Court Date Announced for Hart v Plumas Sierra Rural Electric

Josh PicA de novo trial has been scheduled for June 29th at 10am in Quincy, CA in the Hart v. PSREC dispute.

In the first round, Plumas County Superior Court Judge Janet Hilde ruled that PSREC was violating CA Public Utility code 453(b) by charging us more for an analog meter. PSREC has appealed that verdict.

Thanks to your support and donations, we have been able to hire Michael Jackson of Quincy, CA, a successful environmental attorney, to represent us.

IMG_0802The hearing is open to the public and people are encouraged to attend and demonstrate support for the Hart family whose electric service was illegally and unnecessarily disconnected on Feb. 19th, 2014, causing hardship.

Please donate to help offset our legal costs. We need to be prepared to continue to defend our own rights and those of everyone else hurt by the madness of smart meters and other wireless technologies.  Thank you.


Monday June 29th at 10am
Dept. 1, Plumas Superior Court
520 Main St. Quincy, CA 95971

We will continue to report on this case on

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, Physicians, Plumas County, PSREC, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

“Everything the CPUC has Done Should be Re-Opened”

Mia Severson, former Attorney for the City of San Diego, talks to EON about the corruption that threatens the health, safety, and lives of the people of California, and how she and Mike Aguirre are suing the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for backroom dealings regarding the recently shut down San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in San Diego County.

She suggests that corruption and coziness between industry and regulators is so rife, every decision the CPUC has made over the past several years, including the $3 billion+ California smart meter deployment- should now be re-opened. We could not agree more.

  More info about the “regime change” now needed in California can be found here.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, neighborhood organizing, SCE, Smart Grid | 4 Comments

Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity: Key Presentation from Australia

Screen Shot 2015-06-01 at 2.18.38 PMSteve Weller, Vice President of Stop Smart Meters Australia, has recently put together an incredibly comprehensive presentation regarding the increasingly widespread problem of RF/ EMF pollution causing (and exacerbating) Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity. On May 20th, he presented it to industry and government representatives at the Australian Electromagnetic Energy Reference Group (EMERG) committee meeting.

Weller’s presentation is a great source of information about the “great divide” on the question of EMF health impacts, with the industry/government complex on one side and scientists and the general public on the other.

With today’s unprecedented exposures to EMF’s, trouble is coming down the track unless we can understand the risks- and act

There is no doubt that health damage and sensitivity caused by smart meters’ powerful Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) have raised an international alarm, and have woken many people up to this silent and invisible menace.

The time for doubt and debate is over and the time for action is now.

After examining the problem from a political, scientific, medical, and personal perspective, Weller concludes:

“Regulation of EMF’s appears to follow a “Dead body policy” which requires definitive proof of sufficient harm before changes will be considered”

“It is time to act with moral and ethical decency – No more buck passing – Public health needs to be protected and ownership of this problem needs to be resolved urgently”

Download the 4mb pdf file here and feel free to share and post this important document elsewhere.

Posted in Animal Harm, Australia, Cancer, Cell phones, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, Health studies, legal issues, Military, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation, World Health Organization | 2 Comments

New Stop Smart Meters! Global Database Published has now published the most comprehensive, up-to-date and accurate international guide to Stop Smart Meters groups and our allies anywhere on the web. It is now easier than ever to find groups working to stop smart meters where you live.

Our movement is growing daily. As the disastrous smart meter deployment spreads around the globe, so does the resistance.  There are now 183 total groups in 13 countries around the world, with organizers now active in 39 US states and 7 Canadian provinces. And those are just the ones we are aware of!

If you know of a group that should be listed, or have updates to the info provided, please let us know. Note that we do not list consulting firms, or other for-profit companies. Grassroots organizations and organizers are the sole focus of this database.

Thanks so much to our great volunteers for their help with the data entry! works on an international level to organize against local deployments, spread awareness, and seed new groups in places where they are needed. If you would like advice on organizing locally, drop us a line.  We’d be happy to help.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, neighborhood organizing | 1 Comment

100 More Smart Meters Explode–in Capitola, CA This Time


The result of someone taking a baseball bat to their smart meters? Nope- another electrical surge causing a new kind of smart meter safety risk.

CAPITOLA, CA– Yesterday afternoon we received yet another report of exploding smart meters- this time in Capitola, CA:

“On 5.12, the Smart Meters blew off my house and about 100 neighbors, just like in Stockton.  I didn’t see any mention of the Smart Meters blowing up in Capitola on 5.12 on your website and feel like PG&E just brushed it under the rug.  My washing machine broke in the process and PG&E is not helpful at all.”

This follows a similar incident in Stockton, CA in March where meters blew off houses and many appliances were damaged after an electrical surge.

Utilities kindly correct us if we are mistaken, but this is not a phenomenon affecting glass and steel electromechanical analog meters.  It’s too bad that we have such corrupt “oversight” that has not only allowed utilities to deploy this untested, hazardous technology on nearly every building- in violation of numerous laws- but then destroy millions of safe meters making it harder for policymakers to order a recall (which of course must be done).

Sounds like a stitch-up and believe us- it is.

Capitola was one of 15 local governments in California to pass an ordinance banning the meters back in 2010 when we had just started our campaign.  If PG&E and the corrupt California Public Utilities Commission had respected local law in 2010/11, smart meters may not be exploding on people’s homes today.

If the Santa Cruz County Sheriff had protected public safety and enforced the law rather than protecting and escorting those who violated it. If the Sheriff had not arrested us for civilly disobeying and rightfully blocking what we knew then was an unsafe deployment, the exploding meters and chronic RF sickness that have become part of the California landscape in 2015 might have been avoided.

How many millions of unsafe meters are sitting on people’s homes right now, waiting for a surge that can instantly transform them into incendiary bombs or flying projectiles?

This morning, we called PG&E for comment (they always love to hear from us), and asked what the cause of the problem was, and asked for evidence of any similar incidents with analog meters. They said they would call us back. (they haven’t yet)

We also contacted the Capitola City Council as well as state legislators for the area, State Senator Bill Monning and Assemblymember Mark Stone and have demanded an independent statewide investigation into these incidents.

We will report here what their responses are, and any updates or more information that comes in.  If you were personally affected by this incident or know someone who was, we would like to hear from you.


If you are living in the area, please contact your elected officials and ask them to step in and protect the public’s safety.

State Senator Bill Monning (831) 425-0401

State Assemblymember Mark Stone (831) 425-1503

Capitola City Council (831) 475 7300

Capitola City Council Meets at 7pm Thursday May 28th at 420 Capitola Ave.  Speak up and encourage action!

Hundreds of thousands of smart meters have been recalled in Saskatchewan, Oregon, Florida, and Pennsylvania because of fire risk. People have died and homes have been destroyed.

One thing is for sure- the only thing the California Public Utilities Commission is protecting is corporate utility profits.

Update May 22nd 10am:  We have not heard back from either PG&E or state legislators. Nothing to see here folks.  Just 21st century utility dysfunction.  The cost of “progress” perhaps?

Update May 27th 9amStill no word from either PG&E or state legislators.  Since the facts are damning, they’d obviously prefer  to sweep their incompetence under the rug. Pathetic.

Posted in California, Fires, neighborhood organizing, PG&E | 16 Comments