Medical Experts: “There is no justification for the statement that smart meters have no health effects.””


(via EMF Safety Network)

Dr. Carpenter states, We have evidence…that exposure to radiofrequency radiation…increases the risk of cancer, increases damage to the nervous system, causes electrosensitivity, has adverse reproductive effects and a variety of other effects on different organ systems.  There is no justification for the statement that Smart Meters have no adverse health effects. “

Dr. Carpenter further advises, “An informed person should demand that they be allowed to keep their analog meter”

(For those of you already Smart Metered,  demand to have the analog meter restored, call your your utility and your state public utility commission)

BIG THANKS to Dr. Carpenter and to Maine’s Smart Meter Safety Coalition  who “recently caught up with Dr. David Carpenter, a Harvard Medical School-trained physician who headed up the New York State Dept. of Public Health for 18 years before becoming Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Albany, where he currently directs the Institute for Health and the Environment”   article

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40 California Jurisdictions Now Demand a Halt

The Pomo Native American Tribal Council in Lake County is the 40th local jurisdiction in CA to say “Stop Smart Meters!”

The count is in.  The Big Valley Rancheria/ Pomo Band of Indians in Lake County last month became the fortieth local jurisdiction in California to demand an immediate halt to ‘smart’ meter installations.  The full list is under the “How you can stop smart meters” tab on the menu bar above (or click here).

Eight counties, 31 cities, and now the Pomo Indian Tribe- representing 2,242,123 people (according to US Census data) demand that utilities stop installing ‘smart meters’ due to immediate and urgent concerns about health damage, privacy violations, fire hazards, and a host of other problems that PG&E is just beginning to admit to, like the fact that ‘smart’ meters that were found to sort of ‘speed up’ when it got above 100 F.

People are particularly enraged in Lake County.  The Board of Supervisors is pursuing a legal injunction against PG&E, and Supervisor Anthony Farrington recently joined us in calling for a halt at a major forum in Santa Barbara on the topic.  Now the Pomo are joining the fight declaring smart meters illegal on their entire Rancheria.  Plus Kelseyville’s Howard Glasser has been typing up powerful and hard hitting criticism of the utility and CPUC President.

Don’t mess with Lake County in other words.

Large areas of California and millions of people are standing up and saying that these ‘smart’ meters have a problem and they are making people sick.   How much longer can the state and federal governments and the utilities remain in denial, pretending that there is no problem, or being vague and offering false unworkable solutions?  The smart grid dream is turning into a smart meter nightmare for millions of people as they wake up to the horror of being forced into a life of electrosensitivity in a culture still in denial that the condition even exists.  (It does.)

Tell the CA Public Utilities Commission where they can put their smart meters this Thursday May 5th in San Francisco.   Full calendar and meeting details here.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Lake County, PG&E | 7 Comments

Shame on You Grandpa

Michael Peevey is the President of the California Public Utilities Commission, the body who is continuing  to authorize forced installations of dangerous ‘smart’ meters throughout California, despite evidence that they are seriously injuring people.   Peevey is a former chief executive of Southern California Edison, one of the utilities that the CPUC is meant to regulate.

Shame on You Grandpa

By Howard Glasser

Good Morning Mr. Peevey. George Orwell had you and the industry you purport to regulate beat by 62 years. His book Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949. If you haven’t read it, you really should. If you read it in high school or college, you may want to pick it up and read it again. It told of the future you are creating for yourself and us, your wife, your children and their children. You are leaving behind a legacy of terror Mr. Peevey.

The decisions you’re making now are probably the most crucial decisions you’ve ever made when it comes to how they will affect the lives of not only this generation, but the lives of generations to come. Albert Einstein said “It has become appalling obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Such is the case here and I’d like you to take a hard look at that irrespective of the expectations of an industry to which you’ve become Godfather.

Besides being President of the CPUC, you’re a husband and father of three children and a grandfather and I’m sure that means a lot to you. I’m not prying but I am curious to learn a little about the man behind the desk.

I’m speaking to Michael Peevey the father and Grandpa. I’d like you to consider what kind of world you’re leaving behind for those you love. It’s hard to believe that in your heart of hearts given what you know and the facts that surround you, that you would commit your loved ones and the good people of California, indeed the fine people of this country to a faulted technology fraught with hazards.

According to medical reports such as the physician’s peer review of the California Council on Science and Technology on the health impacts of Smart Meters, these devices have been found to cause brain tumors, tinnitus, acoustic neuromas, childhood leukemia, neurodegenerative diseases, DNA damage and cognitive impairment. Smart Meter radiation slows motor skills, reduces learning ability, heats body tissue, lowers the immune system and does damage to the blood-brain barrier that prevents toxins from entering the brain. Even if only half of this were true, what kind of a Grandpa would protect an industry that shows such little regard for public health and safety?

At the CPUC meeting March 24th, PG&E and their attorneys took over 75 pages to say Show Me the Money. Oh they said it in legalize, the language of champions but let’s be completely honest Mr. Peevey. It’s about the money. Money is driving this; the agenda, this rollout, this rush to deploy. This skullduggery. It’s about money and greed and power.

Not green power but the power that’s wielded over a citizenry stripped of its rights and that you would see buried to meet deadlines and increase corporate profits while leaving us in the rubble of PG&E’s twisted machinations. It’s about how our money finds its way in to a utility company’s pockets which should come as no surprise to anyone because what isn’t about money these days whether it’s lobbying money or laundered money or campaign funding or pork barrels or bailouts? It is and always has been about the money.

It’s hard to believe that you would defend an industry that pretends to be green but is green only as in the color of money. Is there anything that you, the Smart Grid Industry, the CPUC and PG&E would NOT do for money Mr. Peevey?

Any good salesman or politician can tell you that if you want to sell something, give it a good name like Smart and make it the “green” thing to do.  Don’t get me wrong. I’m as environmentally conscious as the next one but the Smart Grid movement is not about going green or conserving energy or reducing greenhouse gas emissions or saving Polar Bears. It’s about raising rates, increasing profits and selling the data it collects. The utility companies aren’t doing this for your health or for the environment.

We hear a lot of talk these days about the need for transparency as if it’s so hard to see through what’s going on so I’ll just come right to the bottom line. Mr. Peevey this is your chance of a lifetime if you take it to be a real hero for your children and their children, for California and for America. You will either be remembered as the man who set fire to our freedom and watched it burn or who ran in to the burning building and carried us out.

Howard Glasser

Kelseyville, Lake County

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E | 3 Comments

Defend Your Analog Meter Part II

Successful meter defenses allow the meter to be read, but not removed.   The meter belongs to the utility, but the enclosure is – after all – your property.   If PG&E or another utility damages your property to force their incredibly stupid meters on to your home, they will be liable.

More ideas:  Page 1Page 3; Page 4; Page 5

These are examples of enclosures built by residents to protect analog meters from theft by agents of the utility (such as Wellington Energy).  Electric meter above, gas below.   People have also used upside-down rubber coated dish drainers with brackets and locks and chains to defend their analogs.  When the installer comes, (unless you stop him) the electric meter is popped off and replaced and a small rectangular device is affixed to the front of your existing gas meter.

Of course if you control access to the meter and the reader doesn’t have a key, you can refuse access entirely.  Make sure everyone knows to refuse access if you live in an apartment! They will hop over fences and sneak around, waiting for you to leave.  They especially like to intimidate elderly people, who (they think) won’t stand up for their rights. They will try to blag their way in anyway they can.

Don’t let them!

Remember, you have a right to refuse installation.  Don’t believe the threats.  No one has had their electricity switched off for refusing a smart meter, and no one has had to pay one cent in fines.  Utilities have an easement to read the meter, but no one has a right to invade your privacy, risk your safety, and subject you to health damaging radiation against your will.  Especially not a corporation or compromised state regulatory agency.

Don’t delay- build your meter shelter today- otherwise you might come home to find an unwelcome gift from (Or)Wellington!

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E | 9 Comments

Reject- Don’t Adapt to- ‘Smart’ Meters!

Families often react to traffic impacts as they do to EMF pollution from 'smart' meters: they adapt, withdraw, or migrate. This 4 year old girl living in Bristol UK suffers from respiratory disease from living next to 20,000 cars/ day.

A message from our Director, Joshua Hart:

Here at Stop Smart Meters! we get a lot of e-mails from people all over the country who are suffering ill effects from the wireless ‘smart’ meters on their homes.  Some have symptoms like nausea, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, and tinnitus.  Others are just worried about the health of their families, given the strong evidence that the meters exceed FCC safety standards for human exposure to microwave radiation.   Some are so sick they are forced to leave their homes entirely, representing an unlawful ‘taking’ of private property.   Often the worst affected are vulnerable people, many elderly, suffering from conditions that make them more susceptible to powerful wireless bursts 24/7.   It’s heartbreaking to hear hundreds of these reports, and to know that the state is allowing this to happen.

The other day someone mentioned that they had abandoned the room next to a bank of utility meters along their wall.  They just close the door and never use that room anymore.  People adapt to insult and injury and move on.  But there is a cost…

This kind of adaptation in the face of environmental harm reminded me of something.  In 2008, I ran a transportation research project at the University of the West of England in Bristol UK called Driven to ExcessOur research team found that people living on streets with more car traffic had significantly fewer local friends. Many would withdraw from the front of their homes because of traffic noise and pollution and spend less time on the street.    Humans are extraordinarily adaptive in the face of environmental assault- it’s something that allowed our species to survive through changing conditions over millions of years.

However, sometimes we need to not just accept things as they are and adapt to them.  Sometimes we need to react together- to have the body politic reject an unwanted technology just like a dangerous virus.   To stand together and say NO in one loud voice. We were never asked whether we wanted this and now we say NO!  Sorry if your shareholders are on the hook for 2 billion plus, but errr….no one ever asked us whether we wanted these things on our homes!  And they are OUR homes and businesses- NOT the utility’s.

Don’t just adapt to a utility company eroding the quality of your home environment.  Don’t live with a smart meter just because ‘they’ say you have to.  You have a right to your health.  And you have a right to keep your analog meter– at no extra charge.  Stand up for your rights- not just alone, but as a community.

If there’s a silver lining to the ‘smart’ meter madness, at least it’s a good excuse to knock on the doors of your neighbors and introduce yourself!


Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies | 9 Comments