Category Archives: health effects

The Truth About Smart Meters

Thanks to Brian Thiesen, for this excellent and comprehensive presentation on the hazards of “smart” meters. More on his organizing efforts here.

Posted in Canada, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, neighborhood organizing | 3 Comments

PG&E: “Customers Must Pay for Benefit” (Their Health)

This is Raymond Blatter, Senior Regulatory Specialist at Pacific Gas and Electric Company.  Ray lives a pretty good life, and makes a fat salary that allows him to jet off on scuba diving vacations, courtesy of PG&E’s record profits. We … Continue reading

Posted in California, CPUC, health effects, legal issues, PG&E, San Francisco | 8 Comments

Damn the Torpedos- Full Speed Ahead!

Massachusetts Utilities Continue Widespread Implementation of Smart/Wireless Meters Despite Poor Response to Recent Storm Power Outages & Continued Warnings By Medical Experts BOSTON, Nov. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Corporate and municipal utilities in Massachusetts continue building the wireless utility grid … Continue reading

Posted in AAEM, Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, health effects, Health studies, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | 3 Comments

Willits Man Refuses Fees to Keep His Analog Meter– Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Threatens to Cut Power Today

Stop Smart Meters! and the EMF safety Network collaborated on this coverage. MENDOCINO COUNTY, CA- Despite the fact that the fees for keeping analog utility meters are still under legal dispute at the CPUC, and serious smart meter safety problems … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, legal issues, Mendocino County, PG&E, Safety | 8 Comments

Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for ‘Opting Out’

Nevada is supposedly one of those states with a smart meter ‘opt out’ policy.   On the ground, however, the reality is a little different. “Sarah” (not her real name) lives outside Las Vegas, Nevada.  Like many Americans she has been … Continue reading

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Federal Government, Hawaii, health effects, Illinois, Installer Threats and Assaults, legal issues, Nevada, Physicians, Safety, SCE, Texas, Vermont | 54 Comments