Dining by the Glow of PG&E Smart Meter Radiation Pulses

Love your analog- don’t let it be kidnapped by greedy utilities!

Nothing that says romance quite like dining next to ‘Smart’ Digital Utility Meters emitting up to 190,000 pulses of radiation per day.

A recent stroll through the Bernal Heights neighborhood in San Francisco brought these appalling examples of forced public exposure at close proximity to PG&E ‘smart’ meter radiation to the attention of SF resident Amy O’Hair (all photos by Amy O’Hair).

Class 2 B carcinogen with your California roll?

At Moki Sushi restaurant (left), lucky diners placed at the front window table get an extra bonus–three smart meters right next to them, pulsing off in the little alcove.





Not so progressive….


The deli workers at Progressive Grounds Cafe (right) are treated to smart meter pulses all day while they make your sandwiches — the RF radiation doubled and tripled by reflection off all the shiny steel surfaces.





Making that goodnight kiss subject to neurological disruption. Thanks PG&E!

This doorway squeezes the residents at 404 Cortland Ave. (left) between two smart meters, should they ever need to go through their front door.

Get yourself fit- then get yourself microwaved in Bernal Heights





This neighborhood service will take your dog for a radiation run up on Bernal Hill, which sports an impressively stacked cell tower, featured prominently in their billboard.

Posted in California, PG&E, San Francisco | 1 Comment

Mass Protest Wednesday in Southern California

Media Advisory:  Smart Meter Surveillance and Cancer Grid Protest,
March 20th (Wed), 11:30-2:30 pm in front of the The Four Seasons Westlake Village, Westlake Village, CA 91364

Contacts:  Julie Levine and Guero Cerda, 310-455-9389; 310-463-3016; Liz Barris 310-455-7530

Why:  There is a major smart meter/smart grid industry gathering on March 20th, 2013:  http://www.greentechmedia.com/events/live/the-networked-grid-2013
…and we are planning a major protest against it.

JOIN US on Wed., March 20th, 11:30AM – 2:30PM on sidewalks in front of The FOUR SEASONS HOTEL, for a peaceful protest against the carcinogenic surveillance grid known as “smart grid and smart meters”, where industry executives from Edison, PG&E, SMUD and other major utility corporations responsible for this active assault will be gathered. The demonstration will include a press conference where former DWP workers, engineers, people who have experienced health problems from  smart meters and the smart meter grid, and those with concerns about surveillance will share their stories.

Attendees of the conference will be executives from Edison, PG@E, SDG@E, SMUD, Arizona Public Service and other “smart” players including staff, consultants and others will be gathered to discuss the how to further financially exploit the deadly smart grid

For more info on this action: “Like”  No Smart Meter Coalition  page on Facebook.

Legal observers will be present to help ensure the rights of the demonstrators.  Occupy LA will be sending 2 buses leaving from downtown LA.

If coming from the South, take 101 Freeway North to Lindero Canyon exit (first exit after Kanan Road).  Turn right onto Lindero Cyn Road. Protest will be on sidewalk on left hand side at first intersection with Russell Ranch Road.  Parking will be on right side at parking area for Marriott, Lure Fish House and Custom Built Burgers (shopping center on SW corner of Lindero Canyon Road and Russell Ranch Road).

Thank you so much for your help and support.  Please pass this on to friends, family, neighbors and the media.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Smart Grid | 3 Comments

Edison Meters Suspected in Long Beach Throat Cancer Case

The SCE "smart" meter that was originally installed in JN's home

The SCE “smart” meter that was originally installed in JN’s home

StopSmartMeters.Org recently received this account from a man in Long Beach, CA. Detractors say this type of account is “just anecdotal” and does not hold scientific or medical weight.  But how many firsthand accounts need to pile up before action is taken or a proper investigation launched?  The California Department of Public Health has received so many health complaints about smart meters that they have set up a special e-mail address to handle them all.   If you believe you have suffered adverse health effects from “smart” meters, why not tell the CADPH (or the health dept. in your state or country) and ask how they are investigating and responding to this public health threat.

WARNING: the following contains graphic descriptions of the cancer JN is convinced he developed because of his proximity to SCE’s “smart” meter.

Account of “JN” Long Beach, CA

I’m not quite sure of the date when a utility worker from the Corix company came to my house to change my old analog electric meter over to the new smart meter. At the time I knew nothing about smart meters and had never even heard of them. So I agreed and the utility worker quickly installed the new meter and left. The new meter that was put in was located on the inside back porch of the house and at the time I had an old electrical system that still used the old glass fuses.

It was not long after that when I started to notice that I had developed a constant ringing in my ears and was always fatigued along with heart palpitations but I couldn’t figure out why I might be having these issues. I went and had my hearing tested and was diagnosed with tinnitus.

Around the first part of April of 2012 I decided to have the electrical system of the house upgraded. Southern California Edison came by and did a meter drop and wanted the new meter placed on that alley side of the house so that the wires from the utility line would not cross over any structures. The upgrade took a couple of weeks to complete. The new meter panel along with the smart meter now sat right outside one of the bedrooms where I have a music studio.  I spend most of my time there- usually from early morning to late in the evening. The way my computer desk was set up put me directly in front of the smart meter- about 4 feet away from where I would sit most of the time.

In about May of 2012, after about a month of sitting in front of the smart meter, I noticed on the right side of my neck what looked like a burn.  Later my skin looked like it had been cooked. The burn was about 2 inches long by about a half inch wide. Shortly after that I reported it to my doctor at the VA Medical Center and was given Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream to apply. It took close to maybe a month before the burn cleared up but then I started noticing that I was having a problem swallowing pills.

I have an herbal medication that I take that sort of has a gel cap coating to it that would pop right back up after swallowing it. I also noticed that sometimes I would spit up small amounts of blood if I would try to clear my throat too aggressively. I went back to my doctor at the VA with these complaints and he set me up for a barium swallow test.

By this time I was starting to feel like the smart meter had something to do with the way I was feeling. After several complaints to Edison to remove the meter I was getting quite desperate and feeling quite ill. The last night before they removed it I could not even sleep in my bedroom which was on the same side of the house as the smart meter approximately 15 feet or so from my bed. I ended up sleeping on the floor that night in the living room. The next day an Edison utility worked came out and removed the smart meter.

The "trojan horse" analog meter that SCE installed on JN's home.   Beware.

The “trojan horse” analog meter that SCE installed on JN’s home. Beware.

I had been reading and learning about the difference between smart meters and analog meters so when the Edison utility worker showed up I knew that I did not want anything to do with smart meters or any Trojan horse replacement meters made up to look like analog meters. I asked the Edison installer several times if this was a true analog replacement meter that was not set up for transmitting or collecting information and his exact words were “well it might send out a ping”. I told him if that’s the case then it’s not a true analog meter like the original meter I had before Corix installed the smart meter. At any rate he installed the replacement meter which was made up to look like an analog meter and left.

After he left I went on line and did a Google search for the meter the Edison worker had installed and found that it indeed had transmitting and data collecting abilities. Upon discovering that, I was really pissed off that Edison would try to be so deceitful. I went on line and found a place where I could buy my own legal analog meter and purchased one. I gave Edison fair notice and asked them to come out and remove it or I would replace it with the one I purchased. In addition I also purchased an Electrosmog meter so that I could measure the EMF’s coming off all my devices.

A few days after I sent Edison the letter asking them to remove the Trojan meter which goes by the name of “Landis Gyr + MX Family” at around 9:30 in the evening my ears began ringing really loud. Something told me to check the new Edison meter with my Electrosmog meter and I saw that it was registering for about 20 minutes that the Edison meter was transmitting a signal. The next day I removed the Landis Gyr meter and sent it back to Edison and had an electrician install my replacement meter.

Picture 1

After that Edison became very hostile and began to threaten that they would turn off my power. They sent out one of their Revenue Protection agents- a Mr. Anthony Medina who claimed I was stealing electricity because I did not have one of their meters on my house. The new analog meter that I had installed could be easily read and had been calibrated by the factory but I was told it was not acceptable as far as Edison was concerned. Mr. Medina wanted to reinstall the same meter that I had sent back to Edison and I told him that I didn’t want it. He said that he could get an analog meter that would be a non-transmitting meter but that he would have to drive all the way back to his office in Fullerton to get it. He was back in about 30 minutes with the same meter claiming it was different then the first one.  I knew he was lying because there is no way he could drive from my house to Fullerton and back in 30 minutes.

Edison left me alone for a few weeks and then I got two more threatening phone calls from a woman at Edison threatening now to turn off my power immediately and also a fine for $250 for tampering with Edison equipment. Shortly after that Mr. Medina came back out and reinstalled the same Landis Gyr + MX meter on my house that I had returned to them. The $250 fine shortly followed which I paid. I was just tired of fighting with them.

I also wrote a letter complaining to the California Public Utilities Commission about the Trojan meter the Landis Gyr+ MX meter that Edison was forcing me to take and I got a reply back from Ana Montes telling me that Edison was not in the wrong and that the meter was perfectly acceptable as far as the CPUC was concerned.

The basic analog meter that JN obtained from freedomtaker.com  SCE threatened him with disconnection and levied hundreds in fines.

The basic analog meter that JN obtained from freedomtaker.com. SCE threatened him with disconnection and levied hundreds in fines.

Fast forward to about the first of November 2012 I went back to the doctor because I was having real bad heart burn for a couple of weeks and I thought that it might be because of a hernia that I had so my doctor set me up to see about having a hernia repair done. Before the hernia repair I decided to finally go and get the Barium Swallow done that he wanted and I mentioned to him my suspicions and why I did not want to do the Barium Swallow was because I did not want to get bombarded with more X rays because of my suspicions about the smart meter. He told me that he had discussed it with some of his colleagues and that they saw no connection.

So now comes the day of my hernia operation and they roll me into the operating room to do the surgery. When I wake up I don’t feel any pain or scars and a minute or so later a recovery room nurse comes over and tells me that my surgery was cancelled because they couldn’t get a air tube down my throat on the operating table because of a mass in my throat. That was on 11/16/12. Anyway, when I get home later that evening I was drinking a cup of tea when all of a sudden I spit up what looked like a piece of raw hamburger with blood in it about the size of quarter. Since it was on a Friday and late in the evening the only thing I could think of was to quickly put the specimen in a small glass jar and freeze it.

On Tuesday, November 20th I went to the VA Medical Center in Long Beach CA to the ENT department to see a Dr. Ge, where I dropped off the specimen. When I came back for a follow-up visit on 12/12/12 that was when I got the diagnosis that the specimen was cancerous. So the cancer that I have is at the bottom right side of the back of my tongue the same side as the burn on my neck and has to be treated with radiation and chemo because I was told that it’s too much of a high risk for complications to do surgery on.

I have never been a smoker or a drinker. Not a big cell phone or cordless phone user either. I have always been pretty health conscious and about seven or eight months ago switched to more of a vegan type diet.

March 15th Update:

Well they wanted me to do 35 days of radiation treatments along with one session of Chemo a week.  I made it up to day 28 with the radiation before I got sick taking
the pain medication which has given me severe constipation.  So I have missed my last 2 days of radiation.  I will see how I feel next week and try to see if I can complete
the treatment.  It is really indescribably brutal and there have been a few other patients here who just dropped out because they  could not take it.

After they make a plastic mesh type mask of your head neck and shoulders each treatment they bolt the mask down with you inside of it to the table.  The fit is so tight that when they finish you can see the mesh out lines on my face when they are done. They also restrain both of your hands.  The treatments are about 10 to 20 minutes long.

Some other down sides to the radiation treatments that I want to mention is that it totally wiped out my taste buds and the sore throat is unbelievable.  Knowing that could be a problem they inserted a stomach tube in me so that I can take nourishment by tube feedings. The tube feeding are 6 cans of a liquid formula called Jevity which give me serious heart burn even after one 8 oz can.  At first I was taking all my meals by mouth until the third week of radiation when my taste buds just vanished and everything I would try to eat had no taste at all. No matter what I would eat it all tasted the same like eating dry cardboard. It’s not even possible to quench my thirst with a cold glass of water because the water tends to have a chemically, metal after taste to it. It got to the point where I could not even stand the smell of food cooking.

My salivary glands are also all dried out so my mouth is constantly dry except for when this other gland in my mouth kicks in. I found out there is another gland in the mouth that also makes spit except the spit it makes is a real thick kind of mucous which it over produces to the point where I am constantly spitting it out to keep from choking on it.  That routine goes on all day long everyday. Also, not to mention the constant nose bleeds.

Radiation treatments are no walk in the park.


Editor:  And these are the same meters that police in Naperville, IL are forcing on people’s homes, arresting you if you refuse?  What the HELL is going on here?

Posted in California, Cancer, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, health effects, Installer Threats and Assaults, Los Angeles, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation, SCE | 12 Comments

Ode to the Toxic “Smart” Meter

Picture 1

We dedicate this poem to the poor suckers who are buying stock in Silver Spring Networks today.    You’ll be making Al Gore and other venture capitalists wealthier, and they will leave you holding the bag when the flurry of lawsuits hits. 

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

“Ode to the toxic ‘smart meter’”
(the utility refuses to remove)

“Your demise is inevitable.
Someday, I’ll stick you to flypaper
and take you to the range for target practice.
I’ll twist your smoking innards into pretzels
and hold you under a pillow to suffocate your last spark.
Stuffing you in a black trash bag, I’ll dump you in the trunk
of my ‘69 Chevy and gun it to the nearest cliff.

Poking the shiny chrome nose over the teetering edge,
I’ll scramble out, and push, sending you down,
down to the jagged, foam-covered rocks below.
Even if they find the banged up wreck,
they’ll never ID your smashed remains.”


Maybe you have your own smart meter poem you’d like to get off your chest?

Posted in Citizen rebellion | 4 Comments



From the grassroots wire:

Enough is enough! We can get nowhere with Peevey in office.

CA Public Utility Commissioner President Michael Peevey (formerly Southern CA Edison CEO) has shown incompetence, conflicts of interest, and disdain for people he puts in danger, like those blown to bits in San Bruno in the gas explosion, those harmed by smart meters and unnecessary power plants and other projects such as SunRise Powerlink in San Diego County.

Peevey is a menace to the public safety and health in California. Peevey needs to be removed by the Governor, immediately, and be replaced by a non-industry protector and advocate for the public with a strong track record. We need someone who is clearly a champion of the people, such as Ralph Nader or Sandi Maurer of EMF Safety Network.  Commissioners from TURN have done nothing but support the status quo, they appear to sell out immediately upon being appointed. Peevey is losing the plot.  He yelled “shut up” at the public in a CPUC public meeting who were wanting to speak about smart meter injuries. Also, read about how he secretly asked his rich buddies to support a power plant in Southern CA. Read more about the secret life of Michael Peevey in the San Francisco Bay Guardian’s recent article.

People from all over are coming to the same conclusion- Peevey REALLY MUST GO!

What can you do?

1. Sign a petition to have Peevey remove, and share this message widely!

We now have 832 signatures on the petition to Gov. Brown to appoint a new President of the CPUC….Lets get 1000+ signatures! Peevey has got to go!


2. You may contact Governor Jerry Brown to request the removal of Michael Peevey as head of the CPUC, and replacement with a true, proven, people’s advocate, such as Ralph Nader, at: http://govnews.ca.gov/gov39mail/mail.php by email or:
Mailing address:
Governor Jerry Brown c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160


3.  Attend upcoming CPUC public meetings and tell him to his face- “Peevey you are not serving the public and you need to step down!”

CPUC Upcoming meetings: March 21 9am San Diego, April 4, 18, May 9, 23rd in San Francisco- see CPUC site for full details of Commission times and locations for 2013.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Sacramento | Leave a comment