Category Archives: health effects

Awareness Builds Resistance- and Healing

After writing an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal in April, I was flooded with e-mails from people who- because of the article- had put two and two together regarding their recent, unexplained downturn in health.   I received this … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, neighborhood organizing, Texas | Leave a comment

Michigan Stop Smart Meters! Launches National Smart Meter Health Campaign

According to Michigan SSM!: A new national campaign is being launched in the US, culminating on October 25th, to document health damage from utility smart meters.   If you are suffering symptoms you believe are linked with a smart meter, consult … Continue reading

Posted in health effects, legal issues, Michigan, neighborhood organizing, Physicians | 2 Comments

More Families Getting Water Shut Off, But Utilities Lack the Legal Right

From SPRINGDAME, PA– For the first time since Aug. 30, Cindee Zlacki of Springdale and her seven kids could shower at their own house on Tuesday. An Allegheny County Court judge has ordered the borough to restore water to … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, legal issues, Water meters | 3 Comments

Expert: “No Substitute for a Roll Back at the Community Level”

From EMF Safety Network: Dr. Ronald M Powell, PhD in applied physics from Harvard has authored:  Biological Effects from RF Radiation at Low-Intensity Exposure, based on the BioInitiative 2012 Report, and the Implications for Smart Meters and Smart Appliances This … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, Health studies, Home Area Network, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | Leave a comment

Take Back Your Power Documentary to be Released Sept. 5; Damage to Human Blood Cells Documented

Watch Take Back Your Power here at StopSmartMeters.Org starting Sept. 5th.   Join the TBYP team as an affiliate and spread the message of the film via the grassroots.  We know mainstream media distribution won’t touch this film, so let’s distribute … Continue reading

Posted in Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 2 Comments