Category Archives: Privacy

Video from Monday’s PG&E Protest in San Francisco

Thanks to EON as always for their documentation of these events.  It’s a long video, but do be sure to note that about 42:30 in the video when the PG&E representative says “Josh (Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters!) has … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, San Francisco | 2 Comments

At What Point Do We Realize: We Must All Fight

Jerry Day has come out with a new video about the smart grid and electromagnetic pollution.  Weaving in relationships between corporate- government collusion, loss of privacy rights, and biological impacts of EMF’s, this short video asks the timely and pertinent … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, Installer Threats and Assaults, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 29 Comments

Guest Post: Georgia Legislators Try to Put the Kibosh on Smart Meter Opt-Out Bill

By Terri Keller, The smart meter fight in Georgia was looking better than most states: Senate Bill 459, allowing customer opt-out, passed the state senate without much tussle, and a free opt-out was on the way. Now that bill, … Continue reading

Posted in georgia, neighborhood organizing, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Uncategorized | 21 Comments

More Orwellian Twists: Not Being Home Means “Opting Out,” and How Your Home is Now a Wireless Facility…

Earlier this month author, blogger, and San Francisco citizen-activist Edward Hasbrouck filed a protest with the CPUC regarding the so-called smart-meter “opt-out” program they recently approved for PG&E customers. Read his blog post here.  In his protest he argues that … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Stop Smart Meters Goes National … and International!

There are websites and groups using “stop smart meters” as their rallying cry all over the US, in Canada and Australia, and now in Britain (see below for a round-up). There is a documentary film brewing with the same name. … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Britain, California, Canada, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Los Angeles, Michigan, neighborhood organizing, Orange County, PG&E, Privacy, Safety, SCE, U.K., Uncategorized | 6 Comments