Category Archives: Safety

PG&E’s Offer of Analogs Comes at a High Cost

Having been forced by bad press to throw sickened customers a meager bone–the option to keep an analog on an individual basis only, at an inflated cost–PG&E CEO Anthony Earley made this astonishing remark: “Why should we be fighting with … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Climate Change, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, interference, PG&E, Privacy, Safety, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | 15 Comments

Defend Your Analog Meter, Part VI

Here’s a couple more ideas for preventing trespass and tampering with your analog meter. Prevent regret, do it today. This one (right) was sent in by a Stop Smart Meters! fan, built from $65 worth of big-box items. He says: … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Privacy, Safety, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

CPUC Grants SCE Customer an Analog Meter

In a replay of his declaration that a PG&E customer could “go back to an analog meter,” CPUC President Michael Peevey last week granted a Southern California Edison customer the same request. “That’s an affirmative answer,” he told Topanga resident … Continue reading

Posted in Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, Democracy, Los Angeles, Safety | 10 Comments

Defend Your Analog Meter Part V

News of this neat little item now for sale was sent to us by a follower. You can buy this locking ring for your analog meter by contacting: Economy Lock and Key (707) 579-3183 We can’t guarantee your results, but … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Installer Threats and Assaults, Privacy, Safety | 23 Comments

Utility Lies, Threats of Night-time Raids & Federal Prosecution: One Woman’s PG&E “Smart” Meter Nightmare

Monise Sheehan of Aptos CA did everything an honest woman could have to try to protect herself from the harm that PG&E has imposed on her by installing a ‘smart’ meter on her home. She has explained, asked, pleaded, begged—until … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Dirty Electricity, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, PG&E, Police, Safety, Santa Cruz County | 10 Comments