Wireless Health Science Firmer Than Ever as FCC Poised to Say “Screw Health” and Approve 5G Wireless Micro-Cell Invasion

wireless-office-cubes-copyUpdate 7/14/16: Landline destruction and 5G wireless approved by FCC (foxes do what comes naturally when allowed to rule the hen house…)

In May, the results of a “game-changing” $25 Million study on the cancer risk of wireless technology, carried out by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) were released.  The study determined that ambient radiofrequency radiation (RFR) of the type emitted by cell phones and smart meters produces statistically significant increases in DNA damage and cancer in mice and rats.* The results of the study, according to authors, “could have broad implications for public health.” A handout on facts vs. myths about the wireless/ cancer issue has been produced by UC Berkeley’s Joel Moskowitz, and is a useful reference point to counter widespread misrepresentations in the media regarding this study.

In light of the NTP research, Stop Smart Meters! reissues our demand for a halt to any planned smart meter deployments worldwide, a recall of hazardous smart grid technology, and independent investigations into the corruption that led to toxic technology being forced on our communities.

One thing is for sure. Following release of the NTP study results, it no longer credible to remain in denial of the fact that wireless technology damages human and environmental health. The question we should be asking as a society is, what are the policy implications for such a finding?

Wireless tech companies and the corrupt government officials in their pockets (Exhibit A) will argue that there simply aren’t any policy implications, and that their (extremely lucrative) business should continue as usual, whatever the cost in human lives, our genome, and damage to the living environment.

Former Wireless Assn. head and current FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, who SSM! confronted when he came to Silicon Valley in 2014 made this speech recently regarding FCC policy and 5G technologies.  It is a warped and truly terrifying worldview and should be read, digested, and resisted by all. He calls development of 5G networks “a contest in which everyone can win.” Millions of Electrohypersensitive people and those wishing to live their lives without cancer- not to mention 7000 rats- might wish to disagree.


Exhibit A: Wireless industry henchman (former CTIA chair) Tom Wheeler now heads the Federal Communications Commission

This Thursday July 14th the FCC is holding a hearing to consider opening up higher frequency spectrum to so-called “5G” wireless technologies, a regulatory move that would open the door to RF exposures on a level far beyond what exists presently, and pose a mortal threat not only to our health but also to our essential landline systems and other safer wired technologies. Even wireless industry news sources claim “we don’t yet fully know what effect incredibly dense mmWave radio networks pumping out really hot signals might have!” and recommending “don’t throw out that tin foil hat just yet.”  How very reassuring.

Meanwhile, journalists with courage to speak out, like Maryanne Demasi of the science program Catalyst in Australia, are being intimidated and demoted, their reporting censored, simply for reporting the scientific facts related to this issue. The original, excellent full broadcast has been removed from by ABC but can be found online here.

Researchers are being attacked and losing their jobs for speaking out on the wireless issue. Dr. Olle Johannson, who has carried out essential research into wireless health hazards, and who believes we are facing an existential threat related to wireless exposures, is being forced into early retirement, his work suppressed.

Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 2.19.50 PM

Wireless developers breathlessly await 5G as their promotional materials seem to suggest something like a thermonuclear explosion over some unfortunate “smart city”

Do you find all this revolting? Revolting is– after all– exactly what we need to do to protect our future from these psychotic institutions.

Going along with policies so clearly out of touch with the science–with so much at stake–is no longer an option.

Take Action Now:

Your prompt action is needed to get our opposition to 5G high frequency band wireless technologies on the record:

 Submit a comment to the FCC:

1. Go to this site: https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings/express

2. Under “proceeding, type in 14-177, then ALSO type in 15-256, then also 10-112, then also 97-95   — you will see a drop down menu-  click on the selections to confirm.

3. Under name of filer, put in your name.

4. You only need to fill in where there is a star- so put in your email, your address and zip.

5. Enter your comments in the “brief comments” box. You can also copy and paste from a document.

6. Follow all prompts to submit this until it stats that you are done.

Also, Contact Senators on the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee , and other elected officials and demand that the “game changing” NTP results result in a moratorium on further expansion of wireless infrastructure.

If you have health issues related to wireless exposure, describe them.

Parents for Safe Technology has more info and action items on the 5G issue.

*SSM! remains opposed to all forms of animal experimentation–unnecessary and immoral abuse of sentient creatures. More than sufficient evidence of wireless harm exists to justify action.
Posted in Animal Harm, Cancer, Cell phones, FCC, health effects, Health studies, Illinois, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | 3 Comments

Defend our Safe and Reliable Analog Landline Telephones

1597px-FTTR_RTT56B_TelephoneUpdate Friday, May 27th: AB2395 has been left in the “suspense” file and will likely not be moving through the legislature this year. All your calls, e-mails, and letters made a difference! Thank you for taking action to defend our landline telephones!

Stop Smart Meters! is part of the new Coalition to Save Landline Telephones, an international coalition formed to defend our landline system, currently under attack.

The coalition is presently focused on defeating AB 2395– a California bill that would permit AT&T to dismantle copper analog landlines, starting Jan. 1st, 2020 (in only 3 1/2 years!).

Millions of people depend on landlines as the only safe and reliable means to call for help during power outages and emergencies, to access services, conduct business, and to reach our loved ones. The destruction of our landline network would disproportionately affect the poor, seniors, rural residents, those in prison, and others with few or no alternatives.

Telecom companies are bullying and deceiving customers into accepting more expensive, lower quality, unreliable digital phone connections that leave them vulnerable to hacking, scams, overcharges and serious health problems. More on the issues–>

Red_phoneDeadline May 24th: Telephone CA Assemblymembers on the Appropriations Committee- even if you live out of state. Tell them to Vote NO on AB2395! You can also call after hours & lv a msg.

Save Landlines Talking Points and Key Issues

Full AB2395 Details Including Legislator Contacts

Save Landlines Flyer in .pdf format for Download

CA Assembly Appropriations Committee:

Lorena S. Gonzalez (Chair) (916) 319-2080
Frank Bigelow (Vice Chair) (916) 319-2005
Richard Bloom (916) 319-2050
Susan A. Bonilla (916) 319-2014
Rob Bonta (916) 319-2018
Ian C. Calderon (916) 319-2057
Ling Ling Chang (916) 319-2055
Tom Daly (916) 319-2069
Susan Talamantes Eggman (916) 319-2013
James Gallagher (916) 319-2003
Eduardo Garcia (916) 319-2056
Roger Hernández (916) 319-2048
Chris R. Holden (916) 319-2041
Brian W. Jones (916) 319-2071
Jay Obernolte (916) 319-2033
Bill Quirk (916) 319-2020
Miguel Santiago (916) 319-2053
Donald P. Wagner (916) 319-2068
Shirley N. Weber (916) 319-2079
Jim Wood (916) 319-2002

AB2395 will be heard by this committee at 9 a.m. next Wednesday May 25th – Capitol Rm. 4202. Be there to speak out! (check SaveLandlines.org for updates)

Screen Shot 2016-05-11 at 1.31.15 PMThis Monday in San Francisco:

Save Landlines Protest

Join the Coalition to Save Landline Telephones this coming Monday May 23rd at 11:30am at AT&T’s Wireless Store at 425 Market St. in San Francisco to demand AT&T stop its attacks on our landlines, and that the State Legislature kill AB 2395.

Who: The Coalition to Save Landline Telephones — SaveLandlines.org
What: A Demonstration of Support for Landline Telephone
When: 11:30am Monday May 23rd
Where: AT&T Wireless Store 425 Market St. San Francisco (at Fremont St.)
Why: Because AT&T is Sponsoring State Legislation to Destroy our Landlines

Bring your friends, signs, and landline telephone handsets.

For more information about this event, and to spread the word, click here.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, landlines | 1 Comment

Video of April 13th California Landline-Killing AB2395 Hearing

**Contact the State Assembly Appropriations Committee Who Will Vote Soon on this Bill – Tell Them to:


Timepoints for the above video of the Utilities Committee Hearing on April 13th

Committee on Utilities and Commerce
April 13, 2016
Assembly Bill 2395

Deregulation and Discontinuation of Analog Landline Service

Evan Low, Bill Author: 00:16

Ken McNeely, President, AT&T California: 05:07
Gary Passmore, Vice President North, Congress of California Seniors: 10:43
Dave Roberts, Fire Chief, El Dorado Hills Fire Department: 14:25
Public comment: 17:22

Tom Runnion, Vice President, Comm. Workers of America (CWA), District 9: 24:24
Kevin Mottus, California Brain Tumor Association, Los Angeles: 32:01
Josh Hart, Director, StopSmartMeters.org: 37:35
Mark Toney, Executive Director, The Utility Reform Network (TURN): 44:44
Public comment: 48:48

Hazel Miranda, Director, Office of Governmental Affairs, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC): 1:07:33

Bill Quirk:  1:09:07
Ken McNeely

David Hadley: 1:16:42
Ken McNeely

Jay Obernolte: 1:23:35
Ken McNeely

Rocky J. Chavez: 1:25:11
Ken McNeely

Philip Y. Ting: 1:29:34
Ken McNeely
Evan Low

Eduardo Garcia: 1:32:10
Brian Dahle: 1:33:55
Susan Talamantes Eggman: 1:34:40
Ken McNeely
Tom Runnion: 1:40:12
Roger Hernandez: 1:41:53
Jim Patterson: 1:46:03
Mike Gatto: 1:47:42

Evan Low: 1:50:47
VOTE: 1:53:36

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, FCC, health effects, landlines, legal issues, radio-frequency radiation, Sacramento, Safety, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | 3 Comments

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: AT&T on Warpath to Destroy California’s Valuable Landline Network

AT&T lobbyists are hard at work trying to leave the landline network in tatters and force you to use a cell phone

AT&T lobbyists are hard at work trying to destroy our critical copper landline network, forcing people onto hazardous and unreliable mobile phones or “VOIP”

Updated 4/18/16: AB 2395 Threatens California’s Copper Landline Network

Last Wednesday, the Assembly Utilities Committee passed AB2395 and it now heads to the Appropriations Committee, possibly on May 4th. The committee listened to a series of corporate and astroturfed comments in favor of this horrible anti-consumer bill, but they also heard from a large, vocal contingent of truly grassroots groups and individuals opposed to this trainwreck (including Stop Smart Meters!).

You can watch the entire Utilities Committee hearing online here. The hearing for AB2395 runs from 0:44:40 – 2:39:10. Stop Smart Meters! Testimony begins at about 1:22:00.

AB 2395, currently before the CA Assembly, poses a serious threat to the health and safety of Californians, and will next be heard before the California State Assembly Appropriations Committee in Sacramento possibly May 4th.

Now is the time to ramp up pressure on your Assemblymember to kill this bill. Please make a call, write a letter (including to your local editor), spread the word and speak out about why we need analog landlines to be maintained for our jobs, health, safety, and access.

Find Your State Assemblymember

Full List of State Assemblymembers

Full details about the bill

Contact Assembly member Evan Low, sponsor of the bill

AT&T Wants to Decommission Landlines in California, published April 7th in Techwire.

Stop Smart Meters! interviewed for statewide radio segment on April 13th

Talking points:

• Landlines provide an important resilient communication network when electricity and cell service goes out (which is more likely with the “smart grid”).  Especially important in a disaster situation.

• Emergency responders depend on specific location information only available through landline phone lines. Disabling the landline network will impede police and fire, esp. in a disaster situation

• Many millions of people rely solely on landlines for their communication needs, and cutting people off is a violation of human rights.

• Call quality is far superior on a copper landline- is it progress or “moving into the 21st century” to make Californians suffer through dropped calls and static?

• Destroying our valuable landline network would result in the loss of thousands of skilled, union jobs with no employment guarantee by AT&T.

• Corded landlines are far safer than mobile phones, which emit radiation associated with brain tumors, and other health problems.

• Wireless infrastructure emits more greenhouse gases than many entire countries. If we want to reduce climate and health risks, maintaining a robust wired landline network is key.

• As a resident of California, I am committed to taking personal action to defend our landline network, and not allow AT&T to prioritize profits over service, access and safety.

We will post updates on this urgent issue as they develop.  Take action today or in 3 1/2 years the cord may be cut, as unbelievable as that might seem…..

Posted in California, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, landlines, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation | 13 Comments

Guide to North American Smart Meter Policies

Analog MeterAnalog meter choice bills are being considered by a number of US state legislatures this year, in response to a drumbeat of public complaints.  These states include: Missouri, Michigan, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

For a list of existing smart meter policies throughout North America (courtesy of BC’s Coalition to Stop Smart Meters), click here. Please notify Sharon Noble of any updates.

Do not assume that just because your area does not have an official “opt out” policy, that people are not able to get service using analog meters. You have a legal right to refuse smart meter technology on your home and property.

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | 4 Comments