Category Archives: PG&E

CPUC “Opt Out” Proceeding a Dangerous Farce

Those of us watching the ‘smart’ meter debacle unfold over the past couple of years- as the California Public Utilities Commission and state legislature sit on their hands- are continually disgusted by the audacity, recklessness, and sheer inhumanity of the … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Health studies, PG&E, San Francisco, World Health Organization | 14 Comments

A Labor Day Tribute to Utility Workers

Yes that’s right.   It’s Labor Day, and we would like to take this opportunity to appreciate the utility workers who keep the lights on for us, who brave difficult and dangerous conditions, and are often caught between authoritarian executives … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, PG&E, Privacy | 12 Comments

Comparing Cell Phone and Smart Meter Radiation

From our friends at Burbank Action:  The utilities are telling us that smart meters emit less radiation than cell phones.   Is your utility saying the same thing?  After PG&E told Amy O’Hair that, she decided to find out for herself.  … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, PG&E, San Francisco | 16 Comments

No Means NO- Capitola Demands Halt as PG&E Forces Meters

Photo on right courtesy of Karen Nevis   The City of Capitola is one of 13 cities and counties in Northern California who have passed laws prohibiting smart meter installation within their jurisdictions (and one of 45 who have demanded … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, PG&E, Privacy, Safety, Santa Cruz County | 9 Comments

“Smart” Meters to Blame in East Palo Alto Power Surge?

Reports were coming in yesterday of a major power surge that left more than 200 without electricity and burned out appliances and wiring in East Palo Alto, a low income community in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Many of the … Continue reading

Posted in Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, Dirty Electricity, PG&E, Safety | 16 Comments