Take Action Now, Occupy the CPUC this Thursday!!!

We have been getting emails from people around the state who have received automated calls from PG&E, telling them to contact the utility–even people who are not on the “delay” list. Apparently they think this fight is over, and the slightly-altered version of their proposed “smart” meter opt-out is a done deal.

Well, it’s not a done deal. Don’t call PG&E back, and thereby demonstrate a degree of tacit agreement to this extortion (with no provision for keeping an analog).



1) ATTEND AND SPEAK OUT at this Thursday’s CPUC meeting in San Francisco  Thursday December 1st 9am 505 Van Ness Avenue (at McAllister) in SF. 

The CPUC typically allows public comment of 1-2 minutes, but you must arrive by 9am to sign up.  If you arrive before the end of public comment (possibly 9:15- 10am) you can raise your hand to speak and they must give you 1 min.  Take a minute and spread the word to friends and family- let’s pack the chambers and remind this commission (and the utilities) who they’re working for and who pays their salaries- the 99%!!!


The commission as a whole has the power to vote down this extortionate opt out proposal, and they need to know how much we object to it. Comments should be submitted asap, but latest by December 12th. You should also contact your legislators and Gov. Brown at (916) 445-2841.

CPUC Public Advisor, San Francisco:
Telephone: 866-849-8390 or 415-703-2074
Email: public.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov
Postal Service: CPUC Public Advisor, 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2103, San Francisco, CA 94102

CPUC Public Advisor, Los Angeles:
Telephone: 866-849-8391 or 213-576-7055
Email: public.advisor.la@cpuc.ca.gov
Postal Service: CPUC Public Advisor, 320 West 4th Street Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90013
TTY 866-836-7825

Phone numbers for CPUC Commissioners:
Mike Florio 415-703-1840,
Catharine Sandoval 415-703-2593,
President Michael Peevey 415-703-3703,
Timothy Simon 415-703-1407,
Mark Ferron 415-703-2782

Tell them to reject the extortionate ‘opt out’ plan, open a full and independent investigation into ‘smart’ meter health damage being linked to wireless radiation, and to pull the plug on the ‘smart’ meter mesh network NOW.

Thank you for taking action to protect our unalienable rights to health, safety, and privacy.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E | 14 Comments

CA PUC – “Utility Lapdog” Proposes Extortionate Opt Out Fees

CPUC President Peevey to Californians: Health and safety aren't free you know! We're going to charge you THIS much and we're not even going to let you keep your analog

From EMF Safety Network:


Yesterday the President of the California the Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Michael Peevey issued a Proposed Decision on what to do with the thousands of complaints against the (dumb, too smart, not smart, spy, murder, dirty, hazardous, merd, smeter)  microwave computer utility meters that companies are stealthily installing with support from government and environmentalists.

The CPUC, whose mission is to provide safe and reliable utility service at reasonable rates, and regulate the utilities has once again rubber stamped PG&E’s demands. Peevey’s proposed decision says we must pay $90 upfront and $15 a month for a “radio off” meter. Analog meters are not included.  The fees are an obvious punishment, and likely illegal.

What can we do about this outrage in California?  Here’s an idea: We can REFUSE to pay. Deduct it from the utility bill in protest.


If approved, this decision by the CPUC would represent the first time in history when a Class 2B carcinogen was mandated by a state or federal agency on private property. 

Charging people who wish to avoid hazardous agents on their home, as well as those who are medically intolerant to wireless radiation an‘opt out’ fee is unjustified extortion.

SF Chronicle coverage of CPUC proposed decision here.

Posted in CPUC, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, PG&E, San Francisco | 10 Comments

Occupy YOUR HOME: Hazardous ‘Smart’ Meter Removal

Anonymous patriot gives thumbs up as the dangerous, “bio-hazard” smart meters are pulled down on 11/11/11 at 11AM from Southern California units.

Industry tested and time proven “safe” analog meters were reinstalled to protect the residents from further harm.  Anonymous builds steel cages to prevent vandalism and keep intruders and thieves (such as the utility and their hired hacks) out.

Refuse and remove ‘smart’ meters and “OCCUPY” your homes to defend your health, safety and privacy!

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Los Angeles, Privacy, SCE | 17 Comments

Sensitive and Inside Big Technology: Views from the Other Side (Part Four)

Part Four of a series. Click here for Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.

‘Marc Handke’ has been designing software for over ten years. He has been dealing with wireless sensitivity for about the last four years, and installation of ‘smart’ meters in his neighborhood has been a serious blow to managing his condition.

“To be honest, I was against ‘smart’ meters, but not really concerned about the immediate health effects. I figured it would be similar to my neighbor using a cell phone inside their home, and I wouldn’t feel anything. I was wrong.” This is hardly surprising, as a ‘smart’ meter is a much more powerful radio-frequency transmitter–an FCC-rule-busting 2.5 watts with antenna gain (PG&E)–way more than a cell phone, which typically transmits at under 1 watt.

Marc lives in a Silicon Valley county, and is in his late thirties. Before getting sick, he was an active surfer and did his own yard work at his family’s mountain home. That home’s distance from any cable or broadband connections led him into making a terrible mistake: signing up for rural internet service via a wireless provider that broadcast from 16 miles away—a service which necessitated the installation of receiving and transmitting antennas—right on top of on his own roof. He also agreed to install a repeater antenna to help improve a neighbor’s reception, adding to the RF transmissions he was exposed to.

He has no idea just how strong the fields produced by these multiple antennas was. However, health effects are documented to occur in people living within hundreds of meters of antenna arrays, so it seems unlikely that living directly under antennas–even if lower in power than the towers studied–could be without serious consequences, at least for some people. [Here is a link to one study on health damage from cell towers, and another one, and another one.]

His energy took a nosedive. “I was tired all day, drinking coffee to compensate. I couldn’t concentrate for even one hour.” In this depleted state, his health took another blow: “I also contracted lyme disease at that time. While I was being treated, I noticed that I immediately felt very ill every time I returned to my own home.”

“My doctor finally suggested I should consider the electronics and wireless devices. I had never considered that before.” He took action, removing all the wireless devices in his environment. Fortunately cable internet service finally came in his area about this time. He began to feel better.

A short stint in a Midwestern state, where he got treatment for his lyme disease, helped his health return. “I was running five miles a day. My concentration levels were coming back, and I was starting to feel human again—finally!” But by now he had begun to track how time spent around wireless devices triggered headaches and what he calls “spacey” sensations.

So when he moved back to a densely populated neighborhood of a Silicon Valley town, he took the trouble to buy a device to measure the radio-frequency radiation and to choose a house with very low levels. “There was very bad cell-phone reception—and that was great for me!” He felt better with each passing month—his health returning to somewhere near the robust level he had experienced four years before.

Then ‘smart’ meters came to his neighborhood. “I was on the delay list, but many of my neighbors weren’t. Others, like my next-door neighbor, just hadn’t called yet, and got a ‘smart’ meter installed while they weren’t home.” Slowly, the neighborhood was saturated. “I didn’t know the neighbors behind me had them—but I had sleep problems from the day they were installed.”

I don’t know why exactly, but ‘smart’ meters really bother me. I have never had sleep problems in my entire life, but now I sleep only five or six hours per night, when I used to sleep eight hours without disruption. I have a constant wiry feeling in my chest, yet I am always fatigued, and do not feel able to exercise much. When I do exercise, I tire very quickly. There is no way I could run five miles per day now. Also I’m not able to concentrate as sharply as I used to.”

Marc is president of an internet company he currently runs, and he designed all the software for its operations. He’s proud of his accomplishments, and even prouder of his young child. He is a man for whom the future should be beckoning, replete with excellent prospects. But he is having to reckon with the need to find a new place for himself and his family to move to.

“It is heartbreaking that our fairly pristine town is now completely saturated with the ‘smart’ meter mesh network. I am looking to move to a rural area without cell towers, and with distance from my neighbors.”

What do his peers in the field think of his sensitivity? “To be honest, many of my techie friends probably think I am crazy. I would have thought I was crazy too, five years ago. But once you become sensitive to wireless devices, you realize that the symptoms are all too real.”

“They can’t believe I run a software company without any wireless devices or a cell phone. All my employees work from home, as I do, and we are all connected through VOIP [voice over internet protocol] so we can talk to each other. All our computers are networked through VPN tunnels [virtual private network].” Everything, even the telephone, in Marc’s house is fully wired, giving his computer a faster and more secure connection speed. “I use a cell phone only for emergencies away from home.”

Marc is able to manage his condition for now, but the bigger picture disturbs him. “I am very concerned that more people will start having these same health problems as our world becomes more saturated with wireless signals—and there is no telling if the condition is permanent or not. Unfortunately, it may take hundreds of thousands of people getting sick before the condition is fully recognized by the mainstream. I wouldn’t wish this condition on anyone, but I do hope people can begin to understand that wireless devices do cause health problems for some people.”

Becoming a father has made him more alert to the dangers that wireless poses for children in particular. “I feel real concern when I see parents letting children use iPhones as toys, or to play lullabies for their babies. I know families who leave the WiFi on 24/7, or place a baby monitor directly next to their child’s bed. Children can’t communicate their symptoms. Their future health could be seriously impacted. There is not enough caution about protecting them. I don’t think these are neglectful parents, but like most people, they have no idea that wireless has many biological effects.”

The introduction of the PG&E mesh network in Marc’s town has been meant his home, the refuge he counts on, has been violated. “‘Smart’ meters are driving people out of their homes. For people who are sensitive to wireless radiation, your home is your haven—where you can go to feel safe and get some relief from the toxins of the world. Now ‘smart’ meters are saturating our homes and neighborhoods, so that one last haven is being taken from us. This is a horrific tragedy, and I hope we can find a way to reverse this wireless ‘smart’ meter program.

For more information on electro-sensitivity:

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Health studies, PG&E, Santa Clara County, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Smart Grid Referendum Launched in Illinois

Naperville Smart Meter Awareness Group Gains Support, Members–

Goes Straight to Voters

Naperville Smart Meter Awareness directors submitting paperwork to "recall the smart grid"

From Naperville IL (30 miles west of Chicago)

November 14, 2011

NAPERVILLE, IL – Over 35 Naperville Smart Meter Awareness volunteers collected 4,199 signatures in a mere 25 days, petitioning the City to give residents a choice in whether they want the “smart” meter installation to continue or “immediately and permanently stop the implementation of the $22 million smart meter project and dismantle all related equipment.”  The petition requires the question to be placed on the City’s March 20, 2012, primary ballot.

The Naperville City Council has repeatedly stated that those opposed to the smart meters are a small minority of residents, but Naperville Smart Meter Awareness is proving otherwise.  “Over 4000 residents we have talked with are now getting very familiar with the issue. They are surprised and upset at the council’s lack of transparency. They are mad that residents were not given a choice to vote on this highly controversial issue.” states Jennifer Stahl, one of the founding members of the Naperville Smart Meter Awareness Group. “Residents want to know why they have not been informed and why they are not being given a choice to participate in this program”.

The Naperville City Council has stated that no one has the option to opt out of the program. According to the Illinois Public Utilities Act, the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act, and the Energy Act of 2005, utilities are only able to offer smart meters to ratepayers but are not able to mandate that each customer receive a wireless radiation emitting smart meter. Additionally, there is nothing that states that smart meters must be wireless. Residents that would like to choose a non-wireless smart meter will be assessed a fee of $24.75 per month with an upfront cost of $68.  Members of the NSMA group questioned the punitive nature of these fees and point out that the fees are intentionally high in order to discourage residents from choosing this option.

Across the country groups opposed to the installation of smart meters are forming, with 30% of states in the US now having active groups. In California, utility executives are removing smart meters and allowing customer to return to their analog meters due to public outcry. In Maine, privacy and safety advocates have appealed the PUC’s dismissal of their earlier complaint which raised concerns about safety, privacy, security and constitutional violations related to the meters. In Nevada, investigations have been launched into the health risks associted with wireless smart meters.

“There is a rapidly rising international tide of smart meter opposition. We have seen what is happening across the country, with utilities removing previously installed meters, opt out provisions being made, and investigations being launched into health complaints. Why the City’s utility managers and council feel that Naperville is immune to these challenges makes no sense. By the number of signatures we collected, residents are demanding to have a voice and a choice. We are hopeful that the council will come to its senses and listen to its constituents before any more money is wasted.“, states Tom Glass, lifelong Naperville resident and member of NSMA.

Naperville Smart Meter Awareness is a group of concerned citizens educating the public about the risks of wireless smart meters. They are comprised of lawyers, technology professionals, health advocates, accountants, business owners and parents in the community of Naperville, Illinois.  Local coverage here.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Illinois, Smart Grid | Tagged | 1 Comment