PG&E: Let Us Cut Down Your Trees- or We’ll Cut You Off

Just in time for Earth Day comes a story to warm your heart.  According to the Santa Cruz Sentinel, PG&E has been demanding that property owners allow the utility to hack away at, and cut down trees- ostensibly to protect power lines.  If you don’t want PG&E coming in and cutting your Grandfather Oak tree, you are threatened with disconnection.  This is of course not the first time that the rogue utility has threatened people for defending their health and the environment.  However, the suddenly ramped up campaign by PG&E to decimate the forest raises some question as to the utility’s true motivations.   Turns out more than one third of PG&E’s wireless meters in CA (more than 3.5 million) aren’t sending the signal properly (especially in hilly and forested areas) and still have to be read by a meter reader, according to PG&E’s own report.  Trees and plants are very effective absorbers of microwave radiation, as anyone with either a basic or advanced EMF meter can tell you.  As a result, vegetation often pays the price.  Apparently when they tested the smart meter mesh network, they did so in a prefabricated street with no vegetation.  The real world of course has trees and plants that may be preventing the data signal from coming through.  It’s possible that the utility response to their own failure of foresight- rather than re-design the system to be safe and secure using phone line or fibre optic communication- is to attempt to hack away at the forest so their wireless signals can get through. If you stand in their way, you better stock up on candles and propane.

Oh my.  The “smart grid” is just looking greener and greener every day.  This all sort of makes industry’s “environmental” initiatives like the “Green Button” sound like just as much Green Wash.

Had enough?  This Saturday is “Earth Day.” It is also EMR Action Day. Many individuals and groups around the world will be protesting and educating the public about the health and environmental harm from wireless technologies.  Many people are apparently still ignorant of the growing evidence of harm, putting themselves and others at risk.  If you’re in Santa Cruz, join us at Ecology Action’s Earth Day celebration in Santa Cruz from 11am-5pm.  Come to the “Green Evolution” table to find out more.  While you’re enjoying a recycled milkshake, you can ask Ecology Action why their staff are behaving like corporate shills for PG&E, allowing an environmentally destructive project to overcome legitimate public resistance.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Environmental Concerns, PG&E, Plant damage, radio-frequency radiation, Santa Cruz County | 9 Comments

Smart Meter Lawsuits Multiplying

Angry about injuries or losses sustained from a smart meter? Take the utility to court.  Submit your complaint today at Smart Meter Help to get the ball rolling, and/ or contact a lawyer. In addition to the lawsuits below- there are multiple proceedings at the state utility commission level.

Thanks to Burbank Action for this summary of lawsuits- if you know of others, notify them & us.

Residents opposed to the mandatory installation of smart meters on their homes and in their communities know their rights, and are not accepting what the utilities are handing down to them  in the form of ill-conceived roll out and opt-out programs.   Here are four major lawsuits.  The list is sure to grow:

1.   Kauai, Hawaii:  Resident Adam Asquith files federal lawsuit in U.S. District Court seeking injunction against Kauai Island Utility Cooperative’s smart meter plan.”  The complaint states that KIUC is “rushing forward with the installation of so-called ‘smart meters’ throughout the island of Kauai, Hawaii, despite serious security and privacy concerns, some of which involve apparent constitutional and statutory violations.”  Read:

“Hawaii: Summons for Federal Injunction Helps Kauai Re-Think Smart Meters and Democracy,” March 28, 2012:

Renew Grid, “Lawsuit Prompts Smart Meter Opt-Outs for Opponents in Hawaii,” posted Thursday, March 22, 2012:

Intelligent Utility, “Kauai utility sued to halt smart-meter plan,” posted March 21, 2012:

The Garden Island,”Smart meter controversy lands in court,” March 18, 2012:

2.   Naperville, Illinois: Residents have filed a federal lawsuit seeking an injunction, as well, against their municipal utility’s smart meter program.  Go here to the Naperville Smart Meter Awareness Federal Lawsuit webpage for more details about the lawsuit:

3.   Maine: Residents have filed a federal lawsuit against Maine Public Utility Commission and Central Maine Power:   Read more details on Dr. Magda Havas’ website, which includes a link to the actual filing and other related legal documents:

Oral arguments before the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in the Smart Meter appeal of the PUC dismissal will be heard by the Court on Thursday May 10 at 9:50am. This is the scheduled time. Depending on what case comes before, actual time could vary a bit. Folks are encouraged to attend. The court is in Portland.

New at the court is live web streaming of arguments so for those of you in CA or BC, if you are up early, you too can listen.  Two links below-the court home page with webcast link obvious when you go there and the more direct link to streaming instructions.

4.   California

PG&E Territory.  PG&E customers have filed a Class Action lawsuit against PG&E when their monthly bills skyrocketed after smart meters were installed on their homes.  If you’re a PG&E customer who has suffered the same way, find our more about the lawsuit, by visiting the website of attorney Michael Kelly of  the Kirkland  & Packard LLP law firm:

SCE Territory: Small claims suit against Southern California Edison was appealed and eventually decided in plaintiff’s favor: remove the meter or pay damages.  Cause of action was personal injury that electrical engineer Rob States helped document. In addition, the injured person’s husband is an attorney who expertly responded to SCE motions, according to Mr. States.  Read SCE Brief and the Superior Court of California – County of Orange Judgement and ruling issued March 21, 2012.  Docket for this Case, number 30-2011-00513876-SC-SC-CJC, can be accessed on the Superior Court’s website.’

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, legal issues, PG&E, SCE | 11 Comments

We Are Not ‘Opting Out’………….We Are Refusing to Opt In.

Charging us a fee to protect our health and safety- in this economy- is just not okay.

By Joshua Hart, Director Stop Smart Meters!

The following is written for customers of PG&E in Northern California, but it is also applicable to customers of other utilities around the US and internationally who are unjustifiably charging steep penalties simply to retain one’s analog utility meter.

As PG&E’s arbitrary May 1st deadline for ‘opting out’ of having a smart meter on your home approaches, we’re starting to get a lot of questions from people, asking what to do.  That PG&E certified letter is sitting there on your desk, in the pile of tax papers, and you’ve heard a lot of different opinions about how to best protect yourself from all the documented dangers and violations of smart meters.  Should you send back the form, essentially agreeing to pay hundreds- even thousands of dollars to PG&E over the coming years?  Should you do nothing, refusing to pay opt out fees but also continuing to refuse access to the utility?  Or should you just give up and let them install a smart meter, obeying the authorities despite the overwhelming evidence pointing toward a serious risk to our privacy, health, and safety?

Well it probably doesn’t come as any surprise that we would not recommend allowing a smart meter on your home, under any circumstance.  But what are the risks and advantages of the other two options?  What if you already have a smart meter installed and want it removed?  What if you live in an apartment building with 100 meters on the other side of the wall?  The answers are not simple.  There is just no one sound bite that covers it.  The legal, political, and social contexts surrounding this heated issue are constantly in flux. That doesn’t mean that you can’t adhere to some basic principles and defend your rights against the utility bullies.

As we are not lawyers we cannot offer you legal advice.  But what we can do is to tell you what our plan is, being faced with the unreasonable choice of paying hundreds in fees or accepting a smart meter.

Here’s what we’re planning to do:

•  Ignore their illegal opt out notice.

•  Send the utility a certified letter informing them that they do not have permission to install a telecommunications device on our property.

•  Secure our meters, change the locks, lock our gate,  and post no trespassing utility signs.  Tell any installer to leave immediately and call police if they do not comply.

•  Refuse to pay any extra charges that might show up on our bill.

•  Those in apartment buildings are organizing with other tenants, often getting the support of building managers/ owners.  Organize a meeting and get a speaker.

Some people- for various reasons- are not up for a fight with their utility.  If the only way to keep an analog meter on your home is by going along and paying PG&E’s extortion fee- then by all means pay the feeDo not agree to having a smart meter on your home under any circumstances.  We are telling you these devices are dangerous.  Keep your distance!  Plus, we imagine that obtaining any compensation for damages in the future will be far more difficult if you have agreed to a smart meter installation.

If you are worried about the cost, allowing a smart meter is far more expensive in the end, when you consider meter power consumption (adding about $3 or more onto the average monthly bill), inaccurate and inflated bills, risk of fire, and health damages from microwave radiation. Paying ten bucks a month is actually a bargain, when you consider the horrific alternative.  This program should never have been approved by regulators in the first place.  The smart grid is bad energy policy that is hurting people in the wallets, hurting health, and hurting the environment they’re pretending to save.  That is why we need to protest, and refuse the fees, together.

It’s critical to understand your rights and the utility company’s rights. The one huge mistake we see people making again and again is deferring to the utility to tell them what their rights are.   Do not call up the utility company to ask them what your rights are against the utility company.  They will lie to you- their call center operators are trained to do so. If you want to know what your rights are, read the letter of the law or consult a lawyer.

Here’s what the California State Utility Code says:

Code 328.2(b) states: “No customer should have to pay separate fees for utilizing services that protect public or customer safety.”

Code 453. (b)  states: “No public utility shall prejudice, disadvantage, or require different rates or deposit amounts from a person because of medical condition

So, we’ve established that CA utilities may not charge people more based on medical condition or to protect safety.  Being sickened by and sensitive to microwave radiation is a documented medical condition.  Microwave radiation emitted by smart meters is a Class 2B carcinogen (pdf). The fire and electrical safety risks of smart meters have been well documented.  Any fee charged to anyone who prefers an analog meter is therefore illegal.

Here’s what the US Federal Energy Act of 2005 says:

Title Xll, Subtitle E, Section 1252, (a), (14), (C) states:  “Each electric utility subject to subparagraph (A) shall provide each customer requesting a time-based rate with a time-based meter capable of enabling the utility and customer to offer and receive such rate, respectively.

It’s pretty clear at this point that smart meters are not mandatory. (Please post the legislation that makes them mandatory if you dispute this)  Despite all the lies, the fabrications, and the bluster, the truth remains that smart meters were only legislated by Congress to be offered to people, not forced upon them. We repeat. There is no mandate.  Opt out programs make the false assumption that there is some “requirement” that supersedes the contractual relationship between a utility and a property owner.  This is simply not the case. There is a difference between utility company policy and the law.   The latter always trumps the former and you can bet that the utilities seek to blur the line in the public mind, whenever and wherever possible.

Given questions about the legality of PG&E’s opt out program, we’re going to stand our ground, lock up our meters, send the utility letters of no consent, and refuse to pay any fees. If you are a lawyer, we’d like to hear from you.

Like any defiant act, there are risks.  We cannot predict how the unruly animal known as our modern utility industry will react to this–certainly the law doesn’t seem to matter much to them.  It is possible that they will attempt collection of unpaid opt out fees, or even shut off our power.  That won’t go down well in court.  And it certainly won’t go down well in the court of public opinion.  We’re stocking up on candles and hedging our bets.

When this dispute ends up in a court of law, we will be in a much stronger position for not consenting to either the smart meter installation or the opt out fees.   Make sure to document everything in writing via certified mail- we know many people who only communicate with the utility this way, to preserve a record.  If you have suffered an injury or loss from the smart grid, lodge a formal complaint.

While possible, it is hard to imagine the utility shutting off power to thousands of people or entire towns.  The public backlash from that kind of bullying would make the December shut off of twenty or so families in Santa Cruz County look like a picnic.  Using such bullying tactics could risk the monopoly over power delivery and profits that these utilities hold so dear.  There is just so much that people are willing to take before they demand change and choice.

Each of us has to make our own decision. Is it worse to have to pay thousands of dollars during your lifetime in protection racket fees? Or is it worse to risk a possible brief interruption of service during a historic showdown between thousands of ratepayers and the utility?

The moral of the story is that you should be confident in defying the utility, as part of a mass movement of ratepayers.  Utilities failed to seek adequate permission for their failing smart grid plans.  They are the ones who are desperately trying to make you believe you have no rights.  They are the ones who are attempting to bluff their way through a debacle of their own making.

It’s time we called their bluff.

Sign the petition to demand an end to opt out fees

Sign the petition promising to refuse to pay





Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Federal Energy Act of 2005, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, PG&E | 20 Comments

At What Point Do We Realize: We Must All Fight

Jerry Day has come out with a new video about the smart grid and electromagnetic pollution.  Weaving in relationships between corporate- government collusion, loss of privacy rights, and biological impacts of EMF’s, this short video asks the timely and pertinent question: At what point do we realize that we must all fight?

What would a successful public battle against wireless proliferation even look like?  What are you willing to do to make it happen?  Is it time to push the boundaries of your comfort zone?

Posted in Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, Installer Threats and Assaults, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 29 Comments

April is Fight-the-Fees Month

A campaign is mounting to fight the extortion: people are waking up to the outrageous fees PG&E is imposing on customers to “opt-out” of the smart meter program–a program no customer ever opted into–and that opposition is building all over the state.

This is bound to be a nation-wide movement as other states implement opt-out programs that use daunting fees to actively discourage customers from exercising their rights to be free of RF radiation, fire danger, and privacy intrusion.

Opt out fees are punitive, illegal, and extortionate.  Sign the petition that demands they be dropped.  Join hundreds of other people and refuse to pay. We are the many.  They are the few.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Uncategorized | 4 Comments