Pay for Your Health? Pay for Your Rights? We say No.

Yesterday the California PUC voted unanimously: PG&E customers who want to keep or restore a safe analog meter on their house will now be required to pay hundreds of dollars, and these arbitrary fees could increase later.

These extortionate fees are imposed even after every CA ratepayer has already paid for the smart-meter program through fees incorporated in past utility bills—and already paid for the smart meter installed or planned to be installed on their house.

Click for KCBS coverage.

The CPUC appears to have been under pressure from the Obama administration and smart grid companies; President Peevey bragged of having had the gushing approval of a recent visiting Administration official regarding the California smart-meter “deployment.”

Strong, clear, and diverse voices have been speaking against smart meters for a number of reasons—many testifying personally to the harm they do—at each and every one of the CPUC’s public meetings for almost two years. Tens of thousands of complaints have been filed with the commission. They receive daily phone calls, emails, and letters, a steady stream of public objection. Experts from many areas have filed their own particular objections.

President Peevey, your conscience is showing.  (Click for KTVU coverage.)

To whom do they answer, these august public servants of the citizens of California?  To the utilities, to industry, and, it would also seem, to the Federal Government.

This decision flies in the face of the 70+ speakers who turned out at the meeting to oppose any fees, and to describe their symptoms, and the symptoms of those too sickened to travel to the meeting in San Francisco. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine told the CPUC in a letter last week that, based on the latest medical research, the smart-meter program should be scrapped entirely. The Santa Cruz Public Health Department produced a report that stated that smart-meter mesh networks pose serious risks to public health–and that existing state and federal regulatory agencies are failing to ensure public safety.

When some electrosensitive individuals in the audience during the meeting began suffering ear pain and headaches from the numerous smart phones and Ipads in the audience, Stop Smart Meters! Director Josh Hart stood up and asked people—mainly from industry and media—to have some respect and turn off their wireless devices. Many did.

Response to the CPUC’s vote was immediate and scathing. The crowd of anti-smart-meter activists began chanting and yelling out “Shame!” as soon as the vote was finalized. Others chanted “Class Action Lawsuit!”

Refuse to pay their protection racket smart meter radiation extortion scheme. Our health, privacy, and safety are not for sale.

File your own complaint now at the CPUC:

CPUC Analog Opt Out (download pdf of CPUC Press Release)

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, legal issues, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid, Uncategorized | 22 Comments


At tomorrow’s meeting, the CPUC will vote on the proposed opt out. The commission wants to charge you hundreds of dollars to keep the safe analog meter you already have, or to get rid of the smart meter you never agreed to have installed.

If these fees are approved, California utilities will be extorting money from unwilling and helpless ratepayers.

That cost should instead be recouped from utility profits.

Most ratepayers do not want smart meters. They don’t want the RF radiation health damage, the intrusive monitoring technology, or the dubious safety. Without fees, over half of ratepayers would opt out. With fees, it drops to less than 3%. This is a failed program, deeply unpopular.

Beyond its lack of popularity, there is the consistent flow of criticism from experts in various fields: The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, the American Civil Liberties Union (VT), the Public Health Officer of Santa Cruz County, Dan Hirsch, (UC Professor), Dr David Carpenter (Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Albany), and many others who are expert in related fields.

Notably, the landmark designation of smart meter radiation as a Class2B carcinogen by the W.H.O. last year apparently did not drive home to the CPUC the public health implications of putting an RF emitter on every single home in CA, often within a few feet of a bed–and often in banks of multiple meters with disproportionate effects on certain homes.

Then there are the 49 cities, counties, and other municipalities in California who have weighed in with a clear “No.” These are local jurisdictions whose officials take seriously the pledge to protect the health and safety of residents. Many elected officials recently signed a petition to the CPUC, that no fees be charged, signed unanimously by all members of the Boards of Supervisors of Santa Cruz County, Marin County and Lake County, as well as the Mayors and all members of the City Councils of Ross, Fairfax and Sebastopol.

The investors in these monopoly utilities are the ones who should foot the bill for this failed project. They took their chances buying stock in a company that made such flawed decisions, with so little relevant input from the ratepayer base, and it is they who should absorb the shock of this huge mistake.

We call on the CPUC to provide: Free opt-out. Immediate relief for those made ill. Community opt-outs. No co-location of meters. Conduct an environmental review.

Please come to the CPUC meeting, Wednesday February 1, 2012, 9 A.M. Sign up to speak at 8:45 A.M. for one-two minutes at beginning of meeting. 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco CA. Parking nearby at Civic Center Garage (Polk and McAllister).

Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Smart Meter Radiation Messes with Your Brain

Scientific studies can be hard to sort out. “Experts”–often paid by the wireless industry–weigh in on RF radiation science, and many pronounce your cell phone “safe.” People tend to rely on two-minute TV news stories, with a talking head or two, because most of us don’t have the time or training to plow through the mountains of detailed data presented in peer-reviewed papers.

But it’s not as hard as you think. Let’s look at a just-published study on cell-phone and cordless-phone radiation. (Full text here.) It is published in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, a journal that has been around for 30 years. Reading just the summary, we see the researchers, located in the Dept. of Cell Biology and Biophysics at the Univ. of Athens in Greece, subjected mice to cell-phone-frequency radiation—which also happens to be the same frequency as most smart meters—for a few hours a day.  Another set of mice were exposed to cordless DECT phone radiation for 8 hours a day, a slightly different frequency, but near that used for some types of smart meters.  The mice were not available for comment, but were most likely unwilling participants in the research.  We relate.

They studied “whole-body” RF radiation, at the actual levels people are exposed to in typical usage—which is well below what the FCC says is okay for you. Whole-body numbers are the relevant ones if you are talking about smart meters, as this post points out. Many people don’t even put their phone to their head anymore, so whole-body measurements are probably more relevant. These researchers picked some crucial areas of the brain to look at—basic functions like memory, attention, reward, and planning.

A previous study by this group showed that just 120 minutes a day of cell phone radiation made mice pretty dumb: they couldn’t remember what they’d learned the day before about the maze. The wireless industry would likely just advise them to get GPS!

This just-released study looked at brain chemical changes—proteins that make it possible for one bit of your brain to talk to another, and for the brain to protect itself and repair from damage. What happened to the mice who used 180 “Rethink Possible” minutes a day? Simply put, their brains showed serious deficits in important chemicals, or way too much of other ones. “Rethink Possible” can result in some seriously impaired thinking.

“The observed…changes may be related to brain plasticity alterations, indicative of oxidative stress in the nervous system or involved in apoptosis and might potentially explain human health hazards reported so far, such as headaches, sleep disturbance, fatigue, memory deficits, and brain tumor long-term induction under similar exposure conditions. … The reported herein effects can be considered non-thermal.”

To break it down: Brain plasticity: that’s means how well the brain adapts to new information and situations; bright mice adapt quickly. Oxidative stress: bad shenanigans in your cells, that you eat your veggies to avoid. Apoptosis: cell death—that is, when your cells are programmed to kick off, and whether they get pinkslipped earlier than they should. Human health hazard: that’s what people made sick from smart meter have been saying–see this list of reported smart-meter harm. Non-thermal: that’s low levels of RF that the FCC doesn’t care about, doesn’t regulate, and doesn’t track, but which science shows can harm you.

These changes weren’t just tiny ups and downs, but in some cases the levels jumped up or fell by a factor of hundreds. For instance, something called “nerve growth factor glial maturation factor beta (GMF)” fell by a factor of 300 times for the mice in the cordless DECT phone experiment, a vital chemical change that the researchers conclude may impact the basic maintenance of the nervous system. It could keep your brain from cleaning house like it should.

Another brain protein called “GFAP” overproduces in both kinds of RF radiation, and this may lead to glial-filament overproduction, eventually giving rise to a mostly incurable type of tumor associated with cell-phone use called glioma. In any case, these various radiation-induced dis-regulations of brain chemicals are a clear sign of oxidative stress, something long recognized as degenerative to the human body.

The researchers finish their report by noting among other things that their study is the first to look at the brain chemical effects of a particular consumer product that can be found in the overwhelming majority of homes around the first world—the cordless phone (DECT). That is an astonishing fact: consumers everywhere have been buying these little ‘miracles of convenience’ for two decades, and there has been no regulatory concern for the long-term health effects. Given the fact that they can constitute a 24 hour-a-day exposure for many people, at home and at work, serious attention should be paid to this exposure source. Here is a gold-standard study showing clear heart-rhythm effects from DECT phones (video). [Or read the paper.]

Smart meters emit the same frequencies, but in a bizarre pattern of spikes. These spikes can be easily higher than either cell phones or cordless phones, as has been calculated here and documented here. Further, as experts have have pointed out, the exposure is involuntary. As it is with rodents.

Studies like these need to be read and understood by regulators and legislators everywhere who are wrestling with the issue of smart meters.

The science is out there for anyone to read and interpret! Please don’t leave this sort of vital review of the science to the utility representatives you are supposed to be overseeing, or so-called independent bodies that are in fact merely towing the utility line. Peer-reviewed scientific papers have many parts written in plain English, and we think you can deal with it

Posted in Cancer, Cell phones, CPUC, FCC, health effects, Health studies, radio-frequency radiation, Uncategorized, World Health Organization | 13 Comments

Rebellion in the ‘Burbs: Dad Has Smart Meter Removed

Right in the heart of Silver Springs Networks territory, in San Mateo County, this devoted husband and father of two young children decided his family’s health, safety, and privacy are vitally important to him–so important that he took it upon himself to hire an electrician to remove the PG&E smart meter that was irradiating his home, and replace it with a safe analog meter.

Questions about the RF radiation in his family’s environment began to arise in his mind when his wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, a cancer with links to environmental exposures. He is addressing the other various EMF issues around the home, and educating himself about the matter.

Even though the opt-out process was too slow for his family needs, he will be opting out officially as soon as the details are addressed by the CPUC. We invite you to attend this upcoming CPUC meeting to speak out about the extortionate fees to be imposed on ratepayers who choose to protect themselves from the smart meter:

CPUC Business Meeting, Wed. Feb. 1, 2012, 9 am (8:45am to sign up): 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco CA.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, PG&E, San Mateo County, Uncategorized | 16 Comments

Stop Smart Meters Goes National … and International!

There are websites and groups using “stop smart meters” as their rallying cry all over the US, in Canada and Australia, and now in Britain (see below for a round-up). There is a documentary film brewing with the same name. Is this a great big organized conspiracy, like the one that many feel brought us the meters in the first place?

Fighting smart meters has been, and largely remains, grassroots work. This issue has brought together people from all over the traditional political “spectrum”–people who’ve often independently arrived at the conviction that these data-gathering, wirelessly-transmitting meters must be stopped. The utilities may not have realized that a small amount of real information about the meters is often all that makes the difference between an ignorant customer accepting an “upgrade,” and an outraged opponent who writes letters and emails, starts a blog, and says “NO!” Utilities trade in secrets and count on ignorance; we deal in truth and trust people to decide for themselves.

Though the number of grassroots websites popping up everywhere is hard for us to keep track of, here is brief list of ones using ‘stopsmartmeters’ in their site name. We are very happy to be copied! (Write us if we’ve missed you.)

In the U.K.: Stop Smart Meters (UK) Just started, and raring to go. They say: “We encourage everyone to look into this programme for themselves, to get informed about the real issues at stake and say ‘No’.” Recent post: “MPs Warn Smart Meter Plan is £11bn Fiasco”. Our elected officials here should care as much for consumer costs.

In Michigan: Michigan Stop Smart Meters They say: “Concerns about the electromagnetic pollution of our environment and about infringements on our privacy are not left-wing or right-wing.” Recent win: Michigan Regulator Opens Smart Meter Investigation.

In Irvine CA: Stop Smart Meters Irvine They say: “In order for these positive things to happen, we need everyone who is concerned to get involved … Even a very tiny action such as a 60-second phone call is a big deal.” Recent post: Media Blackout on Smart Meter News –excellent original work, as Melissa Levine works to roust the sluggardly attention of the LA Times re smart meters and RF.

In Orange County CA: Stop OC Smart Meters They say: “Get the word out!” and it’s clear they take their own advice. For the latest, Facebook:

In Australia: Stop Smart Meters Australia They say: “Join the Rebellion!” Can’t say better than that. Recent post: Crucial Data Missing from Smart-meter Customers’ Bills. Another: “I Wake Up with Headaches Every Morning.”

In Canada: Coalition to Stop Smart Meters They say: “Committed to a full review of the current smart meter program.” Recent post: An invitation for those affected by RF radiation to join the BC Human Rights Tribunal.

Posted in Australia, Britain, California, Canada, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Los Angeles, Michigan, neighborhood organizing, Orange County, PG&E, Privacy, Safety, SCE, U.K., Uncategorized | 6 Comments