Hundreds of Californians gathered last week at five separate CPUC hearings around the state to voice opposition to smart meters- and the fees being charged to avoid them.

One woman at Thursday’s hearing in Santa Rosa asked the gathered crowd to raise their hand if they believed that the CPUC could be trusted to make a fair decision in this case.  Not one of the 200 assembled raised their hand.  A former PG&E meter reader testified about the company attempting to cover up the many fires that smart meters are causing.  Speaker after speaker told horror stories of the health impacts they have suffered from smart meter radiation. The public was united in its opposition to the forced technology, demanding a no-cost opt out for individuals and communities.

Merry Christmas, Grinch.

Stop Smart Meters! hired a bus (the “Analog Express”) and organized dozens of people from the Bay Area to speak at this hearing.  We sang smart meter themed Christmas Carols and upset the CPUC staff, who turned red and asked that we cease our merriment at once.  The CPUC provided a wireless mic for the public to use (can you believe their insensitivity to electro-sensitivity?) so a Stop Smart Meters! volunteer quietly swapped the mic to a safer, wired version.  We also interviewed some PG&E staff who were brave enough to show their faces at this event.  Video to come….

Thanks to everyone who rode the “Analog Express” with us and everyone who spoke out at the hearing.  It is clear that problems with smart meters are growing and so is the movement to stop them.

Please support the work of Stop Smart Meters! with a donation of any amount, so we can expand our activities in 2013. Thank you.

We wish you all a safe, peaceful, analog holiday season.


EMF Safety Network’s report on the Santa Rosa hearing

An article was published by the Santa Rosa Press Democrat (which misrepresents the position of the World Health Organization but is otherwise more or less factual).  Apparently no other media outlets covered the hearing, despite the fact that they all received media advisories.

Lyrics to “Smart Meter Meltdown” by Ellen Cecil (sung to the tune of “White Christmas”) are here (in pdf).

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Fires, health effects, PG&E, World Health Organization | 2 Comments

Reports from Packed CPUC Hearings in LA and Orange County


Report from CPUC Hearing in LA from Shane of Los Angeles:

“Last night’s CPUC hearing in Los Angeles had quite a good turn out.  I’m estimating that there were about 60 speakers, with maybe 85 people in attendance.

Before the event, there was a demonstration on the street in front of the Junipero Serra Building.  Liz Barris did a great job organizing this and bringing people to the event.

Speakers were very passionate and informed.  What was most interesting to me is that no one spoke to the various “options” we are being presented.  For the most part people said that there should be NO opt out fees at all.  The vast majority cited health issues in their testimony.  Many discussed security and costs.  The general tone was outrage at the fact that ANY charge to opt out would take place.  Concern for low-income people who cannot afford to opt out was voiced, as was the situation with multi-family residences with multiple meters.

The word “extortion” was the most commonly-used, incorporated in most of the speakers’ testimonials.

People came from far and wide.  There were people from Mt. Baldy who made the point that they do not even have a cell network there, so the meters don’t even function — yet they were deployed.  A woman came all the way from Frazier Park.  Two people hobbled in on broken feet (this reporter included).  An elderly woman made the trip on public transportation, at night, which can be very challenging and sometimes dangerous in L.A.

Judge Yip-Kikugawa seemed to take most of it in and there were moments when she seemed to be a very compassionate listener.

Several people asked why there were no commissioners at the hearing.  She told them that they would be provided with a transcript of all the hearings.  This did not stop people from being outraged that they were not present.

Several “Occupy” people were in attendance, along with Smeter “veterans” and several relative newbies.  Ratepayers whose bills had gone up presented documentation.  At least a dozen people whose health has been affected spoke about their experience.  Quite a few spoke about the “hum” that so many of us began hearing after grids went up.  The point was made that even if we do opt out, we are STILL affected by the grid — making an opt out useless.

Those of us who have been made homeless told of our experiences.  A veterinarian spoke very eloquently, as did a criminal defense attorney who was new to the topic.

SCE Reps were there and the Judge told us they were available to answer our questions. This was met with guffaws.  Their slick P.R. materials were disparaged by several speakers.  Compared with the last L.A. hearing, there were considerably fewer utility representatives present.

Rules of decorum were followed for the most part.  The judge was praised by some as being compassionate.  I personally felt more “heard” than I did when I spoke before the commissioners.  Peevey’s sneer was absent and that went a long way to creating a more communicative atmosphere.  We each had 3 minutes.  Most of us took the whole allotment.  The sound system was terrible.

Judge Yip-Kikugawa told us that she would be writing an opinion that commissioners may or may not accept.  She said that a decision would probably be reached in the spring.

Transcripts will be available to the public, but at a per-page charge.  Another option is to request a transcript from the CPUC to be sent to a local library where it could be read at no charge.  Good luck in Santa Rosa!”



“Overall, the hearing went very well.  Approx 80 people attended, and 36 signed up to speak.  People came from as far as Riverside, San Diego, and all regions of Orange County.  The average drive was approx 45-60 min, and yet they braved a long drive, on a very windy, cold night, just seven days before Christmas to speak out against everything that is wrong with smart meters.  Very encouraging to say the least.

Most people were well-informed, and spoke out passionately, and with conviction.  The major topic themes included the health detriment from the RF radiation; the lack of protection from the CPUC in regulating the utility monopolies, and the extortionate opt-out.  More than a handful gave their testimony on how their health deteriorated after the installation of the smart meter; these testimonies were heart-breaking.

Another handful of folks addressed the dilemma of living near a bank of smart meters, and the need for community opt-outs, as well as the need for businesses to be able to opt-out. Towards the end of their two-minutes, the overwhelming majority stated strongly that charging for the opt-out was punitive, unjust, and extortionate.  They further and strongly stated the opt-out should be free, or that smart meters should be banned….period!

Everyone was given two minutes to speak, although some spoke an extra 45 seconds, and nothing was said.  When they went past even that, the Judge reminded them that they needed to finish up.  All persons had spoken by about 7:40pm, and the Judge moved to end the hearing, but some people asked to say a few more things.  The Judge was reminded that the hearing was set for two hours, and that if some folks wanted to share another point, they still had 20 minutes to do so.  The Judge basically stated that folks could not speak again who had already spoken, that everyone had had their two minutes, and then ended the hearing.  People were not happy.

At the end of the meeting, we passed out many brochures, and many folks took brochures to pass out to their neighbors.  We also obtained contact information for potential new members.   All in all, we were very pleased with the turnout, and the hearing in general.


Stop OC Smart Meters

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, Los Angeles, Orange County | 1 Comment

Santa Barbara Packs Hearing; Stands Up to Grinch Utilities

This just in from Zavier, our Ojai reporter back from the Santa Barbara hearing- Great work SB!:

“Just wanted to give a brief report on today’s hearings. It was standing room only and the standees ringed the walls from right to left. 86 speakers signed up and the approximately 60 I heard before I had to leave were all heartfelt and terrific. Each put his or her own spin on the topic. Some were scientific, others indignant. Some spoke of the illnesses they personally experienced. There were many eloquent seniors. Heather Bryden and her Santa Barbara group handed out “No Smart Meter” buttons that many of us wore and a few of them made great, strong speeches.

Most of the speakers cut to the core of the opt-out issue, stating in no uncertain terms that it’s those who want smart meters who should be paying, not those who are being punitively forced to pay for something we DON”T want. There were about 6 of us from Ojai who attended and in addition two other Ojai people spoke that were not even part of our group. Also we met a group from Ventura acting independently who were not even aware of us or the larger California Coalition. I did note with some dismay, however, that after one person spoke rather boisterously and accusatorially, a reporter pulled that person over for an interview, apparently, I assume, to put a “crazy” face on the opposition. In any event, The Santa Barbara hearings would have to be termed a huge success! It’s hard to imagine how the CPUC could turn its back on such an outcry!  -Zavier, Ojai

Santa Barbara Noozhawk reports on a speaker at the SB Hearings: “I would smash every single f****ing one of (the smart meters)”


Posted in CPUC, Santa Barbara, SCE | 3 Comments

(Good) Tech Gifts for the Holidays

We’re all familiar with bad technology that causes harm.  But what about good tech?   Stop Smart Meters! is not anti-technology- as our detractors like to claim.  We’re just opposed to inappropriate technology that causes more harm than good.  This holiday season, bypass wireless gadgets that can cause developmental and reproductive harm and instead choose gifts that protect the ones you love.  Plus, StopSmartMeters.Org benefits when you purchase these products through our website (at a discount), helping to fund our public outreach and educational programs.

Cornet ED 178S RF/ LF meter

The Cornet ED75 is a pocket sized RF/ LF meter that measures radiation from smart meters, cell phones, towers, wi-fi, and power lines

You can’t beat this little gadget in terms of cost, convenience and its ability to measure a variety of different frequencies and sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF).

It is powered by a single 9V battery, and detects RF (microwave radiation) from 100 MHz to 8 GHz, which encompasses most cordless phones, smart meters, cell phones, and wi-fi.  It also detects low frequencies from electrical wiring and power lines. (50 Hz to 10 KHz) Why wait until you develop a headache or other symptoms to tell you when you are in a hazardous ‘hotspot’?  The ED78S detects the brief spikes of radiation emitted by smart meters, and other wireless devices.  For those on a budget, this is a great little device (it’s what we use!).  Plus it has a nifty moving graph that displays levels from the past few seconds.

The Cornet ED178S is on sale from our online store (including free shipping within the U.S.)

Gigahertz Solutions HF35C High Frequency Meter

If you are looking for an RF measuring device that makes a statement in public with a large green antenna and an audio speaker that turns invisible RF waves into sound, then the HF35C is for you.

After you use this device for a while, it becomes easy to differentiate between the high whine of a cell tower and the clicks of a smart meter.  See it in action here.  As the intensity of the radiation source increases, so does the volume, making it easy to identify strong sources of radiation (and making the invisible audible).

Buy the HF35C at a discount in the Stop Smart Meters! store.

AlphaSmart 3000

Take a break from your computer with the Alphasmart 3000!

A few years ago, after spending hours on my Macbook (updating this website and fighting ‘smart’ meters) I started to develop a very uncomfortable tingling sensation in my wrists and hands.  I realized that the powerful EMF from the processors in the laptop were affecting me, and not in a good way.  I bought a separate keyboard and mouse and put some distance between the laptop and my body.   Still, after hours typing in front of the computer I found that I was developing headaches and just felt run down.   I said to my girlfriend, “I wish there was a device that was just a keyboard and a small LCD screen without any of the unwanted EMF and distractions of the internet.  Why doesn’t someone make that?”  Lo and behold, a few weeks later, my friend Adam told me about the Alphasmart, a device used primarily in an educational context in the late 1990’s/ early 2000’s, but now growing in popularity amongst those who find that they are increasingly “electromagnetically aware.”  The Alphasmart 3000 contains 8 files with a 12.5 page capacity each, and runs for hundreds of hours on 3 AA batteries.  I have not been able to detect any EMF at all from the Alphasmart (using my Cornet meter above) and I can happily type on it all day.  When you are finished typing, simply connect the Alphasmart to any computer with a USB printer cable, open up Word (or your e-mail program), press the send button on the Alphasmart and the device ‘types’ your words onto the screen.

It’s a basic- but sturdy- technology that has come to the rescue of a growing number of EHS people. For those who have been so seriously injured that they can no longer use a computer, the Alphasmart can restore communication and creative expression with no EMF hangover.  For those who spend a lot of time in front of the computer and wish to reduce their exposure, the Alphasmart is the perfect gift.  Note: Alphasmart models other than the 3000 model reviewed here may include wi-fi.  Buyer beware!  June ’17 update: The Alphasmart 3000 will be coming soon to the Stop Smart Meters! store– stay tuned.

Posted in radio-frequency radiation | 10 Comments

For Me to Pay to Have Peace of Mind is Really……Wrong

Posted in Fires, Michigan, Safety | Leave a comment