Santa Cruz Leads the Fight in California, Once Again

Santa Cruz County, California–birthplace of Stop Smart Meters! and epicenter of a steady stream of both political and direct action in the battle against smart meters–remains on the front lines. The Santa Cruz County Public Health Department here has just issued a landmark report critical of the heedless roll-out of wireless utility meters, [PDF], stating:

Evidence is accumulating on the results of exposure to RF at non-thermal levels including increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier in the head (Eberhardt, 2008), harmful effects on sperm, double strand breaks in DNA which could lead to cancer genesis (Phillips, 2011), stress gene activation indicating an exposure to a toxin (Blank, 2011), and alterations in brain glucose metabolism (Volkow, 2011).

“There are no current, relevant public safety standards for pulsed RF… …. Governmental agencies for protecting public health and safety should be much more vigilant towards involuntary environmental exposures because governmental agencies are the only defense against such involuntary exposure.”

It was the persistent input from people in Santa Cruz affiliated with SSM! that helped to educate the health department about the serious health consequences of pulsed RF from smart meters. This is the first such declarative document on the possible health effects of RF from smart meters from any such government agency.

Press: San Jose Mercury News; and Santa Cruz Sentinel; and, and

The day after the SC Public Health Dept issued this report, national group the American Academy of Environmental Medicine issued their own statement that smart meter installations should stop. Read this post on

Yesterday at their meeting, the Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors extended their moratorium on smart meters. They had originally approved a moratorium in 2010 and extended it last year. Unlike other cities and counties, the Board have said they were willing to enforce this ordinance–though the county sheriff refuses to obey this order, instead choosing PG&E as the higher authority he answers to.

At the meeting, many people spoke clearly about how they had been harmed by smart meters. One man left his home due to health effects, renting it out to others, who themselves then became ill. (Video next week.)

Last month, the Board questioned a PG&E representative persistently about the disconnections of several people who, desperate to recover their health, had had their own smart meters removed. These representatives of the people demonstrate the sort of bravery and good sense that people all over CA and the U.S. wish their own elected officials would show.

Elsewhere in California, Mt. Shasta now have their own moratorium, issuing this declaration earlier this month. This far-sighted town doesn’t have smart meters yet, but they aren’t waiting until their utility is halfway into a deployment–they are saying “opt in” only now.

A decision on the extortionate “opt out” plan is expected at the CA PUC on Feb 1st.  Plan to attend and speak out for an immediate moratorium and no cost community-wide opt outs- 9am 505 Van Ness SF.

Posted in Cancer, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, PG&E, Santa Cruz County | Leave a comment

Meters that Endanger: Shocking Details from a Whistleblower

Are smart meters just too complex? Are they veritable blackboxes (well, beige) of assorted electronic components,  jury-rigged and thrown together in an off-shore factory, and then slapped onto houses without proper safety testing? Sure, we all have electronic devices in the home, but through this particular device passes all the electrical current for the house. That’s a set-up asking for trouble.

From the beginning, smart meters have had problems leading to fires and other electrical dangers. News stories have run all over the U.S. and around the world about installations leading to devastating damage. (Here’s a local SF Bay Area fire we’d like to see more fully investigated.)

A lawsuit made available to us recently detailed just how such faulty equipment could end up attached to the electrical wiring on millions of homes. In Alabama in 2009, a Sensus engineering employee named Don Baker was fired for repeatedly alerting his management to the presence of a multitude of dangerous defects in the smart meter they were manufacturing (model iConA). As he states in the complaint he filed, this whistleblower reported serious flaws in design and functioning that could lead to electrical danger, overheating, and/or fire. In fact, the failure rate of the meters was twenty times higher than it was supposed to be, and the engineer contends that at least two house fires were the result. Sensus meters are used by utilities across the U.S. and in Canada, such as PECO, Alliant Energy, Alabama Power, and NVE.

In May 2010, Mr. Baker filed a complaint [PDF]. The type of suit is called  “qui tam”, where an individual alleges harm to his government. This complaint alleges that the manufacturer and the utility companies received federal monies but provided a defective product. The U.S. Attorney’s office in Alabama declined to pursue the case, because the utility said they had not received federal money for the metering project; but the allegations about the dangerous defects in the smart meters made in the complaint have not been refuted or even addressed.

In the complaint Baker relates in detail what makes the meters dangerous, and the allegations are damning—and alarming. A few highlights:

[Meters] may fail dangerously when subjected to a sudden surge of electricity …. Meters found to contain ‘flux’ or loose solder residue …. Calibration equipment not properly designed …. Electric resistor component defective …. Internal temperatures up to 200° Fahrenheit …. Hot socket alarm …. Drastic overheating to the point of catastrophic failure, melting, and burning….

Cutting corners in business and manufacturing is hardly something new; the difference here is just what is at stake: this product is installed in every house in a utility service area, and the electrical current for the house runs through it. Even a half-percent failure rate can result in serious amounts of property damage, or even death, given the total number of “customers”—though this word implies a voluntary acceptance of the product, when in fact installation of smart meters has been very largely involuntary. Truly optional consumer goods actually get more testing than smart meters.

The sort of defects and failures enumerated in this suit might well have been caught with an independent safety-certification process such as Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL). But these Sensus iConA smart meters, and every other type of smart meter, have never been subjected to such testing.

The suit states: “Mr. Baker has direct personal knowledge that Sensus and Southern Company [the utility] have installed approximately one million iConA meters in Alabama homes with knowledge that the meters are seriously defective and pose a substantial fire hazard and that at least two Alabama homes have burned as a result…. [They] were well aware that the iConA was defective and the entire project flawed.” [Emphasis ours.]

Baker submitted the information he had to the Office of the U.S. Attorney and the FBI in Feb 2010. He contends that the defendants named in the suit, Sensus, Southern Company, and Alabama Power, “perpetuated a fraudulent conspiracy” to obtain $165 million from federal stimulus funding.

These meters were never tested—for either for safety or performance—instead they went straight to out for installation. Then Sensus altered the components and design—again without safety testing. Only one percent of the Sensus meters were tested—for accuracy only—but never on a house while connected to the grid.

“It quickly became apparent that the meters were fundamentally unsound.” Baker states in the filing. “[The contract] carried an acceptable failure rate of 0.5%,” but in the first year, the meters were “failing at a rate of 9.0% per year.” Baker made reports to Sensus management about quality and safety issues, but he was ignored and eventually fired.

What was technically wrong with the smart meters that Sensus was producing? The suit alleges four categories of defects and failures: 1) Electrical Fast Transient Failures; 2) Flux Contamination and Inaccuracy Issues; 3) Faulty Components; and 4) “Hot Meters.” These technical issues are explained below.

The suit goes on to make three charges against the defendants: 1) False Claims; 2) Conspiracy; and 3) Suppression, Fraud, and Deceit. These legal issues are explained in more detail below.

Corporate recklessness—and lack of regulation to curb it—has remained a core issue in the smart meter debacle. From the Silver Springs Network antenna which increases the power of the radio over FCC limits (see page 14 of this CPUC doc), to arcing problems due to unprofessional installation, to multiple FCC violations, to the lack of any independent safety testingit is clear that if there had been effective government regulation, it could have changed the face of this “deployment” dramatically.

If you don’t like the idea of more government regulation, then how about consumer choice? If individual customers could choose between utilities, even choose their own meter—again, the landscape would also look very, very different.

But instead we are saddled with corporate utility monopolies, aided by government collusion, which adds up to a poisonous combination—whatever your political beliefs might be. It is an arrangement designed to enrich corporations, with impunity.

Why isn’t the public up in arms about these risks of smart-meter fires and explosions? There have no comprehensive investigations by major media. Early in 2011, a major news station in the SF Bay Area was doing work on this. They interviewed us several times as part of an investigation into smart-meter fires. What happened? The story never aired, and calls to the investigative reporters were not returned.

Without coverage in the mainstream media, people will be left to find out about this issue through social networks or independent media–or worse, suffer their own fire or property damage from the meter.

This is yet another reason why the proposed opt-out here in CA is—even with analogs—incomplete and inadequate. Given the growing evidence of fire risk and safety, this is not a device we should be forced to pay to avoid. Smart meters should not be installed on any home, any where, without a thorough safety investigation.


Technical details from the lawsuit about Sensus meter defects:

1) Electrical Fast Transient Failures: The manufacturer and the utility were both aware, the suit alleges, that the smart meters (iConA) were unsafe and could fail dangerous when subjected to a power surge. [This was certainly evident for another make of smart meter, the one installed in Palo Alto last October.] One critical test was skipped for the Sensus meters, the Electrcial Fast Transient Test (EFT). When this test was performed on a sample of the iConA Sensus meters, they all failed. This was after over 80,000 meters were already installed.

2) Flux Contamination and Inaccuracy Issues. The complaint states that production of the iConA meters was sloppy. Sensus performed two investigations and found 130,000 meters contained loose solder residue called “flux.” They also found that equipment used by the manufacturer to calibrate was not properly designed, calling into question the accuracy of the meters. This was after 400,000 meters were installed—non of which were recalled for testing. Baker himself has investigated over-reporting meters, and found individual meters giving readings seven times the actual electrical usage.

3) Faulty Components.  Baker alleges Sensus and the utilities had reason to suspect that some components that were going into the iConA meter were faulty, with very high failure rates. Well into the delivery process, it was found that an electrical resistor was defective on at least 85,000 meters. Over 170,000 meters were also found to contain another faulty component made by Epson.

4) “Hot Meters.” These Sensus meters, the complaint alleges, posed a risk of injury or death. Sensus knew that 19,000 installed meters were reporting a “hot socket alarm”—that is, the internal temperature was getting over 200°F. Sensus received reports of overheating to the point of melting and burning. The plaintiff Baker documented himself meters reduced to lumps of blackened plastic, while the company insisted a meter couldn’t melt at less than 500°F.

Ultimately it was bringing to the attention of his supervisors a burned meter that resulted in a house fire that ended Don Bakers career at Sensus. Instead of conducting an investigation, they fired him.


Legal details alleged in the complaint:

1) False Claims. The defendant in the suit, the plaintiff alleges, presented false or fraudulent claims to the U.S. government that their smart grid project was eligible for ARRA funds when it was not. The equipment was defective and unfit.

2) Conspiracy. The defendants acted with the intent to defraud the U.S. by submitting false records to obtain the funds.

3) Suppression, Fraud, and Deceit. The defendants misrepresented or suppressed the fact that the smart meter that formed the basis of their smart grid architecture was dangerously defective.


Alabama house fires possibly resulting from defective smart meters:

Family Blames House Fire On Georgia Power Meter. “Sparks started flying from the TV and power box.”

Atlanta house fire, due to power meter; double blow to Haitian family. “Faulty power meter sparked devastating house fire–twice.”

Alabama woman says smart meter is fire hazard.; The letter the city government wrote to Sensus [PDF].

Related Press: 2010 Article from Cleburne News (AL), which has since been scrubbed from their website:

2010 Article from Montgomery Advertiser (AL) which has been since scrubbed from their website: “The meter was … replaced five days before their double-wide burned to the ground…”

2009 Article from Georgia new site, since removed:  “…Steady stream of complaints about the meters since the devices went into general use ….The firemen

told him they are keeping records and turning in their findings to the electric company.”

Article from Atlanta news site, since scrubbed from website: “A power surge … After firefighters put out the blaze, they said it reignited again hours later.”

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Federal Energy Act of 2005, Federal Government, legal issues, PG&E, Safety, Uncategorized | 22 Comments

Use the PG&E Website — and Sign Away Your Rights

Anyone using online sites to manage or pay bills, or transact business of any sort, is familiar with “signing” one of those long detailed legal agreements usually called “Term and Conditions”–merely by checking a box.

Watch out.

On PG&E’s website for residential accounts, you may be signing away your right to any compensation over the paltry sum of five hundred dollars. This news comes to us from the San Jose Mercury News Action Line. A reader wrote in with this story:

I was surprised to find on page three of a four-page document that if I signed up online, I would be agreeing to the sum of $500 as damages against PG&E under any theory of liability. I called PG&E and asked about this language and was told that this is limited to my account. But my account is my home!

Well put: our utility accounts affect us where we live. For those of us who have been harmed by PG&E’s smart meter roll-out–either from harm due to RF pulses or doubled or quadrupled bills they are themselves blamed for and forced to pay–or fires and appliance damage–or who have seen the devastation that their negligence in San Bruno brought–it is hardly surprising that this corporation would sneakily slip in such a limit on their liability.

Many website users won’t catch the fact that they have just agreed to this outrageous clause. Yet someday soon PG&E may go the way of many corporations, and charge you money if you pay by mail and don’t agree to online billing–essentially forcing you as a customer to consent to this legal agreement.

We will be monitoring this, and post an update when we get further information.

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Revised PG&E Smart Meter Opt-Out Proposal Has Arrived…

…And analog meters are going to be offered–but the proposed cost will run you $210 the first year, and $120 each year after that.

Please read this informative post on
The California PUC will hold a second phase of hearings to address community-wide opt-out issues.

But what is missing from the proposal?

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, FCC, PG&E, Smart Grid, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Meters that Break the Law: Legal and Legislative News in U.S.

In Michigan the Public Service Commission opened a new investigation into smart meters, thanks in part to work from the folks with Press links below.

It only took NINE Michigan cities objecting to the program to get their commissioners to respond to public outcry. California commissioners, take a lesson! We are up to FORTY-NINE cities and counties with official objections. Mt Shasta is the latest. We deserve a proper investigation too.

Maine smart meter opponents filed an appeal in the ongoing lawsuit against the program in their state: Maine-Appeal-Brief-Filed-PressReleaseJan-11-2012. More press links below. This Maine woman blames her expensive appliance-blow-out nightmare on a smart meter, which she had removed herself and replaced with an analog.

Meanwhile, in Nevada, the fight is hotting up. An investigation was begun in October, but opt-out fees are now on their way. Angel De Fazio, founder of NV Energy Stop Smart Meters has been working hard to fight the opt-out costs, which the state regulators are making disproportionately higher for analogs. We’re pleased to see OccupyLV is on it. Here’s some analysis of the process from the NVE apparently is stooping to full-out trespass to get the meters on.

In Illinois, Naperville smart meter foes had their proposed referendum rejected, due to being short by 100+ signatures on the petition. This was looking like a promising tactic in the fight–but we’re sure there will be similar referendums in future, there and elsewhere. Naperville opponents were able in December to go straight to federal court to file for an injunction, because their utility is independent and not connected to their public utility commission.

In Texas, this family posted notice they don’t want the smart meter installation (video). They were threatened with the police. “The installer went away mad.”

Michigan Press: HuffPost:

Oakland Press

Detroit News

Detroit Free Press

 Maine press: The Forecaster

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Federal Government, Illinois, Police, Uncategorized | 2 Comments