Damn the Torpedos- Full Speed Ahead!

Massachusetts Utilities Continue Widespread Implementation of Smart/Wireless Meters Despite Poor Response to Recent Storm Power Outages & Continued Warnings By Medical Experts

BOSTON, Nov. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Corporate and municipal utilities in Massachusetts continue building the wireless utility grid with new meters, distributed wireless antennae, (DAS), relay boxes, remotely operated transformers and other communications components amid increasing warnings from the medical community and despite lackluster performance in responding to power outages statewide.

Many utilities, including NStar and National Grid, have touted improved response times to outages as a key consumer benefit to smart meters and automated wireless meters. However, following Hurricane Sandy’s recent course through the Bay State, many residents were without power for more than twelve hours.  For some, the power went out before the storm had even started. “There was barely any wind at all and no rain when we lost power,” said one resident of Bedford, “It was very strange – out for 12 hours, then
the next evening, it went out again.” Another resident in Andover, spoke of a losing power for more than 24 hours.

Ongoing Expert Medical Warnings

Additionally disconcerting is the utilities’ refusal to consider or accommodate customer’s legitimate health concerns given the myriad medical warnings about the pulsed, high frequency radiation that smart meters emit into resident’s homes:

1. The WHO’s (World Health Organization) classification as possibly cancer causing;

2. An open letter * signed recently by 54 Doctors (MDs, Medical Professors and PhDs, Oncologists, Radiation Engineers, and research professionals around the world) warning of the dangers;

3. The AAEM’s (American Academy of Environmental Medicine) warnings & statements;

4. Reports by Australian Associate Professor of neurosurgery Vini G. Khurana of adverse neurological effects at under 10 feet from the meters, the “safe” distance according to utilities;

5. The Austrian Medical Foundation has recommended a halt, pending further research;

6. The Texas Senate Committee’s recent acknowledged of health concerns after autistic children began to have seizures once a meter was installed.

“Patients are reporting the development of symptoms and adverse health effects after new wireless digital meters are installed on their homes,” says Dr. Amy Dean, President Elect of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.

More and more people are complaining of ringing in the ears, headaches, agitation, heart palpitations, and insomnia after wireless meters have been installed.  “Immediate action is necessary – Our research shows chronic RF and EMF exposure to be very harmful,” continued Dr. Dean. In some areas, ambient radiation levels in homes with meters was magnified 100,000 times.** The meters have also caused a spate of fires on homes throughout the US leading to investigations and legal battles, most recently in Pennsylvania and Chicago.

Lack of Savings in Results

Numerous new meters have appeared all over the state regardless of evidence emerging of lack of savings or positive cost benefit in this type of electricity load balancing.  In the Crain’s Chicago Business article: ‘Smart grid test underwhelms’, it was stated that “In pilot, few power down to save money”, indicating that fewer that 9% of customers exhibited any amount of peak usage reduction and that the overall amount of reduction was “statistically insignificant.” The data came from a report by the Electric Power Research Institute. The report shows zero statistically different results compared to business as usual.

* Source:    Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.. Director, Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California; for full article and list of professional signatories .

**Source:  Peter Sierck, Baubiologist, Industrial Hygienist and Principal of Environmental Testing & Technology, Inc.

SOURCE American Academy of Environmental Medicine.  Link to this story here.

PR Newswire (http://s.tt/1rxZj)

Posted in AAEM, Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, health effects, Health studies, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, World Health Organization | 3 Comments

How to Resist the Fees (and Keep the Lights On)

We’ve been hearing a ton of reports from around California of people refusing to pay the smart meter extortion fees.  If you believe these fees are illegal, unfair, and discriminatory and are refusing to pay something for nothing- you are not alone!

Many families who are paying their full bill on time, but refusing to pay the extortion fees have been receiving their “15 day shut off notices” from PG&E.  Some people have caved and coughed up the fee, while others- like Tom DeMarchi of Willits– have dug their heels in, risking power cuts or whatever comes their way.

Whatever PG&E threatens, the reality is that (as far as we are aware) no one who has simply refused to pay their “opt out” fees has had their power cut.  A week after we covered Tom’s stand for justice, and a week after he was told his power would be cut off, his electricity remains on.

It appears that PG&E has strategically been adding the opt out fee to people’s bills at different times over the past several months, possibly to avoid a single wave of public outrage.  I guess that’s called “time-averaging the resistance.”  Nevertheless it appears PG&E has little appetite for a re-run of last year, when they disconnected power to more than a dozen families for “tampering” while they ended up just looking like the Grinch, cutting power to people who they had sickened with their stupid meters right before Christmas in the name of “safety.”  (The families were quickly re-connected.)

Our advice- as always- is to sit tight, refuse to allow installers access to your property, and refuse to pay any extortion fees.  Send the utility a letter with the words “I do not consent.”  If the utility threatens disconnection or fines, take the issue up with the CPUC Consumer Affairs Branch (see below) which will buy you some time and at least inform the regulator about the extent of opposition to the smart meter program in general and the fees in particular.  There are very specific circumstances in which a utility can legally disconnect your power.  We do not believe that refusal to pay the proposed “opt out fee” is one of them.

The CPUC Division of Ratepayer Advocates Recommends:

If you are refusing “opt out” fees, contact Consumers Affairs Branch- CAB (Call first, follow up with a formal complaint) This will start the clock running for them NOT to shut off your power while the compliant is in resolution process.

CA Consumer Affairs Branch 1-800-649-7570  https://ia.cpuc.ca.gov/cimsapp/?key=39949189

Talking points for refusing Smart Meter fees: The fees were never legally evaluated and are therefore arbitrary and unreasonable, which is a violation of Public utilities Code 451. Smart Meters emit RF radiation, and you need to avoid RF for medical reasons, so to pay to avoid them is a violation of PUC code 453(b)

From “The Utility Reform Network”
Rules Governing Utility Shut-Offs

If you fail to make payments and are at risk of shut-off, keep in mind:

  • Your power cannot be shut off for nonpayment on Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays other days when the utility’s public offices are closed.
  • Medical baseline or life support customers will not be disconnected without an in-person visit from a utility representative.
  • You must be notified before your power is shut-off. PG&E and SDG&E customers are entitled to a 15-day notice of termination followed by a 48-hour notice. SCE customers must receive a 15-day notice followed by a 5 day notice. You should also receive an explanation for the proposed shut-off and the options you have to prevent termination, such as payment arrangements and appeals to your utility or the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

Avoiding A Shut Off During a Billing Dispute

Failure to follow the proper procedures while disputing a bill can result in a shut-off. If you think your bill is incorrect you should first try to negotiate with the utility by requesting to speak with a manager or supervisor. If that fails, you should file a complaint with the CPUC immediately. If you file a complaint within 5 days of receiving the disputed bill, your power cannot be shut off until the CPUC has issued a decision and the case has been closed. (Even if more than 5 days have passed, however, appealing to your utility and/or the CPUC in an attempt to work something out may buy you some time and is always worth a try).

Don’t wait for a shut off notice to contact the CPUC if you want to dispute your bill. Protect yourself by notifying your utility as soon as possible of your intent to dispute your bill and your reasons for doing so. You should also make sure that any bills you receive after the disputed one are paid in full (minus any disputed amount) and on time.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, PG&E | 12 Comments

Utility Monster Out of Control: In Rampage, PG&E Vandalizes San Anselmo Landlord’s Analog Meter Defenses

“This is how I secured the meters before PG&E illegally removed them using grinders and Sawzalls.”  Shutoff valves to the meters were easily accessible in the event of emergency

Linda and David Brauner, landlords from San Anselmo, CA say that they have not refused to pay PG&E’s fee. They say they “opted out” via their tenants, and protected their meters from unwanted smart meter installation with bands of steel and locks, both of which were destroyed by PG$E yesterday.  Following is Linda’s account:

“Trucks came early in the morning, without prior notification at this 8-unit apartment building , and removed steel bars from gas meters. They used grinders and sawzalls to complete the job.”

Today, this morning, one of our tenants was shocked by noise behind her unit, as two PG&E workers were destroying the bands of steel and locks that we had installed, without calling us in advance, without notifying any tenant in the building. They apparently arrived in a huge truck with paraphernalia on it. It was clearly a “show of force”, intended to bully and intimidate.  Our tenant told my husband David, that they looked very pleased with themselves (smiling) and remarked, “He doesn’t have a right to cover up our meters” The girl then asked them if they were going to install smart meters and they replied, “No”. Whatever that is worth.

By the time my husband arrived, the PG&E had trespassed, vandalized, invaded our privacy and violated our tenant’s right to private enjoyment, and left the scene.

While my husband was on the way to San Anselmo, I called the Independent Journal (daily newspaper in Marin County), spoke to the City Editor, Robert Sterling, who sent both a reporter and photographer to the building. David said they took over a hundred pics and interviewed him and asked for our tenants contact info.

(Marin IJ Front Page Story)

We called the police, waited 45 minutes and finally went to the station, two houses away from the building. Although they did file an “incident report”, which entailed documenting David’s report, in their opinion, “It is a civil matter, between PG&E and you.”

PG&E making friends in San Anselmo

Astounding that these men, nothing more than a couple of thugs/bullies,  are allowed to create an atmosphere of terror in our lives and the lives of our tenants, leaving a wake of destruction of our personal property behind them.

Meanwhile David has called the police to file a police report on defacing property and vandalism, trespass.


PG&E has an easement to service meters not to destroy property.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Installer Threats and Assaults, Marin County, PG&E, Police | 23 Comments

It’s Our Right to Know- Let’s Make It So!

Do we have a right to know what’s in our food, our water, and our air?  Of course we do.  But corporations are profiting from a lack of accurate information being available to the public about products consumed and the safety of our homes and communities.

When potential- or actual- threats to our safety are invisible, it becomes all the more important for written disclosure to be provided– so we can make up our own minds.  We have the right to know- now we have a chance to act and assert it!

A couple of important political vehicles are in motion to right the balance and let the public – not some lobbyist- decide what’s safe for ourselves and our families:


San Francisco’s cell phone radiation labeling program was part of the inspiration for a new law making its way through Congress

US Cell Phone Right to Know Act

The Cell Phone Right to Know Act (HR 6358) is a sensible piece of legislation introduced in August by Rep. Dennis Kucinich in the US Congress, that would require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set safety limits that would supersede FCC’s current “guidelines” to ensure that people are not harmed by their daily use of and exposure to wireless devices.

This is a sensible, “right to know” type legislation that should receive broad bipartisan support. After all, how can you be against safety and the right to know?

Keep in mind that the United States, Canada, GB, Australia and many other countries currently have no biologically relevant standards for exposure to non-ionizing radiation, even though the World Health Organization just declared it a Class 2B carcinogen.

HR 6358 would also:

•  require cell phone labeling– both the radiation limit allowed, and device emissions

•  require the EPA to revisit safety limits every two years according to recent research

•  direct the formation of a research program on wireless exposures

Your active support is critical now to ensure that elected officials know the broad based support behind this type of law, and are held accountable come election day and beyond.  Urge your congressional representative- whatever their political affiliation- to support and co-sponsor the Cell Phone Right to Know Act!

What You Can Do:

1)    Contact your congressperson and your senator today- ask them to support and co-sponsor HR 6358 the Cell Phone Right to Know Act

2)    Sign the petition on the White House site

3)  Spread the word to your friends!  More details here.


California Proposition 37: Our Right to Know: Label GMO’s

Proposition 37 is on the ballot November 6th in California.  It would require food companies to disclose any genetically modified ingredients in their products and prohibit using the word “natural” to describe these products.   Monsanto, Dow, BASF, Pepsi and other chemical and bio-engineering corporations that profit from hiding these ingredients in our food supply are scared silly, dumping millions into deceptive TV advertising claiming that grocery bills will skyrocket and the sky will fall.

Really?  All because of a little label?  What could they be trying to hide?

What you can do:

1)    Make sure you are registered to vote if you live in California.  Monday October 22nd is the deadline.  Vote on November 6th and make sure your friends do too!

2)    If you are elsewhere in the world, call your friends in CA and remind them to vote YES ON 37 – this state specific battle will have national and international repercussions.

3)    Go to http://www.carighttoknow.org/ register your support and tell your friends why this is important to you!   Queen of the Sun- What the Bees are Telling Us–  is a great film relating to the toxic legacy of GMO’s – post and watch between now and election day.


The People’s House?

it’s remarkable that while the two well-funded presidential candidates were going at it last night, Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein and her running mate were forced to sit in a warehouse handcuffed to a chair for 8 hours, for peacefully insisting on their right to join the debate.

Hold elected officials accountable over the next three weeks- ask them if they support a full, open debate amongst candidates.  Ask them if they support our right-to-know about emissions from wireless devices and the GMO’s in our food.   Whatever you do, vote for the candidates and issues that are most closely aligned with your values, whatever their political party.

That’s never a wasted vote.

Posted in Bees, California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, EPA, FCC, Federal Government, GMO's, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, World Health Organization | 4 Comments

Willits Man Refuses Fees to Keep His Analog Meter– Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Threatens to Cut Power Today

Tom DeMarchi of Willits, CA refuses to submit to PG&E’s extortion

Stop Smart Meters! and the EMF safety Network collaborated on this coverage.

MENDOCINO COUNTY, CA- Despite the fact that the fees for keeping analog utility meters are still under legal dispute at the CPUC, and serious smart meter safety problems remain unaddressed, PG&E is now threatening to terminate service to its customers who refuse both smart meters and the contested fees.

Tom DeMarchi, a 68 year old Willits resident, has been told by PG&E that he must pay over $100 to retain his analog meter, or else he will have his electricity terminated today. Tom lives in an all-electric house, and although it’s a physical and financial hardship to have the electricity cut off, Tom is willing to live without it rather than submit to PG&E’s extortion fees.

Tom would prefer not to fight with PG&E. He is an environmentalist who pays his bills on time and has reduced his electric usage. He’s willing to self-read his analog meter, still an accepted practice in some areas where meter access is restricted.  However Tom refuses to pay a fee for nothing. He says,

“This is like the Mafia, extortion by crime bosses- Give us money and nothing bad will happen to you. This is wrong, and I am refusing to pay.”

PG&E is forcing customers to pay $75 initially and $10 a month to keep the analog meters, even though the fees are arbitrary and not based on any evaluation of costs. The cost issue is currently under evaluation at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and should be resolved by the spring of 2013.

One key question being evaluated by the CPUC is whether the fees violate section 453(b) of the Public Utility Code, which states: “No public utility shall prejudice, disadvantage, or require different rates or deposit amounts from a person because of ancestry, medical condition, marital status or change in marital status, occupation, or any characteristic listed or defined in Section 11135 of the Government Code.” The CPUC is also evaluating whether the fees violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Sandi Maurer, Director of the EMF Safety Network says that customers should not be charged to have analog utility meters. EMF sensitivity is widely recognized by medical and scientific experts, and is both caused and exacerbated by EMF and wireless radiation. According to Maurer:

“The CPUC and PG&E are failing their statutory obligation to ensure safe and reliable utility service at reasonable rates. The punitive fees are a desperate attempt to intimidate customers into keeping smart meters.”

Joshua Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters! says that PG&E is going too far, risking alienating the public by cutting off services to bill-paying customers, when any proposed fee has not even been finalized by regulators:

“Arbitrarily cutting off power to our senior citizens just as winter approaches should not be taken lightly. PG&E has jeopardized people’s safety before and they are doing it again.”

Smart meter fires and explosions have been widely reported including several within PG&E territory.  In August, a series of 26 smart meter fires in Pennsylvania forced PECO Energy to halt installations, sparking inquiries in Washington D.C., Maryland, and Illinois.  Yet the CPUC has simply not investigated these fires, nor the thousands of complaints of health problems reported to them by members of the public.

It is unclear upon what legal grounds PG&E is terminating service for those refusing to pay the punitive fees.  Last year PG&E backed down under public pressure after terminating utility service to women and families who had their smart meters removed and restored with analogs.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, legal issues, Mendocino County, PG&E, Safety | 8 Comments