PSREC General Manager Loses It After Illegal Disconnect

A week ago today- on orders from Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC) Board of Directors and General Manager Bob Marshall, trucks arrived at our house- demanded to install a meter that emits radiation my doctor has advised them in writing is dangerous to my health- and when we refused, crews disconnected the power at the pole, leaving us to cope with no electricity in an all-electric house.  The day after, they were back with a camera and a telephoto lens, taking photos into our home.

And all this from a supposed “cooperative.”

Because of the drought in California and other factors (including PSREC’s $50 million debt) they are raising rates that are already higher than PG&E’s (some of the highest in the US).   We attended a meeting on rate increases last night in Portola, and PSREC General Manager Bob Marshall grew very agitated when he realized I was filming the meeting and my partner’s comments about our illegal disconnection.   That’s strange as they seem to have no problem filming us.   Yet when I record a utility rate-setting meeting, I am threatened with the sheriff.  Lovely.

I called Bob Marshall earlier in the day and insisted that PSREC switch on our electricity, as we are paying customers.  He literally screamed at me, telling me he would “leave us in the dark” and calling me a “clown.”  That’s right folks, he’s just disconnected the electricity to the home of paying customers and we are the bullies.   I assume the “threats” he refers to in the above video were in fact me letting him know in no uncertain terms that we would be speaking to local governments and the media about our disconnect and fees.  In other words, publicizing and criticizing PSREC’s bad behavior.

Notice just after the 2 minute mark, Bob Marshall is beckoned by (ironically enough) the same guy who filmed our home the day after our service was cut.   He tells Bob that I am recording the meeting, and Bob flies into a rage, interrupting public comment and demanding I leave.   What is so bad about videotaping a meeting?  There were no signs prohibiting it.  What are they so afraid of?

My partner had this to say about the video above:

Watching this footage from last night causes me a great deal of sadness. Not only because of what Josh and I are going through, but also because I see, in Bob Marshall’s totally inappropriate behavior, an educated, professional man, respected in the community, coming undone. This makes me sad.

What I have tried to get through to PSREC is that we don’t want to take them down. To see Mr. Marshall so angry and acting so out of line is the exact opposite of the outcome I hope for. I would like to see him accept the evidence that PSREC’s wireless transmitting meters cause harm. I would like him to recognize that charging us for an analog when others have one for free is unfair. I want Mr. Marshall and all of the PSREC board to rise up, open their minds to the facts, and do right by their community.

Living without electricity this past week has been difficult, time consuming, and frustrating, as I have had to completely rework my home and habits to accommodate this change in our entirely electric (no gas) house. And yet we have tried to make the most of it. We’ve enjoyed the quiet simplicity of a card game. We go to bed earlier. Food tastes delicious when cooked on a wood stove. Candlelight is romantic. We feel very fortunate that we have the life skills and good health necessary to carry wood, heat up large pots of water, function by candlelight. We know that not everyone who has been cut off is capable of enduring, while others have endured for nearly a year, and our hearts are with them all in solidarity.

Standing up for what you know is right can be stressful and scary but is extremely worthwhile and affirming. We feel extremely grateful and cheered by all of the comments, well wishes, and advocacy from our neighbors and our friends fighting smart meters. Thank you. Reading your words brings light into our evenings.

A friend said yesterday that we aren’t going to get anywhere if PSREC is the enemy. I couldn’t agree more. Mr. Marshall and the PSREC board are affected by wireless just like everybody else who is made of flesh and blood. Our interests are their interests. There is no us and them. We all need to be able to work together.

Posted in California, Cancer, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, neighborhood organizing, Police, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | Tagged , | 11 Comments

Thank You For Your Support- Now Please Take Action

Screen Shot 2014-02-21 at 3.07.05 PMIt is a violation of the law, of our community, of property rights, of the spirit of the co-operative movement- not to mention just plain mean to switch off electricity to paying customers in the middle of winter in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  PSREC has chosen to penalize people with fees and electricity disconnection due to a medical condition – a direct violation of state law (CA PUC 453b).

Thank you to everyone for your good wishes and support during this challenging time for us personally and for the Stop Smart Meters! HQ.   Although we are hobbled with the loss of the use of our printer and other office equipment (not to mention stove, fridge, hot water heater, lights) we continue to function, fill orders from our store, update the website, and assist you all in your organizing efforts.

You are all very sweet and many have asked what you can do to support us during this challenging time- please know that we are okay, we are tough- we lived off the grid for a year and a half (albeit in a home set up for that, not an all-electric one like where we are living now near Portola, CA).

If you want to help support us, here’s how:

  • Contact the PSREC Board of Directors. (e-mails below to cut and paste) Please be respectful, but firm.  Let them know how “smart” meters have affected you, how unjust “opt out” fees are, and that you insist we are reconnected at no charge immediately.  Tell them the world is watching.  Tell them that forcing smart meters on people’s homes is degrading- not improving quality of life.,,,,,,,

  • Please donate!  We could use funds for our upcoming litigation against PSREC, as well as printing outreach materials, brochures, advertising, etc. to support this growing movement. Please indicate where you want your donation to go. We can handle the propane, wood, coolers, ice etc. for the time being!

Thank you all so much for your support- it means a lot to us.  We encourage you to stand up for your rights- insist on a true analog meter, refuse to pay extortion charges, and come to the aid of those being bullied.

In response to unlawful behavior by utilities, we’ve got to respond as a community– otherwise we are stuffed.  To borrow a phrase from the true co-operative movement:

“We are stronger together”

Let’s dwell on that this weekend- perhaps over a cup of tea by candle light.

That’s what we’ll be doing!

At least our trusty "All NIghter" won't let us down

At least our trusty “All NIghter” won’t let us down

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Safety, Smart Grid | 9 Comments

Utility Attempts Stalking/ Intimidation Tactics After Disconnect

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 2.20.05 PMPSREC has been sending their employees by today to photograph our house from the street, in an apparent attempt at intimidation, following yesterday’s illegal power cut.


Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 1.45.02 PM

It won’t work PSREC- give it up.  We won’t be intimidated and we won’t submit to your extortion, even though our freezer is dripping with melt water,  we’re taking cold showers and living on sandwiches.

Director Bob Marshall and the PSREC Board of Directors are bullies and should be ashamed of themselves.  They have put the safety of their own community at risk and harassed whistleblowers with outrageous fees, illegal power disconnects and now stalking.

Seriously guys- get a life.

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged | 6 Comments


This afternoon at 2pm, Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC) trespassed on our property and (after unsuccessfully trying to install a “smart” meter) disconnected the power to our home though we have paid every penny of our electricity usage in full.  The fees- and the disconnect- are in violation of state public utility code and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and we intend to fight this abuse to the full extent of the law.

This is the first disconnect by PSREC for failure to pay “opt out” fees.  No one in PG&E/ SCE/ SDG&E areas of California have been disconnected solely for refusal to pay “opt out” fees, and thousands have been ignoring toothless disconnect warnings and deducting the fees from their bill every month.

As an electric “co-operative” PSREC is only partially under the jurisdiction of the CPUC and apparently also feels that it is above the law.  Its chickens will come home to roost.  Utility personnel- challenged about their actions- replied that they were “just following orders.”

Now we have pressing matters such as how to keep our food from perishing and keep our home warm in freezing temperatures tonight.

Why are utilities going to such lengths to silence critics of their smart meter policies?  The answer is profits and defending a stubborn dogma that says wireless is safe.

We are determined and will not give in to utility abuse or threats.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Safety, Smart Grid | 17 Comments

SSM! Director Josh Hart Threatened with Electricity Disconnect

This Itron AMR “smart” meter deployed in Plumas County CA was measured emitting 20.5 microwatts per square centimeter one foot away. This level would be illegal in China, Russia, Poland and Switzerland, and has been associated with damage to DNA and effects on memory and learning. The rural electric co-operative PSREC is threatening us with disconnection of our electricity if we do not pay hundreds of dollars in extortionate ‘opt out’ fees to avoid one of these meters, even though I have a letter from my doctor confirming I have EHS.

This opinion piece was published today in the Portola Reporter.

Let’s Take Back Our Power & Wise Up to “Smart” Meters
By Josh Hart, Director StopSmartMeters.Org

My partner and I moved to Plumas County last summer from the Coastal Mountains.  She and I love it here, and are grateful for the beauty and  the people who have become our community.  I work full time from home as a technology writer and researcher, and we support our local economy by shopping in the area.  We save time and gas, and if it costs a little more, then that’s the price of a healthy local economy.  In other words, we’re the type of people the Rec & Tech campaign is trying to draw to Plumas County.

Now Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC) is threatening to disconnect our electricity.  We have paid every penny of power we use on time, and in full.  So what’s going on?

Nearly 4 years ago, PG&E tried to install a “smart” meter on our home.  After an investigation, I realized there were serious problems with the technology. I started StopSmartMeters.Org in June 2010, to inform others about this threat to our health, privacy, and safety. The public remains overwhelmingly supportive of our ongoing campaign, with more than 57 cities, counties, and tribes throughout California having spoken out against the “smart grid.”  More than a dozen have even outlawed the devices.

One reason is privacy.  Intimate, private details of what goes on in your home are made available by the ‘smart’ meter to the utility and to whomever they choose to pass (or sell) this data.

Furthermore, hundreds of fires and electrical faults have led to property and appliance damage- even loss of life. The meters are cheaply manufactured in China and Mexico and are not UL certified.

Radiation from “smart” meters is hurting us, whether we can feel it or not.  In May, 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified wireless microwave radiation- used for cell and cordless phones, wi-fi, cell towers, baby monitors, and “smart” meters- a Class 2B possible carcinogen (pdf). This is the same category as DDT and lead.  People are developing brain tumors on the same side of the head they use their cell phones.  “Smart” meters can expose people to 160 times the cumulative radiation of a cell phone (pdf).  Meanwhile, the FCC- who has a responsibility to set safe levels for human exposure- has been asleep at the regulatory wheel, allowing cell phones to be marketed to kids and wi-fi to be rolled out in elementary schools, even as European countries ban cell phone sales to children and remove wi-fi from their libraries. FCC guidelines recognize that it is not good for your health if you are heated like a hot dog in a microwave oven.  Ignored are the thousands of peer-reviewed studies identifying non-thermal effects of microwaves- including cancer, DNA damage, breaches of the blood-brain barrier, ADHD, headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, heart palpitations, and other ailments.

PG&E and PSREC’s “smart” meters both emit sharp bursts of microwave radiation every few seconds, 24/7 (Liberty Energy generally uses safer analog meters). PG&E admitted their meters emit up to 190,000 signals per day.  PSREC’s Itron meters emit constantly, even though the signal is only picked up by the meter reader once a month, wasting energy and unnecessarily exposing residents.  I’ve measured radiation levels of 20.5 microwatts per square centimeter from one of their meters in the Mohawk Valley (see above), a level found to damage DNA, and affect memory and learning.  These levels are so high they would be illegal in China, Poland, Russia, and Switzerland.  Yet there is no warning to keep your distance.

Such a warning would have helped me in 2011.  After measuring radiation from a bank of 80 PG&E “smart” meters at a complex in Berkeley, I began to get powerful stabs of pain in my temples often followed by waves of nausea, when near someone using a cell phone.

Stop Smart Meters! volunteers measuring the radiation from a bank of 80 PG&E "smart" meters in Berkeley, CA

Stop Smart Meters! volunteers measuring the radiation from a bank of 80 PG&E “smart” meters in Berkeley, CA.  Exposures like these can lead to long term sensitivities as SSM! Director Josh Hart found out the hard way.

When my doctor later diagnosed me with electro-hyper-sensitivity,  I learned that I had been injured by ‘smart’ meter radiation in the same way a sunburn from solar radiation makes you ultra-sensitive to sunlight the next day.  Yet this “sunburn” has persisted- and it’s increasingly difficult to find places without wireless, as people are clamoring for cell phone coverage everywhere- even in the back country wilderness.  For those affected, it can be a nightmare you don’t wake up from.   And it’s often made worse by those who ridicule the injury as a “psychiatric problem” (it’s not).

Before we decided to move to Plumas, I called PSREC to explain my situation, and was assured there’d be no problem getting an analog meter. I never agreed to any fees, nor was asked to.

We moved to the Mohawk Valley in August last year and PSREC installed an analog meter right away.  They asked for a letter from my doctor regarding my diagnosis, which I provided. CA utility code section 453(b) states that “no public utility shall…require different rates or deposit amounts from a person because of…medical condition.”    Thus, I expected that my doctor’s letter would negate any charges related to the analog.

The PSREC board met in September, and decided to charge $141.60 for an analog meter (available online for $14) and $15/ month to pay the meter reader to walk from his truck to our meter.  We offered to self-read our analog and phone in the readings, but our offer was refused, though dozens- possibly hundreds- of PSREC customers continue to be billed this way at no extra charge.  Yet for me, with a documented medical condition, they demand that we pay or they will disconnect our electricity- even in the middle of winter.

This is not fair, reasonable, or legal.  Like PG&E’s ‘opt out’ fee in dispute at the CPUC, and which thousands are refusing to pay, PSREC’s charges are a kind of extortion.

They accuse us of forcing our neighbors to “subsidize” us with the added costs of meter reading, but cutting our power would cost the cooperative hundreds of dollars a year in lost revenue. Is the cost of reading our meter really the problem, or is it that they don’t like us informing the community about their hazardous equipment?

We should have a free choice about what kinds of technologies we prefer to use in our own homes.  I personally choose not to use any wireless- and that is my choice.  The “smart” meter crosses a line and violates our property and constitutional rights. No one should have to pay for the “privilege” of avoiding headaches and nausea- or even exposure to a Class 2B carcinogen- in their own home.

I encourage the Plumas County community to learn more about this issue at our website: StopSmartMeters.Org. Watch the documentary Take Back Your Power, available on DVD at the Quincy, Portola, and Greenville libraries, and at the Graeagle Outpost (also through our website).

There are alternatives to toxic wireless technology.  Wired technology provides a safer, faster, more secure connection.

In a world increasingly saturated with “electro-smog,” some of us get sick and show symptoms sooner than others.  I happen to be one of the early ones, like the canary sent down the coal mine.  PSREC, a local energy cooperative, created in the not-too-distant past, by and to serve local people, must remember the importance of health and safety even when- especially when- it’s inconvenient.

Josh Hart is a resident of Plumas County and is Director of Stop Smart Meters! For more information, go to the website at StopSmartMeters.Org  or write to POB 682 Portola, CA 96122

This Landis & Gyr meter used by PSREC looks like an analog but "wakes up" and transmits the electrical readings using microwave signals when it receives a signal from a meter reader once a month. Because it has electronic components, this is also a "smart" meter

This Landis & Gyr meter used by PSREC looks like an analog but “wakes up” and transmits the electrical readings using microwave signals when it receives a signal from a meter reader once a month. Because it has electronic components, and can add “dirty electricity” onto your home’s wiring, this is also considered a “smart” meter

This is a true electro-mechanical analog electric meter that does not contain electronic components. It's what everyone should insist on without compromise.

This is a true electro-mechanical analog electric meter that does not contain electronic components. It’s what everyone should insist on without compromise and without fees.

Posted in Berkeley, California, Cancer, Cell phones, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Federal Government, Fires, health effects, Health studies, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Obama, PG&E, Physicians, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | 13 Comments