Beware Unexpected (& Unlawful) Power Outages



Posted in California, Plumas County, PSREC | Leave a comment

PSREC Joins Stop Smart Meters! Hall of Shame

Bob MarshallScreen Shot 2014-03-22 at 5.46.55 PM

You may have noticed that there is a new link at the top of our sidebar.

Congratulations! PSREC you have earned a page all your own on StopSmartMeters.Org.  The new page includes links to the unfolding dispute, a time line of all PSREC’s misdeeds, and previously unreleased correspondence.

For disconnecting our electricity in winter in the mountains even though we have paid our  bill, for threatening to install a device that my doctor has told you will damage my health, for committing extortion, coercion, fraud, and generally being a menace to health and the quality of life here in California’s Northern Sierra Nevada, PSREC General Manager Bob Marshall and Board of Directors have earned themselves the ongoing scrutiny and attention of Stop Smart Meters! (and increasingly the public at large).

Now turn on our electricity please and DROP THOSE FEES!!!!

You may have also noticed a link to the  “WhistleStop Smart Meters! US Tour.”    March 28th- April 5th, I’ll be stopping in Fort Collins, CO, Chapel Hill, NC, Savannah, Georgia, and Stuart, FL to stop smart meters and show Josh del Sol’s film Take Back Your Power.  Spread the word and if you are local, put up some posters!  We’ll be reporting from the rails so stay tuned ….

Posted in Plumas County, PSREC | 5 Comments

PSREC: “Go Live in the Forest”

PSREC wants us out of their hair somewhere out in the woods

PSREC wants us out of their hair somewhere out in the woods

Over the last several months, we have had numerous conversations with PSREC.   We have given them dozens of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles showing harm from wireless technology at levels far below what the FCC allows.  We lent them a copy of Take Back Your Power.  We have submitted a letter from my physician letting them know that RF exposure exacerbates a medical condition.  In short, we have bent over backwards to explain the harm that their “smart” meters are doing to ourselves and the community, but they just don’t seem to be able to listen.

When we moved to Plumas County last summer, we chose to move into a neighborhood because we like having others close by and we enjoy being part of a community- we didn’t want to be in the middle of nowhere.   On at least two occasions, PSREC General Manager Bob Marshall and Assistant General Manager Greg Lohn asked me, “why don’t you just go live in the forest somewhere?”

Their question has made me realize that this whole dispute is not about the analog meter, nor about the fees.  It’s not even about my electro-hyper-sensitivity.  It’s about the fact that we’re refusing to “just go live in the forest,” and be quiet about the health problems that smart meters and other wireless technology are causing.

This is a clear threat to not only PSREC’s smart metering agenda, but the whole government/ industry dogma that says wireless is safe.

We’re refusing to obey- to go away and be quiet and sit in the back of the bus.   And Bob Marshall and PSREC hate us for it.  Their disconnection of our electricity has only made us more steadfast in our refusal to pay these extortionate fees.  We’ll survive off the grid if we have to.

In the paper this week, Mr. Marshall is quoted as saying “we hate turning off people’s power, especially in winter.”  I actually think he quite enjoyed giving the order to cut the lines.  It’s what bullies love to do- pick on those most vulnerable.   He continues, “we have a short fuse about being denied access to our meters, however.”    Well, he definitely has a short fuse.  But since we have never denied them access to their meters for reading or maintenance purposes, he must be talking about someone else.   Maybe he means that we did not allow them to install a device that they have written documentation is medically harmful to me.  I can see how that might infuriate him.

To make matters worse, on Tuesday we caught PSREC Member and Energy Services Manager Corby Gardner- likely under direction from Mr. Marshall- discussing our account with a total stranger and providing false information to make us look bad.

Isn’t it pretty clear by now that these fees, and the lies PSREC is spreading about us, are intended to be payback for our awareness raising activities in the County?  Why else would we be charged a fee when hundreds of other PSREC customers are self-reading their analog meters at no extra charge?

If anything, this incident should make PSREC customers (and all of us) wary of that “smart” meter on the side of their homes.  If PSREC is willing to go to such lengths to silence and coerce a community health advocate raising safety problems with their meters, what are they trying so desperately to hide?

We’re not willing to obey the utility industry and just “go live in the forest.”  We don’t believe banishment from society should be an inevitable outcome of being injured by smart meter radiation.  Call us crazy but we love our community.

Local News Coverage this week: 

Public Officials Address Allegations Against Them

Supervisors Tackle Mixed Meeting Topics

And more supportive local letters to the editor- thank you!


Posted in California, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, interference, Plumas County, radio-frequency radiation, Safety | 6 Comments

Lots of Storytelling Going on at the PSREC Call Center

Because now apparently PSREC (our electric company who rudely shut us off one month ago for refusing to pay illegal, discriminatory, and unjustifiable “opt out” fees) has discovered that it cannot extort, coerce, silence, or intimidate us, they are now directing their call center staff to openly discuss our personal account and tell lies to the many people who have been calling them to protest our disconnect.

Like most corporations facing a crisis, they’re apparently attempting to “war game” the situation by trying to erode our credibility.  But it’s not going to work.    You can have your own opinion, but the facts are the facts and PSREC needs to stop lying to people.

This is the e-mail I received last night from one of our supporters (with our responses below in bold):

Hi Josh,
Your utility company called me today and stated the following:
– They say that you haven’t paid your November bill.

This is not true.  We have paid our November bill.  There was a mix up where the accumulating (illegal) opt out charges were combined with the past due November amount and we thought it was all opt out charges and neglected to pay this until it was brought to our attention.  Though we were speaking to them regularly they never mentioned that they hadn’t received November’s payment, and when they did inform us, they admitted they realized this was an oversight.   As soon as they brought this to our attention we paid the bill (minus the opt out charge of course).

Furthermore, isn’t it against company policy to discuss a member’s account with persons not listed on the account???

– You are in debt to them by a substantial sum of money regarding power used.  They refused to disclose how much you owe them and for what services rendered that you owe them.

We have paid for our electricity usage in full.  If PSREC has its way, over the course of ten years they would charge us more than $1941 as an opt out charge ($141.60 for the analog meter and $15/ month) but we never agreed (and do not agree) to service under those terms.

– You have fenced your property and will not let anyone onto the property to service or read the utility meter.

Bob Marshall: “I disagree with everything you said!”

Again, a lie.  Until PSREC’s General Manager Bob Marshall threatened to forcibly install a smart meter on our home in February (even though he has in his possession a letter from my physician saying this device is harmful to my health- a threat of assault, essentially) we had not locked up our fence and the meter reader was free to come and go as he pleased.    After we received Mr. Marshall’s threats, we secured our fence, which did not in any way ever interfere with meter reading or maintenance.  We informed PSREC that they would be free to access their meter for these purposes.  We have never locked up our analog meter.

– You have caged the utility meter and will not let anyone into it to service the utility meter.

Again, absolutely a bald faced lie.  Even though we probably should have done so, we have never locked up our analog meter or prevented access for bona fide utility needs. 

– They say they have given you a number of payment options and only disconnected you after trying to work this out with you.

Here are the “payment options” they offered us: 

1)  Pay us our extortion charge and we will allow you to follow the orders of your doctor and protect your family’s health.

2)  We shut off your electricity during winter in the mountains.

I queried them about the caged meter and she admitted that she has not seen it.  It appeared to be the PR lady who called me.  She was trying to make out that you had gas and wood burning appliances, so that it wasn’t a hardship for you. 

Right- cutting the electricity to an all-electric house in the mountains in winter is not creating a hardship!  Nice stories they tell themselves.  The reality is that we are lucky to have a wood burning stove but not all residents here have one.   The “gas appliance” we are using is a camping stove out back.   We have no running hot water, no refrigeration, no lights, no stove or oven, and no heat except where the woodstove can reach (and without our ceiling fan this is drastically reduced).   How dare they assume things about us and discuss these “assumptions” on the phone with people who call on our behalf?

Their engineer who has seen the cages is supposed to be calling me to discuss what you have done on the property.

Ummm….. we locked our garden gate.  This “engineer who has seen the cages” is lying, and most likely the same man who came here and photographed our property with a telephoto lens from a number of different angles the day after our power was cut.

Anyhow, now wanted to get your feedback before I call them again.  They are painting you as the problem to callers, which is quite standard practice in the utility industry.

You don’t say?

Posted in Animal Harm, California, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, legal issues, Plumas County, radio-frequency radiation | 1 Comment

PSREC Tries to Gag us From Speaking About Illegal Disconnect

24 Days without electricity despite paying for every kilowatt hour used

PSREC has been wrongly telling people who call them on the phone  (800 555-2207)  that they “have offered the Harts to turn their power back on and provide an analog at no charge and they have turned it down.”

This is not true.

The “agreement” they offered us amounted to accepting illegal and extortionate fees and surrendering our basic 1st amendment rights to cover this dispute in public and on this website.

Needless to say, we are not going to sign any such agreement.

PSREC thought they could silence our growing publicity campaign using our home’s electricity service as a pawn to coerce us into an agreement to cover up their illegal and immoral behavior.

In fact, their actions are achieving just the opposite.

Our basic constitutional rights trump fraudulent utility company and CPUC policies.  We all have the right to say what goes in and on our homes and be free of coercion and extortion.

Every day this goes on, PSREC is losing money from not having us as customers, charging the cost of their irrational disconnection to our neighbors.  The loss of income from losing us as customers is far greater than any unjustified “opt out” fee they would hope to recover from us.  That is not the behavior of a rational business entity.

While we wait for PSREC to come to their senses, it’s time to go heat up some water on the wood stove and get the candles and lanterns ready for nightfall.

“Finally, nothing in this agreement constitutes an admission by the PSREC that any meters used within its territory are SmartMeters…” ???

They can call them whatever they want.  We call it toxic technology.  And it’s not going on our home.  Period.  And we are not agreeing to pay to avoid it, however long they keep our electricity off.

That is extortion.


Posted in California, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Installer Threats and Assaults, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Plumas County, radio-frequency radiation | 6 Comments