Category Archives: health effects

Tell the FCC: Wireless is Harmful at Currently Allowed Levels

The FCC needs a lot more than input on their recent consultation (like someone in charge besides the industry), but at least they can’t say we didn’t tell them so.  See important message from Joel Moskowitz of UC Berkeley below: … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 5 Comments

Santa Cruz 4G Verizon “Monopine” Dies Well Deserved Death

A plan by Verizon Corp. to install a 4G cell tower less than 700 feet from an elementary school in downtown Boulder Creek has been withdrawn, thanks to the dozens of people who showed up at the county building in … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, FCC, Federal Energy Act of 2005, Federal Government, health effects, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Santa Cruz County | Leave a comment

Grandmother’s Water Shutoff Prompts State Legislation in WI

Audrey Parker, an 81 year old grandmother who has refused to have a  ‘smart’ water meter installed because of the privacy implications and the heart palpitations she experiences from the meters’ wireless pulses, last week had her water disconnected by … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, Smart Grid, Water meters, Wisconsin | 3 Comments

Forced Seizures as Port St. Lucie FL Govt. Turns Cold Shoulder to Suffering of Woman

Thanks to EMF Safety Network for their coverage: Shari Anker begins her comments to the Port St. Lucie Florida city council by stating,  “In the book, Diary of Anne Frank, is Anne’s famous entry that reads, Despite everything I still … Continue reading

Posted in Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects | Leave a comment

Teach Your Children Well: Keep them Away from Wireless

Wireless non-ionizing radiation from cell phones, wi-fi, smart meters and cell towers can be damaging to adults (pdf), but it can be devastating to children and their developing brains and bodies.   Don’t take a risk with their future.   Keep them … Continue reading

Posted in health effects, interference, radio-frequency radiation, World Health Organization | 1 Comment