2016 4th Edition Stop Smart Meters! Brochures Now Available

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 11.01.42 AMFeb. 1st, 2016: StopSmartMeters.org has published the 2016 fourth edition (pdf) of our popular and educational smart meter awareness color brochures.

“Smart” meters are ticking time bombs; the smoking gun that has woken up millions of people to the health risks from wireless technology.

The cover of the brochure has been revised to present these hazards, as well as privacy violations, fire risks, cyber security and inflated costs.

You told us you wanted a brochure that was more visually representative of the problems with smart meters and specific about the difference between analog and digital. We feel we’ve achieved both aims, and can’t wait to get thousands more of these into people’s hands. Pick up a batch from the Stop Smart Meters! Online Store to hand out to your neighbors, today.

What’s new in the fourth edition:

  • A totally revised front cover, visually blunt and to-the-point about the inherent risks of smart meter technology
  • New graphic showing difference Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 10.58.36 AMbetween “smart” and analog and detailed description of the types of “smart” meters (AMI, AMR, PLC, etc…)
  • Revised, basic action (to do) items
  • Revised “Path of Your Privacy” diagram, as well as updated sections on health and fire risks.


Copies are now available for purchase in the Stop Smart Meters! online store. Download the pdf here, image files are below.

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Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 9.09.42 AMBrochure Information

The brochures are printed on 30% p.c.w. recycled matte paper by Community Printers, a union printer in Santa Cruz, CA who has been producing printed material for social justice movements for decades.  These are high quality, non-toxic prints, designed with the grassroots knowledge of hundreds of anti-smart meter activists around the world.

The brochures are global and can be distributed anywhere.   There is space on the back of the brochure to place an Avery address label, that you can customize with your local (advocacy group, utility and government) contact info.  Labels customized with your local info can be included with store orders upon request. Inquire about bulk rates.

If you have a low income and cannot afford to purchase and would like to distribute these brochures in your area, please contact us with your situation, and we may be able to provide copies, thanks to generous donors.  Likewise if you are able to support brochures being made available to low income areas, please donate today.

Distribute the brochures in your local area!  Farmer’s Markets and food stores are good places to hand them out.  You can also put a stack at friendly businesses, libraries, or community centers, and knock on doors in your neighborhood (leaving one on their door if they do not answer).  Organize a “smart meter free zone” in your neighborhood. Please do NOT put in USPS post boxes. Thanks for doing your part to get the word out!

Download or link to the brochure (pdf) for free or purchase printed copies for distribution in the Stop Smart Meters!Store.

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Fires, health effects, neighborhood organizing, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | 1 Comment

Courts: One Win, One Loss for RF Safety Campaign

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 8.26.41 AMLast week, the Maine Supreme Court sided with the corrupt Maine Public Utilities Commission’s finding that smart meters are “safe enough.” Meanwhile on the other side of the country in Berkeley, CA, U.S. District Court Judge Chen ruled against the CTIA (cell phone industry association) and ordered Berkeley’s health warnings on cell phones upheld.

We have a question, looking at these two rulings together:

How can one court decide that the evidence for RF harm, and existing language in cell phone manuals, justify warnings at the point of sale, but devices that emit the exact same type of radiation mounted on your home (perhaps across the wall from where your baby is sleeping) not only do not require warnings, but are allowed to be forced on your home, with extortion fees charged to avoid the risk?

Some have leveled charges of back room deals, and corruption spreading into the court system. Whatever the case, Maine’s ruling needs to be taken with a grain of salt. As lead plaintiff Ed Friedman states in the press release put out by the Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, over 1000 peer-reviewed studies indicating harm were rejected by the PUC because the pile of evidence was becoming too large. Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters Press Release states:

“While the decision acknowledges over one hundred peer-reviewed scientific studies were reviewed by the Commission, what the Court doesn’t admit is over 1,000 peer-reviewed study citations and verbatim abstracts of supporting studies submitted into evidence by anti-smart meter activists were rejected by the PUC because ‘somehow we need to whittle down the amount of evidence.’ The Court has miserably failed the people of Maine, instead relying on CMP supplied evidence from the FCC [FCC exposure standards admitted by even the PUC to be obsolete and irrelevant],Trilliant [vendor for the smart meter project], Exponent [a well-known product defense firm], and the Maine CDC finding from 2010 [a 2-week rush job about which the CDC admittedly knew nothing and that predated both this investigation and the WHO classification of RF as a possible human carcinogen].”

“The Court ignored when they needn’t have, independent testimony from international experts on the credible threat of harm RF exposures at smart meter levels pose and instead chose to believe the “Marlboro Man” that smoking is good for us. The Law Court has despite ample evidence we were not legally required to submit [with the burden of proof on CMP] rejected Maine’s judicial maxim-the health of the people is the supreme law.”

Berkeley’s advisory mandated at cell phone retailers, goes into effect March 22nd and states:

“To assure safety, the Federal Government requires that cell phones meet radio frequency (RF) exposure guidelines. If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure to RF radiation. Refer to the instructions in your phone or user manual for information about how to use your phone safely.”

For questions on the Maine court case and ruling:  edfomb[at]comcast[dot]net

For questions on the Berkeley ordinance: cabta[at]ellenkmarks[dot]com

Posted in Berkeley, California, Cancer, Cell phones, Democracy, EMF Mitigation, health effects, Health studies, legal issues, Maine, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Maine Supreme Judicial Court Justices Grill Utility Advocates

As part of a potentially precedent-setting court case before the Maine Supreme Judicial Court over the health and safety of smart meters, on November 3rd justices heard an appeal of a previous ruling that smart meters were essentially “safe enough.”

Attorney Bruce McGlauflin represented lead plaintiff Ed Friedman of Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in the Maine Supreme Court, and presented evidence from physicians, microbiologists, and other professionals that radiation emitted by smart meters poses a serious risk of physical harm, and should be recalled.

Video of the oral arguments from both sides in the legal dispute is embedded above. The justices grill the attorney for the state utility commission, and confront him with evidence in the record that “there is persuasive evidence of a possible risk.”

According to Ed Friedman, it will probably will be a few months before a decision is rendered but it could come at any time. Stay tuned to Maine’s website for the latest breaking news. Thank you to the people of Maine for keeping the pressure on utilities to be accountable for their smart grid/ smart meter debacle!

Important Links:

Please contribute to the Maine Coalition’s legal effort through their website.

Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters Official Press Release

Forecaster Article

ACLU Article

Maine NPR Coverage

Portland Press Herald Article

Bangor Daily News Article


Recall this Hazardous Product!  Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters members gather outside courthouse in Portland, Maine on November 3rd

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, Health studies, legal issues, Maine, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | 7 Comments

Former CPUC President Loretta Lynch–Flanked by Physicians and Researchers–Delivers Searing Indictment of Smart Meters and EMF Risks at Mountain View Wireless Summit

Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 12.32.46 PMEat your heart out, Google.

On Saturday October 10th, the Wireless Technology and Public Health Summit was held in the heart of Silicon Valley at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. The event was sponsored by the Santa Clara Medical Association Alliance Foundation.  Doctors, researchers, and public policy experts in the field of wireless health impacts joined together for the first time in the heart of Silicon Valley and declared that there is more than enough evidence to reign in wireless technology, particularly in schools and other locations where sensitive populations spend time.

The summit was held the day after California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed all six bills that would have reigned in a corrupt CPUC, and would have taken mild steps to subject it to greater judicial oversight in the midst of ongoing criminal investigations of the agency.  The day after the conference (to add insult to injury) Brown signed legislation (AB57) that shifts the burden of defending against unwanted cell towers to local governments and “deems cell towers approved” by the state, if a local government takes too much time in the planning process.

The summit was completely sold out- an indication of the burgeoning interest in the subject in the Bay Area- and an overflow crowd gathered at video monitors in the lobby to hear what each speaker was saying.

Here is a summary of the key points made at the summit:

martin-pallMartin Pall, PhD Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences in the School of Molecular Biosciences at Washington State University

  • Autism has increased in recent years from an incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 68, and increasingly it appears that environmental, not genetic, factors are to blame.
  • In a recent paper, Dr. Pall describes the mechanism for action of non-ionizing radiation on cells, affecting calcium channels and flow between cells.  This is linked with the formation of free radicals in the body.

serveimageSuruchi Chandra, MD, Psychiatrist focused on Autism, OCD, chronic fatigue and mood disorders

  • Autism has increased 1200% since 1987
  • Genetics can not change that rapidly
  • Fraternal and identical twins have been found to have the same rates of autism, another indication that the cause is environmental
  • Children with Autism and ADHD have elevated Cortisol, a stress hormone, and their cells are responding as if they were in danger (which they are)
  • Impacts during development can affect children their entire lifespan

serveimage-1Peter Sullivan, Computer Scientist and Researcher

  • Peter’s sons started exhibiting symptoms of Autism early in their schooling.
  • Following interventions and reduced exposure to wireless, both of his sons are doing well now with successful careers
  • “We created (the wireless) problem.  We can uncreate it.”

serveimage-2Dr. Toril Jelter, MD Board Certified Pediatrician and General Practitioner with over 30 years of Clinical Experience

Dr. Toril Jelter has been a strong and outspoken ally of our movement.  She is featured on the left of our Stop Smart Meters! homepage banner, holding a sign that says ” Pediatrician for a Smart Meter Moratorium.” She became interested in the link between health and environment after the Chernobyl meltdown of 1986 rained radiation down on her native Norway.

Dr. Jelter specializes in treating children suffering from Autism and related disorders.

Here are some of the case studies she described:

  • 4 year old boy with terrible insomnia for 2 years, could not sleep and kept parents awake. Dr. Jelter recommended a two-week trial, turning off wi-fi and cordless phones in the house. Within a week, the child and the parents were all sleeping soundly.
  • 9 year old boy with insomnia.  PG&E smart meter was found to be installed on bedroom wall at the head of his bed.  Parents got smart meter replaced with an analog and he was able to sleep immediately.
  • 10 year old boy with autism and exhibiting aggressive behavior, had never said a sentence in his life. Tried the two week no wireless in home test, and within three days he had spoken his first full sentence: “Mom pass me the scissors.”

Personality changes observed from wireless exposure:
– greater inflexibility
– ethical values and empathy lost
– hyperactivity

These observations are confirmed by peer-reviewed epidemiological studies, such as Divan et al who found that pre-natal exposure to cell phone radiation is linked with higher levels of hyperactivity.

Dr. Jelter summed up her presentation by urging us to ask the question:

“Is my desire to talk to anyone anywhere more important than children’s ability to speak at all?”

She suggests that continued societal inaction on this issue constitutes child abuse.

serveimage-3Victoria Dunkley, MD Board certified Integrative Child Psychiatrist, Author of Reset Your Child’s Brain

Dr. Dunckley has focused on “screen time” reductions in helping children cope with increasing levels of psychological disorders.

  • There has been a 40,000% increase in bipolar disorder
  • Obesity, high blood pressure were only very rarely seen in kids- this has changed and become common.
  • Typical exposure is 5-7 hours per day of screen time, sometimes more.
  • The belief that computers help learning is a myth that leads to unnecessary technology proliferation in schools
  • Handwriting beats laptop note taking in terms of recall, integration, and test scores, according to research.
  • The nature of tech is at odds with basic developmental needs for nature, engagement in one’s environment, etc.
  • Multitasking impairs cognition, puts kids into “fight or flight” mode, reduces empathy and understanding, and at extremes can result in paranoia, hallucinations, etc.
  • “Wii” video games are being linked with social phobia, PTSD, and panic attacks
  • Kids are being medicated unnecessarily, when a 3-4 week “electronic fast” helps reset the brain
  • Wired only access not  only reduces EMF’s- it also reduces screen accessibility.
  • “Ultimately this is a human rights issue.”

serveimage-5Katie Singer, Author of Electronic Silent Spring (video presentation)

  • Symptoms are messages to be heeded- that something is out of balance
  • The data centers that our tech depend on use the equivalent of 30 nuclear power plants.
  • If data centers around the world were a country, it would rank #5 in energy usage.  Cell phones, smart meters, etc. are NOT green.

lynch_5833Loretta Lynch, Former President of the California Public Utilities Commission, and one of California’s most influential Attorneys

  • The science is clear: EMF’s affect health, particularly the most vulnerable among us.
  • Those living within 150 feet of power lines are at increased risk of serious disease
  • Utilities and telecommunications companies know these facts but obtain “obscenely obsessive profits” from this technology and are in a “desperate scramble” to set regulations in stone before public awareness increases and reforms are widely demanded.
  • Health and environmental costs from wireless tech are “externalized” to society at large
  • At this point, we are lucky if regulators are ignorant about this issue. More often they are co-opted and corrupted.
  • “Smart grid” and “smart meters” are a “lucrative boondoggle” approved by the CPUC.
  • CPUC says “pay me and I’ll give you what you want” in secret backroom deals- a classic case of corruption and bribery, revealed in e-mails.
  • CPUC has become a “rogue agency” essentially controlled by corporations (which is what we have also been saying for five years!)
  • This has made a mockery of due process, and Michael Peevey, former CPUC President , has acted as if the CPUC were his own personal playground.
  • CPUC has allowed utilities to cut corners, skip safety regulations, etc.
  • A parade of former CPUC Commissioners now work for the utilities- the so-called “revolving door.”
  • The smart meter roll out was plagued with problems, and the only way regulators approved it was that they have “drunk the kool-aid.”
  • The $2.2 billion+ cost of smart meters and the smart grid came about because of a secret deal between Peevey and the utilities, and the costs have been borne by ratepayers.
  • Analog meters are “simple, accurate, and reliable.” There was no need to change them out. The only reason they were replaced with smart meters is that the utilities were not profiting off them any longer- they had “fully depreciated.”
  • Utilities have entered the “big data” game and using and profiting from your private electric usage data. Protecting the privacy of our home has become harder and harder.
  • She is optimistic even though she has “seen the sausage made” because the science is so strong.  She sees a change in public policy coming within 5 years, and urges us to educate the legislature, as you never know when you will find an intrigued official (though most are corrupt).
  • We need to continue educating the media about the facts (i.e. the John Oliver Tom Wheeler “dingo” segment really raised awareness)

The event was a credible and informative presentation of the damage being caused by wireless technology, especially to our precious and developing next generation. It was also an inspiring call to action and a boost to the growing movement to address and eliminate the blind proliferation of wireless technology. A significant reduction in exposure can take place through personal decisions to wire technology in the home, whereas involuntary exposures (cell towers, wi-fi in schools, smart meters, etc.) require a coordinated policy response.

Greater public awareness is key to both. Thank you to Keynote speaker Joel Moskowitz, and to Cindy Lee Russell, MD, Vice President of Community Health, Santa Clara County Medical Association, who organized the event. The slides for the presentations are available online and a video will be available shortly.  Check SaferEMR.com for details.

Dec. 22nd 2015 update: slides and videos have now been posted for most of the outstanding presentations outlined here. Spread the word!

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, Health studies, PG&E, Physicians, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Sacramento, Safety, Santa Clara County, Smart Grid, Wi-Fi | 11 Comments

Discussion of Our Smart Meter Legal Victory on Local Radio

Last October, I went on KQNY Quincy‘s Common Good show hosted by Joseph Munoz.  At that time, our electricity had been illegally disconnected by local utility PSREC, and we were essentially camping out in our home. Following our successful lawsuit that ended up forcing the utility to reconnect us and drop their illegal “opt out” charges, and in which a Superior Court Judge ruled that the utility was violating state discrimination law, I returned this week to the KQNY studio in Quincy to discuss our case.

Full Coverage of Our Smart Meter Dispute with PSREC

Posted in California, Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Fires, health effects, landlines, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Physicians, Plumas County, Privacy, PSREC, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | 2 Comments