CPUC President Michael Peevey to Public: “Shut Up”

Michael Peevey has done enough damage to California: Now it’s time to go.

Yesterday, dozens of people descended on the California Public Utilities Commission (for the umpteenth time) to speak of health damage, fires, privacy violations, and inaccurate bills brought about by the “smart meter” and to demand major changes in state policy regarding the metering choices Californians have.

The room was shocked when, toward the end of public comment, President Peevey told the public- who in some cases had traveled hundreds of miles to be there- to “shut up.”

The heated exchange came as the last people who had signed up to speak before 9am were wrapping up their comments.  State law allows anyone present at the end of public comment period to speak for 1 minute to the Commission.

People started raising a protest when it was understood that Peevey would not allow public comment to continue. The Commission under Peevey has made it increasingly difficult for the public to comment, requiring that people not comment on the same subject more than once and unnecessarily limiting speaking time.   Several people who have been made sensitive to EMF’s by the smart meter, and who had taken time off work to speak, were forced to leave before their slot came up as they could not bear the wi-fi and other wireless devices that the PUC encourages in the meeting chamber.

It is widely believed that Mr. Peevey is under increasing pressure to step down- from elected officials and by victims of the San Bruno explosion, smart meters, nuclear power, and various inappropriate infrastructure developments during his tenure.

The man clearly lost his cool.

When the head of the state agency responsible for utility services and safety tells the public- who pay his salary- to “shut up”during a public meeting, it’s time for him to step down.

We will not “shut up” and we will not go away.  

Peevey’s outburst takes place at 42minutes 11 seconds in the video below:

San Francisco, CA., Feb. 28, 2013 – Though limited to 1 minute each, a parade of outraged citizens lasting over 40 minutes demanded that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) provide community-wide opt-out without charge to the forced installation of wireless so-called ‘smart meters’ by California utilities.

StopSmartMeters.org Director Joshua Hart told the Commissioners to “deal with the demise of the smart meter program with dignity rather than denial,” and called for Commission President Michael Peevey to step down for his obdurate foot-dragging on this issue.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, San Francisco | 15 Comments

Jean McDonnel: Colorado Smart Meter Activist Needs Our Love

Picture 1

Jean McDonnel

From Stop Smart Meters! Director Joshua Hart:

We were very sad to hear this latest news about our good friend Jean McDonnel.   Jean kindly hosted me when I visited Ridgway, Colorado in November of 2011 to speak at a local forum on smart meters she and others had organized.  I was touched by her generosity and giving spirit, and effectiveness in getting an important message across. 

We would be nowhere without activists like her.  

What Jean needs right now is the community to rally and demand that the stupid meter is immediately removed from her house and that she obtain proper, non-chemical treatment for her cancer.  Please send messages of support and love.  Give to her appeal- a little or a lot.

This notice was recently circulated on Jean’s behalf:

Jean McDonnel almost single handedly obtained “opt out” policies for several small communities in Colorado including Ridgway and Ouray. Just before her work was done she collapsed in front of the utility company after a speech.  She was life-flighted to a hospital with a torn aorta.  Only 8% of people with this condition survive.  Jean had two strokes as a result but survived the surgery and is severely disabled on one side of her body.

Jean has been a FIRECRACKER for justice all her life, first for those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and then for those suffering from electro-sensitivity and “smart” meters.

She moved from Ridgway, Colorado to Texas to be near her family last year. No official “opt out” in Texas yet, although they have a proceeding.  Texas Rep. Bonnen is active in helping.  He wrote the Texas legislation regarding the “voluntary” option of smart meters. Even though smart meters are not “mandatory” the PUC and Utilities have acted as if they are.  Jean bought a nice house, and quickly got sick from the smart meters even though she tried to locate in a less dense area.

Now comes the kicker…

Jean, three months after being in her new house in Texas that has smart meters, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She has to have a mastectomy.  Because she is severely allergic to most medications (MCS) she has had to opt for an alternative treatment that does not take medicare.  Jean has taken out a credit line on her house, for $8000.  They say it will at a minimum cost $50,000 for her surgery and treatment.

So Jean- who has been through all this- and fought so hard against smart meters and the smart grid- is now stuck with a smart meter on her home, and is facing a huge debt just for cancer treatment.  Jean has signed up on a web site for cancer patients where people can give forward to those in need.  Jean could use some help now, after many years of giving to others.

I urge you to pass this on and if you can give at:


Send a letter or call Rep. Bonnen of Texas and ask for his help in getting a safe analog meter back on Jean’s home.

A close friend had this to say about Jean:

“I love Jean, she is an inspiration. she tells us the ‘hilite 70‘ window film has helped reduce the power of RF emissions significantly.  Even when in a disaster for herself she continues to give to others.  Hope you can pass this on and give if you can.  Thanks to you all for all you are doing…”

Thanks for your support of a good friend and ally.

Posted in Cancer, EMF Mitigation, health effects, Smart Grid, Texas | Leave a comment

Pepco Caught in Lie About Smart Meter RF Frequency

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WASHINGTON DC– Thanks to the investigative efforts of Desiree Jaworski of the Center for Safer Wireless who demonstrated to WUSA 9 news on Tuesday that Pepco has in fact been lying to its customers about the number of smart meter wireless pulses in a day.

This deception is not an isolated incident, but part of a pattern of deceit by utilities, as evidenced by our recent coverage of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s lies and the invasion of privacy and identity fraud committed by top executives at Pacific Gas and Electric Company in California, who also misrepresented emissions frequency from their meters, saying they broadcast 45 seconds per day, while they were forced to admit that the meters pulse up to 190,000 times per day.  What are they trying to hide?

Note that many of the smart meter pulses in this screenshot are into the red zone, which corresponds to levels which would be illegal in Russia, according to the user manual for the Cornet EMF meter (pdf). You can purchase the Cornet meter used in this investigation from our friends at Radmeters so you too can expose the local utility’s lies.

Posted in Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, radio-frequency radiation | 4 Comments

Stand Up and Speak to the CPUC February 28th

MVI_3303CA-wide alert via the grassroots wire:

Thursday, February 28, 2013 – 9am

California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue – Auditorium
San Francisco, CA 94102

A decision on Phase 2 (cost/fees and community-wide opt-out) of the SmartMeter opt-out provision is on the horizon.  Administrative Law Judge YIp-Kikugawa, who presided over the Dec. 20 Santa Rosa public participation hearing and the four hearings in Southern California, will soon be making her recommendation to the Commission.

In the meantime, Commissioner Timothy Simon’s term expired and Governor Brown appointed Carla J. Peterman, previously on the California Energy Commission and TURN Board of Directors.

Ms. Peterman, seated just last month, has not experienced the SmartMeter drama that began with skyrocketing bills in Bakersfield in 2008, followed shortly by health complaints, privacy issues, security questions, and protests statewide.  She has not encountered people sickened and disabled after SmartMeter installation.  We need to welcome her and make sure she sees faces and hears voices of PG&E customers who have been adversely affected by SmartMeters and meets other customers with serious concerns.  Once a Phase 2 decision is agendized, commissioners’ minds will already have been made up and a vote will be a mere formality.

Feb. 28 IS THE LAST CPUC BUSINESS MEETING IN SAN FRANCISCO UNTIL APRIL.  The one March meeting (3/21) is in San Diego.

The minimum the public should tolerate:

  • no-cost individual and community rights to keep analog meters
  • residential and business “opt-outs”
  • ‘safe zones’ around homes of those suffering from electro-sensitivity
  • full, open investigations and hearings into health, privacy, and fire risks from smart meters
  • recall of hazardous meter systems

We know that personal appearances and personal stories delivered in the open time at the start of public meetings do get attention and  DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  Such appearances were effective in achieving the critical PG&E analog meter option last year.

Let’s not surrender to waiting and hoping.  If you’ve spoken before, be proud, know you have contributed, and come again now.  Bring someone new if you can.  If every previous voice recruits a yet unheard one, what a showing we’ll make!

 And what a lot of topics to choose from:  RF health impacts, fire safety, commission staff and PG&E execs’ spying, privacy violations, overcharging, property rights violations, etc. etc.  You pay their salaries- now take up some of their time!

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

PG&E Officers Kiraly and Burt, CPUC Planning & Policy Division Head Marzia Zafar Implicated in Smart Meter Spy Scandal

Greg Kiraly

According to documents filed at the CPUC last week, Greg Kiraly, now Senior VP of Electric Distribution,  joined Bill Devereaux and others in spying on anti-smart meter groups such as Stop Smart Meters!

Utility’s Own Internal Investigation Reveals Violations were Systemic and Widespread

SAN FRANCISCO- Documents filed last week at the California Public Utilities Commission indicate that the spy scandal that forced the resignation of William Devereaux, ex- Senior Director of Pacific Gas and Electric’s SmartMeter program in November 2010, has now widened to include at least 2 officers in the company, Chief Customer Officer Helen Burt and Greg Kiraly, Senior Vice President of Electric Distribution and several other employees, as well as the Head of Policy and Planning at the CPUC, Marzia Zafar.

Devereaux was forced to resign after admitting that he posed as an activist from Oakland named “Ralph Florea” in order to infiltrate and discredit private online groups of those opposed to smart meters because of health and safety impacts.

Bill Devereaux (aka "Peeping Ralph")

Bill Devereaux (aka “Peeping Ralph”)

Soon after media reports of Devereaux’s improper activities surfaced in November 2010, the CPUC’s Consumer Protection and Safety Division (CPSD) launched investigation 12-04-010 to determine the extent of PG&E’s violations.  The investigation report concluded that: “PG&E violated Public Utilities (PU) § 451 in failing to furnish just and reasonable service when Mr. Devereaux lied about his identity to infiltrate online smart meter discussion groups in order to spy on their activities and discredit their views.”  The report identifies at least 16 occasions where Devereaux forwarded private e-mails from anti-smart meter consumer groups to other PG&E employees, including his superiors.  Documents filed last week indicate that this preliminary assessment was incomplete compared to the true extent of spying.

Rather than censure Mr. Devereaux for his deceitful activities, it is apparent that officers at PG&E actively took part in this infiltration and deception.  PG&E officers Helen Burt and Greg Kiraly admitted to investigators that they directly monitored private online discussions  of smart meter opponents, in addition to receiving messages forwarded from Devereaux without taking disciplinary action.   PG&E’s investigation states:

Helen Burt, Chief Customer Officer, PG&E

Helen Burt, Chief Customer Officer, PG&E- she received “google alert” messages with anti-smart meter groups’ private messages

“Kiraly did review information from these sites”

“… (Burt) received a google alert message that was sent to her work computer. From the alert, she would access the site and review the information.”

The “google alerts” that Burt refers to were from SmartWarriorMarin, a private, subscription only e-mail group.  Other PG&E employees- such as the EMF Program Manager- apparently subscribed surreptitiously to the private groups and accessed the public sites StopSmartMeters.Org and EMFSafetyNetwork.Org more than 46 times within the span of two months in 2010:

Picture 2

Another employee’s testimony hints at the desperation within the company, which was facing a public increasingly resistant to the violations of the SmartMeter program: “They are killing my (SmartMeter) project so I need to know.”

Senior executives in the company apparently were aware of the situation, and took a nod and wink approach to the spying- one employee reported:

“I remember an All Hands meeting where Bill Devereaux and <redacted> got up in the meeting to talk to the group. They stated that it was the company policy not to make contact with the groups on the internet. They stated that that they could not stop us from doing it at home because of the passion of the employees. They stated to be consistant (sic) with company policy if we did make contact. though it was ironic when the news about his incident surfaced.”

Devereaux forwarded at least one e-mail from the private smartwarriormarin group- a report from a heated debate in Marina where councilmembers were discussing health problems related to smart meters- to Marzia Zafar, currently Director of the Policy and Planning Division at the CPUC and former employee of Sempra Energy Utilities.  From the context, it was obvious that this e-mail was private and not intended for the eyes of PG&E or the CPUC.   Yet Zafar failed to question Devereaux about the origin of the e-mail, or report the incident.  Instead, her reply was simply:

“Any upcoming events scheduled for Smart meter education/ inquiry?”

Marzia Zafar, CPUC

Marzia Zafar, Head of CPUC’s Policy and Planning Division, received private e-mails  Devereaux had obtained through identity falsification

According to Sandi Maurer of the EMF Safety Network, Zafar also failed to produce records of this e-mail exchange in response to a records request.

As part of its multi-million dollar effort- funded by ratepayers- to promote the smart meter, PG&E hired Edelman Corp., an international public relations firm, to gather information on protesters and devise a media marketing strategy to promote the despised devices.  An Edelman employee interviewed for PG&E’s investigation said:

“that his firm only accesses public sites and if an analyst is questioned concerning a reason for their interest and/ or a name they have been instructed to exit the site with no response……their analyst uses an e-mail address tied to the individual and not the Edelman company.” 

Several parties to the proceeding, including Stop Smart Meters!, EMF Safety Network, CARE, and Ecological Options Network are demanding that an unfair and unreasonable settlement agreement between CPSD, PG&E and TURN is rejected and hearings be held to determine the true extent of the violations, including involvement by CPUC staff.

Despite clear evidence of systemic wrongdoing in the company, PG&E continues to insist that Devereaux acted alone.   Surprisingly, consumer advocacy organization TURN is backing up PG&E’s untenable position.  The proposed settlement agreement between PG&E, TURN, and CPSD states:

“PG&E disputes the allegations in the CPSD Investigative Report and maintains that none of its officers or senior management (other than Mr. Devereaux) were aware of or condoned Mr. Devereaux’s misconduct. PG&E further maintains that PG&E did not violate Public Utilities Code §§ 451, 2109, or any other statute, rule or regulation.”

According to Joshua Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters!:

“What makes this all so egregious is that we have a situation where the Public Utilities Commission- which is meant to regulate utilities and protect public health, is instead working behind the scenes with the utility to silence the message of safety groups.  If officials had heeded our warnings, rather than war-gaming us and treating us like ‘insurgents,’ the burnt homes and radiation injuries that the people of California are now dealing with may have been avoided.”

In its initial settlement agreement, PG&E proposed that they run workshops to instruct other utility companies on the proper use of social media.  Stop Smart Meters! response: “Maybe they could give workshops on gas pipeline safety while they are at it.”

The groups who suffered privacy violations believe is in the public interest to find out exactly what occurred and who is responsible, and to levy appropriate fines and remedies, not settle the proceeding based on an incomplete rendering of the evidence.

They believe it is clear from PG&E’s data requests that Mr. Devereaux did not act alone, and that the extent of the spying and deceit- even extending into the CPUC- has not been accurately determined.  Thus a settlement that ignores these facts and attempts to avert testimony, hearings and other findings of fact is inappropriate, premature, and not remotely in the public interest.

San Francisco Chronicle: SmartMeter foes don’t want spy probe closed

Documents from the case: Non-Settling Parties Opposition

Analysis of PG&E Internal Investigation into the Devereaux Affair

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Fires, health effects, PG&E, Privacy, San Francisco, Smart Grid | 5 Comments