Utility Blackmail: PG&E Threatens City of Sebastopol’s Service

Dangerous gangs of senior citizens running smart meter installers from the streets of Sebastopol has scared PG&E out of the town completely.

Dangerous gangs of senior citizens running smart meter installers from the streets of Sebastopol (along with the local police department) have now scared PG&E out of the town completely.

In response to the City of Sebastopol’s recent ordinance (pdf) prohibiting “smart” meter installation, and the council’s willingness to use police powers to enforce that ordinance, Pacific Gas & Electric Company is now essentially threatening to disconnect the entire community of 7,000+ people.

The city council is reasonably insisting that the utility hold off on installation pending the outcome of the CPUC “opt-out” proceeding to decide how communities who refuse the meters will be treated (a decision by the Judge is expected in a matter of weeks but apparently PG&E can’t wait).

By refusing routine maintenance in the city, PG&E is using its power to provide (or take away) utility service, and its hefty legal war chest to intimidate and blackmail this small city in Sonoma County, who never asked for any trouble.  They just don’t want “smart” Digital Utility Meters in town.

The dispute has gotten so bad that PG&E is now refusing even to carry out gas pipeline safety work in the city, according to Sebastopol City Manager Larry McLaughlin (unbelievable considering the deaths that took place in San Bruno):

Then earlier this week, McLaughlin said, PG&E said it was ceasing all operations in the city, including the marking of underground gas lines and work on the $23.5 million Barlow project, the city’s largest development project in years.

And Helen Burt, Chief Customer Officer of PG&E who admitted subscribing to activists private e-mail lists-

 “said she told employees she met with on Wednesday to be ‘situationally-aware’ while they are working in the city.

“We may be calling law enforcement ourselves,” she said.

This is what utility service has come to in Northern California ladies and gentlemen.  Threats, groundless suspicions, and intimidation.  Not your friendly local utility any longer.   Sorry June Cleaver.

Sandi Maurer, whose EMF Safety Network is based in Sebastopol, and has done widespread outreach in the community on the wireless health issue, had this to say about the situation, and specifically the wildly misleading op-ed columns coming out of mainstream news sources like the Press-Democrat.

“We don’t want to be at war with our communities,” Burt said.

Then don’t be, PG&E.  You started this war with your customers, after all.

Stand strong Sebastopol.  You are in good company.   This is where the rubber hits the road.  You have a right to keep Wellington Energy (PA-based smart meter installers) out of town- and keep the lights on.   PG&E- and their enablers- should be ashamed of themselves for disrespecting local democracy and forcing an unwanted system.

Local governments like Sebastopol have the power to revoke franchise agreements with the utility, and develop their own renewable power resources. That means thousands fewer inflated electric and gas bills going into shareholder accounts.

They are our homes and our communities, not the utilities’.  If the problems with smart meters aren’t resolved soon, then communities have the right to seek alternatives to utility service altogether.   Let’s start an off-the-grid revolution, and take back our power!  Then when the utility threatens to disconnect, we’ll say, “that’s cool, pull the plug–  we’re ready.”

Then the headlines might start to look more like this…


Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Police, Sonoma County | 10 Comments


Please Distribute Widely!  Deadline Wednesday March 6th

Even if you commented during the comment period, please read on.  If there are points that you wish you had included, you can file a reply as well.

Easy directions for brief comments linked from the bottom.

Are you concerned about radiofrequency (microwave) radiation emissions from smart meters, cellphones, WiFi, cellphone antennas, baby monitors etc or you are having health problems as a result of the FCC’s outdated physics-based radiofrequency radiation limits ?  This is your chance to make your voice heard!

Support biologically-based radiofrequency radiation safety limits or the FCC could elect to raise its existing outdated physics-based safety limits.  Please submit a reply in the reply round at the FCC by March 6, 2013.

For the first time since the passage of the 1996 Telecom Act, the FCC is specifically requesting/allowing comment on its radiofrequency radiation limits.

This is a second opportunity for your voice to be heard on the question of the inadequacy of the outdated thermally-based FCC radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.  Submitting your document in an official FCC proceeding is the only way to get information to the FCC that it is legally required to consider.

See Stop Smart Meters! Analysis on inadequate FCC limits  for background information on the FCC radiofrequency radiation limits.


The FCC does not have the expertise to set safety limits so they have to adopt them from somewhere.  Thus far, they have felt that they have only two options – the IEEE and the ICNIRP .  At the EPA’s urging, they chose the lower ones and adopted the IEEE exposure guidelines which are outdated and inadequate.

The Industry would like them to re-consider and adopt the more lenient ICNIRP guidelines.

In other words, the radiofrequency radiation limits could be RAISED if the FCC does not receive enough compelling comments asking that they be lowered.

TAKE ACTION NOW- More details here: http://electricalpollution.com/

Posted in Cancer, Democracy, EPA, FCC | 12 Comments

Take Back Your Power & Organize Your Community

Picture 2Some great advice on community organizing from the powerhouse people at Take Back Your Power, the groundbreaking documentary film on smart meters to be released in the next several months.  This is a crowd-funded project so let’s donate and help them meet their goal!  TBYP takes a look at the case of Fairfield Iowa and how residents organized and halted deployment there, ridding the community of unwanted meters.  This part sounds familiar:

“City officials were contending the meters were safe, without direct evidence. Also, city officials passed on misinformation about the meters, saying they only transmit once a month. Even years after meters were installed, the technology was not clearly understood by the city.”

To find local contacts and organizations fighting smart meters, check out our list of local contacts or the one at TBYP’s site.  If you are organizing in your area, get listed yourself and help grow the movement!

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, neighborhood organizing | Leave a comment

Corporate Interference: Fracking, Food, and Wireless Conference March 13,14 NYC

Picture 2

Three huge topics!  March 13-14, NYC

Can fracking be done safely?

How can you be sure you are feeding your family safe food?

What are the health risks of smartphones and smart meters?
Is Wi-Fi a public health threat?

What are the environmental costs and health risks of the technology alternatives?…

What role do corporations play in the information you have to answer these questions?

Conference March 13-14,  2013
9 am – 5 pm
Scandinavia House
58 Park Avenue (at 38th Street) New York City

For more information and to register, go to www.CorporateInterference.org

Posted in AAEM, Animal Harm, Bees, Cancer, Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, GMO's, health effects, Health studies, interference, neighborhood organizing, New York City, Physicians, Plant damage, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Wireless Refugees Attracting Increasing Attention From Media

Picture 1Another great piece by Kristin Fisher of Washington DC’s WUSA9.   We must appreciate and support reporters who know how to do their job, and are brave enough to speak out about a clearly insane situation, about which there is widespread denial.

“So I asked the wireless refugees this question: “What do you have to say to people who think that EHS isn’t real. That it’s all in your head?”

“I don’t worry about that because I know it’s happening. It’s happening and it’s getting worse, and I would suggest that we are probably near the end of the wireless age. Wireless will become a technology that can’t be used any more,” said Weatherall.

The conclusion I’ve come to is that the U.S. government needs to do more independently funded research. The National Institute of Health is not funding or conducting any studies on EHS, but other countries are. Sweden has fully recognized EHS as a physical impairment. Meanwhile, the Canadian government has started funding treatment of EHS and there’s currently a nine-month waiting list to get in.

If you think you’re suffering from EHS, please email kfisher@wusa9.com

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Greenbank, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, Washington DC, World Health Organization | 2 Comments