK:  Thank you…There have been studies, and these studies do show that people have EHS, and that’s very valid.  So I don’t think we need more studies at this point.  We have studies.  We need an opportunity to be heard on the studies that are already there.  And we did include that request for …health hearings on health impacts from SmartMeters. We are also asking for hearings on safety impacts, including impacts of smart meters that have caused burned out appliances, that have exploded and have caused fires, because this is an issue that the utilities have denied, and this Commission has never taken it up.  The EMF Safety Network had a filing.  It was dismissed in December of 2010.  We are waiting for our rehearing request to be acted upon. So I think that considering the amount of people that are suffering from the smart meters and the amount of backlash this Commission has seen, that it would be prudent to take the time now to open this discussion up… The basic reason — there has been no stated reason that this opt-out proceeding was initiated.  The only reason stated is that any customers for any reason can opt out; if they didn’t want one, they didn’t have to have one.  But there was never a stated reason…Is an opt-out provision an appropriate substitute for having the Commission exercise its statutorily presented responsibilities and authority to make the decisions about health and safety. And I want to give that to you because I think it’s a really important question.

STEVE MARTINOT:  Thank you. Prior to my statement about how I think this proceeding should be — the scope should be expanded, let me simply mention that the Application that I mentioned earlier does call for hearings on the health issue throughout California as provided by law.

MARY BETH BRANGAN, EON: …the reason that I’m concerned is the wireless mesh network, in addition to the individual meter.  So this is why it’s so necessary for us to expand the scope here, because it’s not an issue of a single home.

And the ramifications, the implications of this technology and this planned system infrastructure all have impacts.  So if you as an individual opt out, you are you’re still impacted by the infrastructure next to your house, by all your neighbors, by the infiltration into the wiring that this pulsed radiation emits.  It is a total picture that we have to look at. And that’s why it’s so necessary for us to expand the hearing to include why people are suffering.

JAMES WEIL: There seems to me to be a live issue of whether or not charging customers for opt-out is legal considering that opt-out decisions can be driven for medical reasons.  I’m not a lawyer.  It is hard for me to vet all of that.  But I do see a very clear connection between medical conditions and the possibility of discrimination when it’s pretty clear to me at least that the customers who are choosing to opt out are doing so based on medical grounds. The Commission seems to be hiding its head in the sand about some of that stuff, but I do hope the Commission will entertain the issue of discrimination associated with medical conditions…….. When I think about participant costs and whether or not the Commission should be allocating costs to only participants or to the ratepayers as a whole, I keep coming back to the notion that participant costs include pain.  They include the medical costs that they might incur.  They include personal discomfort. For those reasons I think the Commission should keep its eyes and ears open to the possibility of considering health impacts as part of the universe of customer costs.

DAVID WILNER: The smart meters are attached to our homes.  They are attached to the wiring in our homes.  And they are a permanent fixture.  And clearly they are harmful to some people.  Cell phones, computers and other devices are optional.  If you are concerned about your cell phone being dangerous, get rid of it.  If you are concerned about your computer or something else that’s in question, again, you can dispose of it.  But you can’t dispose of your electricity.  You can’t dispose of your electric meter.

I’m very troubled that the Commission would consider throwing out our complaint on the grounds that —

ALJ YIP-KIKUGAWA:  Mr. Wilner, concerning your complaint, that is really outside the scope of this proceeding.  I don’t know where you are on that, if that is something that is a proposed Decision that’s been issued or if you are at a point where you can actually appeal the proposed Decision.  And that is where you should be making your arguments, not here.

JEROMY JOHNSON:  Your Honor, I guess I want to respond to your question about whether the scope of this should relate to health effects……. I just want to say that that’s why many of us are here. The health issue is probably the most important thing.  Going forward I think it will be the most important thing.

DAVID BRAWNER: My wife and I own several multifamily dwellings in Marin County where all the electrical and gas meters are in every case located on one wall of the building near living spaces.  In one case there are nine electrical meters attached to one wall.

Many of us may remember when it was possible to go into a restaurant and be greeted by a host or hostess who asked smoking or nonsmoking.  If you chose nonsmoking, the result was often not good because you are exposed to secondhand smoke anyway.  There are smokers close by and the effect of the nonsmoking section was basically negated.

Similarly, if one person in an apartment complex chooses a smart meter when the majority choose analog, everyone is exposed to the mesh network of pulse radiation, just as we are exposed to secondhand smoke in a nonsmoking section.

Therefore, we’re asking that multi family dwellings be classified as communities and accorded the right to choose to be smart meter free.  We would like our buildings to provide living accommodations that are safe and free of the mesh network of pulse radiation emitted by smart meters. I feel like it’s a disclosure issue in a way just like lead free paint disclosures and mold disclosures. I feel I need to inform my tenants that this is something that is hazardous to their health.

JIM TOBIN: ….. when you hear local government officials testify here, they will tell you that one of the things they are responding to is health concerns of their citizens.

—At this point, Marcel Hawiger with The Utility Reform Network (TURN) indicates in a roundabout way that he does not want costs associated with the opt out program added to everyone’s bills- presumably TURN wants those suffering from medical problems with the smart meter to bear the cost of the opt out—-

SANDI MAURER:  Some additional thoughts, your Honor. It almost seems like this proceeding is putting the cart before the horse because we’re talking about an opt-out and the communities may be even having to pay for an opt-out.  But the Commission has never made a determination on the problems that are occurring– and why the communities are having a problem with the opt-out. Do you see what I’m saying? The Commission has never investigated the problems with SmartMeters. They’ve never made a determination on the safety of the SmartMeters.  So they are not addressing the main reason that these communities and individual want to opt-out. So that gives more weight of adding that as a point of view to give more weight to the inclusion of the problems with SmartMeters as part of the scope of this proceeding. Otherwise, we’re putting an opt-out for communities but you’re not saying why.

The Commission is not determining the reason.  You’re saying for any reason, but then you have to pay.  That’s another penalty for a community because they’re not participating.  But the Commission is not saying why these communities are not participating.  And I believe that all communities should have the right to understand why a community opt-out would even be proposed.  There are communities that are not informed.  They don’t know what happens in this proceeding.  They should have a right to be informed, not just those counties and cities that already have been informed by their citizenry.

STEVE MARTINOT: With respect to the aggregate staying within FCC guidelines, as Mr. Wilner has pointed out, it doesn’t, and with respect to the cumulative effect of these meters on individuals under the principle that people really are more important than technology.

MR. WARNER, PG&E:  We need to make a showing of incremental costs.  We need to provide a reasonable estimate.  We do look forward to working with some of the intervenors who really do focus on (cost) issues like TURN, DRA, Mr. Weil.

JUDGE YIP-KIKUGAWA:  Okay.  Then the last question that I have is does anyone see the need for public participation hearings?  And if so, how many and where?  Any thoughts? Mr. Martinot.

MR. MARTINOT:  I assume by public participation you mean testimony about, for instance, health effects?

JUDGE YIP-KIKUGAWA:  No.  We are talking about setting up a time where the public would be able to come in and speak before me and possibly Commissioner Peevey.

JUDGE YIP-KIKUGAWA:  Otherwise, I think I would like to move over into the schedule.  And I think that may address some of the issues of how we attack the two big issues identified. (ed: cost and community wide opt out NOT health) And if there are other issues that are ultimately determined to be within the scope of this proceeding, we can put those in.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, health effects, interference, legal issues, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, San Francisco, SCE, SDG&E | 16 Comments