Category Archives: California

CPUC’s Peevey: “People…Feel Pain from EMF”

More incriminating e-mails coming out between the CPUC and PG&E, confirming that Peevey was more of a servant than a regulator, as EMF Safety Network reports: “Peevey believed people were suffering from smart meters.  He believed PG&E should do something … Continue reading

Posted in California, CPUC, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, San Francisco | 1 Comment

Stop Smart Meters! Nominated for 2014 Luddite Award—VOTE!

By Josh Hart MSc, Director,                             Stop Smart Meters!   “Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate’er it touches; and obedience Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth, Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame, A mechanized automaton.” -Percy … Continue reading

Posted in Britain, California, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Climate Change, CPUC, Democracy, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fires, health effects, landlines, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid, Washington DC, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | 4 Comments

Standing Up to the Sleaze and Rot that Kills

One of the anti-smart meter activists I work with recently commented that the “CPUC has lost touch with reality”.   Certainly a strong grip on reality has not been one of the CPUC’s strong suits.  A recent spot on critique … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cancer, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Fires, health effects, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 1 Comment

This Thursday: Press Conference/ Demonstration at CA Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco

Press Conference and Demonstration California Public Utilities Commission Thursday, December 18 8:30 AM Van Ness at McAllister, San Francisco Give CPUC President Michael Peevey the send-off into retirement that he deserves after a dozen years of corruption and complicity with … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, San Francisco | 4 Comments

Stop Smart Meters! Speaking Tour- Screening Take Back Your Power- Coming to California, Texas, and Missouri

It’s time to get back on the road, and visit affiliate groups around the country to help spread the message that the smart grid is not a future we want.  If anything, smart meters are a red herring, a dangerous … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Missouri, Texas | 5 Comments