Kauai Takes Back Its Power: The Spirit of Ho’oponopono

  Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning “to make right.” Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships.

Mark Naea of Kapa’a Kauai, Hawaii is on a mission to bring Ho’oponopono to the people who are misguided in bringing smart meters to Kauai’s shores.  A father of two special needs children, and founder of StopKIUC.com (KIUC is the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative), Mark has taken on the political and corporate elite on the island, and posed a direct challenge to their deployment plans.

Hawaii’s Garden Isle has emerged as a flashpoint in the growing resistance against forced smart grid technologies.  On April 25th, Hawaii’s Federal Court upheld a motion for injunction that prevents KIUC from installing a smart meter on the plaintiff, Adam Asquith’s home. This is a victory for Hawaii residents, and sets a precedent placing property rights law above irrational utility policies across the United States.

Stop Smart Meters! recently spoke with Mark to discuss the growing international movement against smart meters, and what the people of Kauai are doing locally to defend themselves.

Mark has written about the smart meter issue extensively on his site.  The other day  he posted an article called “The 4 Million” which starts out referencing California’s growing local government rebellion.  Some of the following might sound familiar:

“KIUC uses words like “it can” and “we could see” and “could use less” and my personal favorite, “you could save money and save the environment”.  But when KIUC is asked for any factual data, all of a sudden they don’t want to talk about it. “Could, can, might”; see in the future, are the terms that KIUC has bandied around as if this is an actual reality.

It’s like being in a casino, the way that KIUC has bet $11 million of our money on a future outcome with no real world winners to showcase.  This is not betting, this is closer to money laundering of an unbelievable scale for a tiny little island like Kauai.”

Here is more from Mark- kudos to our allies in Kauai for standing up for their rights!  May the rebellion spread far and wide.

Who is Responsible?

I have had that question asked many times, “Who is responsible for this?” and exactly what is it you are against. When looking for answers, one must first look at the foundation of the question itself.

In the first question, in the spirit of Ho’oponopono, in it’s deepest revelations of responsibility, it is shown that ultimately you’re the responsible entity. Either through your actions or inactions, Ho’oponopono shines the pure light of unbiased and non-judgmental illumination on what is truly happening. You cannot be taken out of the picture, but the same goes for everyone else that is in this drama. It is by acknowledging your part, can you step forward to make change. And each ripple of change you make, affects others in ways that are incomprehensible in their reach. To place blame on others or circumstance is the choice of stagnation, to accept what is, and move forward is your key to all that you can be. It is from that vantage point of non-judgment that allows you to move in any direction, and allows others to change without ego’s involvement.

As to what I am against, that’s easy – smart meters and all that they represent. Not just the health issues, but all of its meanings down to the foundations of their very existence. Smart meters represent the hubris of the elite, the mindless grasp for more profits, the soulless sacrifice of not only the public’s health and well-being, but ultimately all future generations’ survival. It is the epitome of greed and might makes right, without thought to consequences. It is a supreme manifestation of this age of consumerism, as now the corporate mindset begins its feeding frenzy and devours itself by feeding off of its own supports. And yes, we the consumers are now to be placed upon the menu.

I am against smart meters and all that they represent. I will use all of the gifts that God has graced me with to stand up, in any way that I am called to. Without rancor or ill will toward anyone, with humility and the spiritual energy of service to all, I have already prevailed.

Welcome aboard, and fasten your seat belts, we’ve got quite a ride ahead.

Mark Naea, Kapaa, Kauai


Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Hawaii, legal issues | 4 Comments

PG&E’s Opt Out Shrouded in Confusion and Obfuscation

We received the following e-mail yesterday from a resident on California’s Central Coast.  This is Chapter 1 out of the utility playbook- sound totally reasonable in media interviews, and then turn around and lie to, intimidate, and threaten individual ratepayers in private discussions.  This kind of abuse is not an aberration- it is corporate strategy straight from the top.   Doubt that?  A CPUC investigation announced last Wednesday found that Ex-Director of PG&E’s Smart Meter Program William Devereaux was acting with full knowledge and support of PG&E’s top tier executives when he pretended to be an anti-smart meter activist to sneak into our online discussions.   If we can’t trust them not to spy on us and read our private e-mails, how can we trust them with intimate details of our private lives that they now have access to if you have a smart meter?

A smart meter was installed at our home without our authorization. Before this, we asked PG&E if we could opt out but were told we couldn’t do this. After the smart meter was installed, we called PG&E Customer Service to opt out and were again told it wasn’t an option. When a PG&E subcontractor showed up recently to reinstall the smart meter, stating that it wasn’t being read at the central office, we said we wanted to opt out and were told we couldn’t do this. Then when we called just last week to complain about the flashing lights on the meter and asked again about opting out, we were told it wasn’t an option FOR THE FOURTH TIME. Today, much to our surprise and quite by accident, we heard on the local news that this was the last day to opt out and we called the phone number listed to do this with their automated system. But why did PGE fail to tell us the truth four times about our right to opt-out of the smart meter? Some resourceful class action attorney in SF or LA should file a class action suit on the opt out fees so it will be litigated state-wide rather than county by county.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Installer Threats and Assaults, PG&E | 3 Comments

Marin County, CA to PG&E: “Stay Out”




Tuesday, May 1st, 2012


PG&E continues to push for smart meter installations, despite widespread confusion and resistance towards opt-out fees, in jurisdictions that have passed moratoriums and show strong support for community-wide opt-out.

Marin County, CA – While PG&E was reassuring local governments that smart meter moratoriums were being respected by the utility, PG&E was quietly attempting to make appointments with customers to have smart meters installed.

Despite PG&E’s public statement that they will turn off customer’s electricity if smart meter opt-out fees are not paid, residents are becoming increasingly steadfast in their resistance to smart meter installation, often refusing to pay the associated fees.

“They called several times and tried to make an appointment to install a smart meter even though I made it clear that I didn’t want one.  I refuse to pay to opt-out of a smart meter program that I never opted-in to.  I still have my analog meter, but now PG&E is trying to force me to have a smart meter if I don’t pay the fees.  PG&E has publicly stated that they will shut off customers electricity if they don’t pay to opt-out, these threats demonstrate the true PG&E culture” said Robert Milner of Point Reyes Station.

Unincorporated West Marin County and the town of Fairfax have filed a motion with the CPUC urging PG&E to delay installation in their communities until community wide opt-out has been decided in the CPUC.  These local governments feel strongly that this must be respected in order to allow for a fair legal process in the CPUC’s “phase 2” community choice opt-out proceeding.

Steve Kinsey, President of the Marin Board of Supervisors had this to say:
“The Board of Supervisors has joined this effort to insist that CPUC refrain from letting PG&E install any more smart meters until all outstanding issues affecting ratepayers have been addressed.  We will continue to protest PG&E charges in instances where no change is needed, as well as encourage the PUC to let communities decide whether to opt-out of installations altogether.”

Larry Bragman, the former Mayor and current town council member of Fairfax stated:
“The Fairfax Town Council has long concluded that our electrical grid will be smarter and more secure if the CPUC adopts a community opt out program that permits diverse but compatible metering technology.  Until the commission completes its consideration of those options, further deployment of Smart Meters should be delayed and ratepayers should not be forced to pay fees to keep analog meters that have already proven to be safe and accurate.”

The strong support for community wide opt-out has been actively pursued throughout West Marin and Fairfax.

“When a large percentage of our small communities have shown over the past eighteen months that they don’t want smart meters, it seems like bad business for PG&E to turn a blind eye.  PG&E continues to insist on placing an unjustified financial burden on ratepayers when most people in the community clearly don’t want smart meters and are being charged to keep their existing analog meters.” said Barry Smith, Director of Alliance for Human and Environmental Health in West Marin, an organization participating in filing this motion.

There are many instances where people cannot afford PG&E’s high opt-out fees, and intend to resist a service that they never agreed to.  PG&E’s opt-out fees don’t make sense in communities that wish to opt-out. This situation is very common in Fairfax’s and West Marin’s neighborhoods, towns, and apartment buildings where a large percentage of residents share the conviction that they never opted-in to the smart meter program, and don’t want to pay to retain their analog meters.

“Why should we each pay for a separate meter reader every month when there are entire neighborhoods that want to opt-out?  PG&E’s current opt-out fees are arbitrary, punitive, and make little sense in terms of actual cost” asserts Katharina Sandizell, Director of West Marin Citizens Against Smart Meters of Point Reyes Station.

One resident of a West Marin senior housing facility had this to say:

“I live in a senior apartment building in Point Reyes Station that has 25 separate electric meters on the outer wall of someone’s apartment. The units are small and we are all within close vicinity to the meters.  We have residents living here who are very frail and vulnerable with medical conditions. If smart meters were to replace the analog meters, the intense and frequent bursts of Radio Frequency coming from the smart meters would present health risks for us all and especially for those whose health is already compromised.”

Another of the residents of this same senior housing continued: “I have serious health problems and have been harmed by environmental pollutants because my system is frail.  I can’t afford to take any chances with my health, like being exposed to high levels of radio frequency radiation as with smart meters.  There would be 25 smart meters on a wall of our building that would most certainly effect me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”  The resident also talked about the high fees for opting out: “Many of us here in senior housing are on low incomes and are worried about those fees.  Even if I could afford to opt-out, the other 24 meters would still be impacting me.  This is why we need a community wide opt-out choice.”

Larry Bragman, Fairfax Town Council Member, 415.459.6060
Steve Kinsey, President of the Marin County Board of Supervisors 415.473.7331
Barry Smith, Director, Alliance for Human and Environmental Health, 415.663.8025 / 415.233.1071
Katharina Sandizell, Director, West Marin Citizens Against Smart Meters 415.728.7000

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Marin County, PG&E | Leave a comment

PG&E’s Opt Out Fees Mired in Dispute and Procedural Flaws

Happy May Day everyone.  Get away from your computer and get out in the streets- it’s a beautiful day, at least in Northern California!  Revolutionary spirit (and tear gas) is in the air.  Apart from a historical day to celebrate and defend workers rights, May 1st also happens to be the “deadline” for signing up for PG&E’s opt out program.  Yet it’s not really a deadline.  You can opt in or out at any time according to PG&E.  And lacking justification for charging the fees or forcing a smart meter, our domineering monopoly utility is left with empty threats, legal ambiguities, and cheap intimidation tactics to force their unwanted meters.

Let’s take a look at where this issue stands as of today:

PG&E’s legal ability to charge $75 up front and $10/ month for keeping your old analog meter, or having your smart meter replaced with an analog, is under a cloud of uncertainty today after Marin County attorneys filed a motion at the CA Public Utilities Commission (pdf) to halt any further deployment of smart meters and demanded a moratorium on the collection of opt out fees, citing the mishandling of Edward Hasbrouck’s protest.

Hasbrouck- an SF activist and author- filed a protest against PG&E’s advice letter- containing the opt out policy and the provision that those who did not respond to certified mail requests- would be ‘deemed to have elected’ to pay more for the analog meter.  As it turns out, that crucial addition was suggested by CPUC staffer Marzia Zafar who urged PG&E to include it in an e-mail dated Feb. 13th.

Marin’s motion states:

“Until further disposition of this suspension by the Commission and appropriate notice to the parties in this proceeding and the public generally, and subject to any subsequent requests for review thereof, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Advice Letter are not in effect. These terms and conditions of service include not only the interim rates set forth in the Decision, but also PG&E’s proposed tariff provisions defining the procedures set forth in OP 2 (a) and (b) of the Decision. If, for example, a Smart Meter is installed while there is no effective tariff provision governing the service provided, legal uncertainty — at a minimum — results regarding what, if any, rates would apply and what right, if any, PG&E had to install the meter if the customer did not affirmatively agree.”

Read the full post here: http://hasbrouck.org/blog/archives/002006.html

The CPUC initially stated on April 20th that PG&E’s opt out fee program advice letter was suspended.  Then they retracted that, listing the advice letter on their website as “no action.”  Then, when utility customers started citing the published status of the advice letter to refuse the fees, yesterday the CPUC took the extraordinary step of removing the listing of the advice letter altogether!

So in other words, the official sanction that PG&E is leaning on to charge hundreds in millions of fees to millions of Californians retaining their analog meter- is simply not in place.   It’s in the throes of legal dispute.  At the very least there is a necessary procedural delay to the fees, yet the CPUC- a public agency we fund through our tax dollars- refuses to admit that they screwed up, mishandled a timely and relevant protest against an ill-conceived punitive charging plan, and do what needs to be done- officially put a hold on the fees.

Like they did in Vermont, at the very least California needs a one year moratorium on any fees, while unresolved issues are pending.  CA regulators are on the right track further investigating the PG&E spying scandal.  Now it’s time for them to wise up to PG&E’s violations of the state utility code in charging unjustified and unsubstantiated punitive smart meter opt out fees.  They just don’t seem to be able to wrap their heads around this fact- we never opted IN!

Andrew Kotch at the CPUC News and Information Office had this to say: “The opt-out program and its fees have never been suspended.  The program continues as approved by the CPUC in February: http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/NEWS_RELEASE/158621.htm” 

Funnily enough that’s not what your legal division has been saying!

As a California utility customer in PG&E territory, you would be entirely justified in refusing to participate in this half-baked policy or pay the punitive fees.  Or write “paid under duress” on your check.

If you are upset about PG&E’s continuing abuses, come and PROTEST PG&E at their Annual Shareholder Meeting on Monday May 14th 9:30am at 77 Beale St. (Financial District) San Francisco.  Details forthcoming.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, legal issues, Marin County, PG&E | Leave a comment

CPUC Urged PG&E to Crack Down on SmartMeter Resisters

Marzia Zafar of the CPUC Urged PG&E to Crack Down on Customers Who Refuse Installation

Yesterday, we learned from the Chronicle that PG&E plans to disconnect residents who refuse to pay their extortionate opt out fees.   No consultation with the public about our energy system, no hearings to get to the bottom of why tens of thousands of Californians have suffered (in some cases devastating) medical conditions when the smart meter was installed.  No investigation into widespread reports of smart meter fires.  No delay in the fees pending resolution of unresolved procedural issues.   Just an arrogant ultimatum from one of the largest investor owned utilities in the country.

PG&E warns that people who opt out but don’t pay the fees will be treated like any other customers who owe the company money – they could see their power shut off if they don’t eventually pay up.

“It is a part of what they owe, and at some time in the future, it’ll be an unpaid bill that’ll be subject to collection and possibly subject to cut off,” Burt said, adding, “That is absolutely the last thing we want to do.”

Actually, we’re pretty sure that the thought of disconnecting rebellious customers is something that executives within PG&E relish the thought of.  These are the same executives who cheered William Devereaux on as he used a false identity to obtain information on the campaigning and legal strategy of smart meter opponents in 2010, calling us “insurgents.”  While their public statements are designed to sound reasonable, from what we can glean, the internal dialogue within the company resembles something like a football locker room where all the players have lost their moral scruples, and just want to kick some ass.

We tend to assume that PG&E hatches radical punitive schemes to extract as much money as possible from their customers and that the CPUC reigns them in (that is their job after all, to look after the public interest).   But according to new documents obtained by Edward Hasbrouck under a CA Public Records Act Request, it appears that CPUC Business and Community Outreach Supervisor Marzia Zafar- after viewing photos of analog meters locked up- encouraged PG&E to add language to their opt out advice letter indicating that customers who did not respond to PG&E’s opt out letter would be “deemed to have elected” the fee.  This is precisely the language that Hasbrouck is challenging as illegal.


You can read the full set of documents (pdf) released by the CPUC at Edward’s site.  Little by little, we’re beginning to understand how the PUC is scheming with the utilities to force an unpopular program into our communities and onto our homes.

More reasons every day to resist the “smart grid.”

Posted in California, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E | 3 Comments