Category Archives: Cell phones

Wireless Health Damage is No Joking Matter

By the way did we mention we’re not joking when we say wireless radiation from cell phones, wi-fi, and “smart” meters can injure–even kill you? Above is a photo of our neighbor in Scotts Valley, a man we interviewed in … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, Cancer, Cell phones, CPUC, Santa Cruz County | 31 Comments

Sensitive and Inside Big Technology: Views from the Other Side (Part Three)

Part three of a series. Click for Part One, Part Two, Part Four and  Part Five, ‘Jenny Liu’ is in her early thirties and has worked in the software industry on the East Coast for about a decade. Wireless radiation … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Dirty Electricity, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Sensitive and Inside Big Technology: Views from the Other Side (Part One)

This is part one of series based on interviews with people inside the high-tech industry who’ve become electro-sensitive and begun to question the silence that pervades their field on the matter. To protect their future ability to find work, we’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Dirty Electricity, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Uncategorized | 11 Comments

Two Upcoming Events: Cell-Phone Safety Forum (Berkeley) and Smart Meter Forum (Glendale)

Two upcoming events in California: Southern California Smart Meter Forum, on Thurs. Nov. 10 in Glendale CA. Speakers include Cindy Sage, EMF expert, and Mindy Spatt of TURN. Cell Phone Safety Public Forum (poster below with info) will be held … Continue reading

Posted in Berkeley, Cancer, Cell phones, FCC, Health studies, Uncategorized, World Health Organization | 2 Comments

A Right To Know? Not If the Wireless Industry Has its Way

By Amy O’Hair San Francisco passed a landmark ordinance earlier this year, which mandates that information about RF radiation exposure, a WHO class 2B carcinogen, be present at all cell-phone retail sites in the city, and given to buyers. If … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, San Francisco, World Health Organization | 10 Comments